Chapter 1319

Compared with the huge controversy caused by the tonnage of capital ships, countries quickly reached an agreement on the tonnage of aircraft carriers. The total tonnage of the United Kingdom and the United States is 16, Japan is 9.6 tons, and France and Italy are each 7 tons. In principle, new construction The standard displacement of an aircraft carrier must not exceed 2.7 tons, and it is not allowed to install artillery larger than 8 inches (203 mm).

Compared with another time and space, except for the larger total tonnage of aircraft carriers, the Washington Naval Conference did not achieve significant results. The "Navy Treaty" formed at the end of the conference is similar to the "Versailles Treaty" formed after the Paris Peace Conference. The validity period is only 15 years.

In any case, the "Washington Naval Treaty" has won a period of peace for the navies of all countries. During this period, countries can finally take a breath and devote more energy to restoring the national economy and people's livelihood. The tense international atmosphere immediately eased.

"The "Versailles Treaty" cannot bring real peace, and the "Washington Naval Treaty" is the same. Just wait and see, 15 years later, the scale of the arms race will be larger than it is now, and the scope will be wider." Owen's evaluation is still Quite objectively, the United States is ambitious, Japan is about to move, the United Kingdom is old and strong, France and Italy are not willing to sink, and some fight.

At this time, the British delegation was already on its way back to the UK. The trip was fruitful. Not only did the "Naval Treaty" be reached, but the United States, Britain, Japan, and France also signed the "Treaty Concerning Island Dependencies and Territories in the Pacific Region", commonly known as " Treaty of the Four Nations"; Finally, the "Pact of the Nine Nations" was signed, and the disputes among the countries in the Pacific region came to an end for the time being.

The "Quadruple Treaty" is valid for 10 years. The treaty stipulates that the four countries "mutually respect the rights of their island territories and island territories in the Pacific region", and that "a dispute between the contracting parties concerning a certain issue in the Pacific Ocean" failed to pass through diplomatic channels. When a satisfactory solution is obtained, a meeting of the States parties shall be convened for resolution.When the rights of the States parties in the Pacific region are threatened by any country, the States parties should conduct comprehensive consultations in order to "take the most effective measures jointly or individually" to deal with the situation.

The Treaty also states: "The agreement concluded between Great Britain and Japan at London on July 1911, 7 shall be terminated."

Thus ended the Anglo-Japanese alliance.

"The "Naval Treaty" is still good. At least for a period of time, it will guarantee world peace. Who can say what will happen 15 years later--" Rock is in a good mood. A special term is called "naval holiday". Of course, this "holiday" does not mean a vacation, but refers to the fact that the navies of various countries have shifted from blindly pursuing tonnage and artillery caliber to technology and power.

When it comes to technology, Britain's technical reserves in the navy are quite good. After all, it is a "sun never sets" empire that has been ahead of the world for hundreds of years.

There are some things that Rock can't tell Ou Wenming.

If there is another world war, the Royal Navy will not be able to play a big role because of the lack of opponents. Instead, the Southern African Navy, which will provide protection for East India, will soon face a strong challenge from Japan.

Rock's current attitude is very clear. The "Navy Conference" only stipulates the total tonnage of capital ships of various countries, and there is no clear regulation on auxiliary ships.

This gave Rock an opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes. Southern Africa is not equipped with capital ships, but it can be equipped with a large number of destroyers and light and heavy cruisers, which can also replace the role of capital ships.

As for aircraft carriers, southern Africa will produce a large number of ocean-going transport ships in the future. If necessary, these transport ships can be easily converted into aircraft carriers. If there are too many ants, they can kill the elephant.

Rock is gratified that although Japan's national power has increased, the thinking of Japanese naval generals is rigid and stubborn, and they still do not pay attention to the discovery of new technologies and new weapons. The road of the ship cannon is getting farther and farther.

Don’t look at the current battleships that cost 64000 to 72810 tons, all of them are giants. Compared with the "Yamato" and "Musashi" that Japan will build in the future, they are all younger brothers. The standard displacement of the "Yamato" class battleship is [-] tons. At [-] tons, it is the largest battleship in human history.

Japan's obsession with battleships has seriously affected the development of Japan's fleet. The battleship "Yamato" still participated in the war, and the battleship "Musashi" was attacked by the US carrier-based aircraft without even seeing the enemy. Shen, became the greatest tragedy in naval history.

Rock will continue to strive for more benefits for the southern African navy. The 16-ton aircraft carrier in the UK will definitely not be used up. Distributing it to a part of southern Africa can also reduce the pressure on the British government.

The Royal Navy is equipped with capital ships with a gross tonnage of 50 tons, and the pressure is actually not small.

