Chapter 1300 Brother Bing

The biggest difference between Bowden and Viscount Gladstone is that Bowden is an "indigenous" native of the colony, and Viscount Douglas is an official stationed by the British in the colony. Therefore, Rock and Bowden have the same position on some matters. Facing Glass Viscount Dun had reservations.

One of the two was willing to fight, the other was willing to suffer, and soon agreed on the details of cooperation.

Southern Africa will send an armored brigade to Canada to assist in the defense of Canadian forces and to train Canadian forces.

While Canada bears the military expenses of the garrison, it spends 3500 million rand to purchase various weapons and equipment from southern Africa in batches, including at least 100 of the latest fighter jets and reconnaissance aircraft.

At the same time, Bowden promised to firmly support Southern Africa in striving for its due share of aircraft carriers.

Not just from the UK, but also from the Naval Conference in Southern Africa.

That's right, although southern Africa is part of the Commonwealth of Nations, Roark will still try his best to fight for the interests of southern Africa. With the contribution made by southern Africa during the World War, southern Africa is also qualified to make its own demands.

The United Kingdom must also support this aspect. If southern Africa can win additional naval power, it will also be an effective supplement to the British Empire.

Again, if the next world war breaks out, then Southern Africa will also have a preset position, which is a good thing for the British Empire. At least Southern Africa can help the British Empire maintain its interests in the Indian Ocean and South Asia.

After sending Bowden away, Roque didn't forget to ask Fitch to contact Hoover, Albert Sarao, and Carlo Sanzer from Italy. In the next period of time, Roque will be busy and want to achieve his goal. Ke needs to convince more people and get more support.

Albert Sarao is the Minister of Colonial Affairs of France, and Carlo Sanzer is the Senator of the Kingdom of Italy. They are the head of the French delegation and the head of the Italian delegation respectively.

While Rock was meeting representatives from various countries non-stop, the heavy cruiser "Johannesburg" had been docking in New York Harbor.

The standard crew of the "Johannesburg" heavy cruiser is 503 people, of which more than 60.00% are Chinese.

The United States is still in the period of the "Chinese Exclusion Act". In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, Patton strictly manages the crew of the "Johannesburg" heavy cruiser, especially the Chinese officers and soldiers. Unless there are special needs, they are not allowed to go ashore.

After all, they are all young men with a lot of blood. This ban has not been implemented for too long and it has survived in name only. It is impossible to keep these energetic young people on board. Many of them came to New York for the first time and have been locked up all the time. It's not a problem on a boat.

"You guys are going too far. Why do you all wear civilian clothes while I have to wear military uniform?" Sergeant Zhu Shun was in a bad mood. He went to New York City with a few British officers and soldiers to have some fun. Everyone wears civilian clothes, but Zhu Shun must wear military uniform.

Don't get me wrong, it's just drinking.

Southern Africa has very strict regulations on military discipline, and drinking a little wine can be justified. After all, it is the quintessence of Britain. Don’t even think about other fun.

The southern African navy came to New York to go abroad to perform duties, and the requirements for discipline were stricter. The officers of the "Johannesburg" heavy cruiser could drink at the ship's bar, while the soldiers could only go ashore.

"Zhu, we are protecting you. As you know, Chinese Americans in the United States are suffering from serious discrimination—" Sergeant Major Henry White said solemnly. The uniforms of the Southern African Navy were born out of the British Royal Navy, which is still a bit of a deterrent to Americans. Powerful.

Everything in Britain is sought after in the United States, no matter whether it is commodities or traditions, even British scumbags are superior to others in the United States.

This is really not bragging. The British in the United States in this era are probably similar to the Americans in Japan in the 21st century. Although the GDP of the United States has surpassed that of the United Kingdom, the thinking of the Americans seems to be unable to keep up with the speed of the development of the United States. .

"So what? Whoever dares to offend me, I'll take out a gun and smash his head—" Zhu Shun had a grim expression on his face. The American "Chinese Exclusion Act" seriously hurt all Chinese.

For the past and present of the "Chinese Exclusion Act", see another book "The Rich and the World"——

Well, this ad is actually useless, "The Richest World" is already 404, so I can only watch the pirated version outside the website.

I won't introduce the "Chinese Exclusion Act" in detail here, so as not to be scolded. Anyway, the status of Chinese Americans in this era is similar to that of Africans.

That is also much better than in the 21st century. In the United States in the 21st century, the Chinese are at the lowest end of the chain of contempt, and Africans seem to discriminate against the Chinese the most.

Yes, Africans are like this. The "racial discrimination" they oppose is only against being discriminated against themselves. Once they have the opportunity, they discriminate against other people most vigorously.

"Zhu—" Sergeant James just spoke.

