Chapter 1309

An alternate-time Warren Harding, sworn in on March 1921, 3, went on to form the infamous "Poker Cabinet".

The reason why it is called "Poker Cabinet" is that Harding will hold poker games with cabinet members twice a week. It is hard to say whether there is a bet. Anyway, this kind of behavior is incompatible with Warren Harding's campaign slogan.

When Harding campaigned, his most famous slogan was "Return to Normalcy," or in other words, "Make America Great Again."

After becoming president, Harding did not fulfill his promise. During his election campaign, he claimed that if he was elected president, he would increase tariffs, increase ship subsidies, restrict immigration, improve basic transportation conditions, establish public welfare departments, and implement agriculture. Co-ops and so on, the promises were largely unfulfilled.

At that time, the White House was so smoky that even Alice Roosevelt, the daughter of former US President Theodore Roosevelt, saw a few decks of cards scattered on the desk of the President of the White House, and tall glasses filled with whiskey (during prohibition), The strong smell of cigars and the "Ohio gang" unbuttoned their vests and sat around with their feet on the table.

In 1923, Harding embarked on a "journey of understanding" around the country. On the way, Harding died of illness. The doctor concluded that he had suffered a stroke.

Before that, Woodrow Wilson was unable to handle political affairs because of a stroke, and Harding died of a stroke, so some people asked for an autopsy of Harding's body.

Harding's wife, Florence, declined the request.

Then there are rumors that Harding was poisoned by Florence, because Florence hated Harding's endless scandals.

Although Harding is not yet the president of the United States, as a federal senator and one of the Republican presidential candidates, Harding's death still attracts widespread attention. Doctors are also trying to dissect Harding's body to determine the real cause of Harding's death , but this request was also rejected by Florence. Florence buried Harding's body as quickly as possible, and the cause of Harding's death became a mystery.

"That's it?" Rock was already in Washington when he heard the news of Harding's death.

Roque really couldn't understand the sloppyness of the US judiciary.

Anyway, Harding was also a federal senator, so he died without knowing why, and the political environment in the United States is really too bad.

"In this way, no one wants to know the real cause of Harding's death. The living Harding is a federal senator, and he may become the President of the United States; the dead Harding is of no value. If Harding's body is dissected, it is found that Harding was poisoned to death, so this is another huge scandal, it is better to let the truth be buried in the tomb with Harding." Owen is not surprised, can such things be less, and it is said that Napoleon is also The French did not say they would open the coffin for an autopsy on those who were poisoned to death.

It's better to be buried in peace, the dead are the greatest——

"Herbert took a big deal, Harding died unexpectedly, and Herbert became the only candidate for the Republican Party. This is a good thing for us." Stoudemire was blindly optimistic, even if the relationship between Hoover and Rock was good, But in terms of Anglo-American relations, Hoover would not favor Britain.

"It's hard to say now, I hope so." Rock calmed down. A good personal relationship also depends on interests. For a slave trader, don't expect him to have a high moral bottom line.

In an interview on New York radio, Hoover declared: What America needs right now is not heroism, but healing; not panacea, but normalization; not revolution, but restoration; not excitement, but peace of mind; not experiment , but to maintain a balance: not to be encumbered by international affairs, but to succeed at home—

These words sound very provocative, but in fact, carefully pinpin didn't say anything, the standard fake big empty, not a word of truth.

However, these ambiguous remarks have indeed received good results, and they can be understood in any way, just like the formulas commonly used by fortune-tellers.

"The U.S. Department of the Navy has proposed a shipbuilding plan, and plans to build twelve new aircraft carriers within ten years, with a maximum tonnage of 55000 tons. The Americans are crazy—" Owen envied all kinds of envy and hatred, and now Southern Africa, and the United States There is still a gap, just look at their handwriting.

"Don't take it too seriously, maybe it's a smoke bomb released by the Americans." Rock understands the Americans, and this is probably the United States building momentum for the Navy Conference. There are 12 aircraft carriers with a total tonnage of 55000 tons and a total tonnage of 66 tons. impossible.

The United States has also begun to attach importance to aircraft carriers. While ordering aircraft carriers from southern Africa, domestic research on aircraft carriers has also begun.

Just in April of this year, the United States refitted the "Langley" coal carrier that was decommissioned in March, trying to convert the "Langley" into an aircraft carrier. The project is expected to be two years.

This fully proves the urgency of the United States for new weapons such as aircraft carriers.

The aircraft carrier ordered by the United States from southern Africa will not be delivered until next year, but the United States can't wait for a year. Now it is refitting, so the next step is to directly build it. The United States has this strength.

"We can also announce a shipbuilding plan. The Americans will build 12 ships within ten years, and we will build 24 ships, which will always be twice as many as the Americans." If it can be done, if the UK calls to build 12 ships, it will really become a joke.

