Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1390 Very good, I am very satisfied

Chapter 1390 Very good, I am very satisfied

In this kind of temporary camp, no matter how bad things happen, it is not surprising.

Before coming to the temporary camp, in Luke Silva's imagination, no matter how much the Americans went too far, they would give these quasi-southern Africans basic life and survival guarantees.

Unexpectedly, the environmental conditions in the temporary camps were harsh, beyond Luke Silva's imagination. The concentration camps set up by the British in southern Africa during the Boer War were like this. The Americans did not regard these quasi-Southern Africans as human beings at all.

In southern Africa, Rock has always had strict requirements on the discipline of the troops. The southern African army has gradually transformed from the initial southern African colonial servant army to a modern army that is deeply trusted by southern Africans, has strict discipline, and is brave and good at fighting. .

The Americans obviously have no requirements for the Philippine colonial servants. The two servants just watched the girl being taken out of the tent without moving, but laughed and watched.

"Please—let me go—help—" the girl was crying and struggling.

The guy who was dragging the girl out of the tent not only didn't stop, but laughed wildly and became more and more arrogant.

"Let go of my sister—" A boy who looked no more than six or seven years old bravely rushed forward.

"Go away!" But he was kicked down by the guy who was dragging the girl.

Most of them are daring to speak out, living in a foreign country, unarmed, most of them are children and women, it is impossible to ask them to do too much.

"Stop, you bastard!" Luke Silva snapped.

When he saw Luke Silva, the guy who was dragging the girl laughing wildly just let go of his hand, as if he was burned.

Just because Luke Silva is white.

"Bastard, what are you doing?" Luke Silva was furious. In southern Africa, bullying is a shameful behavior, and it will be condemned by the whole society.

"Sir, who are you?" Only then did Luke Silva notice that there was a white man at the corner of the tent.

"I am Luke Silva, Southern African Ambassador to the Philippines. Who are you?" Luke Silva was surprised.

For these Filipinos, Luke Silva actually has no expectations. They have not received education, do not know what it means to respect others, let alone how to gain respect from others.

The white man in front of him was wearing an officer's uniform and the rank of captain, obviously he had received modern education.

But just when the Filipino tried to drag the girl away, the officer didn't come forward to stop it, which made it difficult for Luke Silva to accept.

It's not very difficult, it's more likely that the girl was dragged away, completely ordered by the officer, maybe this is the truth.

The white officer was not intimidated by Luke Silva's identity, he pouted and shrugged, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Stop, you haven't notified your name yet, are you Americans so rude?" Luke Silva was aggressive, even if the Americans are rude, it depends on who they are.

Facing a southern African ambassador to the Philippines, a U.S. military captain had better be polite, otherwise Luke Silva would let him know the energy of the southern African ambassador.

Now the commander-in-chief of the United States in Manila is MacArthur who participated in the world war.

Yes, it was the MacArthur who commanded Patton and Eisenhower to create the "Washington Massacre", and also the MacArthur who later commanded the United Nations Army to provoke the Korean War.

This guy also has a famous deed. After World War II, Japan officially re-emerged with the support of MacArthur. At that time, MacArthur was the commander-in-chief of the US military stationed in Japan, known as Japan's "overlord".

"Hi, Mr. Ambassador, I'm Bill Robinson, Captain of the Second Philippine Infantry Division. Is that enough?" When Bill Robinson announced his name, he saluted very perfunctorily.

"Then Captain Bill Robinson, you were clearly at the scene just now, why didn't you stop this guy's behavior?" Luke Silva must be held accountable.

"What happened just now?" Bill Robinson pretended to be stupid, and looked at the girl who was holding her brother and crying, as if suddenly realizing: "Oh oh oh, Pacquiao probably wants to take this girl to take a bath, God, she has enough blood on her body." Dirty--"


If you are dragged and rolled around the camp three times, you will be dirty, even if you throw it to the dog, the dog will not chew it.

Dog: I gnaw——

Luke Silva looked coldly.

Bill Robinson was laughing, but the laughter died down as Luke Silva watched.

"Mike, has this ever happened before?" Luke Silva waited for Bill's laughter to stop before asking the doctor.

"It should be the first time, after all, they just came to this temporary camp yesterday." The doctor's hands were shaking.

Soldiers in southern Africa are very respected, and all southern Africans are proud to join the army and become soldiers. Even the top students who graduated from Nyasaland University, many people give up their pens and join the army every year.

