Chapter 1376

When Jackson Marshall received the transfer order, the "West Africa" ​​finished its first trial voyage and was slowly sailing into Edward Naval Harbor.

After the modification, the "West Africa" ​​battleship has three triple-mounted 340mm main guns, a full-load displacement of 26000 tons, a maximum speed of 31 knots, and a crew of 1096. It is the most powerful battleship in southern Africa.

Once the "West Africa" ​​is delivered, it will become the flagship of the Edward Fleet, and Jackson Marshall will also serve as the captain of the "West Africa".

"It's a pity that the 'West Africa' can't participate in the joint military exercise, otherwise we will definitely surprise our old buddies." Garfield, the first mate of the Edward, was born in the Royal Navy like Jackson Marshall.

This Garfield is the same Garfield who served as the deputy gunner on the "Princess Royal". First mate of the patrol, resumed his naval career.

It was a fresh start for both Garfield and Jackson Marshall.

Also serving in the Edwardian fleet is Nelson, the former chief engineer of the "Princess Royal", who is now the captain of the light cruiser "Brave".

"There is nothing to regret. Our old buddies may not necessarily like our 'West Africa'." Jackson Marshall had no regrets. Compared with the current battleships, the "West Africa" ​​is a hedgehog covered in spikes.

Although aircraft had shown a great threat to warships during the World Wars, British and American ship designers still did not pay more attention to air defense when designing warships, and there were not many anti-aircraft weapons installed on warships.

In this way, the "West Africa" ​​has reached the level of a shadow of a snake for air defense. The installation of as many as forty air defense weapons is simply a freak in the eyes of the Royal Navy.

"If you underestimate the air threat, you will definitely pay the price." During his service in the Royal Navy, Garfield suggested to the Royal Navy to increase the number of anti-aircraft weapons in response to the threat of aircraft.

It's a pity that after the report was submitted, it fell into the sea, and did not attract the attention of the Royal Navy.

That's right, a deputy gunner is indeed not qualified to go directly to Tianting.

However, in the southern African navy, Garfield felt the long-lost attention.

A month ago, Garfield wrote another report, recommending that the 356mm torpedoes currently used in southern Africa be upgraded to the more threatening 406mm torpedoes.

This suggestion was heeded by Deputy Secretary of Defense for Southern Africa Derek Dodd, and Garfield was able to travel to Pretoria to present to Derek Dodd the importance of upgrading the torpedoes.

The Ministry of Defense did not immediately adopt Garfield's opinion, but after Garfield returned to Port Edward, his rank was promoted from lieutenant colonel to colonel.

This made Garfield feel an unprecedented passion. This kind of impulse was only felt when Garfield first joined the Royal Navy 20 years ago. Unexpectedly, when he came to southern Africa, Garfield was full of energy like a young man.

"That's why there are joint military exercises. Don't think that the generals of the Royal Navy are vegetarians. Some of them are still very capable." Jackson Marshall never underestimated anyone. It was with this caution that Jackson Marshall was entrusted with the task.

After a long day at work, Jackson Marshall returned to his home in Port Edward.

This is a noble residential area located between the port area and the military port, all of which are single-family villas built for senior naval officers.

Different from the common wooden buildings, these single-family villas are all made of marble imported from Mozambique, and the furniture is all African rosewood, which comes from the virgin forest of the Kingdom of Congo that has existed for hundreds of millions of years. From these single-family villas, Jackson Marshall fully Feel the importance that the Ministry of Defense of Southern Africa attaches to these "outsiders".

"Great, you're finally back. You have to pay attention to William's academic performance. The home visiting teacher just left. This time, William only got a B in the exam. It's so embarrassing. I don't have the face to attend the school's parent meeting. ” Marshall’s wife, Sonia, also followed Marshall to southern Africa. She and Marshall had three children together, all of whom were in school.

William is 12 years old this year and has just entered middle school. He came to Port Edward from Portsmouth for the first time, and William is obviously not used to it.

"Okay, okay, leave it to me, I will talk to William." Jackson Marshall spent most of his time in the barracks, and he could only go home once a week, full of guilt for Sonia and the children, Jackson Marshall.

When he came to William's room on the second floor, Jackson Marshall was relieved to see that William was seriously doing his homework at the desk.

William has always been a good boy who works hard.

