Chapter 1269

The process of shopping is relaxed and happy, there is no bloody plot of joy (zhuang), smell (bi), joy (da) seeing (lian), even if An Qi changes into casual clothes, there are adjutant guards by her side, and there is no one who is not open-eyed. .

After shopping, I found a cafe to sit at random. Barton ordered an ice cream. Hannah took two bites and said it was not good.

Tsk, An Qi was inadvertently stuffed with dog food, and her heart was filled.

"So you're going to Washington, too?" Angie wore a white shirt inside and a field trench coat on the outside, with the logo of the peacekeeping force and two big letters "L·N" on the sleeves.

"Go and have a look. Our current relationship with the Americans is a bit complicated. There is cooperation in the competition. The Americans are uneasy and kind. Your lord can see clearly." Patton understands the wolf ambitions of the Americans. Southern Africa has no demands on the navy, so it can make some money. You can get the share, and it doesn't matter if you don't get it.

Although the Southern African Navy performed well in the World War, the Southern African Navy still developed steadily according to the model designed by Rock.

If there is no accident, the heavy cruiser should be the main battleship with the largest tonnage in southern Africa besides the aircraft carrier.

This "main force" is not worth mentioning compared to the large number of battleships in the United Kingdom and the United States. The Washington Naval Conference also has restrictions on aircraft carriers. If it weren't for this, Rock would never send people to the Washington Naval Conference.


Specifically, according to the provisions of the "Washington Naval Treaty", the total tonnage of naval capital ships that the United States can retain is 525 tons; the United Kingdom is also 000 tons; France is 525 tons; Italy is 000 tons; The biggest profit is that the total tonnage of naval capital ships that can be owned reaches 175 tons, which is lower than that of Britain and the United States, and higher than that of France and Italy.

For aircraft carriers, the "Washington Naval Treaty" also has detailed regulations. The "Treaty" stipulates that the total tonnage of aircraft carriers owned by the United States shall not exceed 135 tons; the United Kingdom and the United States both have 000 tons; France and Italy have at least 135 tons; Japan came from behind to reach 000 tons.

In addition, the "Washington Naval Treaty" also stipulates that the tonnage of capital ships shall not exceed 3.5 tons, and the tonnage of aircraft carriers shall not exceed 2.7 tons. Aircraft carriers not exceeding the 33-ton standard.

For capital ships, the interpretation of the Washington Naval Treaty is that the tonnage should be more than [-] tons, and the caliber of naval guns should be more than eight inches.

Eight inches is 203 millimeters.

According to this standard, the heavy cruisers being built in southern Africa are not even capital ships.

The heavy cruiser under construction in southern Africa has a displacement of only 9500 tons. Although it is equipped with 203 mm artillery, there are only 6 guns, but there are more than 40 anti-aircraft machine guns on board.

This is completely different from the popular concept of warships nowadays. Judging by the standards of the British and American navies, the heavy cruisers built in southern Africa are just like monsters.

"Have you read the "Balfort Declaration" written by Your Excellency the Dean?" An Qi smiled half-smile, with mockery in her indifferent expression.

The dean Angie mentioned was Arthur James Balfour, President of the Privy Council.

Arthur James Balfour served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1902 to 1905. He entered the House of Commons as a Conservative in 1874, and served successively as Chairman of the Local Government Committee, Secretary of State for Scotland, and Secretary of State for Ireland.

During his tenure as Secretary of State for Ireland, Arthur James Balfour was a staunch opponent of the Irish Home Rule movement and was dubbed "Bloody Balfort" because of his brutal repression.

Now Arthur James Balfour is the British foreign minister. Last year, Arthur James Balfour wrote a letter to Baron Walter Rothschild of the United Kingdom. In the letter, Balfour promised to sail on the Mediterranean coast. A piece of land was created to accommodate Jewish refugees from Europe.

On the current Mediterranean coast, the British-controlled area, except Egypt, is the Mesopotamia under the control of the umbrella company.

Belfort suggested to the British government last year that a piece of land should be set aside from the area controlled by the umbrella company to house European refugees.

This request was flatly rejected by the umbrella company.

Baron Rothschild saw that he couldn't do anything, and deliberately leaked Belfort's letter to the media, and public opinion was in an uproar.

"Look." Button didn't lift his head. After eating the ice cream, he ate a cream cake, a cream pudding, drank half a cup of freshly squeezed juice, and was eating waffles.

These things are what Hannah wants. The woman has a small appetite after she is pregnant, but she can't help but want to try something new, so she just ate a few bites and pushed it to Barton.

Barton never refuses anyone, and he doesn't waste any food.

Seeing Hannah's calm face, without any psychological pressure, it is estimated that this kind of scene is often staged in Dartmouth.

