Chapter 1193 Free Lunch

With the increasing number of civil aircraft, there are also more and more accidents. This is already the second accident that occurred this month in the total number of civil aircraft in the world. Fortunately, there have been no accidents so far. There have been major disasters such as the direct crash of the plane, so it has no impact on the sales of the plane.

The two pilots of the plane O'Connor and Baekeland took were skilled pilots who had participated in World Wars, and they still insisted on flying the plane back to the airport even though the two engines had accidents.

Before the plane came to a complete stop, the second engine on the right also made a bang. This time the explosion was more violent. Half of the wing was blown off, and the plane lost its balance instantly. A slip of Mars.

The ground staff at the airport were already prepared. On the runway, several fire trucks were chasing after the plane to spray water to cool down the plane. There were also ambulances chasing the plane, ready to rescue the wounded at any time. There were staff members waiting at the end of the runway, and everyone was caring for the taxiing plane. Airplane prayers.

Fortunately, the two pilots were indeed highly skilled. The transport plane taxied about 150 meters on the runway, barely stopping at the end of the airport runway.

The situation at the scene was extremely dangerous. If the plane overshot the runway, it would most likely roll over and explode. At that time, gods would not be able to save O'Connor and Baekeland.

At this time, it also reflected the quickness and efficiency of the airport staff. O'Connor and Baekeland were still shivering wrapped in blankets next to the plane and hadn't recovered. The airport had arranged for O'Connor and Baekeland to continue to take another plane to Nia. Saran.

"No, I won't sit. From now on, I will never fly again unless you kill me right now—" Baekeland was resolute, he didn't want to experience the horror in the air again.

"Leo, believe me, it was just an accident just now, and this kind of situation doesn't happen often." O'Connor tried his best to persuade him. After getting used to the efficiency and convenience of the plane, it was really hard to bear the speed of the train.

"Sorry to the two gentlemen, the air experience for you this time was not so pleasant. Fortunately, we both survived, but we can no longer accompany you on the next journey. We are going to write a report , I still need to accept the investigation, I wish you a pleasant journey in the future." The captain took the initiative to come over and apologize, regardless of whether the two of them are responsible for the future, they must cooperate with the airport and Nyasaland Airlines in the investigation.

The transport aircraft is still very primitive so far. Nyasaland Airlines has been improving the transport aircraft. Every air accident actually represents a major hidden danger behind it. As long as the problem continues to be solved, similar accidents will become less and less.

"It's okay Captain, I won't be sorry, on the contrary, we would like to thank you. Without the superb skills of the two of you, we might all be dead now. If you need my cooperation to do something, please don't be polite. Even if I am in Los Angeles I will come over at any time." O'Connor kept thanking, no one wants to see accidents happen, and the two pilots are indeed admirable.

Although the co-pilot is a bit funny.

"My friend from the United States, are you okay? I'm sorry, I hope you don't take it to heart—" the captain apologized to Baekeland, and took a silver-white model plane from the co-pilot: "This is for you , on behalf of my personal apologies, I hope you will not be afraid of flying, it is always a brave game, God bless you."

If possible, Baekeland really wanted to refuse this gift.

However, the airplane model that the captain handed over was really exquisite. Baekeland took it subconsciously, and was a little embarrassed: "O'Connor is right, we should thank you, thank you for your gift, I will never forget this one day."

It was true that he would not forget it. It was not until Baekeland got into the plane again that Baekeland realized that the plane was actually not that scary.

This time it was a passenger plane, and the cabin was full of 45 people. There were also two service personnel, O'Connor and Baekeland, who could only sit in the cockpit.

But this time Baekeland didn't have to sit on the suitcase. The stewardess specially added a chair in the cockpit for Baekeland, and also brought some snacks for Baekeland.

Today's planes do not serve alcohol, and there are no toilets on the plane. If you are in a hurry, it will be troublesome.

"Welcome to this flight, you two gods, I heard that you just almost caused a plane to fall from the sky—" the captain's welcoming words made Baekeland feel embarrassed.

O'Connor was also embarrassed, but the embarrassment didn't last long. The captain smiled and said, "Just kidding, don't be angry. What happened just now? It surprised William and me. When you landed, we Hovering in the air."

"We don't know either, maybe we are really bad guys—" O'Connor laughed at himself, the captain and the co-pilot laughed at the same time, and the co-pilot handed over two empty Coca-Cola bottles with a smile on his face.

Coca Cola--

Empty bottle——

O'Connor blinked at Mung Dou and looked at the co-pilot, who turned around with a smile.

O'Connor looked at the bottle again and suddenly realized.

Huh, that's disgusting.

The plane flew back into the blue sky without any accident.

