Chapter 122

Soon, a brigade of police arrived and surrounded the house.

The commandos were in charge of the storm. The commandos were fully armed and even brought in two Maxim heavy machine guns. These were so powerful that they had to be used on the nearby roof to ensure that the bullets would not fly randomly. , otherwise, if the bullet is shot flat, it is estimated that the bullet can pass through half of Pretoria.

"Is the person here?" Henry was eager to try.

"Not sure—" Rock was not sure, so far, there was no movement in the house.

"How many people?" Henry didn't seem to hear Rock's answer.

"I don't know—" Rock was helpless, he didn't know if anyone was there, how could he know how many people there were?

"How's the equipment?" Henry was still out of tune.

Rock didn't answer this time, and together with Joe Russell looked at Henry with the eyes of caring for mentally handicapped children.

Henry finally came to his senses, glared at Rock and Joe Russell viciously, and picked up a tin horn.

"Listen people in the house, you're surrounded—"


What Henry answered was a crisp gunshot.

"FFF, attack, attack—" Henry became furious, and the bullet hit the tree beside Henry, and the sawdust flew across, which startled Henry.

"Use Maxim, one box of bullets to hit it, and this kind of house can penetrate a row." Joe Russell, who was huddled behind the tree, was so ruthless, it was too embarrassing.

Not at all, really not at all!

"No, don't use heavy machine guns, try to catch people alive." Rock made up his mind.

"How to catch?" Henry and Joe Russo were stunned, did they use their lives to pile them up?

The commandos were in charge of the main attack, so Rock shouldn't be so careless about human lives.

"Set fire and burn the house down. If they don't come out, then wait to be burned alive." Rock is absolutely ruthless in the face of criminals. Then maybe Roque would do that, using the lives of the commandos to pile them up, and Roque really couldn't do that kind of thing.

"Good way!" Henry and Joe Russell said in unison.


Rock ignored the two funny comparisons, called Martin and Gothe over to give them some instructions, and then picked up a Lee Enfield, ready to wait for the rabbit.

Compared with a storm, arson is not too simple. Gao De led his men to feint attack in front of the house, with gunshots, dogs barking, and cursing one after another, making it very lively.

Martin's subordinates at the back of the room sneaked up to the back door, poured kerosene directly on the door, and took out a lighter to light it.

Thick smoke billowed up immediately, people in the room screamed strangely, and accompanied by severe coughing, two women and four or five children rushed out from the front door.

"Steady, steady——" Rock didn't shoot, unless it was absolutely necessary, Rock wouldn't point his gun at women and children.

Immediately behind the woman were four or five Boer men with terrified faces, one of whom was wearing a bloodstained patrol uniform top.

The Lord is finally here!

Rock raised his gun to aim, but the angle was not good. Between Rock and the rebels, there were women and children with the same terrified faces.


It was Henry who shot.

Henry's marksmanship was not very good, and the bullet passed through a boy's arm and hit the uniformed insurgent in the stomach.


More gunshots sounded, and all the Boer men were knocked down. In addition to the boy who was accidentally injured by Henry, there was also a Boer woman and a girl who were accidentally injured. The Boer woman was the most seriously injured. It is unknown who was injured. He was shot in the neck and died tragically after only struggling for a few seconds.

The girl whose leg was accidentally injured was covered in blood, knelt and cried beside the dead woman's body. The blood on her face belonged to her mother, who was still trying to protect her with her body after being shot.

Dog days of war!

Rock didn't have time to reflect. The two policemen who were attacked also had family members. If the news of their deaths reached their families, their families would also be heartbroken. .

This is the fate of the little people in the big era.

"Be alert, be alert—" Rock didn't forget to raise his gun to aim when he advanced. The parts of the knocked down rebels were not fatal. In theory, they still have the ability to resist. If they have any Any action will lead to merciless shooting from the commandos.

Of course, it’s only in theory. Most commandos’ marksmanship is still very good. Almost all the rebels were hit by bullets in their arms. There is no doubt about the lethality of military weapons. Two rebels’ arms were shot. Direct smashing is the kind of broken into a ball of rotten meat. It is estimated that even if it is rescued, it can only be amputated. Resistance is really only theoretical.

Maybe they could spit on the commandos.

If that counts as resistance.

There was still an accident. Just when Rock was advancing to the side of the accidentally injured girl, the girl suddenly reached out to a revolver that fell to the ground.

"Don't touch it!" Rock yelled.

"Put the gun down!" Gothe raised the gun.

"Stop, stop!" Li De was aiming, but the muzzle of the gun was trembling.


It was Joe Russell who shot.

"I know you don't want to, but we have no choice." Joe Russo was as firm as an iron, and his men were killed in the attack. As an inspector, if it weren't for Rock and Henry's insistence on confessing, he would like to kill all these rebels shot.

And of course their families too.

Rock was relieved. If Joe Russell hadn't shot, when the girl picked up the pistol, Rock didn't know if he would have the courage to pull the trigger.

Gao De and Li De also looked blank, Gao De already had a child, who was almost as old as this girl.

Li De himself is not married yet, but Li De also has children in his family.

"Take people away——" Roque drove all his wild thoughts out of his mind, the hatred between the Boers and the British is irreconcilable, and Roque is now working for the British, so no matter what Roque thinks, the Boers are Roque's enemy.

While in Cape Town, Rock fantasized about a post-war peace with the Boers.

Now it seems that the possibility of peaceful coexistence is unlikely. If the police like Rock and others were still out of the war in Cape Town, then now, Rock and the others have been deeply involved in the war.

Think about it, Roque and the other police officers arrested their husbands or brothers in front of these women and children today, saying that time can dilute everything, so how many years will it take them, and how much will Roque have to pay, to let them Forget today's hate?

During an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.

 This chapter is a bit cruel, brothers who can't stand it, don't scold me, Yutou assures you-there will be more cruel ones in the future.



(End of this chapter)

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