Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1355 Short-Lived Governor

Chapter 1355 Short-Lived Governor

The United States and Japan are both Rock's confidantes, one directly threatens the Commonwealth of Nations, and the other directly threatens that——

That is to say, Rock's British identity limits Rock's contact with the Chinese.

Otherwise, with the strength of southern Africa, Japan would have been pressed to the ground and rubbed hard.

If the United States tore up the "Washington Naval Treaty", it would be exactly what Rock wanted.

Rock didn't care whether there would be a war between the United States and Japan. Without the "Washington Naval Treaty," southern Africa could just develop its navy in an upright manner, and the few "Congo"-class battleships no longer had to hide.

By the way, among the four "Congo"-class battlecruisers, the "Congo", which is the fastest, has a hull completion rate of more than 80.00%, and it is expected to be launched smoothly before the end of the year.

Compared with the speed of building warships in southern Africa, this speed is slightly slower.

However, the "Congo"-class battlecruisers after major changes are completely different from the previous "Normandy"-class battleships. It is not too much to say that they are starting from scratch, and the slow progress is understandable.

After the battlecruiser "Congo" is completed, it will join the newly established Atlantic Fleet and become Patton's flagship.

Also assigned to the Atlantic Fleet is the USS Orange, which is under construction.

The "Orange" aircraft carrier is the third ship of the "Transvaal" class aircraft carrier. The first two are the "Transvaal" and the "Cape", and the fourth is the "Nyasaland". "No.

From this ranking, we can see the status of Nyasaland in southern Africa.

Stoudemire is very dissatisfied with this ranking. For Transvaal and Nyasaland, Stoudemire has nothing to say, even Cape Stoudemire can accept it. What the hell is Orange?Just because Orange is the state where Bloemfontein is located, can Orange be above Rhodesia?

This question is so overwhelming.

Because of the big differences between Rock and Stimson, the originally planned meeting on the second day was directly canceled.

Curzon treats Stimson to dinner.

Rock goes to see Ad and Kitchener.

"We can't make any concessions to the Americans. It was because of London's concession that we lost thirteen states in North America." Kitchener's attitude was firm. From this point of view, if possible, Kitchener probably wanted to restore the relationship with the United States. colonial.

Impossible, my lord, times have changed.

"The times have changed. We must be cautious when balancing the United States, and we must not be self-defeating." Facing the reality, Adelaide said that the United States still has great potential for war. Strictly speaking, it is close to southern Africa and has no confrontation with the United States. strength.

To put it bluntly, there is still a gap in human resources. In recent years, the average annual population growth rate in southern Africa has actually exceeded [-]%, and this figure includes immigrants.

Even so, the current total population of southern Africa has just passed the 4000 million mark, which is still far behind the 1000 million in the United States.

Therefore, even though southern Africa has abundant resources, sufficient strategic depth, and developed technological strength, without the blessing of the entire Commonwealth, southern Africa is still powerless to fight against the United States.

"I am going to cancel the construction of a military base in the Bahamas and appropriately reduce the garrison in Halifax, but withdrawing troops is absolutely impossible. Even if we can only retain the symbolic Atlantic Fleet, it can form a sufficient deterrent to the United States." Luo Ke has his own ideas, and the suggestions of Kitchener and Ade are only for Rock's reference.

"Very well, do what you want, no matter what you do, we old guys will support you--" Kitchener favored Rock. In fact, there are many outstanding young people in southern Africa, but like Luo Ke Not many visited Kitchener and Ader as often as Ke.

Although Kitchena and Ade are now standard cold stoves, there are still benefits to running cold.

Kitchener and Ade still have a huge influence on the current southern Africa and even the Commonwealth. Both of them have served the Commonwealth all their lives, and their disciples are all over the world. Rock can flourish and cannot do without Kitchin The combination of sodium and Ader.

Of course, not all the benefits that Kitchener and Alder brought to Roque, such as Curzon——

Rock is now very curious about what Curzon will talk about with Stimson. Curzon will never engage in any exchange of interests with the United States.

Hard to say.

"Lock, you have to learn to rely on the help of London. The threat facing the Commonwealth cannot be carried by you alone." The Ade people are old and mature, and crying children have milk to eat.

"Hmm--I understand--" Rock nodded his head like a chick, and decided to send a telegram to the king when he turned around.

Rock worked so hard, but it was all for the British Empire. King George V couldn't just stand by and watch the fun. He should help, at least give some benefits.

A little later, the conversation between Curzon and Stimson was written up and placed on Rock's desk.

Curzon and Stimson did not touch too much on the sensitive US-Canada relationship, but more on the economic level.

