Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 130 Those undiscovered gold mines

Chapter 130 Those undiscovered gold mines

People have self-knowledge.

Some people just don't, especially people who are blinded by love.

Self-righteous love.

On the train, Phyllis looked out of the window where the scenery flashed away, feeling like the smog at twelve o'clock in the morning.

"Phyllis, I'll make a little magic trick for you—" Rock has many ways to do it. He took out a gold coin and threw it into the sky. Guess which hand the gold coin is in—"

How can this be magic?

Insulting IQ is not such an insult, is it?

Phyllis's expression was broken, and her mood was probably also broken. She glanced at Rock with grief and indignation, bowed her head and bit.

"Dog?!" Rock was taken aback, and could vaguely see Phyllis's white teeth shining coldly.

"Don't move, let me take a bite!" Phyllis felt that her teeth were itchy, because the British don't have a zodiac sign.

"Please eat chocolate——" Rock spread out his palm, and there was a piece of chocolate in his palm.

Surprised, Phyllis' eyes were bigger than chocolate.

"How did you do it?" The snack guy had no resistance to chocolate, put the chocolate in his mouth, and tasted the sweet taste of chocolate——

This is the taste of love!

"Magic! Please call me Magician Locke from now on—" Rock said righteously.

Phyllis' expression collapsed again, and there was a burst of small fists.

The small fist hit Rock and hurt Kevin's heart. Kevin sat diagonally opposite Phyllis, and he was not even qualified to sit in the same booth with Phyllis.

Beside and opposite to Kevin are commando poker-faced brawny men, this was specially arranged by Rock, after all, the mission of the commando is to protect the staff of the Bureau of Mines.

Pretoria is only 50 kilometers away from Johannesburg. All the Boers near the railway have been thrown into concentration camps, so there is no need to worry about guerrilla attacks. The train is speeding all the way and it only takes two hours to reach Johannesburg.


Both Rock and Phyllis felt that time passed quickly.

Kevin feels like his days are like years.

Johannesburg in the 21st century is the largest city in South Africa.

Johannesburg at the beginning of the [-]th century was actually a small town. It was a city that emerged with the Rand Gold Mine. After the gold mine was discovered, everyone was busy mining gold, and no one cared about city construction at all.

So what appeared in front of Rock and Phyllis was a large area of ​​low and disorderly shantytowns.

It looked like a slum in the 21st century. Who would have thought that it was surrounded by the Rand Gold Mine with an area of ​​2.07 square kilometers.

Of course, only Rock knows this data.

In this era, including the staff of the Pretoria Bureau of Mines, no one could have imagined that the Rand Gold Mine would be so big.

After all, there are still many ore fields that have not yet been discovered.

For example, the Far West Rand Gold Mine, which began mining in 1939, is the largest of the seven Rand Gold Mine fields. By the 21st century, a total of 3.49 million ounces of gold had been produced.

If you have no concept of 3.49 million ounces of gold, then you can imagine that 3.49 million ounces of gold is about 512 cubic meters.

Converted into weight, it is about 99 billion grams, 990 million kilograms, 9900 tons——

In this world, at present, only Roque knows the existence of the Far West Rand Gold Mine Field. Although Roque does not know the location of the Far West Rand Gold Mine Field, he can tell from the name, "Far", "West", a One represents the distance, and one represents the direction. If it is a senior expert like Nelson Holt, he will know the approximate location of the Far West Rand gold field at a glance at the name.

For senior experts, knowing the approximate location and finding the difficulty is roughly equivalent to the level of fishing for gold in the river that Rock said——

The kind of dog head gold that is quite big.

So Rock is really not in a hurry. If it was the time of the Transvaal Republic, Rock might have to worry about whether the outbreak of the Second Boer War would affect the ownership of the gold mine.

Don’t worry about this issue now. Although the Cape gained self-government status shortly after the war ended, the Rand Gold Mine was always controlled by the British. The British didn’t care who controlled the Cape as long as they had gold in Cape. For the British government, the least valuable thing is land.

Considering Henry's aristocratic background, Roque is not worried about the ownership of the gold mine after the discovery of the gold mine. Cecil Rhodes is indeed powerful, but Henry's aristocratic background is enough to become Roque's amulet. What was considered was the issue of sharing with Henry. As for the ownership of the gold mine, as long as Henry stepped forward, even the queen could not take it away.

So Rock is really not in a hurry, it's only 1900 now, and it's still far from 1939, there's a lot of time.

"Lock, where is the gold mine?" Phyllis, like his brother, was moved by the obsession with gold.

"The area around here is thousands of square kilometers, full of gold mines!" Rock was not joking, the Rand Gold Mine is really that big.

"Inspector Locke, if you are interested, you can also buy a gold mine for fun—" Nelson Holt had a good impression of Rock, after all, they had the experience of teasing Phyllis together.

"This—isn't it convenient——" Rock was refusing, but his expression couldn't help being happy. Who has a grudge against gold.

"Is the salary of the police so high?"

There will always be people who will find themselves uncomfortable.

"Lock, you go buy it, and I'll pay for it!"

A lot of help!

Don't underestimate Felice's net worth. After all, she is from a noble family. After hundreds of years of accumulation, even pulling out a hair at random is thicker than Rock's waist.

The self-defeating guy's face was livid.

"In such a large mining area, there should be undiscovered gold mines—" Rock would not ask Phyllis for money. For those who travel through time, do they still need to spend money to buy gold mines?

"Cut—dream!" Kevin was indomitable.

That is to say, but for ordinary people, looking for gold mines is really like a dream.

After the Rand Gold Mine was discovered, countless people from all over the world poured into the Rand Mine. Each of them had a dream of finding a gold mine. Some people succeeded, but many failed.

The sad thing is that people always only pay attention to the halo of success, not the bleakness of failure.

 It's the 27th, and I'm about to run out of manuscripts——



(End of this chapter)

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