Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1262 Congress' Counterattack

Chapter 1262 Congress' Counterattack

During Philip's tenure in Congress, the power of Congress was quite large, which greatly restricted Adelaide's power.

Some people are strict with others and lenient with themselves. Since Philip is keen on power, he probably cannot bear the constraints of Congress after becoming prime minister. Even this time, he proposed to take back the power of Bloemfontein and Cape Town, which was a temptation of Philip. , if Buck doesn't deal with it properly, then Philip will get worse next time.

This is not Philip targeting Buck. To be precise, no matter who is the speaker, Philip will target anyone.

Even for Rock, it's normal for Philip to make some small movements.

Rock's fears soon became a reality. On January [-]th, Fern Hansa, a congressman from the Transvaal state, formally proposed a motion to cancel the capital status of Bloemfontein and Cape Town, and transfer all All power reverted to Pretoria.

The proposal was shelved by Barker and never discussed publicly in Congress.

To be sure, MPs in Orange and Cape will object.

In fact, there are quite a few people who support Fern Hansa. For example, members of Congress from Nyasaland will be very dissatisfied. Even marginalized cities like Bloemfontein are the capitals of southern Africa. How is it different from Bloemfontein?

Let alone Los Angeles, even Port Edward is a level above Bloemfontein.

If you want to rate the cities in southern Africa, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Los Angeles, and Port Edward are the undisputed first-tier cities, while Cape Town, Salisbury, Kimberley, and Lorenzo Marquez are the second-tier cities. Bloemfontein is similar to Victoria and St. George, at most third-tier.

Port Elizabeth is not counted. Port Elizabeth has not yet been officially incorporated into Southern Africa, so it is not eligible to participate in the selection.

"Why can't it be discussed publicly? As a member of Congress, I have the qualifications to propose a motion." Fern Hansa, like Barker, is a member of the Transvaal.

"Member Hansa, I don't care what your purpose is for proposing this bill. In short, it is not suitable to discuss this bill now." Buck did not give Fern Hansa a chance to stir up trouble. Fern Hansa and Owen had a good personal relationship.

"What purpose can I have? Of course I hope that southern Africa will become better--" Fern Hansa's expression was exaggerated. The bills of the congressmen must first be reviewed by the speaker. The speaker believes that it is feasible. Submit to Congress for discussion.

If there are more than five members of parliament jointly submitting the proposal, the speaker can be bypassed and submitted directly to Congress for discussion.

"If you really want southern Africa to become better, then don't propose this bill at this time. You know what consequences it will cause." Buck's expression was stern, which was actually a challenge to the speaker's authority.

"Okay, I will get more congressmen to agree, and then jointly submit this proposal." Fern Hansa did not give up, and it was not only Fern Hansa and Owen who were unlucky to see Buck, don't forget that Buck is Chinese, Southern Africa is a country founded by white people.

Again, although the number of Chinese in southern Africa has far exceeded the number of whites, and the Chinese have also made great contributions to the rise of southern Africa, there are always some people who are unwilling to face up to this and accept this reality.

In the eyes of most white people in southern Africa, Roque's status today is due to his solid military exploits and fighting with one knife and one gun.

It is difficult for Barker to serve as the speaker of the Congress, including those members of Congress who voted for Barker, and they may not be willing in their hearts.

After Philip stepped down as speaker, Eden and Owen were competing with Barker for speaker.

No one wants to see the Prime Minister and the Speaker as father and son, so Owen was eliminated first.

The second one to be eliminated is Aiden. Buck has the support of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Bechuanaland, and Lorenzo Marquis Members of Parliament. Aiden's support is obviously insufficient, with abstentions as high as 17 sheets.

These abstentions, as well as those who voted for Aiden, are theoretically Barker's opponents.

Rock was not surprised by this situation.

There are still too few members of Chinese descent in the Southern African Congress. When Chinese members of Congress can account for more than half of the members of Congress, those white members of Congress will give the Chinese the attention they deserve.

"Okay——" Buck was not angry, and being angry couldn't solve the problem.

Looking back, the first bill Buck submitted to Congress for consideration was that Congress should strengthen supervision of the use of funds by the federal government and establish a corresponding supervisory agency to be specifically responsible.

This proposal has been warmly welcomed by members of Congress. In fact, Congress has always had the right to supervise the use of funds by the federal government. The budget of the federal government is also reviewed and approved by Congress. The lack of effective oversight by the government is partly a failure of Congress.

