Chapter 1352 Seven or Eight

When Southern Africa integrated surrounding resources, the world was changing.

On March 3, the United States held a general election, and Hoover was successfully elected as the 20th president of the United States.

On March 3, Stanley Baldwin became the 25th Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, succeeding Andrew Bonar Law.

Despite the strong rise of southern Africa, the United States and Britain are still the two most powerful countries in the world.

With Hoover and Stanley Baldwin taking office one after another, Rock was surprised to find that the international environment facing southern Africa was improving. The first thing Hoover did after taking office was to cancel the "Chinese Exclusion Act", and at the same time began to contact Canada , tense residents on the U.S.-Canada border gradually eased.

After Stanley Baldwin took office, the attitude of the United Kingdom towards the Southern African Union also changed drastically. Before that, London clearly expressed its opposition to the establishment of the Southern African Union. In Stanley Baldwin’s inauguration speech, the Southern African Union became an important tool for maintaining order in Africa. strength, a sign that Britain was finally willing to confront the rise of southern Africa head-on.

Southern Africa reciprocated, and Stanley Baldwin had already publicly expressed his favor, and Southern Africa could not fail to express it.

Southern Africa then waived part of the loan interest payable by the British Empire in 1921.

Just interest.

Still some interest.

Oh, when did the British Empire fall to this point.

It's not all good news, the UK can accept the formation of the Southern African Union, but it cannot accept Australia and New Zealand joining Southern Africa.

On the eve of the establishment of the Southern African Union, Viscount Gladstone was dismissed from the position of Governor of Australia and New Zealand and transferred back to the UK for another appointment. The new Governor of Australia and New Zealand was the former Governor of India, Marquis Curzon.

This news is not good for southern Africa. The relationship between Curzon and Kitchener is bad. After serving as the governor of Australia and New Zealand, it will definitely affect the relationship between Australia and southern Africa. Just after he was appointed, Curzon was still in London, so he directly withdrew to Australia And New Zealand's application to join the Southern African Union, followed by an interview with The Times in London, claiming to increase efforts to introduce immigrants, strengthen cooperation with members of the Commonwealth of Nations, and make Australia another jewel in the crown of the British king.

Hey, wouldn't another Southern Africa be more appropriate.

For Curzon's ambitions, Rock said he was not worried.

The only way for Curzon to introduce population is India.

Considering the complicated situation in India, Rock is not optimistic about Curzon's decision.

Most of the Dalits in India, Curzon doesn't like it.

As for the upper-class Brahmins, they are emperors in India, enjoy privileges that they cannot enjoy outside India, and have countless Dalits to drive them. Why should they come to Australia to contribute to Curzon's ideals?

Also in March, another incident occurred. France, on the pretext that Germany did not pay reparations, united with Belgium to send troops to occupy the Ruhr industrial area in Germany, causing the "Ruhr crisis".

The root cause of the Ruhr crisis lies in the long-standing sharp contradiction between Germany and France.

France did not achieve the goal of completely dismembering Germany at the Paris Peace Conference. Germany's threat to France still exists. With Germany's population size, technological strength, and the support of the United Kingdom and the United States, it is actually not difficult for Germany to make a comeback.

In order to completely suppress Germany, France took the risk and united with Belgium to invade Germany's Ruhr industrial area. Compared with the "Ruhr danger", the Southern African Union suddenly became a scabies disease.

"What do the French think? Their invasion of the Ruhr Industrial Zone will not bring any benefits at all. Instead, it will arouse the vigilance of other countries and strengthen their assistance to Germany. Germany can also use this opportunity to seek international support. Just wait and see, France People tend to be self-defeating." The "other countries" mentioned by Ader obviously refer to the United Kingdom and the United States.

Ade is half German, so he still has compassion for Germany.

The French are really too stupid. Such a blatant invasion of the Ruhr area is obviously giving others a handle.

It is true that the European continent is southern Africa.

The problem is that France is not a monopoly on the European continent, and there is Britain next to it.

"We gave Germany so much money, didn't Germany use it to repay the loan?" Rock has been in southern Africa during this time, and he really doesn't know what happened in the European continent.

After the "Contract of Versailles", Germany borrowed money from southern Africa and the United States to pay various indemnities. In the past two years, Germany has received nearly [-] million rand from southern Africa alone.

"It's a hell of a thing for the Germans to pay back the money honestly. After the World War, France received less than 1000 million in reparations from Germany, which is much harder than squeezing toothpaste." Kitchener felt relaxed, and the evil German , the greedy Frenchman, the cunning Englishman—

Well, none of this has anything to do with Kitchener now. Kitchener is a 70-year-old man who is on the verge of retiring and goes to the market to save his face because he can't catch any fish every day.

"The loan we gave to Germany won't come back?" Rock was suddenly worried, fearing that the Germans would turn their backs on them just like the Russians.

