Chapter 1271

Kameya's rebellion swept across the entire northeastern part of Portuguese West Africa at an extremely fast speed. In ten days, the number of rebels increased to nearly [-], controlling a population of nearly one million.

This is the reason why Luanda took the route of elite soldiers. Only those who have a certain military foundation, or are strong and have potential can join the rebel army. It can easily expand to a dozen or 20.

Luanda has participated in world wars, and it is different from those who were forced to rise up when they had nowhere to go.

The combat effectiveness of the army has never been related to the number of people. In addition to strict training, it also needs advanced weapons and perfect logistical support. Luanda chose to develop in the northeast of Portuguese West Africa in order to open up the relationship with Nyasaland. The line of communication was successfully supplied from Nyasaland.

Of course, this "supply" is not an official way. Nyasaland has never contacted these rebels. The person who came forward to contact them was a businessman named Qusay under Yaya.

On March [-]st, in Chimbalanga, a small town in the west of Lower Katanga, Qusay finally came to Luanda.

Strictly speaking, Lower Katanga is the territory of the Republic of Congo. Because of the rich resources in the territory, it is permanently leased by Nyasaland businessmen together with Upper Katanga.

Note that it is permanent, focused, and the kind that will be tested in the future.

As in the previous situation in the Congo Free State, large enterprises in the Republic of Congo also have powerful armed forces. Chimbalanga is a military city. The residents here are the families of security personnel working in nearby mines. The surrounding plantations Naturally, it is owned by these security personnel. When Luanda came to Chimbalanga, Chimbalanga was building a road to Kolwezi. After the road was completed, Chimbalanga and Niassa Lan is one.

Qusay temporarily lived in the only hotel in Chimbalanga. When Luanda came to visit Qusay, he accidentally discovered that the assistants, security personnel and even the maids around Qusay were all white.

Well, after the World War, more and more down-and-out white people are willing to do anything for money in order to live.

"200 rifles, 2500 pistols, 500 million grenades, 1000 million rifle ammunition, 500 million pistol ammunition, 20 general purpose machine guns, [-] grenade launchers, mortars, armored vehicles - Rwanda, these Everything is fine, but I want to know, how do you pay for this?” Coussey is a young man in his [-]s. He wears a black silk top hat commonly seen by bank employees and a fancy silk shirt. He wore a finger-thick gold chain, and his ten fingers were covered with various gemstone rings. On his wrist, he also wore a watch made by Eternal, and the dial was studded with diamonds.

Proper sense of sight of nouveau riche.

"Don't you Nyasalanders like land? When I drive away the Portuguese, I will pay with land." Luanda was still wearing the standard military uniform of the Southern African Expeditionary Force during the European War, without any logo on it, and There are no decorations, and the military boots on the feet are even a bit old.

This is a bit deliberate, at least you have to wear a watch, there is no concept of time.

"Hahahaha, Luanda, do you think I'm a fool? If you can't get rid of the Portuguese, will I lose all my money?" Cousse disagreed. Cousse is also an expert in such things as empty-handed white wolves.

"I have 1 people now, and I can expand to 10 at any time. They are training in Luena. Hundreds of them have participated in the World War. As long as the news about us in Camea gets out, the whole world has participated in the World War. Africans will come to West Africa to support our fight. Portugal has less than 3 people in West Africa, and they are all old, weak, sick and disabled. Do you think I can drive away the Portuguese?" Luanda is confident that after arriving in Europe, Luanda Only then did Anda know the status of the Portuguese in Europe.

If Britain and France ruled Portuguese West Africa, Luanda would be more or less conservative.

Forget about Portugal, a small country with a sparse population, and relying on its first-mover advantage, it seized overseas colonies all over the world.

Countries like Portugal and Belgium rely on blood transfusions from the colonies, and their lives are not too moist. After a long time, they will naturally slack off in various ways. The most basic military strength cannot be guaranteed, just like skyscrapers built on the beach, falling apart at any time .

Of course, if there is no external force, these overseas colonies can continue to maintain.

Once there is an external force, think about how the overseas colonies of Britain and France collapsed. Even Britain and France cannot keep their overseas colonies. How can a country like Portugal keep it?

Honestly lie flat and do whatever you want.

"Sounds good, you continue?" Cuse was unmoved, Luanda promised the future, too many variables.

Among other things, even if Luanda drives the Portuguese out of West Africa, if Luanda fails to fulfill its promise by then, Cousse will have nothing to do with Luanda.

