Chapter 1324 Dreaming

During the World Wars, the role of aircraft became more and more important, and late bombers have become one of the main means of covering the attack of ground forces.

After the end of the war, various countries stepped up their research on aircraft, and southern Africa once again became the object of imitation by various countries.

In the face of competition, Southern Africa is not conservative. On the basis of improving the existing models, it has begun to set foot in the field of civil aviation and launched civil aviation passenger planes exclusively for civil aviation.

On August 12th, a civil aircraft purchased by France crashed while flying over the Alps. None of the 29 passengers and four crew members on board survived, ending the history of civil aviation without major accidents.

However, this did not affect the enthusiasm of various countries for aircraft. Nyasaland Airlines received orders softly, and the production plan has been scheduled for two years. The company took the opportunity to expand its scale and build a new aviation city in Port Edward. In the future, it can accommodate nearly 15 people.

The fighter jets deployed on Santa Maria Island are the third-generation "Strong Wind" fighters just installed by the Southern African Air Force. Compared with the second-generation "Strong Wind" used during the World War, the third-generation "Strong Wind" flies faster. It has a longer range and more ammunition. Compared with the second-generation "Strong Wind", the overall performance has increased by about 20.00%.

Don’t underestimate this 20.00%. Other countries are still copying the second-generation “strong wind”. The performance improvement of 20.00% is enough to form a crushing advantage. Nyasaran Airlines actually has more advanced technology, but it has not been applied. On the third-generation "strong wind", it will not be too late to apply more advanced technology when the performance of other countries' aircraft is close to the third-generation "strong wind".

What we want is this sense of powerlessness that has been leading the world and keeping other countries in a state of catching up, but has never been able to catch up.

You try your best to climb a peak, only to find that there are even higher peaks ahead, and you don’t know how much there are in the depths of the clouds and mist farther away.

Desperate or not?

It is to make you desperate, so it is better to buy than to build, and it is better to rent than to buy to have a market.

Roque remained in London while the retired Royal Navy officer went to southern Africa to continue his military career.

During the Washington Naval Conference, Roque won a total tonnage of 16 tons of aircraft carriers for the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom must not run out of these aircraft carriers. Roque hopes that southern Africa can get part, preferably half.

This is Rock's plan, but the Royal Navy obviously doesn't think so. Southern Africa is equipped with an aircraft carrier. Is it considered British or Southern African?

In the event of a war, will the aircraft carriers equipped in southern Africa obey the command of the Royal Navy?

If it goes too far, what if there is a major conflict of interests between southern Africa and the British Empire one day?

"—So, the southern African navy can be equipped with aircraft carriers, but the aircraft carriers must be incorporated into the local fleet, or the African fleet, under the command of the Royal Navy." John Jericho, the Minister of the Navy, made a good plan. The aircraft carrier commander of the British Empire Tonnage, why give you southern Africa?

This is in the office of Prime Minister Andrew Bonar Law. Rock is no stranger to this office. When Winston was Prime Minister, Rock has visited this office many times.

Compared with when Winston was Prime Minister, this office has hardly changed. It still feels cold, damp and full of rot.

Belfort didn't speak, waiting to see what Roque had to say.

The chancellor of the exchequer, Stanley Baldwin, did not speak, his brows were wrinkled and worried. If Roque succumbed so easily, then Roque would not be Roque.

Foreign Minister Curzon looked at Roque with indifference. He had served as the Governor of India and had a deep-rooted prejudice against Orientals in his heart, which would not change because of Roque.

What's more, Roque is still the direct descendant of Kitchener.

Thinking of this, Curzon's eyes became a little colder, almost freezing.

Prime Minister Andrew Bonar Law also didn't speak --

From time to time he doesn't want to speak, but he can't speak. His throat cancer has seriously affected his vocal cords, and he can hardly speak. Even if he speaks, his voice is so weak that others can hardly hear him.

It is said that the cabinet formed by Andrew Bonar Law is really similar to the current situation in the United Kingdom. A group of old, weak, sick and disabled, but also internal and external troubles, intrigues.

The British Empire let this group of people control it, so it's no wonder they didn't die!

"You can just say that Southern Africa can pay for the construction of aircraft carriers for the local fleet. What do you want?" Rock was blunt, and he almost said that John Jericho wanted to eat ass.

"That's not impossible. Southern Africa, as part of the Commonwealth, is obliged to contribute to the security of the British Empire." John Jericho didn't expect to be able to blackmail a few aircraft carriers easily.

On the issue of Diego Garcia, John Jericho and Roque had already had a confrontation, but John Jericho had nothing to gain, and even the Military Intelligence Bureau was disgraced in Diego Garcia.

