Chapter 1397

Don't look at the American blockbusters that portray the US military like angels, and give out candy and chocolate at every turn. Start with these details to show the so-called human nature of the United States.

In fact, "North American gangsters" are more suitable for the U.S. military. It is usually described as "disorganized and undisciplined" to describe the moral corruption of an army. North American gangs are organized and undisciplined, which is more terrifying than unorganized and undisciplined.

Of course, it was the same in the Philippines. When the servant soldiers stabbed the woman who had been shot and fell to the ground with a bayonet, the officer from the United States watched coldly from the side, and did not have any intention of stopping. Instead, he urged the troops to speed up, hoping for more Take down the town of Dini.

No matter how the Filipinos wailed and begged for mercy, they were forced by the bayonets of the servants and approached the small town of Dini step by step.

The difference from yesterday's battle is that this time the servant army has clearly learned their lesson. Before the ground troops entered Dini, the warships parked on the sea began to bombard the shore to cover the actions of the ground troops.

The power of the large-caliber naval guns is still considerable. The US naval guns not only fired high-explosive bombs, but also used incendiary bombs to deal with the Freedom Army fighters hiding in the woods.

"Fire, fire—" Allen didn't want to be beaten passively. If the harassment war turned into a sniper war, the Freedom Army fighters would suffer huge losses.

After a burst of violent shooting, Allen immediately commanded the troops to retreat.

With the cover of naval guns, it is difficult for the Free Army to take advantage of too much, but the warship cannot stay in the sea off Dini forever. After the warship leaves, the Free Army will make a comeback.

After paying huge sacrifices, the slave army finally captured Dini.

"Since the landing, we have lost more than 3500 people. If the fight continues, the army may collapse directly." David Andreessen had an ugly expression. Now MacArthur is like a cold-blooded butcher, constantly driving the servants to die. Even many officers in the servant army are Americans.

"We have made progress. After the base is firmly advanced, we can attack inland areas and send a telegram to Manila. I need more reinforcements. Where are the damn reinforcements?" MacArthur was irritable. He also knew that the troops had suffered heavy losses. But when the battle got to this point, MacArthur had no way out.

"Even recruiting troops takes time. Now there are less than [-] troops left in Manila. We must first ensure the safety of Manila—" David Andreessen argues that the United States only has this number of people in the Philippines. The garrison still needs a lot of troops, and it is impossible to send reinforcements to MacArthur in a short time.

Unless troops are recruited from the continental United States.

But in that case, it will return to the original question, whether it is worthwhile to mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops and spend hundreds of millions of dollars for a small island of Palawan.

"The rebels have already retreated, and now we only need to add more force to wipe out all the rebels. Believe me, we have this ability." MacArthur was stubborn, and the capture of Dini gave MacArthur great confidence and let MacArthur see the future of victory. hope.

"The rebels are retreating strategically and have not suffered huge losses. If we want to attack, we must prepare for guerrilla warfare against the rebels. We don't have this ability at all now. We must pay more attention to the rebels. These people are by no means A fisherman who just took up arms." David Andreessen is now sure of at least one thing, that is, the rebels on Palawan Island are indeed supported by external forces.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the rebel army has such a strong combat effectiveness.

No matter how bad the Philippine servant army is, it is a regular army that has received strict training, and the officers are all Americans. There is no reason why they can't even deal with a group of fishermen.

"I've said it all, the southern Africans must be causing trouble, so we must eliminate the rebels, even if we blow up all of Palawan Island, we must hang all those rebels to death." MacArthur howled wildly, at all costs The price will also tie the United States to the chariot.

"You're crazy, you must be crazy—" David Andreessen completely collapsed, MacArthur has lost the reason and calmness he should have as a commander-in-chief, and he will drag the United States into the abyss by doing so.

Just when MacArthur and David Andreessen fell into a huge disagreement, in Manila, 400 kilometers away from Dini, Luke Silva was still running for the women and children in the temporary camp.

After the rebellion broke out in Palawan Island, the US Governor in the Philippines, Leonard Wood, used security as an excuse to restrict southern African staff, and refused other southern Africans to enter the temporary camp except for doctors and nurses.

"Your Excellency, the investigation always needs a time limit, and it is impossible to delay indefinitely. Hundreds of southern Africans have been imprisoned by you in temporary camps for more than a month. How long will it take you to investigate the truth?" Lu Ke Silva is not in a hurry now, it is Leonard Wood who is in a hurry.

