Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1387 Reciprocal revenge

Chapter 1387 Reciprocal revenge

Nassau is indeed incapable of providing support to Grand Bahama Island.

Even Patton was unable to send reinforcements to the Bahamas.

After the easing of relations between Southern Africa and the United States, in order not to irritate the Americans, Roque appropriately reduced the garrison in Halifax. Now all the officers and soldiers in Halifax add up to less than 8000, and they can only barely maintain the operation of the base.

Rock now finally understands why the United States had to plunder the world every once in a while in his previous life. It really couldn’t be done. There are only a few overseas naval bases in southern Africa, and only a few troops are stationed, which costs tens of millions of rand every year.

There are so many overseas military bases in the United States, and millions of U.S. troops have to eat, drink, and support their families. It seems that the annual military expenditure is hundreds of billions.

To strengthen the defense of the Bahamas Islands, Rock still can only deploy troops from the mainland of southern Africa, and not too much. The Bahamas Islands are too close to the United States, and the garrison is only a symbolic force. Too many garrisons will not only fail to achieve what they should However, it will affect the follow-up operations in southern Africa, so Rock only added one battalion to the Bahamas.

Just before the battalion arrived in the Bahamas, a new discovery was made on Grand Bahama Island.

In a cotton plantation less than two kilometers away from the naval base, officers and soldiers guarding the island found traces of the enemy.

"When we came here, the building was already empty, and the bodies of the plantation owner's family were found in the warehouse of the plantation. All six members of the family had died, and the death time was more than a week." Xiao Yong was in a heavy heart. Although the security situation on the island is not very good, there has never been such a bad extermination case.

Lu Zheng was also in a heavy heart. This was a small plantation, about tens of acres, and the planter's family lived in a house close to the road.

Since Southern Africa took over the Bahamas, it has gradually recovered the plantations in the Bahamas, trying to turn the Bahamas into a frontier against the United States.

Plantations on Grand Bahama Island are also in the process of being repossessed. This plan has aroused strong resistance from plantation owners who are unwilling to leave the Bahamas, so this work has not progressed smoothly.

"For a whole week, it was less than two kilometers away from the base. Why didn't we find it in time?" It can be said that the island is full of loopholes.

Xiao Yong remained silent. Grand Bahama Island is only 96 kilometers away from Florida, USA, and more than [-] kilometers away from the southern African mainland. This is the root cause of all problems.

Walking into the house, the interior was in a mess, with garbage everywhere. There were large dark red bloodstains on the floor of the room, and there were splattered bloodstains on the walls. One can imagine how tragic the scene was.

"We speculate based on the traces left at the scene that there are about ten to 15 people who have lived in this house for about a week. We don't know who they are now. They may be Americans or smugglers. Those people are very careful. There are not many traces left." Xiao Yong was unable to determine the identity of the other party, and the Bahamas is not a world-famous tourist destination, but a pirate lair, a gathering place for smugglers, and a paradise for criminals.

Many Americans committed crimes in the United States. In order to escape the pursuit of the US police, they came to the Bahamas to settle. The initial permanent residents of the Bahamas were some people who were dissatisfied with the United States after the American Civil War.

"Smugglers—how could smugglers go to the base to set fire—" Lu Zheng was dissatisfied with Xiao Yong's deduction, but there was no evidence to prove that the Americans set the fire.

Meanwhile, in Pretoria, Southern Africa, Rock and Martin are also discussing the fire on Grand Bahama Island.

"Whether you are an American or not, this matter is inseparable from the Americans. The United States has always strongly opposed our construction of a military base in the Bahamas. Although the construction of the base has stopped, the materials for the construction of the base are still stored in Grand Bahama Island. This is very important to the Americans. There is always a threat that the Americans cannot ignore." Martin was convinced of that from the start.

Rock didn't speak, but was reflecting inwardly.

Rock was too busy during this time to ignore the problems in the Bahamas.

If you think about Rock from another perspective, you can understand that if the United States wants to build a military base next to Southern Africa, then Southern Africa will definitely not allow it——

Thinking about it this way, the Americans are indeed doing this, but not next to Southern Africa, but in Liberia, 3800 kilometers away from Southern Africa.

"We must retaliate against the United States on an equal footing, and let the Americans know our determination—" Martin was high-spirited. He was somewhat influenced by Britain and France, and he did not fully understand the strength of the United States.

