Chapter 1303 Lawyer

The operatives of the New York Umbrella are basically all professional mercenaries who have participated in the world war.

In order to make it easier to operate in New York, these professional mercenaries have actually become American citizens. This is not troublesome in the United States now. Basically, as long as they come to the United States, they will easily become American citizens. no problem.

Among the operatives of the Umbrella Company, a considerable number of them are Chinese. According to the "Chinese Exclusion Act" that is being implemented in the United States, these Chinese are not actually eligible to become American citizens. However, these Chinese are all British, so the US Immigration Service has no Reason for refusal.

For a long time, the United Kingdom has been the main source of immigrants to the United States, especially Ireland. Many Irish people who are unwilling to accept British rule will immigrate to the United States.

Lei Ming is a second-generation Chinese born in East India and raised in Southern Africa. He was educated in Southern Africa and joined the army after graduating from high school. He served in the Artillery Unit of the Southern African Expeditionary Force during the World War. to New York.

"Hello, Mr. Lei Ming, I'm Lorenzo Camacho from Jorginho Company." Camacho shook hands with Lei Ming, and one of his subordinates came to the window and looked down at the street below. He was observing how many people Lei Ming brought over.

"Have you guys finished talking? Don't continue—" Lei Ming pushed people away. At this time, it might be more powerful to shout "The Umbrella Company is doing business, and everyone else is out of the way."

Of course, it seems to be a bit two.

"Don't worry about us, Tony and we are family, isn't it Tony?" Camacho looked at Tony with a half-smile.

"Yes—yes—Mr. Camacho and I are a family—" The smile on Tony Donner's face was worse than crying. The living room of his house had never been so lively.

"Well, Mr. Tony, I'm here to talk to you about compensation—" Lei Ming didn't care, he opened his briefcase and took out a document, and put it gently in front of Tony: "Mr. Tony, how much do you want? Don't Say £150 million, you know, that's impossible, and it's going to cost you your life."

Tony Downer felt his heart skip a beat when he heard the "killing disaster", he didn't dare to make a decision himself, and looked at Camacho pitifully.

"Mr. Lei Ming, you are threatening Tony—" Camacho couldn't laugh or cry, Nima, are you hooligans, or are we hooligans?

Threats like this, we are the experts. Well, why don't you do a good job in the promising profession of lawyers, why would you want to grab the business of our rogues.

"No, no, it's just a friendly reminder——" Lei Ming smiled faintly, glanced at Camacho, and suddenly seemed to remember something: "——Jorginho Company, this name is so familiar, you are selling wine right?"

In the United States in 1920, smuggling alcohol was the biggest source of profit for gangsters.


According to this law, it is illegal to manufacture, sell or even transport beverages with alcohol content exceeding 0.5%.

It is not illegal to drink alcohol at home by yourself, but it is illegal to drink with friends or hold a banquet, and you can be fined up to $1000 and imprisoned for six months.

In the United States now, people over the age of 21 can buy alcohol, and they need to show proof of age, and they can only buy it in limited places.

The background of the emergence of "Prohibition" is very complicated, so I won't discuss it here. After the implementation of "Prohibition", many new products appeared on the American market, including a kind of industrial alcohol from southern Africa. , it is clearly written that it is strictly forbidden to add this kind of alcohol to drinking water in a certain proportion, and the consequences caused by it have nothing to do with the alcohol itself.

This is so clear, Americans with a strong spirit of exploration will not miss it.

In New York, the biggest smuggler is Jorginho. Many of the drinks sold in Tony Downer’s bar were also purchased from Jorginho’s company.

When Lei Ming mentioned wine, Camacho's face was as ugly as ice.

Tony Downer stood in the corner of the living room without saying a word. He had no right to speak now. Whether it was Jorginho or the umbrella, Tony Downer couldn't afford to offend him.

"Okay, Tony, I have to remind you, this is New York, don't do what you shouldn't do." Camacho fled helplessly, and did not forget to threaten Tony Downer before leaving.

Tony Downer looked at Lei Ming anxiously.

"Don't worry about Tony, Southern Africa will protect you. If you want, the Southern African Navy will compensate you twice according to your actual losses, or you can choose to go to Southern Africa. Our umbrella will be in the most prosperous city of Nyasaranglo Cecil Rhodes Plaza, I will pay you a new orange sky." Lei Ming is not worried, the so-called "mafia" has enough deterrent power for ordinary people, but also for multinational corporations like Umbrella.

