Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1250 How much is it to rent a Lord car for 1 year

Chapter 1250 How much is it to rent a Lord car for a year

California is located on the west coast of the United States. In 1847, Mexico ceded California to the United States. In 1850, California officially became the 31st state of the United States.

Nyasaran Automobile Group's factory in California is located in San Diego, the southernmost coastal city in California. It is less than ten kilometers away from the US-Mexico border, which is convenient for the factory to hire a large number of cheap Mexican workers. At the same time, the assembled cars can also be easily transported by sea. Arrive in all cities on the west coast of the United States.

In 1906, the San Francisco earthquake and subsequent fire nearly destroyed the largest city on the west coast of the United States.

The city as a whole has yet to recover from the trauma.

The world war brought more trauma to California. During the war, about [-] Californians participated in Europe. After the end of the world war, they were not properly resettled by the US government and the California government. A series of riots and violent conflicts also broke out, and San Diego was inevitably hit.

In this context, the factory of Nyasaran Automobile Group insisted on using a large number of Mexican workers, which finally caused dissatisfaction from the California government and the local government of San Diego. The two-month training and the prohibition of factory production at this time will have a great impact on the expansion of the group.

Nyasaran Automobile Group has invested more than 150 million US dollars in the California factory. The factory has more than 2500 workers, including about 2300 Mexican workers. After the smooth start of production, the annual output of the California factory will exceed 15 vehicles.

One day later, Mike Carlisle arrived in San Diego smoothly. New York is about 4000 kilometers away from San Diego, and the aircraft has not yet realized the flight. Mike Carlisle will first fly from New York to Los Angeles, and then arrive in San Diego by car from Los Angeles.

Larry Bill, the general manager of the California factory, went to Los Angeles to personally pick up Mike Carlisle in San Diego, and briefed Mike Carlisle in the car.

"The governor of California is facing a re-election. Currently, the incumbent Governor Ferdinand of the Democratic Party and the Republican candidate Frederick are likely to win the election. Ferdinand's campaign office approached me ten days ago, hoping that I can provide some help for Ferdinand's campaign, because The group did not allow us to participate in local elections, so I ignored it, and as a result, we received a notice of no production yesterday—” Larry Bill was also very helpless, this is the rule of law in the United States, and you can make trouble if you don’t give candy.

In order to avoid this kind of situation, Nyasaland Automobile Group strictly prohibits the group's subsidiaries from getting involved in local elections. This decision is correct in southern Africa and Europe, but it is a serious mistake in the United States.

Under normal circumstances, in this situation in the United States, neither the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party is inclined, which means that the two do not help each other and maintain a neutral position.

But in the United States, not leaning towards either side means opposing both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. This is an American characteristic.

"How about the approval ratings of Ferdinand and Frederick?" Mike Carlisle had already made a decision. Since Ferdinand forced the California factory to stand, let's stand.

It's just that Mike Carlisle's decision may not satisfy Ferdinand. The Nyasaland Automobile Group is invincible no matter whether it is in southern Africa or Europe. If Nyasaran Automobile Group succumbed, then Ferdinand was wrong.

Ferdinand should take a closer look at Nyasaland before making a decision.

"The support rate is very anxious, comparable. After the world war, California's economy was not good. As a result, Ferdinand's election was seriously affected, so Ferdinand was hungry." Ferdinand, not just in California, but in the whole world, the economic crisis is inevitable.

But voters in California will not understand this, and not all Americans are well-informed. In the 21st century, there are still many Americans who believe that the earth is flat. Americans in this era are more simple-minded, or more ignorant , They simply attributed the responsibility to Ferdinand's inability. Since this guy's ability is not good, let's try another one.

There is no choice anyway.

"Very good, help me make an appointment with Frederick." Mike Carlisle decided to leave. When the Nyasaland Automobile Group first formulated the system, it did not consider the situation in the United States.

If the system is out of date, it must be revised in time. All the companies under Rock's name do this. If a certain company's system is rigid and the management does not adjust it in time, the employees of the company can complain to the head office. Once they are found out, they will be rewarded generously.

"Okay, I'll do it right away—" Larry Bill was full of fighting spirit, and Mike Carlisle's attitude gave Larry Bill great confidence.

Immediately after arriving in San Diego, Mike Carlisle sent a telegram to Nyasaland.

Six hours later, Mike Carlisle received a reply from Nyasaland headquarters.

The group headquarters authorized Mike Carlisle to solve this problem, and specially approved [-] US dollars of funds.

One hundred thousand dollars might not seem like much, but considering it was only 1919, it was enough for Mike Carlyle to do a lot.