24 aircraft carriers of 55000 tons, with a total tonnage of 132 million tons, the Royal Navy can't afford to sell their underwear.

Sure enough, as soon as Stoudemire finished speaking, Owen and Sidney Milner looked at Stoudemire like idiots.

It's a fucking dog, a certain fish's military knowledge is already idiot enough, and there are even more idiots.

"It is unrealistic to build an aircraft carrier, but it is still possible to build a super battleship. Japan has Nagato, and the United States has Maryland. We should also have our own super battleship." Rock started from reality. All have similar shipbuilding plans, but Britain has not.

Since the birth of the "Dreadnought" battleship, the battleship has developed to the present, and since the Battle of Jutland, it has been divided into the former Jutland type and the post-Jylland type.

After the Battle of Jutland, based on the lessons learned from this naval battle, major naval countries improved the design of dreadnought ships: increasing the caliber of the main gun, improving the protection of turrets, powder magazines and other parts; taking key protective measures and thickening the armor of important parts , Reduce or cancel the armor of non-essential parts; pay attention to horizontal protection and protection against torpedoes below the waterline.

This dreadnought-type battleship is often referred to as the "post-Jylland type battleship"

One of the representatives is the later "BIG 7".

The so-called "BIG 7" refers to the seven most powerful battleships in the world after the Washington Naval Conference, including the three Colorado-class battleships in the United States, the "Colorado", "Maryland" and "West Virginia". ; the two Nagato-class battleships of Japan, Nagato and Mutsu; and the two British Nelson-class battleships, HMS Nelson and HMS Rodney.

After the Washington Naval Conference, according to the provisions of the "Washington Naval Treaty", only these seven battleships in the world were equipped with main guns with a caliber above 16 inches (406 mm), so they were called "BIG 7".

In "BIG 7", Japan deliberately concealed the caliber of the main gun, and declared that although it was 406, the caliber of the main gun was actually 410mm.

Here we can see who is really unable to hold on at the Washington Naval Conference and who is fishing in troubled waters.

Yes, we are talking about France and Italy. Regardless of the ambitions shown by France and Italy at the Washington Naval Conference, both France and Italy are beyond their capabilities, otherwise they would not be a post-Jylland type Can't afford it either.

"We already have relevant plans, but they haven't been implemented yet." Owen also has no choice, the Royal Navy has no money, and British diplomats are now lacking in confidence.

"Then announce the plan first, don't worry about whether it will be built or not, just blow it out first. Japan wants to build eight or eight fleets, and the United States wants to build ten super battleships. We will build 20 ships." Rock is not afraid to blow the sky, Even Italy is clamoring to start work, and Britain has nothing to fear.

The idea of ​​the Italians is probably similar to that of Roque. Just two days ago, the Kingdom Senator Carlo Sanze, who was sent by Italy to participate in the Navy Conference, claimed that the Kingdom of Italy would build two new super dreadnoughts with a main gun caliber of 406mm. I don't know where the confidence of the Italians comes from. They don't even know how to build 406mm naval guns.

Although Rock's claim to build 20 ships is bragging, Britain really has the technical capability to build the post-Jylland dreadnoughts, and it really has plans.

The Italians simply talked nonsense. The British battlecruiser "Hood" still weighed 41200 tons, and Italy's largest battleship "Andrea Doria" had a displacement of only 22700 tons.

Post-Jylland battleships don't have a displacement of [-] to [-] tons, and they are embarrassed to say hello to people when they go out.

August NO.20, the Washington Naval Conference was officially held.

Just as Rock had imagined, the naval meeting had just begun, and the representatives of various countries began to argue with each other for their own interests.

As the host, the United States proposed a so-called proposal on the first day of the meeting:

[-]. Stop building capital ships.

[-]. Demolition of some old warships.

50. Calculate the naval strength based on the total tonnage of capital ships, and determine the proportion of each country. The capital ships of the United States and Britain are 30 tons each, and Japan is 5 tons, that is, 5:3:[-]. The auxiliary ships refer to the provisions of capital ships. Proportion.

This plan was immediately opposed by Britain, France, Italy and Japan.

Belfort felt that the British tonnage was too small, 50 tons was not enough, and 100 million tons was not enough.

Japan also feels that it is not enough. Japan believes that if the capital ships of the United States and the United Kingdom are 50 tons, then Japan's capital ships should be at least 35 tons, that is, 10:10:7, which is in line with Japan's strength.

France and Italy reacted even more strongly. The United States and the United Kingdom each have 50. Even Japan has 30. What about France and Italy?

I didn't come to Washington to study with the prince.

(End of this chapter)

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