Curzon hopes that there will be closer cooperation between the United States and Australia to attract American capital to invest in Australia. For this reason, Curzon is willing to open the market to the United States.

This is a great benefit for the United States. The Commonwealth has always been monolithic, and the Americans have tried their best to fail to open the Commonwealth market.

Now that Australia has taken the initiative to "surrender", it is indeed a surprise for the United States.

"What is worth investing in in Australia?" Sidney Milner is relatively new to Australia.

After Sidney Milner left the Palace of Justice, he came to work with Rock, and his current position is the Minister of the Marquis of Nyasaland.

To put it bluntly, it is the chief executive next to Rock, the one officially recognized.

"Probably a farm—" Rock laughed dumbly.

For Rock, there is huge room for investment in Australia. In this "country sitting on a mine cart", there are still many untapped treasures in the territory.

For the United States, Australia is tasteless.

Australia has a vast land and sparse population. Although it has a large area, it is sparsely populated. The market of more than 500 million people is not even a fraction compared with southern Africa.

Americans are not clear about Australia's domestic mineral resources.

The United States values ​​Australia's Commonwealth status.

The fortresses are all breached from within, and the United States regards Australia as an opportunity to open up the Commonwealth market.

"Damn it, you're eating inside and out—" Sidney Milner scolded, hating this kind of heroic traitor the most.

It's not considered a traitor. When Viscount Gladstone was in Australia, he was helpless about the status quo in Australia and had to seek help from southern Africa to bring some changes to Australia.

The situation that Curzon is now facing is even more severe than that faced by Viscount Gladstone. Back then, Viscount Gladstone had help from southern Africa. After Curzon took office, Australia was besieged on all sides, so Curzon had to turn to the United States for help. .

"To cooperate with the Americans is to seek skins from tigers." Sidney Milner's views on the United States were heavily influenced by Rock.

But for Curzon, perhaps working with southern Africa is the way to seek skin from a tiger.

Cooperate with the United States, at least the United States has limited influence on Australia.

Cooperating with Southern Africa, Australia will become a vassal of Southern Africa, and may even be annexed by Southern Africa in the future.

"Prepare the car to go to the Palace of Justice." Rock went to find Philip, not forgetting to bring the chat records between Curzon and Stimson.


In the Prime Minister's Office of the Palace of Justice, Philip looked solemn after reading the chat records.

Regardless of the fact that Southern Africa has already established the Atlantic Fleet, in fact, the core interests of Southern Africa lie in the Indian Ocean, and Australia plays an important role in the Indian Ocean region. The United States is seeking new breakthroughs in Asia. Once the United States and Australia join forces, it will definitely benefit Southern Africa. make an impact.

"What do you think?" Philip asked Rock's opinion.

"Curson is crazy. We have such a sharp relationship with the United States, but Curzon wants to cooperate with the United States. He will not only hurt the relationship between southern Africa and Australia, but this behavior will even affect the interests of the entire Commonwealth of Nations. "Luo Ke is really not alarmist, the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest, this kind of behavior must be resolutely cracked down.

"You bastard, I want to send a telegram to His Majesty." Philip's first thought was to file a complaint.

That's right, the Governor Curzon was appointed by George V, so George V is responsible for Curzon's actions.

"Send another letter to Prime Minister Hughes, inviting him to visit southern Africa." Rock was insidious. During Viscount Gladstone's tenure, the southern African consortium headed by Nyasaland and South African companies carried out a campaign against Australia. A lot of investment, so Billy Hughes has a good relationship with Southern Africa.

Compared with Viscount Gladstone, Curzon has a stronger desire for power.

The main reason why Curzon was "assigned" to Australia was that he failed to compete with Stanley Baldwin for prime minister. The British political arena is also a winner and loser, and if he fails, he will bear the consequences of failure.

Even though he was dispatched to Australia, Curzon was still unwilling to be alone. Smart people know that cooperating with the United States is not in the interests of the Commonwealth. Curzon still went all the way because of personal grievances. Billy Hughes probably has an idea .

"Ha, that's right." Philip was enlightened, and only complaining to King George V may not have much effect. The resignation of Viscount Gladstone has fully proved that London has enough vigilance against the expansion of southern Africa.

If the Australian government is also dissatisfied with Curzon, then Curzon's situation is very dangerous. George V can impose some restrictions on southern Africa in order to contain southern Africa.

But if this leads to the alienation of the Australian government and London, then George V cannot bear the result.

Look, the political struggle is actually not as complicated as imagined. Both the mainland and Australia work together, and Curzon might become Australia's shortest-lived governor.

ps: Yesterday was really not fishing

(End of this chapter)

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