Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1373 Private Property

Chapter 1373 Private Property

July is the annual graduation season.

Now in southern Africa, there are more than ten comprehensive colleges and universities whose academic certificates are recognized by Europe, and Nyasaland University is still a leader.

In the World University Rankings released by The Times not long ago, Nyasaland University ranks second only to Oxford and Cambridge, ranking among the top three in the world.

This ranking has caused dissatisfaction among many schools, but there is nothing they can do about it. The Times is a British newspaper after all, and it would be hell if it ranked schools from other countries in the top three.

In fact, this is exactly the case. In the university rankings published by The Times, all of the top ten are British schools, and even Rhodes University, which has just been established for a few years, ranks No. 11.

The first batch of Rhodes University students have not left the campus yet, and they can get such a high ranking because of Stoudemire's investment regardless of the cost, and Rhodesia's all-out support.

In fact, the education industry is really not that difficult. As long as enough money is invested, software and hardware are not a problem.

There are also more than one million Chinese in Rhodesia. Compulsory education has been implemented for more than ten years. There is no problem with the source of students. It is actually a matter of time before entering the top ten.

Unlike the ambitious Rhodes University, Nyasaland University has become world-class in both software and hardware after ten years of hard work.

The "Star Award" established by Nyasaland University has surpassed "Nobel" to become the most famous award in the world.

"Cell", published by Nyasaland University, has become the most authoritative scientific journal in the world;

Nyasaland University even has the largest library in the world, with an unprecedented collection of 1800 million volumes.

Now there are more than 19000 teachers and students in Nyasaland University, and thousands of people leave the school every year, and a considerable part of them are foreign students.

Higher education in southern Africa is not free, on the contrary, it is quite expensive. The annual tuition fee for each student is hundreds of rands, which is basically the annual income of a middle-class family.

In order to reduce the burden on students, Nyasaland University grants a lot of scholarships and student loans every year. As long as you study hard, you can easily get the scholarship, which is actually about [-] rand a year.

Nyasaland University's scholarships are only awarded to students from southern Africa and do not cover foreign students.

Moreover, the tuition fee of foreign students is much higher than that of students from southern Africa, which can reach more than 1500 rand per year.

This year, 3500 graduates of Nyasaland University are about to walk out of the campus, which is another unparalleled carnival for the companies in southern Africa who are starving for food.

"Gentlemen, don't get too excited. Our biggest problem now is not the lack of teachers or the lack of teaching facilities, but the competition for our students. This problem must be solved.” Clark Basie, the vice president in charge of administration, was frowning at the school committee, and the decrease in the number of students means that the influence has decreased, which is not a good thing for Nyasaland University.

The current principal of Nyasaland University is still Abu, but Abu is not in charge of the management of the school, and his main energy is still on scientific research.

Rock made Abramovich the headmaster at the beginning, mainly because of Abramovich's reputation in the field of scientific research.

To put it bluntly, Abu is a mascot. He does not need to be in charge of school management. The executive vice president responsible for management, Clark Basie, is the real person in charge of Nyasaland University behind the scenes.

"What does that matter? As long as the best students are willing to apply for our Nyasaland University." Although Abu does not need to be in charge of school management, the school committee still has to participate. Such meetings are only once a month. It will not affect Abramovich's research.

Just relax.

He who rests works.

"No, no, Professor Kesell, we need good students, but also those who are not so good, just like our School of Biology, we need top scientists like you, but at the same time we need those who are not so capable, but Young teaching assistants who still have room to grow.” Clark Bassie considers issues more comprehensively than Abramovich, and the development of Nyasaland University over the years is the result of the joint efforts of everyone.

The issue of good students and bad students has been discussed many times in Southern African education circles.

In fact, there are no good students or bad students, only those who work hard and those who don't. Some people work hard, but they really can't learn. It doesn't mean that they are worthless. They just do what they are not good at.

Some people are very smart, but they are unwilling to learn. The "smart" here is a false proposition.

A truly smart person must understand the value of learning.

Just like many people who appear to be "smart" in life, they are actually smart. A truly smart person will never let himself out of the crowd.

"You don't need to worry about that. The reason for the large number of applicants before is that they didn't have a choice—" Dean Mary Ackerman is the only female member of the school committee. She has a strong personality and outstanding abilities, and she is also Phyllis' friend. .