When Philip was the Speaker of the House of Representatives, some lawmakers had proposed similar bills, but they did not have the opportunity to discuss it publicly in Congress.

If you think about it, you can understand that Philip has always been quite the prime minister, and it is impossible to create such an institution to restrict the federal government.

Buck probably won't have the chance to be the prime minister in his life, so Buck is happy to strengthen the power of Congress. Excessive power of the prime minister is not a good thing for a country.

Of course, Congress itself has more disadvantages, and too much power is not good for the country either. A balance is needed between the two to form mutual checks and balances.

On January NO.15, Congress discussed Barker's proposal, and NO.18 voted and passed it unanimously!

That's right, it is the kingly way to make the stumbling block go to the stumbling block and strengthen one's own strength.

The newly established department is called the Supervisory Committee. Its main task is to supervise the use of federal government funds. Buck has a dark heart and chooses Terrence Violet, a Cape-born British congressman, as the chairman of the Supervisory Committee.

"Look at what our speaker has done. He has just taken office, and he has strengthened supervision on the federal government. Does the federal government have to report to Congress every penny it spends?" Philip was obviously not prepared for Buck's attack. , he seriously underestimated Buck's ability.

It was not only Rock's support that Barker was able to become the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

If Buck just has a good relationship with Rock and doesn't have the ability to serve as the speaker, then Rock will not support Buck as the speaker.

To put it bluntly, Philip is a bit high-minded. If the Speaker of the Congress is also unreliable, then even if Roque tries his best, he will not be able to push Southern Africa to move forward.

"This committee is more symbolic." Rock acted as a peacemaker in the middle, trying to ease the conflict between Philip and Buck.

"What do you mean?" Philip was indeed old, and his brain reaction was a little slow.

"It's just supervision and has no other rights, and I don't think it's a bad thing. Some of our officials are really outrageous—" Rock's words meant something else. While Southern Africa was racing all the way, the spiritual construction did not keep up. The pace of material construction.

This problem actually appeared during the World War II. At that time, some companies exported products to Europe that were shoddy or even counterfeit.

This kind of situation is absolutely prohibited in southern Africa. The Ministry of Justice conducted an investigation at the time and found that these companies were inextricably linked with some officials. Governments at all levels of the federal government also sometimes abused public funds, and corruption occurred. Lack of effective supervision.

There is no good solution to this problem. After all, human nature is still greedy. There are some unspoken rules that must be followed, otherwise it will be ruined.

To put it simply, the Pretoria city government wants to build a road. No matter how much the contractor spends to get the project, the bottom line is that the road must maintain quality and quantity, and it cannot be potholed beyond recognition in three or two months.

The same principle applies to building a building. Don’t cut corners because the cost is too high. Instead, use as many grades of cement as you want. You can tie as many steel bars as you need in a column, and don’t be in front of the supervisor during the day. The face is tied up and smoked outside at night. If quality problems occur during subsequent use, the federal governments at all levels will be held accountable to the end, and no one will be able to escape by then.

Nyasaland has done a good job in this aspect. Many projects of the Nyasaland State Government are undertaken by Christian. Christian is actually very sensible. He's not a ruthless person, as long as Christian is honest and doesn't steal or play tricks, Rock will protect Christian's prosperity and wealth.

"Catch them if they are shameless. You must be merciless when dealing with this kind of people." Philip also has his own bottom line. The Matilda family is also one of the largest families in southern Africa. Philip has no financial desires and desires. Write your name in the history of Southern Africa and add more prestige to House Matilda.

In fact, officials don’t need to be corrupt and pervert the law if they want to make money. There are actually many ways, and they are all normal channels, so people can’t find faults even if they want to.

It was only after Rock was knighted that he understood why so many officials had to start construction as soon as they took office.

Among them, there must be those who brush up on political achievements, and more of them are probably economic interests. Who still uses bribery and bribery in such a low way these days? made money.

"So power needs to be supervised. If any violations are really found, the federal government still needs to stop them. Congress does not have this power." Rock is not worried about the power expansion of Congress, but only worries about what the federal government will do. Buck has no intention of talking to Philip. Fighting for power and profit, he, the speaker of the Congress, will only make a transition. When Roque becomes the prime minister, Buck will have to step down.

It is estimated that the white people in southern Africa will not be able to accept the Chinese as the prime minister and speaker at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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