Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1346 This is Pretoria

Chapter 1346 This is Pretoria

The whites are different from the Chinese in that they have a weaker concept of the nation and the nation. The Chinese traditionally do not leave their homes unless it is absolutely necessary, while the whites live with the situation. Today they fight to the death, but tomorrow it is commonplace to immigrate and change their nationality.

The Germans who emigrated to southern Africa after the World Wars are proof of this.

For white people born in the colonies, there is no concept of nation and nation. Many white people can't even tell their blood, and it is really difficult for them to be loyal to the country.

The death of the little king of Mozambique hardly attracted any attention in southern Africa. After attending the banquet, Lu Taitai locked himself in the room after returning to the hotel and said he was sick. He did not attend the meeting the next day.

"The guy was so terrified that he didn't even dare to use the ingredients provided by the Rhodesia Hotel. He sent the chef to the farm to buy a few sheep. It would take a few hours to make sure the sheep were alive before he dared to eat them. Poor Guy, it's almost neurotic now." Sidney Milner gloated, the sheep were kept in the garden of the Rhodesia Hotel, and the hotel management was helpless.

Lu Taitai is the king, so I still have to show some face, at least Lu Taitai didn't bring his own tent.

Rock smiled and said nothing, Lu Taitai was overreacting, Brad really wanted to deal with Lu Taitai, Lu Taitai couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

"Yaya sent a telegram. Mumu is ready to let Lu Taitai step down at any time. This guy is also angry in the Kingdom of Congo, similar to the scum in the Kingdom of Mozambique. It is said that there are hundreds of wives and countless properties. A few months ago, Lu Taitai had just designated 50 hectares of plantation near Leopoldville as his own private property. In the Kingdom of Congo, the Lu Taitai family occupied more than 1500 million hectares of land." Sidney Milner saw this The numbers can't help but move, 1500 million hectares is a full 15 square kilometers, this is the world.

The total land area of ​​the Kingdom of Congo is only a little over 75, and the land owned by the Lu Taitai family is equivalent to almost one-fifth of the total area of ​​the Kingdom of Congo.

"Africans are like this. We can't expect too much from them." Stoudemire was not surprised. It is inevitable that the poor will look ugly when they become rich. This is the consequence of uncoordinated virtue.

In fact, it's not just Africans. During the reign of Leopold II, eating was also ugly, and even the Belgian government couldn't stand it.

"How is Mumu?" Rock's impression of Mumu is quite good.

Not all Africans are muddy and can’t stick to the wall. Some Africans Rock knows are pretty good, such as Mumu, and Yaya——


Oh, yes, some of the African mercenaries in the umbrella company are actually good, but the overall ratio is pitifully low.

"It's okay. Mumu has been the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Congo these years. He also has some property in the Kingdom of Congo, but it's not too much compared to Lu Taitai. In addition, Mumu still has some property in Victoria." Sidney Mill Na also has a good impression of Mumu.

As an African, Mumu was originally not eligible to own property in southern Africa.

However, Mumu's situation is a bit special. His birthplace was Fort Honor in Victoria. After Southern Africa annexed Victoria, he still reserved some properties for Mumu in Fort Honor.

"Wait a little longer and see what Lu Taitai will do." Rock didn't want to go too far, the little king of Mozambique had just passed away, and if there was another coup, it would be embarrassing for Southern Africa.

Of course, if Lu Taitai is obsessed with obsession, Roque will not be indecisive, and he will get it if he earns almost, and the end of greed is doomed to be miserable.

Lu Taitai didn't know that he had only one last chance left. After returning to the hotel, Lu Taitai became a frightened bird, and everyone looked like an agent of Brad's office.

After staying at the Rhodesia Hotel, Lu Taitai replaced the chef and butler of the presidential suite, but kept the waiter in the presidential suite.

The waiter is a woman, and she can work in the presidential suite. The overall quality must be very good. Blond hair and blue eyes are hot, which is standard. Anyway, it fits Lu Taitai's aesthetics.

What's more ulterior is that Lu Taitai enjoys the feeling of being served by white people. Speaking of his huge harem group, most of them are white people, and I don't know where they all come from.

According to the regulations of the presidential suite, the bedding in the room has to be changed every day. In fact, Lu Taitai’s servants can be responsible for this job. Lu Taitai is not. He also likes to pour a glass of wine and watch while the waiter in the presidential suite is working. I don't know what I'm looking at, maybe it's the unevenness of the bed sheets.

There are two waiters in the presidential suite, one named Amy and the other named Cindy.

"That guy's eyes look like a beast, it's really annoying." Amy doesn't like Lu Taitai. Although Lu Taitai is the king of the Kingdom of Congo, this identity is not useful to everyone.