Nyasaland University has two systems, one is the management system, which consists of the principal, executive vice president, vice president, and leaders of various departments.

The other is the provost system, which is mainly responsible for the healthy development of disciplines. The vice presidents in charge of teaching tasks of each department are members of the provost system.

"—It is a good thing that there are more choices now. Students who are self-aware or unwilling to leave their hometowns can enroll nearby. The current teaching tasks have actually caused problems for top scientists like Professor Kessel and Professor Heslin. A lot of burden——" Mary Ackerman has a delicate mind, Abu and Heslin are both in their 70s and [-]s, and while organizing research, they must also insist on lecturing to ordinary students, and the work tasks are very heavy.

At Nyasaland University, even the top scientists spend some time every week teaching ordinary students.

This is not stipulated by Nyasaland University, but applied by professors on their own initiative. They have never forgotten their original aspirations, and their main responsibility is to preach and learn.

Winners of the "Starry Sky Award" like Abu have to lead more than a dozen doctoral students on weekdays, take charge of three research institutes with different projects, and spend an afternoon every week to go to public classrooms for big lectures. You can't even imagine It is known that Abramovich is 69 years old this year.

"Mary, don't worry about this problem. Professor Heslin and I can persist for a few more years. I am in a better state than ever, and I can persist for another ten years." Abu is old and strong, and his physical condition has actually shown some problem, but not serious.

"Principal, you are the most valuable asset of our Nyasaland University—" Mary Ackerman was also helpless. Nyasaland University conducts the strictest medical examination for all professors every year, which is a mandatory requirement.

"No, the most precious asset of our Nyasaland University is our spirit, which is to go forward and never stop!" Abu's voice was not high, but it contained unparalleled firmness.

Clark Bessie is very helpless. He is a vice principal with great power, but his status in the school committee is very low. People like Abu, Heslin, and Mary often shout at Clark Bessie. Clark Bessie West has nothing to do.

Not to mention Clark Basie, Rock and Anton had nothing to do with this group of people.

"How about the graduates this year?" Abu finally remembered that he was the principal.

"It's good as always. There have been three on-campus job fairs, and more than 90.00% of the graduates have signed the contracts. The rest are directional trainees or international students. They don't need to participate in the job fair." Clark Bassey Zhen, he is still very useful as the executive vice principal.

Although in front of Abu and Mary, Clark Bessie doesn't have much status, but out of the meeting room, Clark Bessie is extremely powerful.

Clark Basie was also the Nyasaland State MP while serving as the Executive Vice-Chancellor.

"Tell Kay Mallory that those few of my students will stay and continue their studies and will not be able to graduate this year." Abu is full of domineering, and the Bigwein Hospital will send outstanding doctors to Nyasaland University for further study every year. Several people were selected by Abramovich and are now working in Abramovich's research institute.

The top medical school in Southern Africa remains the Johannesburg School of Medicine.

But the medical school with the strongest scientific research strength is undoubtedly the Nyasaland University School of Medicine.

In the past few years, Nyasaland University's colleges and departments were split up. At that time, the medical school formed its own school and formed Nyasaland Medical University. However, Nyasaland Medical University and Johannesburg Medical School both focus on teaching, and in terms of scientific research alone , Nyasaland University is still far ahead.

"Good professor, I'll pass it on to Dean Mallory." Clark Bassie was very obedient. Kay Mallory is the dean of Bigwig Hospital. Now Bigwig Hospital has 20 hospitals in southern Africa. Multiple branches, covering all states in southern Africa.

The medical system in southern Africa is also divided into two parts: public medical care and private hospitals. The public hospitals in each state belong to public medical care, and the Bigvest Hospital is the property of Phyllis.

Although Bigwie Hospital is a private hospital, it has the strength to surpass that of public hospitals. Several large-scale branches in Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Los Angeles have thousands of beds, and hundreds of doctors and nurses add up. The annual income It is no less than industry giants such as Nyasaran Automobile and Nyasaran Aviation.

During the World War, the medical level of southern Africa was well-known at home and abroad. Many doctors in southern Africa were hired by hospitals in Britain and France with high salaries, and even traveled across the ocean to the United States. The influence of southern Africa expanded little by little. .

"In addition, send a telegram to the Lord, hoping that he can come to the graduation ceremony. Nyasaland University is his private property." Abramovich is very dissatisfied with Roque. Roque has really cared about Nyasaland University in recent years. is not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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