"No comment!" Leonard Wood's face was ugly. Since the rebellion in Palawan Island, Leonard Wood has been in a huge crisis. If the rebellion cannot be quelled as soon as possible, then Leonard Wood will be regarded as The scapegoat left the Philippines in despair.

Luke Silva smiled, looking at Leonard Wood with sarcasm.

Whether the Americans admit it or not, there is indeed a huge gap between the United States and Britain in terms of governing the colonies.

It is also understandable when you think about it. It has only been a few years since the United States began to expand abroad. Counting from the beginning of the Spanish-American War, it has only been 30 to [-] years.

Britain's overseas colonization began in the age of great voyages, and its rich experience in managing colonies is unrivaled in the world.

It is not impossible to treat the rebels like the United States. The key is to look at the strength of the rebels. Now that the Americans know that the rebels in Palawan Island are supported by external forces, it is really unwise to be tough at this time.

It's a pity that some experience can only be summed up through lessons, and Americans are still very immature in this regard.

"The waters around Palawan Island have been blocked. Any ship approaching will be ruthlessly attacked by the US Navy. How long do you think the rebels in Palawan Island can last?" One of the options, whether it has any effect remains to be verified.

"Ah, you don't have to worry about this, Your Excellency Governor. Southern African ships will stay away from the waters around Palawan Island." , All southern African ships are going around the Philippines to avoid further escalation of conflicts.

"East India—" Leonard Wood really wanted to make use of it.

"Hehe, East India has nothing to do with Southern Africa, and we have no right to restrict East India ships." Luke Silva refused to accept the move. What kind of ability is it to detain an immigrant ship? If he has the ability to declare war on East India——

Declaring war with the East Indies was tantamount to declaring war with Southern Africa.

If Southern Africa goes to war, it will drag all Commonwealth countries into the war.

Guess where the Old Continent countries stand if war breaks out between the Commonwealth and the United States.

The wealth accumulated in the United States over the years is still very enviable.

Looking at the relaxed Luke Silva, Leonard Wood felt his teeth itch.

Originally, according to Leonard Wood's vision, the Philippines seized the immigrant boats in southern Africa, and southern Africa could completely retaliate by detaining one or two American ships. There are reasons to ask the Congresses of their respective countries for more military spending.

As a result, southern Africa did not follow the script at all. As soon as the Philippines seized the immigrant ship, a massive rebellion broke out in Palawan, which directly shook the foundation of the American colonial rule of the Philippines. This really caught Leonard Wood by surprise.

Now Leonard Wood is also riding a tiger. Even if the immigrant boat is released, the rebellion in Palawan Island cannot be subsided in a short time.

But continue to seize the immigrant ship——

Don’t treat southern Africa as a clay figurine. Although the British Empire has shrunk strategically, its ports and fleets are still spread all over the world. It is not difficult to sanction the United States. Not allowing American ships to enter British ports can make most of the American ocean shipping companies go bankrupt.

"Luke, can you help me contact Gao from Umbrella Corporation." Leonard Wood needs a step, otherwise his political career will soon come to an end.

"Of course, but why?" Luke Silva was surprised.

"I have a business to discuss." Leonard Wood actually wanted to hire mercenaries from the Umbrella Company to deal with the rebels on Palawan Island——

Oh, this brain hole is a bit big. I'm afraid Leonard Wood doesn't know that there are many mercenaries from the umbrella company in the rebel army on Palawan Island.

Or Leonard Wood knew, and that was what he hoped for.

"Hire mercenaries from the Umbrella Company? Hehe, Your Excellency Governor, I'm afraid you don't know that the Umbrella Company never does things beyond its capabilities." Luke Silva reminded Leonard Wood.

Umbrella companies do have similar regulations. They do not intervene in disputes between major countries and only do things within their capabilities.

To put it bluntly, it means bullying the weak and fearing the strong. For example, the Asia Minor peninsula, which is a plate of loose sand, or South America, where there are no tigers and monkeys in the mountains, all have mercenaries from umbrella companies.

But in the overseas colonies of Britain and France, the umbrella company followed the rules, at most providing security services for the local dignitaries, and never accepting the employment of anti-government armed forces.

"What is the scope of the umbrella company's capabilities?" Leonard Wood didn't believe these nonsense, and the rules were made to be broken.

"For example, assisting the Philippine government to quell the rebellion in Palawan Island is beyond the capabilities of the umbrella company." Luke Silva directly drew a line, saying that he would not intervene if he did not intervene.

Hire mercenaries from Umbrella Corporation to work for Americans?

Think beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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