Chapter 1178 Shipwreck

Now Diego Garcia is fully capable of self-sufficiency. Not only does he not need funding from Adan Company, but he can also generate a profit of more than 2 rand per month. Although it seems that this figure is not enough now, with the Indian Ocean With the gradual increase of trade and the gradual increase of ships, this number has been rising.

This is also an important reason why the Ministry of the Navy covets Diego Garcia. Leaving aside the strategic value and military value, the economic value alone is already attractive enough.

After Huang Liang showed these four photos, the so-called "collective demands" of the residents of the Chagos Islands completely lost the sympathy of the jury.

The Chagos Islands became a British colony in 1810 and are administered by Mauritius.

From 1810 to 1909, for a hundred years, the Chagos Islands have hardly changed. There are only some plantations on the island that are not doing well, and there is no value at all.

In the hands of Adan Company, the Chagos Islands finally bloomed with charming brilliance and became the most dazzling pearl in the center of the Indian Ocean. At this time, the residents of the Chagos Islands stood up and demanded that Adan Company return the Chagos Islands to all residents. It is an unreasonable act. If the Supreme Court of London supports the demands of the residents of the Chagos Islands, then the legitimate rights and interests of the entire British aristocracy will cease to exist, and even the ruling foundation of the British Empire will be shaken.

This is also the real reason why Roque did not take this long lawsuit to heart. The Admiralty underestimated the influence of the Chagos Islands and only saw the strategic value of the Chagos Islands, but ignored the entire aristocratic class represented by Roque. .

Now that the trial has progressed, it doesn't matter if Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand's third witness will appear or not.

Sir Arabella gave the third witness a short 5 minutes, and after Nicholas Beard briefly questioned the third witness, Sir Arabella called an adjournment.

Announcing the adjournment does not mean choosing a date for the sentencing. The adjournment is only for half an hour. After the jury discusses the result, Sir Arabella will directly announce it.

The deliberations of the jury were not held in public, and after Sir Arabella and the jury left, the auditorium suddenly became lively.

"Mr. Huang Liang, Diego Garcia is such a beautiful place. I am deeply impressed by your seriousness and responsibility. We are proud of you." Nicholas Beard took the initiative to chat with Huang Liang who had returned to the auditorium .

The four children were also in the auditorium, and they received the attention of almost everyone, especially the ladies who were full of motherhood. Judging from their appearance, if Huang Liang was not present, they would be happy to take these children back directly. Family.

"Thank you, this is the result of the joint efforts of all of us." Huang Liang is not greedy for credit, Zheng He Island is the property of Adan Company, Nicholas Beard is an employee of Adan Company, and they are actually a family.

"But ten years ago, who would have thought that Diego Garcia would be what it is now." Nicholas Beard was not so much a sigh as a tribute to someone's vision.

"The lord can think of it, otherwise the lord would not have bought the Adan Islands." Huang Liang said bluntly. In Huang Liang's heart, if there is a god in this world, then the god must be Roque.

The most frustrated person in the whole court must be Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand.

Before the trial, Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand was full of confidence, but he never expected to be defeated after the trial.

Now Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand just wants to settle with Leander and Ronald, thinking that they screwed up everything.

But both Leander and Ronald were under the protection of the bailiffs, and Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand could only think about it.

However, Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand did not give up. Just as Nicholas Beard and Huang Liang had a good conversation, Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand walked over slowly with a gloomy expression.

Nicholas Beard and Huang Liang stopped talking immediately.

"Don't think you have won, the matter is not over yet, just wait, you will face more serious charges next." Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand vowed.

"Hehe, please—" Nicholas Beard was personable, which further reflected Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand's dismay.

Half an hour later, Sir Arabella and the jury returned to the courtroom, and Sir Arabella announced the result of the trial immediately.

After deliberation by the jury, the jury unanimously held that the allegations against Adan Company by the residents of the Chagos Islands were not established, and that Adan Company's ownership of the Chagos Islands was reasonable and legal without any dispute.

After Sir Arabella announced the result of the trial, enthusiastic applause erupted from the gallery and the jury. Nicholas Beard and Huang Liang hugged and celebrated. Angle questioned the Ardan Company's ownership of the Chagos Islands.

Several key figures who walked out of the court gate were immediately surrounded by reporters outside the court. Although the court allowed reporters to enter, the case received too much attention. There were too many reporters hoping to get interview opportunities, and the court could not accommodate them all. So there are still many reporters waiting outside the court for news.