Larry Bill was also very efficient. When he contacted Frederick, he received a warm response from Frederick.

Frederick invited Mike Carlyle to a dinner in Los Angeles, and Mike Carlyle gladly accepted.

Coincidentally, the hotel where Frederick held the dinner turned out to be the Rhodesia Hotel in Los Angeles. Mike Carlisle called the hotel, and the hotel directly sent a car to take Mike Carlisle back to Los Angeles from San Diego.

I have to say that the Rhodesia Hotel's service is really good, and Los Angeles is [-] kilometers away from San Diego.

Of course, this is also because Mike Carlisle is a distinguished customer of the Rhodesia Hotel. If he were an ordinary guest, the Rhodesia Hotel would not be so hospitable.

After arriving at the Rhodesia Hotel, Mike Carlisle knew that this was a fundraising dinner specially held by the Republican Party for Frederick's campaign. All the people who had the opportunity to attend the dinner were star-studded figures, including Republican Congressman Mike Rowland , Los Angeles Mayor Rock Hope, California State Assembly Speaker Eric Raymond and more.

When he heard the name Rock Hope, Mike Carlisle felt very cordial, but this "Lock" was disappointing, with five short stature and fat, severe rosacea and a Mediterranean nose. Mike Carlisle felt that he should not use this name, and instantly felt that this name be defiled.

Of course, Mike Carlisle was not so stupid as to say what was in his heart. When he shook hands with Rock Hope, he also gave advice to Los Angeles: "Los Angeles is a city with great prospects. We are going to buy the hill next to Hollywood. It will be developed into a residential and commercial area, where the environment is beautiful and the climate is pleasant, and it will definitely attract many rich people, becoming the most famous wealthy area in Los Angeles and even on the West Coast—”

Oh, this suggestion is great, and Rock Hope's affection for Mike Carlisle immediately increased.

Look at his handwriting, it's a mountain at every turn, and the west coast at every turn, these are all political achievements——

Ah bah, this is all about serving the people!

"No problem, is it a mountain? I approve. If it is your Nyasaland Automobile Group, I am willing to give you that mountain!" Mike Carlisle is willing to invest, and Locke Hope certainly cannot mean.

Unbeknownst to Rock Hope, the name of the mountain was Beverly.

This gift, of course, is not a free gift, the money still has to be given, but it is hard to say whether it will be given to the Los Angeles City Government or to Rock Hope himself.

If you want to give Rock Hope, of course not directly, it is too low-level and will have a bad impact on Nyasaran Automobile Group and Rock Hope.

The correct way should be that the Nyasaran Automobile Group found that a certain company run by Locke Hope's wife or nephew, or seven aunts and eight aunts, was very promising, so they spent more than ten to two million US dollars to sell that company Buying it is in line with the commercial principles of the United States.

As for whether that enterprise is worth more than ten or two million US dollars, who cares——

"Nyasaran Automobile Group is worthy of being a multinational company, and it is indeed courageous—" Frederick is a handsome guy with a handsome and handsome appearance, which gives people a good first impression.

"Mr. Frederick, can I take up some of your time later? We need your support." Mike Carlisle could speak, obviously sending money, as if asking for money.

The relationship between American politicians and businessmen cannot be confused. Although the two complement each other, the status of businessmen must be higher than that of politicians.

There are many politicians in the United States, and if this one doesn’t work, you can change it.

There are not many big companies capable of supporting elections, and even fewer are willing to pay to support politicians in elections. Each of them is a big money maker that all politicians flock to.

Of course, money is not taken for nothing, and you have to do things after you take the money. As much as you pay, you can get as much as you want. Frederick has to give it. After all, Frederick will participate in the election four years later.

Campaigning is risky, so be careful when investing. Donating to politicians is not a huge profit. If the politician loses the election, you will lose all your money. Therefore, this is a speculative business, and all participants are well aware of it.

"Of course, I am also very interested in Nyasaland Automobile Group. Nyasaland Automobile Group must have something special to make it so big." Frederick laughed like a flower, this is not true Giving and accepting bribes, which is called raising campaign funds, is reasonable and legal in the United States.

"The Nyasaran Motor Group cars are really good, I'm tired of the black Ford Model Ts, but a black Lord car, well, it's still pretty good -" Eric Raymond also has Request, isn’t it just a car, Mike Carlisle said to give it away——

It's not a gift, it's a loan. I lent it to Eric Raymond, and Eric Raymond has to pay the rent. You just need to find a car rental company and everything is reasonable and legal. As for renting a Lord car How much is it a year?

It depends on who is renting the car.

(End of this chapter)

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