In Mike Bedic's impression, soldiers are not domineering or bullying, respect and help others, are brave in battle and are not afraid of sacrifice, leave the cruelest side to the enemy, and are full of gentlemanly demeanor when facing civilians.

Unexpectedly, when he left southern Africa, the image of a soldier collapsed in the eyes of Mike Bedic, which was unprecedentedly bad, and his three views of the whole person were subverted.

"Then congratulations, Captain Bill Robinson, you have just successfully avoided a diplomatic dispute—" Luke Silva's words finally made Bill Robinson's expression serious: "——I am the southern African ambassador to the Philippines. Identity warns you, these women and children have already joined the southern African nationality, they are British like me, if your people dare to hurt them, then I guarantee that no matter who they are, they will definitely pay the price."

Bill Robinson had an ugly expression. He really didn't know that these immigrants had already become Southern African citizens, otherwise he would not have allowed this to happen.

Don't be surprised, the British Empire at the beginning of the [-]th century had such deterrent power.

Although the United States has risen now, it will take time for Americans to accept this fact.

Just like many people can't stand up after kneeling for a long time.

The United States will not really rise until the new generation of the United States grows up.

Of course, in this time and space, the United States is facing strong competition from southern Africa. When the next generation of southern Africans grows up, the world in their eyes will be completely different from the world in the eyes of Luke Silva and his generation.

That too was a whole new world.

"I can guarantee that such a thing will not happen again—" Bill Robinson was quite sensible. If an American watched a Filipino invade a British, the consequences would be extremely serious.

At least Bill Robinson can't afford the consequences.

"Now, then, we're going to discuss punishment for this guy." Luke Silva won't let anyone go.

"Your Excellency, Enough is enough. How to deal with Pacquiao is my business, and it has nothing to do with you." Bill Robinson finally did not abandon Pacquiao directly, otherwise Mike Bedic probably will lose his prestige, and no one will listen to him in the future his command.

"Yes, how to deal with this Mr. Pacquiao is indeed your business, but it also has something to do with me. He just hurt a southern African girl right in front of my eyes. You think it has nothing to do with me. What do you think? Why did the Federal Government of Southern Africa appoint me as the Southern African ambassador to the Philippines?" Luke Silva's question made Bill Robinson speechless.

"If the result of your handling does not satisfy me, then I will go to Lord Leonard Wood and General MacArthur, Captain Bill Robinson, you know the consequences of my actions." Luke Silva pressed on , directly cornered Bill Robinson.

Leonard Wood is the current U.S. governor in the Philippines. He participated in the Spanish-American War, and later served as the governor of Cuba, the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Army in the Philippines, and the chief of staff of the U.S. Army. He just served as the governor of the Philippines two months ago.

"What do you want?" The fear in Bill Robinson's eyes was fleeting, MacArthur was okay, Leonard Wood was not a magnanimous person.

"What do you think? If this Mr. Pacquiao hurt an American, how would you deal with him?" Luke Silva sternly said, it really wasn't that Luke Silva wanted to kill someone, really It was Luke Silva who had to kill the chicken to keep the migrants safe in the makeshift camp.

Bill Robinson looked at Luke Silva with a fierce face.

Luke Silva has no fear.

Bill Robinson sighed and drew a pistol from his belt holster.

"Sir——" Pacquiao can also speak English. Pacquiao didn't dare to intervene in the conversation between Luke Silva and Bill Robinson just now.

Now seeing Bill Robinson draw his gun, Pacquiao finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Pacquiao, I'll take care of your family—" Bill Robinson cocked.

Just listen to this, don't believe it, this is murder.

"No, no, Captain Robinson, you can't do this, you—" Pacquiao panicked.


Bill Robinson shot directly and hit Pacquiao in the face, blood spurted out immediately, brains splattered, and some points even splashed on Bill Robinson's face.

"Are you satisfied now?" Bill Robinson was already on the verge of collapse.

"Very good, I am very satisfied." Luke Silva finally showed a smile on his face, and then he came to the girl and helped her up.

"Sorry, I didn't take good care of you. I want to apologize to you and your brother. Your brother is very brave. In time, he must be a warrior." Luke Silva said with a pleasant face.

The girl who escaped the catastrophe stared blankly at Luke Silva, her tears were like a waterfall that broke a bank, her body was shaking, and Luke Silva's hands were warm and strong.

(End of this chapter)

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