"Yes, we won the lawsuit. This should never have started. All the allegations against Adan are unreasonable." Nicholas Beard spoke to reporters.

"We built Zheng He Island from nothing into the largest supply port in the Indian Ocean. No one can take Zheng He Island from us. If anyone tries to do that, they must first step over my dead body." Huang Liangmian He was extremely aggressive towards reporters, and Adan Company did have the strength to speak harshly.

"We have indeed failed this time, but we will not give up. Next, we will file a criminal lawsuit against Adan Company, accusing Adan Company of mass murdering the residents of the Chagos Islands—" Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand was not surprised Endless death, but reporters like this kind of breaking news, so almost all the reporters surrounded Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand.

On the steps not far from Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand, Nicholas Beard and Huang Liang looked at Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand, who was surrounded by reporters, with an ugly face.

In January 1910, the Adan Company hired a passenger ship from the British Blue Star Line to transport 1 residents of the Chagos Islands from Diego Garcia to Ceylon, but the merchant ship sank on the way to Ceylon. All 375 died.

"Mass murder? This is too absurd. It's just the babbling of a lunatic after drinking. It doesn't conform to the facts at all." Nicholas Beard directly denied it, and then quickly boarded the car with Huang Liang.

This is a new situation, and countermeasures need to be discussed immediately.

That night Rock knew what Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand had said in front of the London Magistrates' Court.

Rock went directly to visit Kitchener the next day, hoping to remind John Jericho not to go too far on the wrong road through Kitchener.

"Locke, can't you return Diego Garcia to the Admiralty? I believe John will give you enough compensation." Kitchener's expression was complicated. On this issue, Kitchener actually preferred the Admiralty.

"Marshal, you all know the value of Diego Garcia, so do you think I will give up Diego Garcia?" Rock did not talk about transfer compensation and other issues at all. There is no need to discuss this issue, and Rock thinks that Base Chinna's serious misnomer: "--What's more, Diego Garcia has never belonged to the Navy Department, so where does 'yet' come from?"

Roque purchased the Chagos Islands from the Mauritius colonial government, not from the Admiralty, so Roque firmly disagrees with Kitchener's "return".

"Okay, okay, I misused the word, so what do you think of 'assignment'?" Kitchener still tried to make Rock take a step back.

"Absolutely impossible!" Rock said firmly.

"Rocke, don't—" Kitchener continued to try to persuade.

"Marshal, I have a reason why I can't give up the Chagos Islands. The Chagos Islands are not necessary for the Admiralty, but they are very important to our southern Africa. Our ships traveling between East India and Southern Africa are all It needs to pass through the Chagos Islands, and the Admiralty has countless naval bases around the Indian Ocean, so what is the Admiralty insisting on? Is Diego Garcia really that important to the Admiralty?" Rock resolutely refused to give in. The current British Empire is still very rich. All the islands in the Indian Ocean, except for the Adan Islands and Reunion controlled by France, and the Comoros Islands that were also sold to the Adan Company, all belong to the United Kingdom, so Diego For the British Royal Navy, Garcia's value is really not that important.

Kitchener was unable to explain the problem, but agreed to Roque's mediation.

Roque didn't hang himself on the tree in Kitchener either, and Roque sent telegrams to Winston and Neville after turning around. If the Admiralty continued to entangle, Roque would counteract the Admiralty.

Don't think that Rock has no countermeasures against the Royal Navy. During the World Wars, aircraft carriers shined brilliantly and played an increasingly important role.

After the end of the World War, the Royal Navy's budget was also forced to shrink, and it did not continue to order aircraft carriers from southern Africa, but the two aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft that had been delivered still needed technical support from Edward Shipyard.

If the Admiralty continues to entangle, Rock will stop technical support for aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft, which will have a major impact on the British Navy, which is undergoing an upgrade and transformation.

After the end of the World War, the British government re-examined the role of the Royal Navy and found that the Royal Navy did not play a decisive role in the World War. Now the British government is asking the Royal Navy to upgrade and transform to meet the needs of modern warfare.

Moreover, what Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand said in the London Magistrates' Court is untenable. The ship did sink and the people died, but the Admiralty could not prove that Adan Company deliberately caused the shipwreck. On the contrary, if the Admiralty If certain facts are displayed bloodily in front of the public, it is definitely not only Adan Company that will be affected.

(End of this chapter)

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