Chapter 1357
London's response was quick. Philip sent a telegram to George V, and London sent a telegram to Curzon the next day, ordering Curzon to immediately stop contact with the Americans, suspend all cooperation with the Americans, and order Curzon to Return to London to be questioned by Parliament.

On the same day, Australian Prime Minister Billy Hughes accepted the invitation of Southern African Prime Minister Philip to visit Southern Africa, and the time is scheduled to be from April 17 to NO.[-].

Rock doesn't care about Curzon's fate. Since he is against Southern Africa, he must be prepared to be retaliated by Southern Africa. Rock is not Kitchener, and his power is beyond Curzon's imagination.

Although Kitchener's influence in the British military is high, it is still limited to the military after all.

Rock's influence is everywhere. Nyasaland Corporation and Rand Bank have huge influence not only in southern Africa, but also in the entire Commonwealth of Nations and the old European continent. If Curzon thinks that Rock is the same as Kitchener It's easy to deal with, then Curzon was wrong, and he deserved it if he got his head broken.

However, Roque also underestimated the influence of the United States. When London sent a telegram to reprimand Curzon, it also sent a telegram to Pretoria, asking the Southern African Federal Government to exercise restraint as much as possible, not to stimulate the sensitive self-esteem of Americans, and correctly handle the situation in the United States. The Halifax Garrison thing.

"What does this mean?" Rock was very disappointed with the London telegram, just like the feeling of being overwhelmed with cold water.

"What else can it mean? London doesn't want a war with the United States, and at the same time, it doesn't want to see the further expansion of southern Africa's influence. This will also affect the interests of the British Empire." Philip sneered, and Stanley Baldwin also fought With a good plan, use southern Africa to contain the United States, and kick it away after using it.

After Hoover took office, he improved relations with the United Kingdom and did not continue to provoke friction on the US-Canada border. The situation on the US-Canada border has eased.

From London's point of view, the crisis in Canada has been effectively alleviated, and the external threat is no longer obvious, and southern Africa is rising from a disease of ringworm to a serious problem.

In fact, the threat to London is similar to that of the United States in southern Africa, and even greater than that of the United States.

The threat from the United States is only in the direction of Canada at this stage, and the importance of Canada to the United Kingdom is gradually decreasing. As long as the United States does not invade Canada, it will not break through the bottom line of the United Kingdom.

The threat in southern Africa is real.

At present, the British Empire continues to weaken, let alone its influence in the world. Even within the Commonwealth, the dominance of the British mainland is gradually decreasing. Southern Africa has shown a tendency to replace the British mainland and dominate the Commonwealth. The same is unacceptable in London.

"Crossing the river and demolishing bridges? Interesting—" Rock also sneered, the sternness in his eyes flashing away.

"Don't be impulsive, the matter hasn't reached the point of no return." Philip was taken aback. It might just be a complaint if it were someone else, but for Roque, it could deal a fatal blow to the Commonwealth at any time.

Having known Roque for so many years, Philip couldn't be more aware of Roque's danger and aggressiveness.

"The bastards in Congress, they are a bunch of idiots. The corrupt upper house and the greedy lower house are really a perfect combination. Your Majesty should directly dissolve the parliament and appoint Rock as the speaker." Kitchener didn't drink too much, he just didn't like it Members of Congress.

The conflict between Kitchener and Congress reached its peak during the World Wars, when Congress required Kitchener to go to Congress every week to summarize the previous week's work and present the War Department's work plan for the week to Congress.

This requirement is actually a bit difficult, the battlefield situation is changing rapidly, accidents may happen at any time, it is impossible to go completely according to the plan.

But those congressmen don't care, they don't consider the objective situation, they try to take all the rights in their own hands, they are greedy and stupid.

"The Canadian government should come forward and explain to London that the threat facing Canada still exists, so that we have sufficient reasons to maintain the garrison in Halifax." Adelaide is more rational, the British Parliament has always been like that, It cannot be changed in a short period of time.

As for Kitchener's proposal to dissolve Parliament and appoint Roque as Prime Minister, Adelaide pretended not to hear it.

"Hmph, William Lyon Mackenzie King is also an idiot. London must have consulted William Lyon Mackenzie King before sending this telegram." Philip is not optimistic, don't be too high To estimate the intelligence level of some politicians, it is still the 21st century.

Some politicians in the early twentieth century were not even as good as a businessman in governance. Officials of that level were actually considered good among whites.

"I think we need to be tougher." Rock had the urge to take risks, and Philip, Kitchener, and Ade were suddenly taken aback.

"Locke, be careful—"

"Not yet."


