Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1343 The overall situation has been decided

Chapter 1343 The overall situation has been decided

Before the participation of the southern African army, more than a dozen conflicts broke out on the US-Canada border within a month.

In order not to intensify the conflict, the governments of the United States and Canada did not publicize and report the conflict. Most Americans and Canadians did not know what happened at the border.

This is the real truth, there is no time to be quiet, it's just that someone is carrying the burden for you.

After the participation of the southern African army, the situation suddenly became one-sided. In the last three consecutive conflicts, the losses of the US National Guard suddenly increased. Canada wanted to make persistent efforts, but Patton issued a warning to Vancouver.

It is necessary to properly cool down the U.S.-Canada border, otherwise the guns may go off one day, and the situation will become more and more uncontrollable.

Derek Dodd, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Pretoria, who just finished his visit to Mexico and returned to southern Africa, also raised similar concerns with Roque.

"When I was still in Mexico, US Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby visited Mexico and threatened the Mexican government with war. If Mexico leased Cozumel to us, the US would take measures including war. Use all means to protect the interests of the United States." Derek Dodd was a little bit regretful that Mexico was finally pressured by the United States and did not dare to lease Cozumel to southern Africa.

This is also normal. For Mexico, the biggest problem is that heaven is too far away and the United States is too close.

Just like the Republic of Congo, the United States half sold and half gave a batch of machines to the Republic of Congo in an attempt to help the Republic of Congo establish an arsenal. As a result, after Southern Africa intervened, the plan was aborted.

It's not that the Republic of the Congo doesn't want to, it just doesn't dare.

Same goes for Mexico.

"It doesn't matter. Even if we don't get Cozumel, our military base in the Bahamas can also pose a threat to the United States." Rock does not give up. The current United States is not the United States after World War II, and it is not so powerful that it cannot be suppressed. It's hard to say in another 20 years.

"The conclusion of the military academy is that the military base in the Bahamas may also be temporarily suspended. Our presence in Halifax has already aroused strong opposition from the United States. If a military base is set up in the Bahamas, then the United States will react strongly. -London The advice given to us is the same, don’t give Americans too much stimulation, once a war breaks out-the British Empire can’t afford another war.” Derek Dodd is also helpless, Britain is now fully aware of the cruelty of the world war , if a war breaks out between southern Africa and the United States, then the choice of Britain is hard to say.

The World War is unlike all previous wars in that there are no winners.

In previous wars, the winning side could squeeze the losing side wantonly, and make up for the damage caused by the war through war reparations and other methods.

During the World War, the German Second Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire were disintegrated and destroyed. The government no longer existed, and compensation was naturally out of the question.

Although it was stipulated in the Paris Peace Conference that Germany should compensate hundreds of billions of gold marks, Germany has no money, and the repayment plan has continued into the 21st century. Now there are voices in Germany that oppose the "Versailles Treaty" and demand that the Weimar government stop paying the Allies. Reparations, so it's hard to say what will happen in the future.

"Don't worry, the British Empire can't stand another war, and the United States can't stand it either." Rock took a chestnut from the fire, and if he couldn't successfully suppress the United States now, then don't even think about it in the future.

Things are bad in the UK, and things are equally bad in the US.

The trio of MacArthur, Eisenhower, and Patton violently suppressed the Washington Veterans Rally, which aroused huge repercussions in the United States. If there was another world war, it is estimated that not many people would be willing to fight for the US government.

Isolationism in the United States has risen again in the past two years, also because the United States did not get the imagined benefits from the world war.

The United States supported the capitalists who participated in the war because they wanted to open up the European market through the world war and open up sales for American goods.

As a result, things backfired. The United Kingdom formed the Commonwealth after the war, and southern Africa replaced the United Kingdom as the largest supplier of the Commonwealth.

France and Italy have opened up their markets to the United States, but France and Italy have no money, and they have to owe money for buying things, and there is no time to repay the money, which is also unacceptable to American capital.

"Lord, don't underestimate the United States. If the Americans feel threatened, the United States may divert domestic conflicts through war. At that time, the Americans will put aside their differences and devote themselves to the war. This is not a good thing for us." Derek Douglas De is not as optimistic as Rock.

Rock frowned. There is indeed such a possibility. Americans are very good at this.

"Southern Africa also needs time. It is enough for us to teach the Americans some lessons. If the core interests of the United States are really touched, the Americans will definitely fight to the death." Derek Dodd took a trip to Mexico and added to South America. Learn more.