"Equipping aircraft carriers in southern Africa can also contribute to the security of the British Empire. Just like the world war that just passed, once the British Empire faces a war, southern Africa will fight side by side with the British Empire." Rock is really not fooling, it is foreseeable In the next 20 years, Southern Africa will indeed be consistent with the British Empire, and it may not be the case in 20 years.

Of course, John Jericho probably didn't think so.

Now in the whole world, it is estimated that only Rock is sure that the Second World War will break out in 20 years. Others just foresee it, but no one can be sure about what has not happened yet.

And there are not as many people who can foresee that the next world war will break out in 20 years.

In another time and space, in 1938, Germany was about to attack Czechoslovakia. The then Prime Minister Neville specially flew to Munich to sign the "Munich Agreement" with Mustache.

After returning to London, Neville smugly waved the mustache-signed declaration to the welcoming people, declaring: From now on, peace for a whole generation is guaranteed, and now I invite you to go back and rest in peace on your bed Go to sleep--

Even the Prime Minister is so optimistic, it can be seen that the truth is indeed in the hands of a few people.

As for the "African Fleet", this is an idea proposed by the Royal Navy in order to return to southern Africa after the end of the World War.

The establishment of the "African Fleet" by the Royal Navy requires Southern Africa to bear the cost of forming the "African Fleet" in addition to providing ports and bases in southern Africa.

This decision was unanimously opposed by all Overseas Dominions, including Southern Africa.

Although Britain's overseas dominions are still within the Commonwealth, no one wants to have a Royal Navy fleet stationed in their country.

Especially in southern Africa, which has already formed a navy. In the request made by the Royal Navy, southern Africa should provide Port Edward and Walvis Bay as the station of the "African Navy", which means to swallow the southern African navy in one go.

There was no response from the Federal Government of Southern Africa on this issue.

"No, no, it's different, my lord, the navy is different from the army. The navy needs strict training, precise coordination, and unified command to fully form its combat effectiveness. Southern Africa does not have the ability to command large fleets. The largest navy in southern Africa Warships are just what you call 'heavy cruisers', and only the Royal Navy can give full play to their combat effectiveness for powerful warships like aircraft carriers that cost tens of thousands of tons." What John Jericho said seems to make sense, listen carefully, but hide with disdain for southern African navies.

Even if you are given an aircraft carrier, you will not use it.

Or it doesn't fit.

That's probably what it means.

"Marshal, don't forget that aircraft carriers, including carrier-based aircraft, are all produced in southern Africa." Rock laughed dumbly. The two aircraft carriers equipped by the Royal Navy are still maintained by southern African engineers. Without southern Africa, the Royal Navy Honestly go play "Hundred-Eyed Giant".

"Hundred-eyed giant" is also known as "iron iron" and "sewing box". You can know how ugly "hundred-eyed giant" is just by looking at its nickname.

However, in another time and space, the "Hundred-eyed Giant" has a very high status. It is the world's first full-deck aircraft carrier, although it can only carry 20 aircraft.

The "Hundred-Eyed Giant" was refitted from a merchant ship.

"So what? The diamonds unearthed by miners have always been reserved for the rich. The aircraft carrier is indeed produced in southern Africa, but southern Africa does not have the ability to equip aircraft carriers." John Jericho finally took into account the Marquis of Rock Identity, otherwise it may be "qualification" instead of "ability".

"We will know if we try it. After Southern Africa is equipped with an aircraft carrier, it can hold military exercises with the Royal Navy every year, and then we can fully run in." Rock also knows that the navy needs tacit cooperation, but in Rock It seems that if the running-in is insufficient, it may not be that southern Africa is holding back the Royal Navy.

Maybe the Royal Navy is holding back the Southern African Navy.

A notable feature of the southern African navy is that it runs fast. Whether it is an aircraft carrier or a "Normandy"-class battleship after major changes, the speed is above 30 knots, and it can run away even if it cannot be beaten.

The purpose of the Southern African Navy is very simple. Warships that run as fast as the Southern African Navy cannot beat the Southern African Navy.

A warship capable of fighting the Southern African Navy—

Sorry, the battlecruiser "Hood" already equipped by the Royal Navy can run up to 31 knots at the fastest, which can basically keep up with the speed of southern Africa.

But if the current "Hood" dares to chase the aircraft carrier in southern Africa, then I am afraid that the "Hood" will die without knowing how it died.

Can you believe that the battlecruiser "Hood" was not equipped with any anti-aircraft weapons when it was just built?

Some anti-aircraft weapons will not be installed until the battlecruiser "Hood" is refitted in 1931.

But compared to the huge tonnage of the battlecruiser "Hood", the anti-aircraft weapons installed cannot guarantee safety at all.

(End of this chapter)

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