Perhaps it is not a lack of understanding. The United Kingdom and France are inconsistent on the issue of the United States. They need the help of the United States, but they do not want to recognize the international status of the United States. That is why the United States did not even join the League of Nations after the World War.

Europe still has some vitality now. It will not be completely depleted until after World War II, and Britain and France will have to succumb to it.

"Then Liberia!" Of course, Rock wanted to retaliate. Although the US military base in Liberia was far from the mainland of southern Africa, it was a huge threat to the waterway between southern Africa and Europe. Rock had long regarded it as a thorn in his side.

As in southern Africa, the United States is tightening its grip on Liberia.

The United States has not only built military bases in Liberia, but also American companies have leased land in Liberia to open up plantations, making Liberia a country within a state.

Like most African countries, Liberia is rich in resources. There are rich deposits of iron ore, diamonds, gold, bauxite, copper, lead, manganese, zinc, nickel, rutile and kyanite. The reserves are more than 100 billion tons.

In addition to mineral resources, Liberia's forest coverage rate is 59%, accounting for 42% of the total area of ​​the upper Guinea forest belt in West Africa. It produces rosewood, mahogany, mahogany, etc.; the land is rich in resources and is very suitable for planting high-quality rubber.

Yes, any country in Africa has such abundant resources.

Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, is the largest free port in West Africa. The US military base in Liberia is located in Monrovia.

In November, Monrovia is drizzly, with an average annual rainfall of more than 11 millimeters. It is one of the areas with the heaviest rainfall on the West African coast and even in the world. It is known as the "Rain Capital of Africa".

On the edge of the city in the north of Monrovia, a huge construction site is under construction. The military base built by the United States in Monrovia is huge, including not only a military port and army camps, but also an improvised military airport.

Perhaps the two countries in the world that attach the most importance to the air force are southern Africa and the United States.

Wearing a windbreaker and holding an umbrella, O'Connor walked into a small three-story building not far from the construction site, which was one of Brad's strongholds in Monrovia.

"How's it going today?" O'Connor had just arrived in Monrovia and was in charge of Brad's operations in Monrovia.

"Same as usual, damn weather, damn rain, damn Americans—" O'Connor's deputy is still Julian, and he and O'Connor have been observing the construction site for the past few days, looking for opportunities to do something.

"Have you found anything?" O'Connor was not in a hurry. Destruction is also an art, and to do it seamlessly, one must be fully prepared.

"It's hard. The Americans are very well-defended. It's very difficult for our people to sneak in." Julian stood up and poured coffee, and poured a cup for O'Connor by the way.

O’Connor observed through the window with a telescope. The Americans are still very strong in Liberia. The guards on the construction site are all Americans. The construction workers try to hire local Liberians. America remains loyal.

Probably Stockholm Syndrome.

Through the drizzle, O'Connor noticed that a cargo ship was unloading in the port that had already taken shape.

This is an ocean-going giant ship exceeding [-] tons. Although the international status of the United States is not high enough, its wealth and wealth have been fully revealed. Southern Africa is building a naval base in the Bahamas, and it needs to purchase materials from South America and the United States nearby. The United States is building a military The materials needed by the base are shipped directly from the mainland of the United States.

Now I understand where the US spends hundreds of billions of dollars in military spending every year. The UK has a cup for 20 pounds, and the US also has a toilet seat worth [-] US dollars.

"Julian, those freighters—" O'Connor reminded Julian.

"What happened to the freighter?" Julian didn't react for a while.

O'Connor held the coffee in one hand and twirled the beard on his chin with the other in silence.

At this time, the sound of brakes and intensive footsteps suddenly came from downstairs.

O'Connor and Julian react quickly, and something sensitive in the room is quickly hidden.

"Sir, please identify yourself." It was the Liberian police who knocked on the door.

"We are British—" O'Connor sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, his posture and voice were very arrogant.

"What are you doing in Monrovia?" the policeman swallowed his anger. Don't doubt that the British people in this era are so arrogant.

"Let's look for opportunities to see if we can buy a piece of land and set up a rubber plantation." O'Connor did not lie. Brad does have plans in this regard. After all, Brad also needs to develop financial resources and is close to the Ministry of Defense. The appropriation is not enough to meet Brad's financial needs.

Brad also has a lot of business in Southern Africa and Europe.

"I wish you all the best, but be careful in Monrovia and don't do what you shouldn't do." The policeman's eyes were full of vigilance, and he did not take any further action.

Sandwiched between southern Africa and the United States, Liberia is also in a bind.

(End of this chapter)

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