Russian deadbeat Roque knew, so Southern Africa did not fall into the pit.

It is really not clear whether Germany has reneged on Roque, and there seems to be twists and turns in the middle, and it was not paid off until the 21st century.

"Dare! If you dare to renege, we will have another world war!" Kitchina is full of domineering, 1000 million rand, so how much tilapia can be obtained, enough for Kitchina to fish for [-] years.

In fact, Roque doesn't care whether Germany will renege on his debts. Now that Roque uses his "superpowers" less and less, southern Africa has become more and more prosperous, and Roque doesn't need to pretend to be a magic stick all the time.

On April 4st, Southern Africa, the Republic of Congo, the Kingdom of Congo, the Kingdom of Mozambique, West Africa, and Madagascar jointly announced the establishment of the Southern African Union in Pretoria. Ade took office again as the first chairman of the Southern African Union.

After its establishment, the Southern African Union has a total area of ​​991 million square kilometers and a total population of 6500 million. In the past 1920, the total GDP reached 50 billion rand, which instantly attracted the attention of the world.

That night, representatives from member states of the Southern African Union and representatives from various countries who came to congratulate them gathered in the Palace of Justice to participate in the celebration dinner held by Philip to thank the representatives of various countries.

Rock and Phyllis in military uniform showed up at the banquet on time at seven o'clock in the evening, and immediately became the focus of the banquet.

After the establishment of the Southern African Union, Adelaide appointed Roque as the commander-in-chief of the Southern African Union's armed forces. That is to say, in the current Southern African Union, whether it is the army or the police, as long as they can hold guns, they belong to Roque.

"Congratulations Locke, now you have a suitable excuse to take possession of the four 'Normandy' class battleships." The new French Prime Minister Georges Leger congratulated sourly. His position is amazing. Almost every time he plays, the candidate will replace.

"No, no, no, it belongs to the Kingdom of Mozambique and West Africa, not to Southern Africa." Rock immediately clarified that Rock's name was signed in black and white on the "Washington Naval Treaty", so you can't talk nonsense.

"Hmph, don't talk about the "Washington Naval Treaty". We know what the actual situation is." George Leger felt sad. France also benefited a lot from the Washington Naval Conference, and the tonnage of the battleship was greatly increased Pile, unfortunately, none of them have started construction yet, and the pile of old warships is still supporting the scene.

Including the submarine that France insisted on, there was no movement.

During the Naval Conference in Washington, France insisted on increasing the number of submarines and forming a strong submarine force to ensure France's interests in the Mediterranean. For this reason, Roque and Albert Sarao almost quarreled, and the meeting was interrupted for a while.

The result was the Washington Naval Conference, without any agreement on submarines.

France got what it wanted, but when it turned around, it found that it had no funds and strength to form a submarine force.

So what is the UK doing?

France is!

"If you can't run out of aircraft carrier tonnage, you can consider transferring some to southern Africa. I don't mind hanging it under the name of the French Navy." Roque joked. France got a total tonnage of 7 tons of aircraft carriers at the Washington Naval Conference. Now it only costs [-], the one ordered from southern Africa, which was just delivered last month.

Thinking about it this way, perhaps it was the confidence given to the French by the aircraft carrier, so the French joined forces with Belgium to invade the Ruhr area.

Oh, if this is the case, then the sin of southern Africa will be great.

"How much can you offer?" George Legge's eyes lit up immediately.

Now it's Rock's turn to be embarrassed, your sister, you guys really dare to sell!

Even if France dared to sell it, southern Africa would not dare to buy it.

Rock wanted to get away with a haha, but George Legg didn't let Rock go.

"The port of St. Roque has been built, tsk tsk, St. Rocco—" George Legge said with emotion, people only call him "Saint" after they are dead, but Roque is still alive, this is "Saint Rocco", it is simply inappropriate son.

"Has it been built yet? It's really good news." Rock doesn't care about the holy or not. He is too busy during this time, and Rock doesn't have time to pay attention to the progress of Saint Locke.

The corner of George Legge's mouth twitched, and he looked at Rock rather unkindly.

When France decided to give the Duperokust Dunes to Southern Africa, it did not expect that Southern Africa would be able to build the Duperokust Dunes into the current Saint-Roch.

The area of ​​the Duperokust dunes is only about 20 square kilometers. From the perspective of the French government, even if Southern Africa is strong, it will not be too big.

As a result, southern Africa gave full play to its subjective initiative and doubled its area by land reclamation. Then, a group of people followed suit. Now the port area of ​​San Roque is still 40 square kilometers, but the total area has reached 150 square kilometers. Just like another little Paris.

"Locke, congratulations, how many countries are you Marshal of now? Seven, or eight?" Neville, who came to congratulate on behalf of the United Kingdom, was very envious of Roque. When the world war ended, Roque was already the marshal of the three countries. Yes, and now there are several more.

(End of this chapter)

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