Hehe, if you dare to mess with the umbrella, that Mr. Jorginho will ruin his reputation in minutes.

Don't think that if this is New York, umbrella companies will restrain themselves. As long as capital is still king in New York, umbrella companies will be at ease.

Before Tony Downer could speak, a scream came from the stairs: "Quickly promise this gentleman, promise him, we have offended Mr. Jorginho, and even if we get the money, we have nowhere to go, go to southern Africa, go Nyasaland, children can receive a world-class education, why do you hesitate?"

It was Tony Downer's wife. She was still worried about Tony Downer. She had been listening on the stairs just now, with a shotgun in her hand.

"Shut up, go back upstairs—" Tony Downer suddenly changed color.

Lei Ming smiled wryly without words, it was obviously a good thing, but it seemed like the umbrella was doing all kinds of evil.

At this time there was another knock on the door.

Tony Downer went to answer the door.

Outside the door were federal government workers who had visited Tony Downer a couple of days ago.

When he saw Lei Ming, Director Field was slightly taken aback, and swallowed the words alive again.

"Director Field, hello—" Lei Ming was personable.

"Hello, Mr. Lei Ming—" Field had an ugly expression on his face. Although he didn't know why Lei Ming was here, he could guess.

"It seems that you have something to talk about. Shall I come back later?" Field pretended to say goodbye.

"No need, Director Field, I'm Mr. Tony's lawyer, and it's the same if you tell me anything." Lei Ming quickly changed his identity, and it was seamless.

After all, Tony Downer is going to sue the British delegation next, so it is normal to find a lawyer.

But Umbrella's lawyers—

Doesn't seem like a good choice.

"Tony, is that so?" Field suspected that Tony Downer had been threatened, and looked at Tony Downer very severely: "If you are threatened, just say it directly, the federal government will always be your strongest backing!"

"No, no, no, I don't. Director Field, I don't. Ray is indeed my lawyer." Tony Downer made a wise choice to cooperate with the federal government. Tony Downer received a maximum of 2000 US dollars to cooperate with the Southern African , Tony Downer could get at least $20000, or a brand new bar.

It's still the bar in Cecil Rhodes Square in Niasarango City. The value of the bar there is estimated to be similar to the bar in Manhattan.

"Okay, Tony, what do you think?" Field was helpless. American lawyers were a bunch of vampires, and they were very difficult to deal with. Field had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, as soon as Tony Downer opened his mouth, Field was taken aback: "Director Field, I am not going to sue the British delegation. The fire at the Orange Sky Bar was entirely due to Doyle's improper operation. A cocktail of flames, accidentally sparking a fire—"

Tony Downer was talking nonsense. Anyway, what Camacho said just now, Kenny had already been put into a sack by Camacho and thrown into the East River. There was no proof of his death.

"Tony, you will be legally responsible for what you say." Field didn't expect Tony to change his mind, and it was so thorough.

"Of course!" Tony Downer's voice trembled again, but his attitude was extremely firm.

"Did you forget what you said in the police station?" Field was furious. There was still Tony Downer's transcript in the police station.

"I was in a daze at the time. It was the policemen in the police station who induced me to say that. That was not my intention." Tony Downer denied it vehemently. In view of his hard work, the umbrella should be more generous.

"You bastard—" Field's hands were shaking.

"Director Field, are you threatening Mr. Tony?" Lei Ming was eager to try, oops, a lawsuit with the US government sounds very challenging.

"Very good, very good—" Field left angrily.

Tony Downer slumped on a chair slumped.

"Honey, you're amazing, I'm really worried about you, you're amazing—" Tony Downer's wife rushed down the stairs, holding Tony Downer with tears in her eyes.

Several children of Tony Downer shrank and huddled at the stairs, watching Lei Ming timidly, not daring to go down the stairs.

"Tony, pack up your things and follow me. I am worried that the safety of you and your family will be threatened. You will temporarily live in the headquarters of the umbrella company. In a few days, you will return to southern Africa on a warship in southern Africa. You made the right decision today. The choice——" Lei Ming wanted to take all of Tony's family away, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

"Is it correct—I hope—" Tony Downer smiled wryly. He didn't want to do this either, so he had no choice.

"Of course it is correct. My sister's family is in Los Angeles. She wrote us a letter and sent a telegram a long time ago, hoping that we can also go to southern Africa. I have long wanted to go to southern Africa—" Tony Tang Na's wife is very happy, she has long been yearning for southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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