Baekeland still had lingering fears, but his spirits were much better at this time, probably because there were more people on the passenger plane, so Baekeland felt safer psychologically.

"Does this kind of thing happen often?" Baekeland wanted to talk to O'Connor but also wanted to shout.

"How is that possible? It was purely an accident." O'Connor was also yelling. In fact, the experience in the cockpit is not as good as that in the cabin. The cabin of a passenger aircraft has undergone special sound insulation treatment. Although there is still noise, the noise is smaller than that in the cockpit. a lot of.

"How long will it take for us to reach Los Angeles?" Baekeland made the sign of the cross on his body.

"Three hours!" O'Connor would only think of God when he was in danger, and now he was crossing his legs and admiring the scenery outside the cockpit.

The scenery is really good. A few years ago, there was a statistic in Los Angeles Elementary School. The most popular occupation among children was not civil servants, nor bank executives, but train drivers. The reason was that train drivers still Able to enjoy the scenery along the way.

At that time, it was estimated that there was no option for pilots, so pilots did not become the most popular profession for children.

Purely from the perspective of enjoying the scenery, the perspective of the pilot is better than that of the train driver.

When the plane flies at an altitude of several thousand meters, it sometimes passes through the clouds. The dreamlike clouds seem to be within reach, and the continuous mountains pass under the belly of the plane. The square farms are like The squares on the chessboard, the house is as small as a matchbox, it really feels like overlooking all living beings.

God's perspective!

Three hours passed in a flash, and it was only 12:30 when I arrived in Los Angeles.

"If there are no accidents, we should have arrived in Los Angeles around eleven o'clock." O'Connor's expression was a little grim.

"What's wrong with you?" Baekeland gasped while dragging his luggage. Fortunately, there was a taxi service outside the airport.

"I missed the free lunch at noon!" O'Connor's angle was weird, but Baekeland didn't understand what O'Connor meant.

There is no free lunch in America.

Walking out of the airport, Baekeland was shocked by everything presented in front of him.

In the past, Baekeland always believed that New York was the greatest city in the world, but now it seems that Los Angeles is not much worse than New York.

At least horse-drawn carriages can still be seen on the streets of New York sometimes, but there are no carriages on the streets of Los Angeles. Only the mounted police are qualified to ride horses in Los Angeles, and only on Cecil Rhodes Square and Sunset Avenue. Only then.

Different from the all-black T-cars in New York, the cars on the streets of Los Angeles have more colors and styles, such as enthusiastic red, quiet and restrained blue, elegant and stable gray, and black is only spacious and comfortable. Lord cars will only be used.

O'Connor stopped a green taxi, and it was only then that Baekeland noticed that only taxis were green.

In this way, Baekeland is very confused. Green represents life and health in the West, and has no other meaning.

O'Connor introduced to Baekeland the special meaning of green in the Chinese community, which made Baekeland even more puzzled.

The relationship between white people is indeed chaotic, even in the Puritan country of the United States.

The Puritans in the United States are actually talking about it. If you get to the bottom of it, it is as disgusting as the origin of Thanksgiving.

The taxi was speeding all the way, and Baekeland was deeply impressed by the smooth and wide roads. Even the roads in downtown Manhattan in New York were full of potholes, and no one had ever repaired them.

In Los Angeles, even the roads in the outskirts of the city are flat, spacious enough to make Baekeland feel wasteful.

It wasn't until Baekeland learned that all the cement in southern Africa was produced from Fawalt that Baekeland realized it later.

Compared with the United States, it seems that Nyasaland's human resources seem to be cheaper, of course, this is only for some special industries.

Since he missed the free lunch, when O'Connor sent Baekeland to the Rhodesia Hotel, he simply stayed at the Rhodesia Hotel for dinner.

Baekeland still habitually wanted to pay when he checked into the hotel, so O'Connor reminded Baekeland that all his current expenses would be borne by Rock's office.

All overhead!

For a moment, the evil thoughts in Baekeland's heart were fleeting.

But Baekeland immediately calmed down. There must be a limit to this "everything". The hotel expenses can be borne by Roque's office, but the cost of shopping is estimated to be ignored by Roque's office.

And if Rock has prejudice against Baekeland due to these reasons, then it will lay a hidden danger for the next meeting with Rock.

Of course, it’s okay to have a meal. The buffet at the Rhodesia Hotel is still very famous, especially the fried whitebait, and everyone who has eaten it is full of praise.

ps: Today's chapters are still very watery - I'm preparing a new book recently, and I feel like I have worked harder than the third year of high school when I read the materials every day - well, if I worked so hard back then, I wouldn't be stuck at home typing every day now - —

(End of this chapter)

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