An Qi was speechless, spoiling his wife so much, Barton is definitely a good husband.

"And then?" Angie was still waiting to hear Barton's evaluation.

"It's nothing. Then, if your Excellency wants to send people to Egypt, don't even think about sending them to our territory. I heard that your Excellency wants to send those people to Cyprus in Dartmouth. I guess He also knew it was impossible." Button's words startled Angie, and sent it to Cyprus?

If you dare to send them, An Qi will absolutely dare to throw them all into the sea!

"That's not the way, or we'll just throw the Balkans away." An Qi has malicious intentions, the Balkans are already chaotic enough, and it doesn't matter if it gets a little more chaotic.

Button didn't speak, but silently gave Angie a thumbs up.

It is actually very easy to send people to the Balkan Peninsula. It doesn’t matter if there is no place to resettle. The Balkan Peninsula now has a lot of unowned land, and you can buy a large piece of land with just a little money.

If you really want to do this, I am afraid that the Balkan Peninsula will never have peace. Thinking about so many Slavs, Huns, Romans, and Lombards crowded together, and then throwing in a large group of Jews, oh, it’s really exciting to think about it .

But this matter can only be thought about. It is estimated that Baron Walter Rothschild firmly disagrees. Fortunately, Britain has many overseas colonies. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand can divide land anywhere, and it does not have to be in the Mediterranean. .

The reason why it must be the Mediterranean is mainly because of the Holy Land.

Oh, I can't start writing about this topic. We are all atheists and cannot promote feudal superstition.

After shopping and eating, Hannah started to feel sleepy. When I returned to Angie's house, Hannah settled down first. Angie and Barton went to the study to light cigars and make tea. Some sensitive topics should be kept at home. Say.

"Your old man became the speaker, do you have any ideas?" An Qi's tone was not envious, but more teasing.

Anton is still the governor of Nyasaland, and he probably will be in this life.

Although the Governor does not sound as powerful as the Speaker, his actual power is not small. Considering the influence of Nyasaland State in southern Africa, Anton's power is actually not much smaller than that of Buck.

"Can you have any ideas? Uncle An has been the governor for so many years, and I haven't seen you have any ideas." Barton's ambition is in the navy, and he really doesn't have much desire in other areas.

Many people don't know that Locke Gold Mine actually has Barker's shares.

Barker has been operating in the Transvaal for many years, and he doesn't need to plunder, and the capital he has accumulated is enough to make people jaw-dropping.

Leaving aside the gold mines, the farm under Buck's name has more than 1 hectares, which is about 100 square kilometers in conversion.

Even if it is more than 100 square kilometers at every turn, it is actually nothing. In the 21st century of another time and space, the largest private farm in the world has about 1200 million hectares, which is about 12 square kilometers in conversion.

And the largest non-government landowner in the world is the Roman Catholic Church, which owns an incredible 7160 million hectares in countries like Germany, India, an area larger than France.

So compared with these, it is not surprising that [-] to [-] hectares are really drizzle.

By the way, it is very popular for rich people in southern Africa to buy land in Australia. Stoudemire bought more than 500 million hectares in Australia, which translates to more than 5 square kilometers.

As for someone obsessed with land, around 1700 million hectares have been purchased in Australia, mostly in the central west of the Pilbara region.

The current land in these two places is worthless, but there is Australia's largest iron mine in this area, and 90.00% of Australia's iron mines are concentrated in this area.

So it wouldn't be surprising if, one day, the Australian company overtook Farwalt as the largest steel producer in southern Africa.

"It's still comfortable for you. You can take over the most advanced heavy cruiser when you return to southern Africa. If you have nothing to do, you can go to the United States for a meeting or something. I will be miserable. I have to stay in the Mediterranean every day, watching the fucking Ottomans fight to death , do you know that the Ottomans now conservatively estimate that there are less than 500 million people left at most, and if they fight again, they will perish the country and exterminate the species.” An Qi really didn’t understand why they couldn’t just sit down when they had already fought for this part. Come down and talk.

"Such an exaggeration?" Patton didn't understand either. European newspapers were overwhelmed and rarely reported news about Asia Minor Peninsula. Most Europeans didn't know about the situation in Asia Minor Peninsula.

This is normal. Before the outbreak of the World War, London newspapers would rather report the affairs of cabinet officials than the gunshots in Sarajevo. The indifference of Europeans is evident.

"It's just such an exaggeration. If it weren't for the peacekeeping forces of the League of Nations to maintain order, it is estimated that more people would die." An Qi didn't gloat, but just described it truthfully.

Through the window, several family members of the peacekeeping force officers and soldiers were walking on the boulevard. A military vehicle whizzed by, and several children chased after it screaming. There is dust and mist rising, and the sun is like reality.

It's better to be peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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