Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1237 Not enough flowers

Chapter 1237 Not enough flowers

Alex really didn't expect to encounter a thief in the lobby of the Rhodesia Hotel in downtown Los Angeles.

Even more unexpected to Alex was that the thief had just succeeded when he was knocked to the ground by the police who appeared in time, and then the wallet was lost and recovered, but Alex needed to return to the police station with the police to make a statement.

Alex and his wife are very happy to sit in the blue and white police car, not the latest Lord, nor the lower priced Diesel, but a kind of multi-purpose city that Nyasaran Heavy Industries has just launched Off-road vehicle, this kind of vehicle has a higher platform than a car, has better passability, and at the same time has more horsepower and more fuel consumption. Although the ride comfort is not as good as that of a car, the viewing angle is worse than that of a car. In short, it is completely different from a car. A different kind of brand new model.

"In fact, we in Los Angeles were not like this before. Crimes in Los Angeles will be punished extremely severely. Depending on the value of the theft, the maximum may be more than ten years in prison-but after the end of the World War, more and more people came to southern Africa to try their luck. There are more and more of them, and most of them are notorious in their original places, and they will repeat their tricks after they come to southern Africa, I hope this will not affect your mood." The police chief Qiao Shan who led the team was very polite and could live in Luo The tourists at the Desia Hotel are either rich or expensive, and the police in Nyasaland are very service-minded.

People who can travel abroad these days are rich and powerful, and their living standards are much better than the average middle class. This is why many people think that the British are very rich. In fact, there are many poor people in the UK, but those poor people There is no chance to go abroad, and their situation is unknown to the outside world.

It can't be said that, the thief just now is also British, but he obviously chose the wrong place to commit the crime.

"Understood, there are also many thieves and robbers in London, especially in winter, when the theft is very rampant." Alex can understand and accept that all cities have dark sides, and Los Angeles, which is full of flowers on the surface, is the same.

"Why?" Qiao Shan was happy to learn about the situation of his colleagues in London through chatting.

"Because London turns into a foggy city in winter, and you can't see people 50 meters away, which creates good conditions for thieves to commit crimes." Alex's expression was ugly, and every Londoner hated London's winter .

Qiao Shan, who has never been to London, looked blank. The air quality in Nyasaland is very good. There is no air quality measurement these days. Otherwise, 365 days a year, at least 360 days in Los Angeles, the air quality is excellent.

The remaining five days must be at least a good one.

When they came to the police station, the thief was taken to the interrogation room for interrogation, and it was a policewoman who took notes for Alex and his wife.

The Alex couple was surprised to find that the proportion of women in the police station was surprising.

But these policewomen are not easy to mess with. Many of them also wear pistols on their waists. The policewoman who took notes for Alex and his wife is that.

"Hello, my name is Yao Le, you can call me Yao, please don't be nervous, we just ask a few questions, do you need water?" Yao Le's smile is very friendly.

Alex thought that the police station only provided ice water in the usual sense, but he did not expect that the police station also provided coffee and black tea.

So Alex chose coffee, and Alex's wife chose black tea.

"Then let's get started, can you tell me what happened?" Yao Le opened the notebook, and Alex glanced at it casually, and it turned out to be in beautiful calligraphy.

English actually has calligraphy, and it looks pretty, just like painting.

Alex was in awe. There were very few educated women in this era, and even fewer educated women became police officers.

"We just arrived in Los Angeles this morning. We were about to go downstairs to purchase, and then we met the thief—" Alex briefly described the process. In fact, there was nothing to say about the process. It's already done.

"Mr. Alex, is it convenient for Fang to ask how much money is in your wallet? We need to convict the thief based on the amount stolen." Yao Le respects Alex's privacy, which is mainly because many Chinese care about money. Don't tell me.

"I have a check and some cash in my wallet. The check is about 500 pounds, and the cash may be more than 30 pounds. I don't remember clearly." Alex is not afraid of revealing, and more than 500 pounds is indeed a lot of money, ordinary people To earn for several years.

Yao Le lowered his head and recorded carefully. Alex couldn't help but asked, "Officer, what kind of punishment might that thief be punished?"

"It depends on the judge's sentencing, but more than 500 pounds is a huge amount, and the sentence may start at ten years." Yao Le is only responsible for the transcript, and the trial is the responsibility of the judge.

There are two types of courts in southern Africa. One is a formal court with formal procedures, and the other is a temporary court with low value and little impact. Crimes such as theft are tried by temporary courts, with one judge and one record With a jury and a temporary jury, a case can be tried in ten minutes, which is very fast.

