Chapter 126 Mahatma

Two days later, the commando joined a company of the [-]rd West Yorkshire Regiment and surrounded the western section of Helton Street. In retaliation for the police attack some time ago, all Boers in this area were to be imprisoned in concentration camps.

If given the choice, Roque would definitely not be willing to perform such a mission.

Most of the Boers in the entire area are women and children. They have been in panic since the expeditionary forces occupied the city, and now they are finally driven out of their homes by the heavily armed police and expeditionary force soldiers to meet their unknown fate.

When he saw the pair of eyes mixed with hatred and fear, Roque deeply realized that the hatred between the British and the Boers would never be resolved, and the Chinese policemen undoubtedly played the role of the British in the process. So in other words, the hatred between the Chinese and the Boers will also never be resolved.

Relatively speaking, the vast majority of Chinese and Boer police officers were able to exercise restraint and did not use too much violence against the Boers.

The soldiers of the Expeditionary Army of the [-]rd West Yorkshire Regiment and the Indian policemen were much more brutal. They didn't even allow women to pack their belongings, and they drove people out of the house roughly, or checked them in a rough way. The belongings of those women, in the process, the precious metals carried by those Boer women were naturally confiscated.

Although Rock also hated those rebels, Rock couldn't stand this kind of behavior either.

Rock couldn't control the expeditionary soldiers of the Third West Yorkshire Regiment, but Rock could restrain the Boer policemen, so Rock asked Reed to remind the Indian police chiefs not to go too far.

It didn't have much effect. Obviously, even the Indian police chiefs didn't think there was anything wrong with it, especially since soldiers from the Third West Yorkshire Regiment violated the rules, those Indian police officers were even more unscrupulous.

Very well, Rock didn't talk nonsense this time, and went directly to Joe Russell.

"Damn bastard!" Joe Russell didn't like those Boers either, but Joe Russell didn't like Indians bullying whites even more, so Joe Russell angrily called the Indian sheriffs over and scolded them.

"These Indians are disgusting. They are lazy and greedy. They also have an unpleasant smell. As long as the Indians stay in the room, the smell will never dissipate. So I never allow Indians to enter my room." office." Joe Russell was still furious after driving those Indian sheriffs away.

Regarding the smell of Indians, Rock has nothing to say, especially in summer, the smell of Indians can be called a biochemical weapon, especially the toilets used by Indians——

Rock never used the toilets in the police station anyway.

Of course, on this issue, Roque will not cater to Joe Russell, just like Joe Russell can't understand Indians bullying Boers who are also white, Roque is also an oriental, although Roque doesn't like Indians, but Roque Ke didn't have to add insult to injury.

Rock didn't express his opinion, but some people couldn't wait.

"Mr. Inspector, I think what you said is wrong. You are too disrespectful to these Indian policemen. They accepted the employment of the Cape Town Police Department and came all the way to Cape Town. You can't insult them like this." A man in a suit and tie Guy justifies those big hoods.

"Who are you?" Joe Russell looked at the young man in front of him with a pretty good attitude.

"My name is Mohandas Karamchand—" The young man's name was quite long.

"I didn't ask what your name is, why are you here?" Joe Russell didn't talk nonsense, the military and police jointly acted, and no one else could enter. The young man in front of him was neither a policeman nor a soldier, so he shouldn't have appeared here in the first place.

What's more, this young man seems to be Indian too, because he also has that strange smell on him.

"I'm a lawyer, entrusted by the city government, to provide medical services that may be needed." Mohandas was unusually calm, but his words were not in the right tone.

A lawyer providing medical services?

It feels good to mix and match.

"What's your name? Full name." Rock was curious. There were not many people named "Mohandas".

At least not in the Cape.

"Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi—" is really loud.

Oh! ! !

Rock was taken aback. Gandhi was in Cape?

Shouldn't he be in India at this time advocating non-violent non-cooperation?

What Roque didn't know was that Gandhi actually came to Cape. In 1891, Gandhi obtained a law degree from University College London and qualified as a lawyer. Gandhi returned to India that year and opened a law firm in Mumbai.

Gandhi’s career as a lawyer was not smooth. The first time he represented someone in a lawsuit, he suffered from stage fright. Half a year later, the law firm closed down. Gandhi went back to his hometown and relied on the support of his brother, relatives and friends to maintain his legal practice in his hometown. In 1893, an Indian in Cape had a case to deal with. The Indian probably could not find a lawyer in Cape willing to defend him, so Gandhi came to Cape without hesitation.

From 1893 to the present, Gandhi has been staying in Cape. Although as a lawyer, Gandhi's work has not improved, but Gandhi has found another way, not only established his own political party, but also founded his own newspaper - "Indian Public Opinion" ".

Of course, the current Gandhi is not the future "Mahatma Gandhi". After the outbreak of the Boer War, Gandhi also stood by his British master without hesitation and organized an Indian ambulance team with 1100 members. Army provides services.

This is where lawyers provide medical services.

"I don't care what your name is. If you don't have my permission, you can't stay here. Now, please leave immediately." Joe Russell didn't know who he was facing, so he took out his handkerchief and covered it very rudely. nose.

It didn't smell too bad, anyway, Gandhi was a modern educated man, and he had been in London for more than four years.

"Sir, you shouldn't treat me like this. I'm here to serve you." Gandhi argued.

"But I don't need your service!" Joe Russell frowned, unable to drive him away, how could there be such a brazen person.

"You don't need it, but it doesn't mean that others don't need it either. You are performing the task, and I am also performing my job." Gan said confidently.

"Let's do this, Mr. Mohandas—" Rock tried to smooth things over. After all, he was also one of the great men in the future.

"Please call me Gandhi—" Gandhi said righteously, looking at Rock with deep contempt deep in his eyes.

I can go to your uncle!

 It is estimated that when this chapter is published, Yutou will be scolded again——



(End of this chapter)

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