Don't talk about cutting off logistics, if Luanda really drives the Portuguese out of West Africa, then Luanda will have a long border and can get supplies from overseas at any time.

During the Second Boer War, the reason why Britain was able to trap the Boers was because the Boers had no access to the sea. Otherwise, if Britain wanted to conquer the Boers, it would not be enough to take 40 people.

Not to mention that no one dares to do business with Luanda at that time, let alone other countries, the Americans will definitely dare, and they will do it even if it is reversed.

"Isn't that enough? I think the issue we should discuss now is how much is an acre of land." Luanda believes that land is very attractive to Nyasaland.

This is true. Although Southern Africa has "gifted all Africans out of the country", there are not many Africans working for Southern Africa around Southern Africa.

In other words, I don't know how many Africans played for the Marquis of Nyasaland.

As far as Luanda knows, Qusay's main job is to organize Africans from the Republic of Congo and the Kingdom of Congo to work in Nyasaland. Nyasaland people call this behavior "work".

The so-called "organization" is actually the "slave trade" in a disguised form. The security personnel under Qusay are the "slave catchers" under the former slave owners. Sending an African to work in southern Africa can create at least ten people for Qusay every year. Rand profits, it's a long-term business.

"Of course not, Luanda, do you think I'm a fool? I gave you so many weapons at once, and you only have 1 people under your command. Why do you need so many weapons?" Kusai is definitely not stupid, otherwise he wouldn't have been caught by Yaya selected.

"So what do you want?" Luanda calmed down. He is a good soldier, but not a good negotiator.

"100 rifles and pistols, each with [-] rounds of ammunition, [-] grenades, with a total price of [-] million rand, paid in cash or in kind. Don't say you don't have money, those planters have money." Qusay said. Don't believe in illusory promises, real money is the last word.

Moreover, Cousse will not meet all the needs of Luanda at one time, and it is the last word to take a long line to catch big fish.

As for land, it’s not that Qusay doesn’t want it, but Luanda is not qualified to bargain with Qusay. At least wait until Luanda establishes a regime recognized by the outside world, then Luanda is qualified to discuss with Qusay how much land is worth. an acre.

Yah bah, who do you look down on with "acres" as the unit, at least you have to use "square kilometers" as the unit.

"The plantation owner is indeed rich, but I also need money to attract more people, so the money can't be moved." Luanda still wanted to be a white wolf, but what he said was indeed true.

Kusai smiled and said nothing, Lao Tzu's money was not blown by the wind, he just took it away with a few words, thinking that Lao Tzu is a fool.

"Cousse, do you want someone?" Luanda must have a backup plan, and there are plenty of resources.

"What do you mean?" Cusay was immediately interested.

"Isn't your company sending workers to southern Africa? I can provide you with enough workers, one person, one gun, how about it?" Luanda made a good plan, and there are less than 20 white people in Portuguese West Africa. However, there are at least 500 million Africans. One person can exchange a gun, oops, and become an upstart in an instant.

"Hehe, Cuse, a rifle costs fifty rand, how long will you have to work for me alone to earn enough for the fifty rand?" Cuse was already tempted, but obviously there was still room for bargaining.

"Then two people and one gun." Luanda didn't care, there were plenty of two-legged sheep.

If you want to say that the best at cheating Africans, they are indeed Africans.

Directly "selling people" is not done in southern Africa now, not because they don't need labor, but because they can't afford to lose that person.

When you come to Luanda, you have no scruples.

It can only be said that the nature of mind is different. Some people will provide help within their ability when they meet compatriots overseas.

Some people mainly live by cheating their compatriots, and the fellow villagers have tears in their eyes when they see the fellow villagers?

It's normal to have injuries all over your body.

"Three!" Kusai Lion opened his mouth loudly. If three people were exchanged for one gun, 3 rifles would be [-] people.

That's it!

"Deal——" Luanda obviously didn't care, there were loopholes in this deal, and he didn't say that it must be an adult labor force.

"Must be an adult labor force, male or female." Kusai immediately plugged the loophole.

"Yes!" Luanda gritted her teeth and admitted, and she had to bow her head under the eaves. Now Luanda can only get help from Kusai.

After negotiating the conditions, the transaction was carried out quickly. Three days later, Luanda brought the first batch of 3000 people to the transaction.

Cousse also made preparations here. A thousand rifles are actually not many, and a hundred or so boxes are not enough to fill a warehouse.

However, these people brought by Luanda made Cuse very dissatisfied.

It is indeed an adult labor force, but many of them are missing arms and legs, which are obviously "defective products".

(End of this chapter)

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