Chapter 1399

Clay figurines have three points of fire, not to mention a huge country like southern Africa, which is thriving in national strength.

After all, the United States is not the future world policeman, not to mention the whole world. As far as Southeast Asia, which has been regarded as private land by the United States, the United States has to face the joint exclusion of Britain and France, as well as the strong challenge of Japan.

What's more, there is a loyal brother like East India who has the support of Southern Africa behind him and is ready to jump out and stab the United States at any time.

It can be said that the situation facing the United States is far worse than Americans expected.

Just as Leonard Wood released some of the detainees, the Filipino servant army commanded by MacArthur was completely trapped in Dini and could not move.

After paying the price of thousands of people, the servant army commanded by MacArthur finally captured Dini and obtained a relatively stable forward base.

MacArthur finally did not lose his mind and did not order Dini's servants to attack rashly. Instead, he spent nearly a week gathering troops and supplies to Dini, and sent reconnaissance troops to the hinterland of Palawan Island to conduct reconnaissance.

The work was not going well. The terrain of Palawan Island was complicated. The Freedom Army fighters were good at camouflage and concealment. Sometimes the soldiers of the servant army passed by and couldn't find it. At the worst time, MacArthur lost more than ten teams of scouts in one day. The kind that has gone and never returned.

The Free Army will not allow the servants to accumulate strength and harass and attack Dini day and night. Dini's servants are in a mess. Almost every day, some people are killed by bullets flying from nowhere, or they are sleeping Awakened by a violent explosion.

"Let them fight, I'll see how many shells they have." MacArthur gritted his teeth. He has now transferred his headquarters from the heavy cruiser "Victory" to the small town of Dini, and finally set foot on Palawan Island.

"It's hard, we picked up a shell that didn't explode—" David Andreessen was neither sad nor happy. Just yesterday, MacArthur received another retreat order from Leonard Wood, but MacArthur still ignored it.

If MacArthur was ordered to retreat, MacArthur's military career would be stained with an indelible stain, which MacArthur could not accept anyway.

It is a joke that the dignified commander-in-chief of the Manila garrison could not even eliminate a group of rebels.

"How could it be picked up—we captured it—" MacArthur corrected David Andreessen's inappropriate wording. In the battle report MacArthur sent to Leonard Wood, the First Division had killed thousands. The Palawan rebels, as long as Leonard Wood gives MacArthur some reinforcements, MacArthur will eliminate the Palawan rebels in the shortest possible time.

"Well - we seized it, I think you need to take a look." David Andreessen didn't argue, and MacArthur did what he said.

Strictly speaking, what the servants picked up—"captured" was not a real shell, but a huge explosive package wrapped in oil.

"We have measured it. It weighs about ten kilograms. It is high-quality gunpowder inside. Although it is not a high-performance military explosive, it is still very powerful-I suspect that this explosive was made by the Palawan rebels themselves, that is to say , The Palawan rebels already have the ability to manufacture weapons.” David Andreessen was in a heavy heart, and this was definitely not good news for the Philippine colonial government.

The reason why Leonard Wood ordered the blockade of the waters around Palawan Island was to cut off the external aid of the Palawan rebels and trap the Palawan rebels on Palawan Island. Once the Palawan rebels bombed If the food is exhausted, the servant army will wipe out the rebels without any effort.

Now that the rebels have the ability to make explosives, the possibility of trapping the Palawan rebels is becoming increasingly remote.

"The rebels made it themselves?" MacArthur doubted whether the rebels had the ability to make explosives.

It is difficult to say that it is difficult to make explosives, and it is not easy to say that it is easy. One, that, two, that, and three, that are configured according to this ratio, and mixed with some other raw materials, it is a black gunpowder with good performance.

"Yes, we analyzed the raw materials of the explosives and found that the formula is not complicated. The power of this gunpowder is not great, but the Palawan rebels have obviously found a very suitable way to use it. Such an explosive package has a killing range of It reached about 50 meters. Yesterday, an explosive package exploded near a tent. As a result, all the squad resting in the tent were killed. They didn’t have any injuries on the surface. The autopsy found that the internal organs had been shattered. Explosives, then it is almost impossible for us to eliminate the rebels in a short period of time." David Andreessen's expression was solemn, such explosives should actually be buried on the only way for the servant army to advance.

Think about it, a group of servants is advancing in the dense forest in the mountains, suddenly there is a violent explosion on the cliff next to the road, the whole cliff collapses, and the servants under the cliff are buried alive——

That scene!
Casualties came second, mainly because of psychological deterrence. Being buried alive suddenly while walking was simply frightening to death.