If the British government is overwhelmed, then Southern Africa does not mind accepting three or five ships from the Royal Navy to relieve some pressure on the Royal Navy.

"The Americans are really extravagant. I just heard the news that the United States is going to sink the USS Washington, which is almost 75% complete, as a target ship. It would be great if it could be sold to our southern African navy." Xiao Siduo regretted Yes, the "South Dakota" class battleship has a standard displacement of 43 tons and is equipped with 200 12-caliber 50-inch main guns, which is a circle larger than the largest British battleship "Hood".

Of the six "South Dakota" class battleships built by the United States, except for the "Washington" battleship that was to be sunk as a target ship, the other five had to be dismantled and sold as scrap iron.

The largest buyer of "scrap iron" in the United States is Japan.

The Japanese Navy built the world's first-class naval fleet by "collecting junk" from the United States.

"You go to contact the U.S. government and buy those hulls. As long as you promise to transform them into civilian ships, the U.S. government will definitely agree." Want to "collect the junk".

Don't underestimate the profession of "garbage collection". The income can only be matched by begging in the subway, and the serious office worker can't compare with others.

One of the most important reasons why Southern Africa purchased the French "Normandy"-class battleships in the name of the Kingdom of Mozambique and West Africa did not arouse strong opposition from the United States and Japan. It lags far behind the mainstream battleships in terms of technology, and even if it is built, it will not pose too much threat to the super battleships of the United States and Japan.

The "South Dakota" class battleship is different. Unless the "South Dakota" class battleship is converted into a civilian ship, once it is completed, it will pose a huge threat to the fleets of the United States and Japan. At that time, the world will not only be "BIG 7", but "Big 12" BIG [-]", which is absolutely unacceptable to the United States and Japan.

"I'll try it out, buy two towed ones and turn them into yachts, and install a few cannons to fry fish." Stoudemire has ambitions, a 43200-ton yacht——

so rich!

The U.S. Navy is probably richer than Stoudemire. In fact, the U.S. Navy has demolished more than six "South Dakota"-class battleships. "Ton" class battlecruisers, except for two converted into aircraft carriers, the other four will also be demolished.

"Lexington" class battlecruiser, standard 43 tons, full load 500 tons, power system is 44 horsepower (note: suspected shaft horsepower) electric drive steam turbine, maximum speed 638 knots, it can be said that Currently the fastest warship in the world.

With such a large tonnage and running so fast, the ten 50-caliber 14-inch main guns equipped on the "Lexington" class battlecruiser are irrelevant. The US government is indeed courageous. If it is replaced by the British government, most likely unwilling.

Switching to the British government, it simply does not have the strength to build so many battleships and battlecruisers at the same time, and the Americans are so rich and powerful.

"You can try it. If it is converted into a yacht, you have to build a special port that can call." Owen laughed loudly. A battleship with more than 4 tons has a draft of about ten meters. The general port is really deep. don't go.

"It's okay, I allow you to dock at Edward Naval Harbor." Rock also wanted to see how the Americans would feel if the "South Dakota" class battleship was converted into a yacht.

"Hehe, no need, I have my own port—" Stoudemire didn't give Rock and Owen a chance to laugh at him. Don't forget that Stoudemire is the richest man in southern Africa, and the entire Rhodesia is owned by the South African company.

It was only then that Roque remembered that when Nyasaland and Rhodesia divided Portuguese East Africa, Roque assigned Bella and Solafa to Rhodesia.

Both Bella and Solafa are good natural harbors, which can dock huge warships like the "South Dakota" class battleship.

In contrast, Port Edward was dug out by those African-American workers at the mouth of the Zambezi River.

However, the scale of Port Edward has far exceeded that of Beira and Solafa. As the largest port in southern Africa around the Indian Ocean, Port Edward has not stopped construction until now, no matter in terms of city size, population and economic strength. In Nyasaland, it is second only to Los Angeles.

The road was uneventful, and by the time the British delegation arrived in London, it was already November 11.

In London in November, there is still heavy fog and mist, and the pollution level is even more serious than in previous years.

Rock was also speechless. George V and members of Congress also knew that the pollution in London was very serious, but they stayed in the country villas in winter and would not be disturbed by the smog, so they let it go and the situation worsened. worse.

If this is in southern Africa, the mayor of London will definitely be held accountable if no one else mentions it.

Every winter, hundreds of people die in London due to air pollution. In the worst case, thousands of people die a year. This is the center of world civilization. Don’t you feel guilty?

ps: Every year the festival is very painful, there are many relatives, almost every day——

(End of this chapter)

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