Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1184 She's Still a Child

Chapter 1184 She's Still a Child

In order to make better use of these donations, Nyasaland University has established a foundation to provide assistance to the various faculties of Nyasaland University, as well as the education and health systems in Nyasaland. An important purpose is to invite Phyllis to serve as the chairman of the foundation.

In fact, there is already a foundation under the name of Phyllis, and it is also a foundation jointly established by Rock and Stoudemire. This foundation is also the largest and most powerful foundation in southern Africa, and the annual donations are also in the millions. above rand.

A donation of one million does not mean an income of one million. The foundation established by Rock and Stoudemire is also investing in foreign countries while providing foreign aid. The profits from the investment will also be used for foreign aid. In the past, this part of the investment was mainly through Rand The bank carried out, and now Nyasaland company has been added, and the investment income has been increasing year by year.

"We now use 30.00% of the income for foreign aid every year. Last year, we donated four middle schools and two hospitals in Nyasaland, spending a total of 80 rand. The council will supervise the use of the fund , During this process, the council found that some bad things happened, so we want to ask Mrs. Nyasaland to be the chairman of the foundation, strictly implement the relevant regulations of the foundation, and not turn good things into bad things." Abu also Helpless, 80 rand is not a small number. There will definitely be many problems in the implementation process. Corruption and misappropriation may not be possible, and extravagance and waste cannot be avoided.

Most of the members of the Nyasaland University Foundation are family members of Nyasaland staff members. These families have relatively high incomes, so the illegal cost of embezzlement and embezzlement is too high, and no one takes the risk to try the law.

However, the family members of those experts and professors also have a problem. They have been in the environment of Nyasaland University for a long time and are well protected by Nyasaland University. Avoid making some common sense mistakes, which will also have a negative impact on the foundation's reputation.

If Phyllis serves as the chairman of the foundation, although it is impossible to completely avoid similar situations, at least it can avoid gossip to the greatest extent and maintain the honor of Nyasaland University. This is why Nyasaland University established the foundation in the first place. The original intention was not to make a profit, not to avoid taxes, and not to make money, but to better feed back Nyasaland.

The charitable foundations in southern Africa are different from the changed charitable foundations in the United States. American foundations have become a tool for the rich to evade taxes. The foundations in southern Africa are relatively pure. Foundations are not established just because they want to. Yes, individuals or companies can only use donations to foundations recognized by the federal government for tax deductions, and foundation managers cannot use the name of the foundation to purchase goods for personal use, which avoids foundations to the greatest extent. Managers use power for personal gain.

It should be noted that foundations in southern Africa are also divided into public funds and private funds. Private funds are also recognized by the federal government, but they cannot accept social donations, and they have to give a part of their income to the federal government for foreign aid every year. Put an end to certain private equity foundations using donations to achieve ulterior purposes.

The fund established by Nyasaland University is the same as the fund led by Roque and Stoudemire. They are all public funds and openly accept social donations.

The fund established by Roque to manage the assets under his name is a private equity fund. In addition to not being able to accept social donations, a part of the income must be turned over to the federal government every year.

Of course, the income of private equity funds can be anything. The Locke family's fund was just established this year, and the federal government probably won't receive any money.

Because the Rock Family Fund has a lot of foreign investment, it is estimated that the Rock Family Fund will not make too much profit this year, and it would be good if it does not lose money.

"It depends on whether Phyllis is willing, but I have to remind you that if Phyllis is allowed to manage your foundation, you may be able to spend all the foundation's money in a year." Rock first said the ugly words first, There are advantages and disadvantages to having Phyllis as the chairman of the foundation.

As Mrs. Nyasaland, Phyllis wholeheartedly manages Nyasaland as Rock's territory. Specifically, Rock is in charge of making money, and Phyllis is in charge of spending money, because Stoudemire's wife stays in Solo all the year round. Woodsbury rarely left, so the foundation established by Rock and Stoudemire was actually managed by Phyllis.

The foundation managed by Phyllis has an annual donation of more than 150 million rand.

"It doesn't matter. Earn after spending. The annual income of the foundation is more than 100 million rand. If my wife is willing to serve as the chairman of the foundation, Nyasaland University will donate another 100 million to the foundation every year. Madam can spend it as she likes. "Abramovich is generous, and the problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

"100 million! Really rich!" Rock didn't even know that Nyasaland University was so rich.

Unlike other universities in southern Africa, Nyasaland University's tuition fees are very high. The average student's annual fee is more than 150 rand, which is higher than the income of middle-class families in the UK.

