Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1180 No More No Less

Chapter 1180 No More No Less

The legendary Yelang’s arrogance is probably like this. Since John Clunis Ross led his family to settle in the Cocos Islands in 1827, it is estimated that the Clunis Ross family has not left the Cocos Islands for a long time, so John III To say such a stupid thing.

Tang En didn't know where John III got his confidence. The reason why the geographical location of the Adan Islands was important was that the Adan Islands were about the same distance from the surrounding areas and located in the center of the Indian Ocean. That's why the Adan Islands had strategic value.

The Cocos Islands are relatively close to the Strait of Malacca, but "relatively close" means that the distance is more than 800 kilometers, so Dunn really doesn't know where John III got the confidence to charge such a price.

"If this is the case, can you give me an uninhabited island next to the main island and the west island, and I can rent it to you, but the lease period must be more than 99 years." Tang En also has a backup plan, If buying is not possible in the Cocos Islands, then look for an available island in the Cocos Islands.

"No, I know what you want to do. Either buy the entire Cocos Islands for 14.2 yuan, or you get nothing." John III was not stupid, and directly rejected Tang En's backup plan.

"Are you sure?" Tang En was not in a hurry, Adan Company possessed more powerful energy than John III imagined.

"Of course I'm sure! There's no room for negotiation at all. If you want to get the Cocos Islands, you must do as I say." John III was confident and didn't think Tang En's warning was very powerful.

"Very good—" Tang En didn't talk nonsense, and left the Cocos Islands that night.

Then the next day John III was in trouble.

Copra from the Cocos Islands is mainly sold to a company in the East India for profit.

Coincidentally, this company in East India was affiliated with the South African Company.

So on the second day, John III received a notice from the East India Company requesting to terminate the contract for purchasing copra signed at the beginning of the year.

The East India company signed a purchase contract with the Cocos Islands once a year, and the main income of the Clunish Ross family came from the sale of copra.

John III did not expect the company in East India to tear up the contract, and immediately took the initiative to go to Batavia in East India to seek a solution.

The general manager of this East India company is Huang Renshi, who is said to be a distant relative of Huang Zhonghan. After East India became independent from the Dutch colonial rule, the Huang family became the No. 1 family in East India, monopolizing more than 80.00% of East India’s foreign trade.

What John III didn't expect was that when he came to Batavia, he didn't get the chance to meet Huang Renshi at all.

In the Cocos Islands, John III is a mighty king, but in East India, known as the "country of a thousand islands", John III is nothing.

There are 17508 islands in the East Indies—

Ah, no, after the acceptance of German islands in the Pacific, the number of islands in the East Indies has exceeded 18000.

Therefore, the Cocos Islands are really nothing to the East India. Huang Renshi said that he would disappear if he did not see John III. The members of the Huang family would not care what John III thought.

"That's it. Mr. Huang is very busy recently, so I don't have time to see you. You don't need to waste time—" Huang Renshi's company is called Huanyu Trading, and the person who received John III was a trainee manager. He looked at John III with dissatisfaction Concealed contempt, don't care what John III thinks.

"Sir, help me, I only need 10 minutes, even 5 minutes." John III begged bitterly, and when shaking hands, he presented a [-]-rand bill quietly.

Twenty rand!

Well, in fact, twenty rand is not a lot.

The trainee manager looked around and found that no one had any ideas, so he put the banknotes into his trouser pocket without anyone noticing, and then reluctantly agreed: "Okay, I'll go and fight for you again, but don't put your hopes too high, Mr. Huang Very unhappy today."

"Thank you, thank you very much—" John III faintly felt abnormal.

It turned out that the wait was three hours.

Three hours later, the trainee manager finally appeared and asked John III to see Huang Renshi.

Huang Renshi will never be more than 30 years old this year. His office is bigger than the living room of John III's house, and the decoration is extremely magnificent. A female secretary in uniform invited John III to see Huang Renshi. John III kept his eyes on the whole way. Didn't even dare to look around.

"John, what do you want me to say? Purchase copra from the Cocos Islands again? No, no, no, you don't know what you did wrong. Our agreement has been voided, and there is no possibility of reinstatement." Huang Renshi said As ruthless as Huang Shiren, he didn't leave any room for John III.

"Huang, we have maintained a good cooperation all the time. Our Cocos Islands' copra is of the best quality in the entire Indian Ocean region—" John III tried to convince Huang Renshi.