"I heard that you didn't do well in school—" Although the door was open, Jackson Marshall still didn't forget to knock on the door, showing his son full respect.

"No, Alisa and Oscar only got a C. The school's curriculum is different from ours in Portsmouth. It is more difficult and stricter. We also need to learn Chinese. We have never had so much homework before. .” William’s expression was sad, and he didn’t want to.

Public education in southern Africa is very different from public education in the UK.

Britain is also pursuing an elite education model. The top middle schools that noble students attend are completely different from public schools in the ordinary sense. The school William attended in Portsmouth was not bad in Portsmouth, but it is not the same as the British public schools. Compared with the local Eaton Harrow, there is still a big gap.

With William's academic performance, it is unlikely that he will be admitted to Oxford and Cambridge after graduating from high school. The most likely possibility is that he will be admitted to the Naval Academy like his father, and join the Royal Navy as an officer after graduation.

Compared with public schools in the UK, public schools in southern Africa have stricter requirements and better student performance, such as learning multiple languages. This is a course only available in noble schools in the UK, but in southern Africa, even Ordinary students are also required to be proficient in English and Chinese, and they can also choose other languages ​​according to their preferences.

"Then do you think the school here is better, or the school in Portsmouth?" Jackson Marshall squatted down beside William, his eyes were just level with William sitting on the chair.

"Of course it is the school here. Although our homework is heavy, the curriculum is still very rich. Last weekend, the school organized us to watch a movie and visit the zoo. I like the giant pandas in the zoo very much." William finally said smile.

Only then did Jackson Marshall notice that there was an extra panda toy beside William's bed.

"Is this a panda? It's so cute!" Jackson Marshall's surprise was just right.

"Yes, this is the panda. It comes from the mysterious ancient Eastern Empire. In the schools in Portsmouth, the Chinese were not well evaluated. After I came to Nyasaland, I realized that the Chinese are very smart and hardworking. In every class in our school, the best-performing students are all Chinese—” William Xiao is depressed, people who are smarter than you work harder than you, nothing is more desperate than this.

"That's why we came to Port Edward from Portsmouth, and I've always told you, son, that the best way to know the truth about something is to go and see it for yourself, and don't take someone's word for it. Strange talk." Jackson Marshall smiled brightly, and he once again strengthened his belief that it was absolutely correct to come to Nyasaland from the British mainland.

"The teacher in the school also said the same thing. We have a parent meeting next week. Do you have time to attend?" William looked hopeful. This semester is coming to an end. At the end of each semester, the school will organize a parent meeting to remind Some precautions for parents, during the holidays, you can't relax your children's study.

"Sorry son, I'm going to Walvis Bay next week—" Jackson Marshall was in a sad mood, and being unable to participate in some important moments of his son was Jackson Marshall's biggest regret.

William didn't speak, and lowered his head and sighed in disappointment. At such a young age, he already understood what life is.

"Is the job at Walvis Bay important?" William said in a low voice.

"It's very important. The Southern African Navy is going to conduct a joint military exercise with the Royal Navy. Dad is going to command a powerful heavy cruiser. Only by using sufficient force can we ensure a happy life for you and Mom." Jackson Marshall gently stroked William's hair, On William's desk, there is a photo of William and Jackson Marshall. In the photo, Jackson Marshall is holding William, and William is wearing Jackson Marshall's military cap with a sunny face.

"Then you must kill all the enemies. When I grow up, I will also join the Southern African Navy. At that time, I will protect you and your mother." William has ambitions, Southern Africa advocates martial arts, and schools will regularly Organize students to visit various military museums and military bases, and Edward Naval Port will also be open regularly for ordinary people to visit.

"Hahahaha, great, son, grow up quickly, I can't wait to accept your protection—" Jackson Marshall laughed.

"God, I asked you to supervise William's studies, not to chat and joke with William." Sonia was furious, the child was unreliable, and her father was even more unreliable.

"Okay, Sonia, pack up, let's go out to eat." Jackson Marshall wanted to give William a happy weekend, and the two had too little time together.

"Going out to eat again, it's too wasteful—" Sonia complained, but her body was honest, and she had already changed into the long dress that she ordered just last weekend.

"It's so beautiful!" Jackson Marshall praised sincerely, and got Sonia's eyes.

"I'm going to bring my Fatty—" William happily picked up the panda toy next to the bed, which was his new friend.

(End of this chapter)

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