Chapter 1214

What Stuart Fanny said made people laugh and cry, not to mention that the League of Nations is just a loose organization without any real-time binding force, even the officials of the British Empire, in what is now southern Africa, have to put away their arrogance. Face, honestly follow the rules of southern Africa.

Probably Stuart Fanny believed that southern Africa was still a British colony, and that southern Africa could enjoy the privileges of the suzerain country.

But even if Southern Africa was a British colony, it was not the Dutchman's turn to enjoy the privileges, such as Stuart Fanny.


"I'm sorry Mr. Fanny, I have not received an order to cooperate with you. If you want to set up a permanent institution in Walvis Bay, you must first obtain the permission of the federal government and abide by the relevant regulations of the federal government and the state government of Dias. .” Wilde directly refused, not caring much about the signboard of the “League of Nations”.

That is to say, weak countries such as Belgium and Luxembourg worship organizations like the League of Nations as gods, hoping that the League of Nations can safeguard the interests of weak and small countries. A real big country never pins its hopes on other countries or organizations.

"Dias State? Isn't this Southwest Africa? It is the B-level mandated territory entrusted to you by the League of Nations in Southern Africa. Who allowed you to merge Southwest Africa into Southern Africa?" Stuart Fanny's focus It is not on the same channel as Wilde, and the annexation of Southwest Africa by Southern Africa is indeed inconsistent with the relevant regulations of the League of Nations.

But who cares about the League of Nations—

Southern Africa doesn't care anyway.

So Wilde sat on the chair in his spare time, looking at Stuart Fanny with mocking and teasing eyes.

Stuart Fanny's expression was wonderful. He had triangular eyes, a rosacea, a well-trimmed beard, a Mediterranean hairstyle, and a bloated figure with a bucket eye. He looked like a clown in a farce.

Now the corners of his eyes are slightly raised, his lips are pursed hard, his eyebrows are furrowed, his beard is trembling slightly, and his face is slowly turning red from white, just like Guixianren who is accumulating energy.

This description seems to insult the turtle fairy.

do not care--

Anyway, Gui Xianren won't settle accounts with me.

"Mr. Mayor, southern Africa is also a member of the League of Nations, and you are obliged to cooperate with the work of the League of Nations." Stuart Fanny's deputy, Blake McAdam, is from Czechoslovakia, which was just established after the World War s country.

"But the League of Nations did not give us the corresponding rights in southern Africa. You can't just ask us to fulfill our obligations without giving us any compensation." Wilde really didn't disrespect the League of Nations, respect is mutual.

"The League of Nations has entrusted the management of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika to Southern Africa. Don't you get less?" Stuart Fanny finally came to his senses.

From this point of view, then Southern Africa can be regarded as the biggest beneficiary of the World War. Southwest Africa and Tanganyika add up to more than 180 million square kilometers.

180 million square kilometers, about the size of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Spain combined——

"We got Dias and Victoria, what does that have to do with your League of Nations? When we drove the Germans out of Dias and Victoria, your League of Nations hadn't been established yet!" Wilde was full of domineering, Without the bloody battles of the Southern African Expeditionary Force in the World War, it is difficult to say whether the League of Nations could have been established.

Wilde talked about the World War, and Stuart Fanny was immediately speechless.

The Netherlands remained neutral during the World Wars and did not participate in the World Wars, so the Netherlands is not even a founding member of the League of Nations, and has no right to be domineering in Southern Africa.

"Mr. Mayor, calm down, how can we get permission from the federal government." Blake McAdam sang red face, and Stuart Fanny sang together.

"Isn't this a problem you should solve?" Wilde was curious. You haven't figured out the process yourself. What are you doing in southern Africa?

The first meeting between the League of Nations delegation and Wilde was fruitless, and back at the Table Mountain Hotel Stuart Van Nistelrooy was still angry.

That's right, the League of Nations delegation stayed at the Table Mountain Hotel, which is understandable. After all, the landlord's family has no surplus food these days, and the League of Nations does not have enough funds.

There is no such thing as payment of dues yet. The reason why the League of Nations can operate depends on voluntary donations from various countries.

Of the two richest countries in the world, the United States has never joined the League of Nations, and southern Africa has an embarrassing position in the League of Nations, so life in the League of Nations is very tense, and the belt has to be tightened.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it would be like this. Southern Africa is too much. These thieves and robbers don't know how to be grateful at all. They shouldn't entrust Southwest Africa and Tanganyika to Southern Africa and Germany. Sir Rumond sent a telegram to Sir Drummond to complain about the behavior of southern Africa, and I will make that damned guy pay." Stuart Fanny was furious in the room, and the executive suite of the Table Mountain Hotel was not It was big, and there was only a set of modular sofas in the living room. There were nine people in Stuart Fanny's team, and some of them could only stand and watch Stuart Fanny perform.