"No one denies the quality of dried coconut in the Cocos Islands. As I said just now, you don't even know what you did wrong. Let me tell you this, Mr. Dunn. If he comes to East India, then my uncle I will go to Banda Aceh to meet him." Huang Renshi's uncle is Huang Zhonghan, the current speaker of the East India Congress.

John III did not speak, and swallowed his saliva with great difficulty.

John III knew that Adan Company was very powerful, but he didn't know how powerful it was.

This is also understandable. John III never left the Cocos Islands after he became an adult. When he was studying in London, the Boer War had not yet broken out.

"Do you understand now? Me, my uncle, and even the entire East India, Mr. Tang En, as the spokesperson of Lord Nyasaland, has supreme authority and can do whatever he wants—I heard that Mr. Tang En wants to buy you Cocos Islands, but you offered a price of 14.2 pounds, John Clones Ross III, are you crazy?" Huang Renshi was blunt and didn't care what John III thought.

The Umbrella Corporation contributed to the independence of the East Indies from the Dutch colonial government.

After the establishment of the East India, the dignitaries of Southern Africa and the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company bought property in East India. In the current East India, nearly 40.00% of the land belongs to the dignitaries of Southern Africa and the mercenaries of the East India Company. The East India Company bought almost the entire Sulawesi Island, and the South African Company under the name of Stoudemire owned the entire Kingdom of Aceh, just because Stoudemire liked the coffee in the Kingdom of Aceh.

Therefore, Huang Renshi can hardly comment on John III's overreaching. It is normal to seek more benefits for himself appropriately, but hoarding goods at a sky-high price is courting death.

"I'm not crazy, I just want to fight for some more benefits, Mr. Huang, you know, the Clunish Ross family has nothing but the Cocos Islands—" John III now realizes that Clunish Ross The situation facing the Ross family is really overwhelming.

"Go back and think about it. Enough is enough. Give us a price that is acceptable to all of us. Lord Nyasaland has just established an Australian company. If you don't want money, you can ask for one in Western Australia that is larger than the Cocos Islands." I believe that Mr. Tang En will definitely meet your requirements." Huang Renshi gave the most feasible plan, and this plan is also the most beneficial to the Clunish Ross family.

"Then the contract between us—" John III still wanted to struggle for the last time.

"Abandon the fantasy Mr. John Clones Ross, whether you agree to this plan or not, the contract between us cannot continue to be fulfilled, of course you can continue to look for alternatives to see if anyone else is willing to buy the Cocos Islands Copra." Huang Renshi didn't give John III a chance to survive, what was he thinking, John III was never a chess player, not even a chess piece.

Although Huang Renshi said it clearly, John III still made some attempts to see if anyone was willing to buy copra from the Cocos Islands.

To John III's disappointment, none of the dozens of trading companies in Batavia were willing to buy copra from the Cocos Islands, as if the copra from the Cocos Islands had become poison overnight.

It cannot be said that even if it is poison, some people are willing to buy it, and it is more appropriate to describe it as "garbage".

On May [-]rd, John III came to Pass and took the initiative to find Tang En, hoping that Tang En could buy the Cocos Islands.

John III was unwilling to give up the Cocos Islands if there was a chance.

But the reality is always cruel, John III has tried all means, even the trading company in Lion City, John III has tried, but no one is willing to buy copra from the Cocos Islands.

Just a week ago, a destroyer from southern Africa appeared in the northwest waters of the Cocos Islands, causing the entire Clunis Ross family to panic.

The Cocos Islands were not peaceful. During the World War, the Australian cruiser Sydney sank the German cruiser Emden off the coast of North Keeling Island.

The appearance of the destroyer in southern Africa prompted John III to make the right decision. Now John III no longer insists on the price of 14.2 pounds, but actively lowers the price to 1420 pounds.

However, John III asked the Australian company not to pay cash, but to find a new farm for the Clunish Ross family in Western Australia at a price of 1420 pounds.

For such a request, Dunn of course welcomed it with all his hands.

In order to repay John III's kindness, Dunn prepared a 3500-acre farm for the Clunish Ross family in the suburbs of Pass.

What needs to be emphasized is that 3500 acres, converted to about 14 square kilometers, no more, no less.

Of course, considering that the farm is in the outskirts of Perth, the value must be much higher than that of the Cocos Islands.

ps: Sorry guys, I was wrong, this is the real chapter 1023——

(End of this chapter)

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