150 rand sounds high, but it’s actually not much. Any farm with an area of ​​200 acres in the three northern states has an annual income of more than 300 rand. If it fails to meet this standard, it can be classified as poorly managed.

The average annual income of urban families is lower, but it is not difficult to take out 150 rand, and students can also apply for student loans. Nyasaland University will re-issue part of the student loans to students every year in the form of scholarships.

Another income of Nyasaland University comes from more than 50 laboratories affiliated to Nyasaland University. The annual profits of these laboratories are staggering. The annual profit of the laboratory managed by Abu is more than one million rand , approximately 50.00% of these profits are to be handed over to Nyasaland University.

Speaking of this, Rock had no reason to refuse, and sent Abu away. During dinner at night, Rock and Phyllis casually raised this issue.

"How long has it been since you cared about the foundation? The foundation spends a lot of money, but it also earns a lot. Since its establishment, the foundation's annual asset growth has been more than 50.00%." ​​Phyllis told Rock I am very dissatisfied with the neglect, 50.00% per year can be called a small expert in financial management.

"There are so many?" Rock was surprised. This is some kind of financial expert. This money-raising ability can be called a miser.

Phyllis rolled her eyes generously, and while eating, she paid attention to Rose, who was sitting in the baby chair next to her, not to get the food up her nose.

Rose is the youngest daughter of Rock and Phyllis. Phyllis has finally fulfilled her wish of having both children, and it is still capitalized "good".

Fertility is encouraged throughout southern Africa, and Nyasaland is no exception. As the first family of Nyasaland, Rock and Phyllis must lead by example. Now Rock and Phyllis have two sons and two daughters, serving as the first family of Nyasaland Lanzhou has set the best example.

"It is also possible to manage the Nyasaland University Foundation. Our foundation has focused on the resettlement of veterans in the past two years. It can effectively complement the Nyasaland University Foundation, with wider coverage and greater influence. Bigger.” Phyllis’s life does not revolve around children, and if Nyasaland is regarded as a big family, Phyllis plays the role of hostess very well.

In the past two years, Nyasaland's most important work has been the resettlement of veterans, especially disabled veterans.

This work is very important to the government of Nyasaland State. After the end of the World War, in Nyasaland alone, more than [-] soldiers took off their uniforms and returned to the local area. Many of them joined the local police or Brad The office has become a security officer, and more people have returned to their own farms to become a new generation of farmers or small town sheriffs. Although these jobs are inconspicuous, they are of great benefit to the stability of Nyasaland.

Members of the expeditionary forces in Southern Africa who participated in the World War, as long as they have won medals, can receive corresponding awards at all levels of the federal government in Southern Africa every year. During the World War, more than 50 people in Southern Africa received meritorious service. The rewards given to these criminals exceed 2000 million rand every year. The federal government's finances are still relatively ample. This money is not a problem, and the burden will become heavier in the future.

The foundation managed by Phyllis, through the Military Service Agency and the Rifle Association, cooperated with the Nyasaland State Government to resettle veterans to the greatest extent on this issue. In Cape State and Orange State, some veterans were resettled because of The work was not going smoothly, and there were some disputes with the local government, which did not happen in Nyasaland.

"Can't you help Rose?" Rock felt distressed. Rose hadn't learned how to eat yet, and she was eating all over her face.

"Clean up after eating, let her eat by herself now, and cultivate her independent ability from now on." Phyllis has her own way of educating her children, and does not want Roque to intervene at all.

For a family like Roque, the requirements for their children will not be relaxed, but will be even stricter. Phyllis never lets Roque intervene in educating the children, and does not need other people's help.

Of course, Phyllis would definitely not be able to do laundry and cleaning by herself. For such a large Eagle Castle, it was up to Phyllis to clean up by herself, which could exhaust Phyllis to death.

"She's still a child!" Rock couldn't accept it, and finally shouted out this wise saying——

"What's wrong with the child? Can a child not be punished if he breaks the law and commits a crime?" Phyllis is extremely determined on the issue of educating children. These days, the rights of adults cannot be universally protected by law, let alone minors.

Rose didn't know that she had lost so many words because of a meal, and looked at Roque with his mouth wide open and smiled happily.

It is true that there are not many opportunities for Rock to eat with his family.

ps: Army Day—I originally wanted to create some conflicts and write some interesting plots, but after thinking about it, I will write it tomorrow, and I want to be harmonious today——

(End of this chapter)

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