Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1242 Copying the World

Chapter 1242 Copying the World

Winston's speed of accepting new things is surprising. A person who can become a prime minister has an unusually big brain.

After watching "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth", Winston had a sudden whim and wanted to make a movie about leading Britain to win the World War, with himself as the main character.

After knowing Winston's idea, Rock was in a bad mood.

Of all the films that have been completed, are being filmed, and are planned to be filmed by Nyasaland Film Studio, none of them feature Rock as the protagonist. A shameless person like Rock thinks that it is wrong to use his own resources to boast.

But when it came to Winston, it was a matter of course.

"If I could make a movie with me as the main character, I could tell the British what I did during the World Wars and how much I contributed to defeating the Germans, and they thought I was sitting in an office. But they didn't see that the lights in my office were still on at midnight, and they didn't see that I had to attend six meetings in one day, each of which was more than two hours long, and there was only one meeting in between. Take a 10-minute break." Among the historical figures Roque knew, Winston was definitely the most effective in execution.

Second only to Kitchener and Adelaide.

"Wait, you just said that you have to attend six meetings a day, and the duration of each meeting is more than two hours?" How strange, what Rock wanted to know was this.

"What's the matter? Can't I attend six meetings a day?" Winston was immediately threatening.

Rock saw guilt in Winston's eyes.

Oh, I see, this is the great god who is good at making the best use of the situation!

"Then how do you plan to shoot? Are you coming in person?" Rock couldn't refuse such a request. Leaving aside what Winston could film, if Winston participated in the film himself, it would definitely be an unparalleled gimmick, and It will also add more legendary colors to Winston's life.

Don't worry, with hundreds of screenwriters and directors from Nyasaran Film Studio, Winston only needs an idea, and it won't take long to complete the script.

"Me? No, no, no, I won't appear on the screen and be judged. I want to be a director, because only I know how I survived." Winston also has his self-esteem, after all, Marlborough Coming from a Duke's family, Winston will not fight in person.

No matter how enthusiastically the performances of movie actors were applauded in the theaters, for the real aristocratic class, acting was still an undignified profession.

Winston was a conventional man.

"It's not enough to rely on your story, you have to hide your story in a bigger story." Rock also took part in the battle, for Winston, Rock didn't mind contributing his own creativity.

"What do you mean?" Winston still didn't know enough about movies and needed to learn more.

"It means that only your story is not exciting enough to support a movie, so you need to add some other elements, such as love, justice, and bravery—" Rock himself doesn't know enough about movies, or Said that in this era, no one has a deep enough understanding of movies. Everyone is actually crossing the river by feeling the stones, including Roque.

Rock's advantage is that compared with others, he knows what kind of effect movies can play, so he is on the right path from the beginning and will not take detours.

"Nonsense, as long as I put my story on the screen, even if I squat on the toilet, some audiences are willing to watch it." Winston may not understand movies as well as Rock, but Winston understands human nature better than Rock.

Only then did Rock realize that Winston cannot be judged by the stories of ordinary people.

That's it, Rock simply called the general manager of Nyasaland Film Studio and the director of "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth" and asked them to communicate directly with Winston.

Don't worry about the filming cost, Rand Bank and Nyasaland will invest in the whole process. Although Winston will not play the role, as long as Winston's gimmick is used, it will be difficult to lose money.

Not to mention other countries, the British have always enjoyed gossip about big figures. The long-term success of the "Sun" is a proof. heat.

With the participation of Rock and Winston, the script project was approved immediately, and the crew was established in the shortest time. Winston's special actors are shooting another movie that reflects the Battle of the Dardanelles. There is no schedule. Once that movie is done shooting, this movie will start up as fast as it can.

The name of the movie is "Winston".

"You mean that Winston is going to make a movie about himself?" Rock casually mentioned it during dinner, and Phyllis seemed very interested.

"Yes, I guess he wants to use this movie to reverse the situation of public opinion and create opportunities for him to return to the political arena." Rock hit the nail on the head, don't listen to Winston's good words, Winston is also a very purposeful person, there is no benefit Definitely don't do it.

