Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1322: Ten Thousand Years Old 2

Chapter 1322

The disarmament of the Royal Navy is carried out in two batches. The first batch of disarmament is 7000 people, and the second batch of disarmament is 4000 people. A total of more than 1000 people are about to leave the Royal Navy.

In principle, disarmament is the survival of the fittest. Those old guys whose thinking or physical strength can no longer keep up with the development of the times, or problem personnel with bad deeds and undisciplined, or old slickers who don't want to make progress in their positions, will leave the royal family this time. navy.

There will definitely be deviations in the actual implementation. Some guys who do not meet the standards but have a strong background are still as stable as Mount Tai. Some officers with outstanding abilities but civilian backgrounds are also kicked out of the army. As for those who do not understand the various unspoken rules within the Royal Navy , Guys who are incompatible with the environment are even more eliminated.

In a small three-story building behind the officer's dormitory area, the branch of Christian Human Resources Company in Portsmouth is located here.

The general manager of the branch, Nelson Nancy, is of French descent, has half British blood, and has joined the southern African nationality. He worked in the mining industry after graduating from the University of Birmingham in his early years, and then joined Christian Human Resources. He was appointed as Portsmouth because of his outstanding work. Sub-branch general manager.

In the conference room on the third floor of the branch, the professional managers of each department will hold a collective meeting every Monday to summarize the work of the previous week and assign work tasks for this week.

During this period, Christian Human Resources has only one mission, which is to discover more and better talents from the Royal Navy and send them to southern Africa. They can bring their families along with them, and Christian Human Resources will cover all the expenses.

"I have a few outstanding senior military officers here. They are willing to go to Southern Africa, but they are not satisfied with the salary we offer. According to their words, going to Southern Africa is to be stationed overseas. On the basis of the current salary, there will be another Plus overseas allowances." The first manager, Brandon Goss, is a Londoner. He graduated from Cambridge University and worked as a practicing lawyer. His ability is not bad.

"Then give it to them. As long as their ability can match their salary, even if they need 5000 pounds a year, we can afford it." Nelson Nancy is not short of money, or the Southern African Navy is not short of money.

Although the Southern African Navy is also part of the Royal Navy, some senior officers who have served in the Royal Navy for more than ten or 20 years are always unable to pass the hurdle in their hearts.

People go to high places, but water flows to low places.

At this time, we must give them enough reasons. A higher salary is a good breakthrough, and it is all for living, not shabby.

"The salaries we offer to them are not low, and are higher than those of southern African naval officers of the same level. If we raise them, we have to consider the mood of southern African naval officers." Sean, the senior department manager, is of Chinese descent and graduated in 1917 In Nyasaland University, he quickly emerged after joining Christian Human Resources, a strong contender for the general manager of the branch.

Over time, the proportion of senior management members of Southern African companies has increased.

Unlike the British and French who commute to get off work on time and take regular holidays on weekends, the Chinese work hard, have flexible thinking, and are good at solving problems. By the standards of white people, they are all workaholics. Such employees and colleagues don’t like it, but the boss like very much.

I still remember when Southern Africa was first established, the company executives or government employees at that time were almost all white.

Now Chinese descent has accounted for a considerable proportion, and the entry of fresh blood has brought about changes in the entire environment. Those who cannot keep up with the development of southern Africa will be eliminated, and those who are left behind are the partners who will move forward together.

"This is a problem that the Admiralty needs to solve. Our task is to bring more talents to southern Africa, and we can't take advantage of the people from Cruise Company." Nelson Nancy's expression was serious. Cruise Company is a The American human resources company also has business in Portsmouth. In the past few days, several Royal Navy officers who were willing to go to southern Africa chose to sign contracts with Cruise to go to the United States.

These former members of the Royal Navy who were swept away by the Royal Navy are absolutely delicious in the eyes of the United States and southern Africa. Not to mention the United States, southern Africa, and even Japan have headhunters in Portsmouth, hoping to bring the Royal Navy Talents brought to Japan.

Of course, unless there is no other way out, very few people are willing to go to Japan.

"I think we also have certain criteria for selecting targets. Those naval officers who are outstanding, have a deep affection for the navy, and are willing to go to southern Africa are our main targets; those who are for money, for enjoyment, or for fooling around, It shouldn’t be our target.” Sean has ideals, southern African immigrants are now picking and choosing, and the army has higher requirements.