For Southern Africa, the surrounding countries and the Indian Ocean are the core interests of Southern Africa.

America's core interests are in the Americas, and even Canada doesn't matter much.

How many people are there in Canada and how many people are there in South America? It's not a big market at all.

"What's more, our continued pressure on the United States may lead to closer relations between the United States and Japan. At that time, our interests in Asia will be seriously affected." Derek Dodd has comprehensive considerations, regardless of the United States and Japan in Washington. In the naval meeting, tit for tat, there is also the possibility of joining forces.

In fact, the United States and Japan have already shown signs of joining forces. Japan can formulate the "Grand Fleet Plan" without the support of the United States.

Of course, there are reasons for the United States to support Japan, a large part of which is to break up the Anglo-Japanese alliance.

Now that the Anglo-Japanese alliance has been replaced by the "Four Nations Treaty", the United States still maintains close trade ties with Japan, especially after the Japanese have repeatedly run into trouble with Rock.

The next day, Kitchener and Ade came hand in hand and made a similar suggestion to Rock.

"Locke, be more patient. To deal with a country like the United States, you can't do it overnight." Kitchener was scheming, and on this issue, Kitchener and Rock held the same position.

"Locke, you have done a good job. Some things need time to ferment slowly." Ade has always admired Rocke. Thinking about the ghostly state of southern Africa 20 years ago, who would have thought that southern Africa would develop to where it is today? this point.

"I know, I'm reviewing myself—" Rock reflected on himself. During this time, Rock himself was also a little swollen.

"No, no, no need to review, Locke, you have to stay aggressive. The British Empire needs people like you to protect the interests of the British Empire." Kitchener really didn't come to warn Rock, counting on the local softies , Most likely it was unable to safeguard the interests of the British Empire.

Britain's strategic contraction, some people support it and some people oppose it, and Kitchener is obviously against it.

The jungle society is like this. If you sail against the current, you will retreat if you don’t advance. It is easy to abandon those overseas military bases, but it is difficult to go back.

"No one blames you. No matter what you do, we will always support you." Ade didn't accept Kitchener's fault. The interests of the British Empire have the king and the prime minister, and now it's not Rock's turn.

Just as Roque was making adjustments, the U.S. election was already heating up.

After Harding "died of illness", it was Hoover who represented the Republican Party in the election, and Ohio Governor James Cox represented the Democratic Party.

February NO.15, Hoover and James Cox held the first public debate in the U.S. Congress. During the debate, James Cox reminded members of Congress to pay attention to the threat posed by southern Africa, claiming that once elected, it would have Southern Africa took a tough stance, not only driving Southern Africa out of South America, but also urging Canada to take back Halifax.

"Mr. Governor, I have to remind you that once you do this, you will bring the United States into another war. Southern Africa is not Germany. It is backed by the British Empire. Once the war breaks out, the United States will become the public enemy of the world. This will be a huge disaster for us." Hoover was heartbroken, and the soldier's ominous weapon should be used as a last resort, and he cannot just talk about it casually.

"Then let southern Africa build military bases around the United States? Southern Africa has already established the Atlantic Fleet and stationed tens of thousands of people in Halifax. Now southern Africa is going to build a military base in the Bahamas and lease Mexico's scientific research base." Sumer, we must not ignore it, otherwise it will be shameful treason." James Cox pointed out that southern Africa has indeed posed a real threat to the United States during this period.

"War is the last choice after all methods have failed. Southern Africa did not get Cozumel, the military base in the Bahamas has also been shut down, and Halifax does not have tens of thousands of people. America is still the America of the United States—you It’s scaremongering, and I want to tie the United States to your chariot to achieve ulterior purposes.” Hoover’s words were fierce, and the last thing the United States wants to fight is members of Congress. Once a war breaks out, the power of the US president will be greatly increased. strengthen.

"I have only one purpose, to make America better!" James Cox was impassioned.

"You are lying, you think the United States is dragged into the vortex of war. If you really want to make the United States better, then find a way to lead the United States out of the economic crisis, let the Americans live a happy life, and gain the greatest benefit at the smallest cost. Think about the world war that just passed, the United States lost tens of thousands of people and spent tens of billions of dollars, what did we get?" Hoover's words obviously moved members of Congress more, and as soon as Hoover's words fell, the hall of Congress erupted Out of warm applause.

The big picture is set!

(End of this chapter)

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