"So what, that guy is the king, he has money—" Cindy didn't care much, because some people regard money as dung, and some people rush after it.

"Then you go, as long as you can climb into his bed, maybe he will give you a ten-carat diamond ring." Amy pouted, Africans don't believe in keeping their wealth secret, and it's normal for rich Africans to wear gold and silver , wishing to sew rand together as clothes, Lu Taitai's ten fingers were covered with rings, and some of them had more than one.

The only function is probably to show off wealth.

Do you still remember the Indian who wore gold as clothes? He and his son were kidnapped while attending a banquet. His death was extremely tragic, and his son seemed not to be spared.

"What is a diamond ring? I heard from Jenna from Itnor that His Majesty the King bought more than 20 rings in Itnor yesterday, costing 10,000+ rand—" Cindy's eyes were peachy, 10,000+ , enough to make moths fly to the flame.

"He used shopping to relieve stress, but these kings are indeed quite rich—" Although Amy hated this kind of behavior, she had to admit that wealth was still desirable.

At this moment, a guard of Lu Taitai came over and asked Amy to clean Lu Taitai's bedroom.

Amy and Cindy stood up at the same time.

"No, Amy, you come—" the guard called the name.

Cindy is disappointed.

Amy was even more disappointed.

But since the guest needs it, Amy has no reason to refuse.

Lu Taitai's room was messy, and the air was filled with an uncomfortable smell. Lu Taitai himself didn't even wear clothes, just sitting on a chair by the balcony, holding a glass of wine with a gloomy expression.

A certain part is full of fighting spirit.

Amy turned a blind eye and started working with her back to Lu Taitai.

Then he was hugged by Lu Taitai.

"Ah—" Amy screamed.

"Shut up, little bitch, it's an honor for me to see you." Lu Taitai was so drunk that he didn't know how much he had drunk.

"Let go of me, you can't do this—" Amy struggled desperately.

Lu Taitai had a ferocious expression, and slapped Amy hard on the face.

Amy immediately fell on the bed, dazed.

Many people don't know whether they are pretending to be stupid or really don't know. They always think that they can resist.

Actually most of the time it can't.

Criminals are not lovers. Before committing a crime, they will violently attack the victim, beating the victim incapacitated before committing the crime.

At this time, not to mention resistance, whether you can survive is a problem.

Lu Taitai is more than 1.8 meters tall and weighs more than [-] kilograms.

Emmy is 1.7 meters tall and weighs only 55 kilograms. On the boxing ring, one is super heavyweight and the other is super bantamweight, with at least 13 levels in between.

Considering the physical differences between men and women, the gap will be further widened, so it is not an exaggeration that Lu Taitai can make Emmy lose her ability to resist with a slap.

"Please don't, please let me go, you can't—" Amy cried and begged.

"Bichi, can't you just enjoy it? I'll give you a lot of money to meet all your requirements—" Lu Taitai was rich and powerful, and directly threw a stack of banknotes on Amy.

"I don't want money, let me go, you can't do this—" Amy is indeed not as rich as Lu Taitai, but she doesn't want to get wealth in this way.

"Bichi, all of you southern Africans are Bichi—" Lu Taitai had a crazy expression, riding on Amy, tearing Amy's clothes.

"Don't—" Amy screamed desperately, and then suddenly remembered: "—Paul save me—"

"Hahahaha, no one can save you, Bichi, enjoy yourself—" Lu Taitai felt that the world was in his own hands. The presidential suite of the Rhodesia Hotel had a high level of security, and the police needed the hotel's permission to enter.

But what Lu Taitai didn't expect was that with Amy's scream, the door of the room was knocked suddenly.

"Go away!" Lu Taitai was furious.

"Your Majesty, here comes an agent from Brad's office." Outside the door was Lu Taitai's butler.

"Let him go!" Lu Taitai's brain was full of sperm, and he couldn't listen to anything.

"Your Majesty, you'd better let that lady go, the police are rushing over—" the butler reminded tactfully, for a guest of the king's level, this matter is either big or small, if you like, No one has the right to interfere. If there is a violent crime, the police in Pretoria will definitely get involved, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Lu Taitai looked at the pistol on the bedside table.

He's already a king, but he still can't leave his body with his gun, how insecure he must be.

"Your Majesty, this is an extraordinary period. You must be careful and don't give southern Africans a chance to make use of it." The housekeeper earnestly said that Lu Taitai's status as a king is useless to the police in southern Africa. After all, this is not Leopoldville.

"Take the money and get out—" Lu Taitai finally succumbed, but he didn't regret it too much, after all, his mistakes were not irreparable.

With tears in her eyes, Amy stumbled and ran towards the door without touching the money.

(End of this chapter)

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