The southern African army is an army with ideals, beliefs, and goals.

The "faith" here is definitely not a religion or a king. It is the belief of the southern African army to protect the safety of southern Africa, safeguard the interests of southern Africa, and let their families live in a peaceful and happy environment.

Rock has never stopped educating the military, from various patriotic propaganda, to the meticulous care of government departments and social institutions, and the lofty status of southern African soldiers, strengthening the morale of southern African soldiers anytime, anywhere. Faith, in southern Africa, there is very little publicity on religion and kings, and the core idea of ​​the publicity is the family, the country and the world.

"In this way, I am afraid that few people meet our goals. The lord seems to have said that if you don't talk about money and only talk about ideals, you are playing hooligans-it is not an easy task for those naval officers to leave their hometowns for southern Africa. Of course it is very convenient, but no one can guarantee the effect.” Brandon Goss faced the reality, the standards of the southern African navy are very high, they must have excellent ability, outstanding technology, and good conduct——

There are such outstanding talents, and the Royal Navy will not let them go. Don't think that Fisher and Jericho are fools.

"It is because of the scarcity of talents that it becomes more and more precious—I have one here, Colonel Jackson Marshall, his resume does not seem to be brilliant, from destroyers to cruisers, and now he is the first officer of battleships, but he Absolutely outstanding ability, and absolutely good character, a true gentleman, that's the kind of naval officer we need, and if we take him to southern Africa, he is absolutely capable of commanding a battleship, those Someone with mediocre ability and high salary deserves to be kicked out by the Royal Navy." The Colonel Jackson Marshall that Sean exemplified was the first officer of the battleship "Ireland" that was about to be demolished.

Colonel Jackson Marshall, 45 years old, was born in Portsmouth in 1875. He was determined to join the Royal Navy since he was a child.

In 1895, Jackson Marshall graduated from the Dartmouth Royal Naval Academy, and then joined the Royal Navy, serving in the Royal Navy for more than 25 years.

Although Colonel Jackson Marshall was an excellent naval officer, it is sad that Colonel Jackson Marshall served 25 years and never served as the captain of any warship, from the first destroyer in service to the current "Ireland" "HMS Battleship, Colonel Jackson Marshall has always been the first mate, which also makes Colonel Jackson Marshall a "legendary" figure in the Royal Navy.

"The legendary 'second child of ten thousand years'? Don't be funny, I admit that he is indeed capable, but he has never served as the captain of any warship, and has no experience in this area at all." Brandon Goss laughed, experience is a very important criterion for the navy.

It doesn't matter if you haven't served as the captain of a battleship, at least you must have the experience of serving as a destroyer captain. The legendary admirals in British history basically started as destroyer captains.

A guy who hasn't even served as the captain of a destroyer has excellent timely ability.

"Lord Nyasaland did not have experience in this area when he was the commander-in-chief of the British Expeditionary Force—" Sean has a needle in his mouth, experience is something you have to understand, sometimes it is a good thing, sometimes it is a bad thing: "—— No one is born a captain, experience is cultivated slowly. Colonel Jackson Marshall has 25 years of service experience, and he can cooperate with every captain tacitly. There has never been a conflict. This is a miracle in itself. Royal It is said that the captains of the two Nelson-class battleships that the Navy is about to start construction have chosen Colonel Jackson Marshall as their first officer, which in itself speaks for itself.”

"Indeed, it shows that Colonel Jackson Marshall is a very good first mate—" Brandon Goss insisted that Christian Human Resources could take Colonel Jackson Marshall to Southern Africa, but not It would be nice to have Colonel Jackson Marshall as captain of the battleship and continue as first mate.

"Calm down gentlemen, we don't let go of any income. As for whether they meet the standards of the Admiralty, it is up to the Admiralty to judge. Our mission is to take them to southern Africa, that's all." Nelson ·Nancy casts her net everywhere and focuses on fishing. Real talents are in high demand no matter where they go, but the standards for talents are different in different places.

"Yes, I will take Colonel Jackson Marshall to Southern Africa, and I insist on this." Sean insisted in the same manner, and he and Brandon Goss cannot be said to be at fault, they are all for work.

At the end of the meeting, the managers of various departments dispersed. They have been very busy these days, and their work has their own priorities. The Southern African Ministry of Defense offered Christian Human Resources a generous salary. As long as someone goes to Southern Africa, Christian Human Resources Even if the company completes the task.

(End of this chapter)

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