The horizontal bar means stunned, guess who these three reactions are from?
"I'm just saying—" Rock smiled, as if it was just a joke.

In fact, it is also a test.

Rock was not surprised by the reactions of Philip, Kitchener, and Ader.

Although Kitchener yelled at London when he mentioned London, in fact, Kitchener was still a standard British person, and hiding in southern Africa actually meant that he was out of sight and out of mind.

Out of sight, out of mind doesn't mean you have to turn the table over.

Although Philip and Ade are already southern Africans, they still have feelings for Britain, and they don't turn their faces like Rock.

"Well, let me send a telegram to the Prime Minister to explain our attitude. Halifax must retain a certain number of troops, otherwise Canada will become a vassal of the Americans sooner or later." Philip frowned, and he felt keenly I realized that Rock was not as calm and breezy as it seemed on the surface.

"I'll also send a telegram to Jericho. The Royal Navy can't protect Canada. Can't we let southern Africa protect Canada?" Kitchener's temper was hot, and he also noticed that the atmosphere was weird, but he didn't know enough about Rock.

Ade didn't speak, and looked at Rock with a complicated expression.

The current Roque is no longer the insignificant deputy captain of the commando of the police station. The former unknown person has grown into a towering tree. If London does not handle this issue well, the consequences will be really unpredictable.

In the evening, Ade held a banquet in his manor and invited Rock to be a guest.

Sidney Milner accompanied.

Ade is also careful, and prepares a sumptuous Chinese dinner for Rock.

But Rock's attention was not on the dinner.

"I still remember when we first arrived in Pretoria, it was almost in ruins, there were bullet holes in the outer wall of the Palace of Justice, and my office was a mess—" Ade played the emotional card, recalling the past. years.

Rock didn't speak, he dug a spoonful of peanuts from the plate, put it on the plate in front of him and ate it slowly.

Sidney Milner put the plate directly in front of Rock as a matter of course.

Rock didn't care at all.

Ade smiled happily.

"At that time, what I was most worried about was the comeback of the Boers. In order to cut off the support of the Boers from other directions, Commander Kitchener deployed more troops around the Transvaal and Orange. At that time, Pretoria Ya, in fact there are only more than 1 troops, and the whereabouts of the Boer coalition forces are uncertain, and they may launch a counterattack in Pretoria at any time—"Ade drank red wine, and the elderly actually drink some red wine, which is good for their health.

Of course, you can't drink too much, neither old nor young.

"Lock, do you remember why you came to southern Africa?" Ade asked suddenly.

"Of course I remember, I was at the Cape Town Police Station, and one day my colleagues and I were patrolling the streets and were attacked by the Boers - my companions abandoned me and fled, leaving me alone on the spot - —" Rock thought for a long time, but he couldn't remember the name of the Indian policeman.

Forget it, the inconspicuous passer-by, who is too lazy to turn back, is probably still setting up a trick at the Cape Town pier to deceive people.

Ad and Sidney Milner didn't speak, they smiled and looked at Rock with warm and peaceful eyes.

"Yeah, we were all forced to come to Southern Africa, to take root and fall leaves in Southern Africa—" Ade made a pun, leaning back on the chair and squinting his eyes: "——the current Southern Africa, and 20 years ago Compared with Southern Africa, it is simply a paradise. All of this is hard-earned, we must cherish our current life, and we cannot allow Southern Africa to fall into the flames of war again—"

This is clear enough, Rock stopped the chopsticks in his hand, and looked at Ade quietly.

Sidney Milner had both hands within Roark's sight, looking worried.

"Locke, after I die, I don't care what you do. As long as I live, you must remain loyal to the British Empire." Ade's request is not high, which is why I don't care about the flood after I die.

But these words came out of Ade's mouth, no matter how you look at it, there is no arrogance and arrogance, but full of loneliness and helplessness that the hero is about to call the curtain.

Rock nodded silently without saying a word. Ade's loyalty to the British Empire is beyond doubt. Even if he has left the political arena, Ade will not just watch Rock lose control.

"My lord, I never thought of betraying the British Empire." Roque really wasn't lying, as long as the British Empire didn't force Southern Africa to rebel, why would Roque be so unkind.

When it comes to the fact that the British Empire forces southern Africa to rebel, there is no need for Rock to stand up, and the white people in southern Africa will take the initiative to raise the flag of rebellion.

Just like the Americans at the time.

Of course, this does not mean that Roark is loyal to the British Empire. Southern Africa does not have the ability to fight the United States alone and needs the help of the British Empire.

When it really comes to the time when southern Africa is capable of taking on the United States, there is no need for Roque to come forward, and everything will happen naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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