"Don't call me Zhu, you can call me Juliet—" Zhu Shun immediately corrected, this surname is actually a disadvantage, these guys are actually good at Chinese, they know what the homonym of "Zhu" is in Chinese, but Le This is not that.

Juliet is Zhu Shun's English name.

"Ha, Zhu, why are you called this name? Don't you know that "Romeo and Juliet" is a tragedy?" Henry White laughed. After Shakespeare wrote "Romeo and Juliet", the British named "Juliet" , probably as absurd as the Chinese named Pan Jinlian.

Ah, this metaphor is inappropriate, it should be Zhu Yingtai.

"It's actually a woman's name, you idiot—wahahahaha—" Several other people immediately laughed, attracting the attention of passers-by.

"Get out, I can call you whatever I want, do you mind?" Zhu Shun's face was as black as the bottom of the pot. He immigrated to southern Africa after he became an adult. The guy who named Zhu Shun probably had a bit of a bad taste, so he gave it to him. Zhu Shun took the name "Juliet", and it was too late to change it after Zhu Shun knew about it.

A group of people came to a tavern next to the pier, laughing and laughing. The bartender lost his mind for a moment when he saw Zhu Shun, and suddenly realized when he saw Zhu Shun's uniform.

Recently in New York, there have been many faces of Chinese students. They are all members of the British delegation, and the bartender has always been well informed.

Zhu Shun ordered a glass of beer, took off his hat and put it on the bar at hand, his black hair was very conspicuous under the dim light of the bar.

"Brother, is there anything interesting nearby?" Henry White casually put twenty cents on the bar.

The bartender smiled, gently put a glass of whiskey in Henry White's hand, and then took the money away calmly: "500 meters to the right is the beautiful street, there should be all the fun you want - if not enough, go further There is a big rich hotel on the previous street, and there is everything in the hotel, and you should have all the fun you want."

The bartender is not surprised. Now in New York, delegations from various countries gather together. Britain, France, Italy, plus the Netherlands, Portugal, and Belgium participating in the nine-nation meeting, the southern African fleet has strict military discipline requirements, and other countries are useless.

You can't ask these soldiers to stay on the ship, there will be months before and after the Washington meeting, and if the soldiers are not allowed to go ashore to have fun, they will have fun on the ship--

Huh, this sentence seems a bit dirty.

"You're overthinking, brother. I just want to buy some New York souvenirs. Do you sell Indian scalps in your store?" Henry White slapped the bartender with bad intentions.

The scalp of the Indian, which is a stalk of the United States spread in Europe, is used to express the ingratitude of Americans.

When the "Mayflower" arrived in the United States, almost all the Europeans on board were killed or injured because they were not used to the living environment in the United States.

At this time, the American Indians gave great help to the Europeans, not only helping them fight the disease, but also teaching them other life skills, allowing these Europeans to settle in the United States.

The good times didn’t last long. With more and more Europeans, there were more and more disputes with the local Indians. Finally, one day, a war broke out between the Europeans and the Indians, and the US government spent a lot of money to buy the scalps of the Indians. , to commit genocide against Indians.

The bartender obviously knew about this history, so the hand that wiped the glass paused, smiled reluctantly and did not respond.

Well, Europeans don't like Americans, and Americans don't like these Old Continents either.

"Hahahaha, you bastard, you are always so boring—" Zhu Shun cursed with a smile, got up and went to the bathroom.

"Be careful, Zhu—"

"If you can't beat it, come back and call someone, we will cheer you up—"

"Don't let those guys go." George White and his gang fanned the flames. During this time, the Chinese appeared alone in New York, and there was a high probability of conflict with the locals.

But today Zhu Shun is wearing the uniform of the Southern African Navy, so there should not be many people who dare to make trouble.

Not much does not mean none.

As soon as Zhu Shun walked to the toilet door, he was stopped by two shirtless guys with vests and shaved heads.

"Man, your clothes are so cool—" There are good ones, and there are good ones.

"Steal it!" More unfriendly people.

"Shut up, I don't want to fight with anyone today." Zhu Shun said bluntly, except that the United States has a huge advantage in terms of population compared with southern Africa, but other advantages are not that great.

"Ai——Our soldier brother is angry——" Someone was annoyed.

Zhu Shun's hand was on the handle of the bathroom, and he turned his head to look at the yin and yang guy with extremely dangerous eyes.

The yin and yang guy drank a little too much, looked at Zhu Shun a little bit erratically, and unconsciously hiccupped.

Zhu Shun sneered, pushed the door open and entered.

Several guys at the door looked at each other, and one of them mustered up the courage to follow Zhu Shun and push the door in.

Alas, in fact, in many cases, it is true that if you don’t die, you won’t die.

(End of this chapter)

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