"That will not be easy, unless he can pull those members of Congress into the cinema." Phyllis is not optimistic about whether Winston can return to the political arena. The opinions of ordinary people will not make much difference. Like Winston.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Winston. In the situation during the World War, no matter who was the prime minister, in order to gather national strength and defeat the Germans, it would inevitably hurt the interests of some people.

"If it's Uncle Winston's movie, then I think I'll watch it." Gavin, who was also at the dinner table, expressed his support for Winston.

"I will too!" Alvin also expressed his support. Now that Alvin is a middle school student, his school organized all the teachers and students to watch "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth" just after it was released.

"Well, it seems that there is a market for this movie." Rock had to admit that the name Winston itself is a golden signboard. Although Winston is no longer the Prime Minister, this golden signboard is still shining glow.

The next day, Rock and Winston appeared in Star City together. While inspecting the current situation of Star City, they also looked for a suitable shooting location for the movie "Winston".

Compared with Hollywood, which already has a population of over [-], Star City's resident population is a bit smaller, but the city's scale is not inferior to Hollywood.

Hollywood is still shooting movies in warehouses, and if scenes are needed, they will be temporarily built. This model has continued into the 21st century. Many famous Hollywood blockbusters are shot in warehouse-like studios.

Star City already has a huge building complex similar to the film and television city of later generations. The Nyasaland Film Factory is also located here. The staff of the film factory are the first batch of permanent residents in Star City. Many young people who are willing to devote themselves to the film industry come here one after another. Go to Star City to try your luck. For this purpose, Star City has established related organizations such as Actors Guild, Screenwriters Guild, and Directors Guild. While strengthening the management of practitioners, they will also provide appropriate training. The government of Nyasaland State is considering setting up a film academy to further cultivate professional skills. talent.

"What is this?" Winston came to Star City for the first time, and was shocked by its size.

The government of Nyasaland State has always been generous in its work. When building Star City, the construction personnel of Star City directly copied the famous Tower Bridge on a river next to Star City. The Tower of London is also clearly visible not far away.

"Tower Bridge, don't you know it?" Rock liked to see Winston stunned.

"Stop, stop—" Winston was really dumbfounded, and it was hard to imagine that Rock's handwriting was so big.

"God, what on earth do you want?" murmured Winston to himself.

It is indeed a big deal. The Tower Bridge in front of Winston is a complete copy of the Tower Bridge in London on a one-to-one ratio. Even the traces left by the passage of time on the Tower Bridge are exactly the same. You must know that Los Angeles is thousands of miles away from London. Winston could not imagine how Nyasaland's engineers had managed to do this.

"Film industry—forgive me for using the word 'industry' to describe the shooting of movies—buildings like Tower Bridge in London will inevitably appear in many movies in the future. You also know the distance between Nyasaland and London. It’s so far away, it’s impossible for the crew to travel thousands of miles to London every time just to shoot a shot of Tower Bridge, so it’s necessary to build a Tower Bridge in Star City—” Rock thought for a while, in order to avoid Winston I will continue to be dumbfounded, so I would like to introduce more: "Not only the Tower Bridge, but also the Tower of London, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, the White House in the United States, and oriental-style buildings. Not only can you make movies here, At the same time, it will also become a famous tourist attraction in the future.”

Rock spent a huge amount of money to build a film and television city, certainly not just for making movies.

Now the influence of the film is not enough. When the batch of films from Nyasaland Film Factory is released to the market, the popularity of the film will gradually rise. By then, there will be no need for publicity by the Nyasaland State Government, and tourists will come in droves. At that time, the film and television city will fully display its charm.

Winston remained silent. Los Angeles shocked Winston more and more, and now Winston realized that the rise of southern Africa was unstoppable.

During this period of time, the feeling of Los Angeles to Winston was probably the same as that of the leaders of various countries who sat on the rostrum and watched the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games.

Rock didn't urge him either, and gave Winston enough time to think.

In fact, during the World War, southern Africa had already demonstrated its strength enough, but many Europeans who were still immersed in the concept of the center of the European world were unwilling to admit it.

Rock is not in a hurry, there is plenty of time, and Rock will make those "old Europeans" have to realize and accept that southern Africa has risen.

ps: Sand sculpture book friends who discussed how to eat fish heads in the last chapter, won't your conscience hurt!

(End of this chapter)

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