In fact, sending a telegram may not necessarily solve the problem. Although Eric Drummond is British and aristocratic, he probably does not have enough influence on southern Africa.

So the other members of Stuart Fanny's team were frowning. They were depressed and had their own thoughts, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

"Cheer up, cheer up, don't give up because of a little setback, Southern Africa is a member of the League of Nations, we will definitely find a way." Stuart Fanny gave the team blood, no matter how difficult it was, This breath cannot be dissipated.

When people are scattered, the team is not easy to lead.

"We can send a telegram to the Federal Government of Southern Africa to see if the Federal Government of Southern Africa can order Walvis Bay to cooperate with an administrative order." Black McAdam started from reality. Although he had only met Wilde once, he had already fully Understand Wilde's toughness.

"The telegram to Sir will still be sent, and Sir will certainly support our work—"

"We can also send a telegram to London and see what London says."

"Even if the Walvis Bay City Government does not cooperate, we can still work. We can observe the situation in Walvis Bay first, and then decide what to do next."

The team members brainstormed ideas, and although the suggestions they made didn't really solve the problem, they were not as dead as before.

"Just do it, act now, and you can't let Southern Africa be unscrupulous, hehe, they actually directly annexed Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, and renamed Southwest Africa and Tanganyika to Dias and Victoria, I want Ask Sir Drummond if this is legal—” Stuart Fanny does not admit defeat, mandates are not the same as colonies, and the Federal Government of Southern Africa has no legal basis for doing so.

After discussing the plan, the League of Nations delegation acted separately.

Only then did Stuart Fanny discover that their actions had been monitored by unknown persons.

At the elevator entrance on the floor where Stuart Fanny lived, Stuart Fanny met two big men in black suits with sunglasses, shaved heads, and muscular arms under the sleeves of their clothes.

Wearing sunglasses in the indoor environment is a bit pretentious. When Stuart Fanny walked into the elevator, he gave the two men in black suits a playful look.

An old hat is an old hat, and if he is rich, he is also an upstart. He doesn't know what a gentleman is, and he can't even pretend to be like it.

Unexpectedly, the two black suits followed Stuart Fanny into the elevator.

In the narrow space of the elevator, Stuart Fanny felt very bad. Two black suits sandwiched Stuart Fanny one after the other. Stuart Fanny obviously felt the danger.

It's not as dangerous as soap, don't think about it, you will get 404 if you think about it.

The elevator went down to the lobby on the first floor. Stuart Fanny stepped out of the elevator, and there were two men in black suits, one on the left and one on the right.

Stuart Fanny finally realized the unusualness and stopped.

The two black suits also stopped immediately.

"Uh, what can I do for you?" Facing the muscular man with a bald head and thick arms in sunglasses, Stuart Fanny was still very polite.

"Mr. Fanny, there are many people coming and going in Walvis Bay Port, and the security situation is not good. We are ordered to protect your safety." The black suit on the left paused every word, and his English was not very good.

"Please leave, I don't need your protection." Stuart Van Nistelrooy immediately turned black. Although southern Africa can't ban guns, the law and order in southern Africa is really good. The crime rate can be said to be the lowest in the world. Walvis Bay As a major port for trade with Europe, Hong Kong is well known for its good law and order.

The two men in black suits did not speak, and of course they would not leave. They crossed their arms and crossed their legs, showing no intention of leaving.

"What do you mean? Who told you to come?" Stuart Fanny didn't talk nonsense with the tool man, and the tool man couldn't help himself.

The two tool men still didn't speak, Stuart Fanny finally discovered the benefits of wearing sunglasses, because he couldn't see the eyes of the two tool men, so Stuart Fanny couldn't speculate more information.

"I'm an official of the League of Nations, and it's illegal for you to do this!" Stuart Fanny had had enough. Southern Africa was indeed lawless.

"Officials of the League of Nations—" Just in the corner of the hall that Stuart Fanny didn't notice, someone's eyes lit up immediately after hearing Stuart Fanny's words: "—Sir, can you help me?" Am I doing me a favor?"

"What is it?" Stuart Fanny was immediately authoritative.

"The French government owes me money, can you help me get it back—" the visitor was full of expectation.

Stuart Van Nistelrooy was defeated in an instant. If he had the ability, could he still work for the League of Nations? ! !

ps: Brother Rulong 1911, can you not slap me in the face, you make me lose face, alright, even though I am already a salted fish, a salted fish also needs face——

(End of this chapter)

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