Chapter 124 Mr.

If Henry's approach is followed, it will probably not be long before all the Boers in Pretoria will be thrown into concentration camps. After all, Pretoria is not very big now.

But this kind of revenge is also necessary, otherwise there will be endless attacks against the police or soldiers. As for those who are innocently implicated, they are all victims of the times, including Roque and the police.

Before Rock and the others came to Pretoria, the Australian cavalry unit in charge of implementing military control in Pretoria had transformed the Pretoria Prison in the Transvaal Republic era into a concentration camp, detaining the families of the Boer coalition forces , As for the captured members of the Boer coalition forces, most of them were shot, and the rest were exiled to India, Ceylon and Bermuda, and there was no hope of returning to Cape in this life.

When the interim government takes over Pretoria, it will also take over the management of the concentration camp. This time it is not Rock's turn to manage the concentration camp, and the commandos have important tasks.

"I think we should complete the registration of all residents of Pretoria in the shortest possible time. The key point is to count those adult men, and all men who are about to become adults. They may be our potential enemies, and the key is These people still have guns in their hands, and they have the ability to carry out attacks.” Roque worried that the security situation in Pretoria would continue to deteriorate. The Transvaal Republic used to be all soldiers, and everyone could legally hold weapons. Our jobs are a huge threat.

"Registering residents is a matter for the provisional government. We do not have this right. Now our task is to maintain law and order, and we will do everything we can." Henry couldn't do anything about it. Compared to the size of Pretoria, hundreds of police officers is too little.

The interim government has just been established, and the affairs are complicated. The office location of the government agency has not yet been determined, and it is nowhere in sight to perform its functions.

Christian has been crazy busy these days. He has to find a suitable office location for the bosses, repair the Palace of Justice to welcome Alfred Milner, and repair the wealthy district surrounding the Church Square. Not having so many people, Padbek had to be sent to Zululand to hire more Zulus.

Compared with the Boers who claim to be "natives", the Zulus are the natives of the Cape. Because of the successive invasions of the Boers and the British, the territory of the Zulus has become smaller and smaller. Their leader is Ding Zulu ( Dinizulu).

Speaking of Ding Zulu, this talent is truly a man of both sides. In 1884, King Cetshwayo of the Zulu Kingdom died, and Ding Zulu, who was nearly 15 years old, came to the throne. At that time, the Zulu Kingdom had internal and external troubles. Ding Zulu hired Boer mercenaries to stabilize the domestic situation. The leader of those Boer mercenaries is the current commander-in-chief of the Boer coalition, Louis Botha.

After the Second Boer War broke out, both the Boers and the Cape colonial government sent people to Zululand to contact Ding Zulu, hoping that Ding Zulu would join their side.

Ding Zulu's initial attitude was to remain neutral, but after the war began, the British army suffered defeats on the frontal battlefield. At this time, Ding Zulu showed his keen strategic vision and began to fully support the Cape Colonial Government. Warehouses were built in the territory to stockpile military supplies, and troops were personally led to serve the expeditionary force.

Dinzulu thus had a modern army armed with rifles and advanced armaments.

The Zulus Christian employed in Oaktown were from Zululand.

To be honest, Rock doesn’t like Zulus, not at all. In the 21st century, Rock has seen too much negative news about black people, but in this era, Rock has no choice. Pretoria needs to be rebuilt urgently, but The Boer men in Pretoria were either shot or exiled. There are only old, weak, sick and disabled left in Pretoria. It is expected that they will not be able to complete the reconstruction work. Only Zululand can provide enough labor. And the key is that those Zulus ask for low prices and hardly need any remuneration. In this regard, even the Chinese do not have much advantage over the Zulus.

No way, compared with the blacks in the 21st century, the Zulus of this era are really easy to use. They eat less, work more, have no requirements for the working environment, and only need a little food every day. You can work hard for a whole day without even needing a supervisor. Rock has already seen it when he was in Oak Town. The Zulu people are absolutely indispensable, and their work cannot be represented by meager remuneration.

Of course, Rock's dark belly can be seen at this time. Although the Zulu people have contributed to Oak Town, Rock will never show it, so after the transformation of Oak Town is completed, Rock will let Christian All the Zulus were taken away, and only the Chinese and Boers remained in Oak Town.

At most, Rock can ask Christian to give those Boers more wages.

"I have already warned my subordinates that no matter under any circumstances, they are not allowed to leave the avenue and enter the remote alleys. Recently, we still ensure the security around the church square first, and then gradually expand to other areas. In addition, I need more subordinates." Joe Russell is also reflecting on the fact that in extraordinary times, the way police officers work should be changed appropriately.

"Everyone wants more men, but now we don't have enough manpower." Henry couldn't help it. Compared with other government agencies, the police station is not bad, there are at least a few hundred people, and the government agencies are understaffed The situation is more serious.

Luckily there is also Christian, there is a rail link between Pretoria and Zululand, in mid-August the first train from Zululand brought over a thousand Zulus, all of them Christie Ann's employees.

The railway station is a key area for public security work. Rock was really dizzy when he saw a large black patch on the platform.

Damn, it would be great when Chinese immigrants can have such convenience.

"Hello, Mr. Christian, I am Mr. Mars Yates' special assistant. Now take your people with me. There is a very urgent job that needs to be done as quickly as possible." On the platform, a man dressed The neat young man called Christian away.

When will Christian be called "Sir"?

And he was called "Sir" by the special assistant of Mars Yates, the new mayor of Pretoria, and Rock was not qualified to be called "Sir" in front of his special assistant .

 Sorry, the word count of the last chapter was really not enough for 404 words, because some content violated the rules, and was deleted by the review editor-speaking of which, I would also like to thank the brothers for their recommendation votes, Yutou was able to escape from death, if it was not recommended by the brothers The votes are strong, it seems that Yutou's score is not bad, it is estimated that it is [-] now——


(End of this chapter)

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