As for whether such a quick trial will create unjust, false or wrongly decided cases, no one cares about this. In southern Africa, criminals have no personal rights.

"Ten years!" Alex and his wife looked at each other in blank dismay. Ten years is too long a sentence. If this is the case, then the young man's life may be ruined.

"Will it be too long? We always have to give those people a chance to repent." Alex is really not a saint, he doesn't understand the laws of southern Africa.

"Repent? Do you mean an apology? I don't think the victim needs an apology from the criminal. The victim should want to see the criminal receive the punishment he deserves. Even if the punishment seems harsher, this is the price of violating the law. , The court is not a vegetable market, you can’t bargain.” Yao Le’s words represent the mainstream thinking in southern Africa, human rights, human rights of criminals must be protected, how to protect the rights of victims?And how to protect those who abide by the law?

This is also the reason why lawyers in southern Africa are not taken seriously. No matter how high the level of lawyers is, they will not have much effect on the court's sentencing. The biggest role of the bar association is to formulate relevant laws and improve the blurred areas of laws Defend criminals.

In recent years in Southern Africa, laws have been enacted that increasingly favor the principle of reciprocity.

For example, the per capita income in southern Africa is about 50 rand, so if the amount involved in the theft reaches 50 rand, the criminal will have to accept about one year in prison.

By analogy, 100 rand for two years, 150 for three years, and 500 for about ten years.

If it is robbery, then the starting sentence is ten years, and then fifty rand plus one year.

If the crime rises to the level of murder, it must be divided into several different situations. If it is malicious first-level murder, then it must be the death penalty without negotiating room, because the murder illegally deprives the life of another person, then you have to pay your life cost.

Alex couldn't understand this kind of thinking. In Alex's consciousness, the law can also be discounted, otherwise the status and fees of British barristers would not be so high.

This is even more perverted in the United States. American laws are simply child’s play in the face of power. Think about Jeffrey Epstein who committed suicide in prison. When Epstein committed suicide, all the monitoring in the prison failed just right; Insufficient, the inspection was inexplicably terminated; moreover, the time of guard changing has become a state secret and is not disclosed to the media, probably because the U.S. Department of Justice is afraid that criminals will take advantage of this to escape.

Even more coincidentally, before his death, Epstein told the prison guards and other inmates that he was particularly worried that someone would kill him, so Epstein attempted to commit suicide in July, because according to regulations, suspects with suicidal tendencies must share a room with each other. In order to monitor each other, but at the beginning of August, Epstein's inmates changed, and the new inmates did not move in until Epstein died.

It is said, it is said that people who have conflicts with a certain president of the United States and the former secretary of state of the first lady will commit suicide inexplicably.

For example, the president’s lawyer, Vincent Foster, after Vincent Foster left Clinton, once revealed to the media that he was going to write a book exposing a certain president’s dirty money and power transactions, and then On the day of the interview, Vincent committed suicide in the park.

Another example is McFlynn, a well-known writer who exposed the inside story of a certain presidential foundation. He also committed suicide at home after publishing a related article.

In addition, John Ash, an American official to the United Nations, was shot dead. He will testify in court that day that a certain president bribed him.

There is also Seth Rich, the director of the data center of the Democratic National Committee who first broke the news to Assange. He died in a well-designed robbery. After the gunman shot Seth Rich, he did not take Seth Rich wallet.

After reading these examples, you should have a deeper understanding of American justice.

Relatively speaking, the Nyasaland police are still very warm. After completing the transcript, the police station sent a car to take Alex and his wife back to the Rhodesia Hotel, and gave Alex and his wife a small gift. A postcard with the phone number of the police station.

Behind the postcards are some things you should know when traveling in Nyasaland.

Back at the Rhodesia Hotel, Alex and his wife still felt unbelievable. The impression Nyasaland had left on Alex and his wife was all in the newspaper reports, and now it is showing more and more concretely in Alex In front of Mr. and Mrs. Kex.

Then the shopping at Eternal became a complete and utter joy.

If there's anything one package can't do, it's two.

Mrs. Alex was completely immersed in the pleasure brought by this sentence.

Mr. Alex's request was relatively simple, but when he saw the dazzling array of watches, Alex couldn't help his inner desire.

Alas, more than 500 pounds is actually not much, not enough to spend——

ps: After writing this chapter, I suddenly realized a very serious problem. Should I commit suicide tomorrow—brothers help me to testify, if I die tomorrow, it must be because I poked the former president’s sore spot—— It shouldn't be so serious, people have long been shameless, what can you do——

(End of this chapter)

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