"David, don't say such dejected words. We must eliminate the rebels now. There is no way out." MacArthur lowered his voice. He and David Andreessen are actually grasshoppers on the same rope. No one can escape the accountability of the Ministry of War.

"How to eliminate it, just rely on these Filipinos?" David Andreessen sneered, looking dismissively at the Filipino soldiers around him.

You can’t blame David Andreessen for looking down on these servants, and these servants are indeed outrageous. Under the noses of MacArthur and David Andreessen, some people are chatting together, some are gambling, and some are talking. They drank heavily, and some people sprained their feet while walking well.

This Nima-

MacArthur's face suddenly turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

On the battlefield, in order to avoid combat, some people can use any tricks, sprained ankles are nothing at all, and it is not uncommon to stab a big hole in one's thigh with a bayonet.

"If the rebels cannot be wiped out, then let them die—" MacArthur was cold, the rebels never died, it was these servants who died, and there was no third choice.

On January [-], after a ten-day sea voyage, the southern African delegation led by Philip arrived in the United States.

The United States still attaches great importance to southern Africa. President Hoover personally went to New York to welcome Philip. On the train to Washington, the two had a brief exchange on some recent events and reached a certain consensus.

"I have sent a telegram to Leonard Wood requesting him to release the impounded immigrant ship immediately. There may be some misunderstandings. I hope the Prime Minister can understand." Hoover was a little disappointed. He actually wanted to see Rock more.

"Of course, we have extensive common interests in the Far East. When Mr. Secretary of State was in Southern Africa, we have reached a broad consensus on this. In the Far East, Southern Africa and the United States can cooperate more closely." Philip is cunning and cunning, revealed in the words The information that came out surprised Hoover.

The importance of the Far East to Southern Africa does not need to be emphasized. Southern Africa needs to continue to receive new immigrants from the Far East to replenish fresh blood. At the same time, the commodities in Southern Africa also need a broader market.

The problem now is that the Far East has in fact been divided into spheres of influence by various countries. Britain, France, and the United States, plus southern Africa and Japan, have intricate spheres of influence in East Asia and constant conflicts of interest. This is very important for southern Africa and the United States. unfavorable.

"Yes, in the Far East, the interests of the United States and southern Africa are the same—" Hoover also said very cryptically, and some things cannot be explained too clearly. broken.

The Indochina Peninsula is the part of British Malaya and the French East Indies. The Far East is actually quite complete now. The Philippines is a colony of the United States, and East India is an ally of southern Africa.

Compared with the United States, Southern Africa does not have much thought about Indochina Peninsula, but if the United States can break the monopoly of Britain and France on the Indochina Peninsula market, Southern Africa will also be happy to see it.

However, Hoover invited Philip to visit the United States. The main purpose was not to resolve the disputes between southern Africa and the United States in the Far East, but to divide the spheres of influence between southern Africa and the United States in Africa and South America.

It sounds a bit arrogant, right? How could the division of spheres of influence be done without the participation of Britain and France?

In fact, it is really not necessary.

During the second day's meeting with Philip, Hoover promised to cancel the construction of the military base in Liberia as soon as he came up.

Of course, in return, Hoover also hoped that Southern Africa could withdraw all military personnel in the Bahamas and reduce the garrison in Halifax.

As for the purchase of commercial assets by southern African companies in South America, it is also a commercial act, and the US government soldiers will not interfere.

However, the U.S. government does not want Southern Africa to continue to expand its influence in South America. In other words, it can do business, but not in other aspects.

Southern Africa is also notorious in this regard, and Hoover himself was even a victim.

In other words, beneficiaries, this question cannot be answered clearly in three or two sentences.

Philip agreed with Hoover's proposal that if the U.S. government cancels its military base in Liberia, then Southern Africa will withdraw its garrison in the Bahamas and reduce its garrison in Halifax accordingly. As for South America, Philip suggested that the U.S. and Southern Africa joint development.

Like Africa, South America is also rich in resources and has great potential. It cannot be swallowed by a certain country at all. The Americans have been shouting for so many years that "America is the America of the Americans". As imagined, America has truly become America.

It is a pity that Hoover's attitude towards South America is very firm and he does not agree with Philip's proposal.

This is also normal. Where there is cooperation, there will be differences. It is impossible to have smooth sailing.

(End of this chapter)

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