Chapter 1405 Chaos
Freiburg is the eternal pain of all Boers.

The Boers present may feel that they are brave enough to complain about the federal government's new tax law.

This must be an illusion. If you want to replace it with the Boers before Freiburg, where there is so much nonsense, it is estimated that they have gone north to Pretoria to surround the Palace of Justice.

It has only been a few years since the Freiburg incident. It is estimated that these Boers have forgotten the lessons of Freiburg. La Porteseebeck really can't bear to see these Boers repeat the same mistakes.

"The tax increase is not aimed at us Boers. The farms operated by the British and Chinese also have to increase taxes, and the tax increase is even higher. Since they can accept it, why can't we accept it?" Laporte Seebeck has gray hair Cang Cang, at his age, he should be surrounded by his children and grandchildren to enjoy the family happiness, but he has to run for the Boers.

It is also sad!

In fact, the Orange State government has taken into account Boolean farmers' attitude towards the new tax law, and has reduced the state government's additional tax accordingly, otherwise the new tax will be higher.

"The farms run by the British and the Chinese are subsidized—" a burly Boer farmer murmured in a low voice. Farms are subsidized, so Boer-run farms pale in comparison.

In fact, it is not a rumor. The federal government at all levels does provide subsidies to farmers, but the scope is not limited to farms run by the British and Chinese. There are subsidies for all farms, including those run by Boers.

"Isn't the state government subsidizing your farm? How much tax has your farm paid since it was established? Why are the breeding cattle and sheep you bought from the state government, as well as those high-quality saplings so cheap? Find the reason yourself, don't always blame the federal government at all levels, if you always complain, it will only make your life worse." Laporte Sibeck is also tired, and has such a group of pig teammates , Even if Louis Botha came back alive, it would not be able to change the status quo of the Boers.

In fact, it is also understandable that after the end of the Second Boer War, many capable Boers were forced to leave southern Africa and return to Europe, or went to other countries.

The World War accelerated this trend. During the entire World War, the total population of all ethnic groups in southern Africa except the Boers increased, and only the Boers decreased.

Now the internal division of the Boers is extremely serious. The capable Boers live in the cities and have taken the initiative or been forced to integrate into southern Africa. will not say.

The Boers living in the vast countryside have become more conservative because of their poor living conditions. Some of them fantasized about the era when they could receive subsidies from London for free, and even fantasized about going back to the era of the Orange Free State. It is incompatible with what is now southern Africa.

"But Laporte Seebeck, what should we do?" A middle-aged Boer farmer looked confused, which is also the core of many Boer people's struggles.

"Son, you have to ask yourself this question. Do you want to gain the respect of others through your own efforts, or do you want to use this method to try to gain privileges outside the law? In fact, you all know that all of this is in vain Yes, even the British and the Chinese didn’t propose privileges, let alone us.” Laporte Seebeck is a qualified leader, but unfortunately he is already dying.

"I listen to your Laporte Seebeck, thank you—" the middle-aged Bull farmer bowed to Laporte Seebeck in thanks.

"Should we just give up like this?" There was still an unwilling struggle.

"Schmidt, if you want to die, you can do it yourself, don't drag other people with you—" The middle-aged Boer farmer got on his horse and greeted his companions: "—Hammond, Moloka, I'm going back , try to make it together, a dozen rands can still be made up, I don't want to fight the federal government because of a dozen rands."

In fact, it is only a dozen rands, which is not a big number for farmers. A high-quality Nyasaland cattle can sell for hundreds of rands.

Nyasaland cattle are a new breed that has been improved and bred after the introduction of Simmental cattle by the Nyasaland Agricultural College. After promotion, it has now become the flagship product of farms in southern Africa. Almost every farm has introduced Nyasaland cattle. Assaran cattle for breeding.

"Laporte Sibeck is right, it's time for some changes -"

"It occurred to me that there was another cow on the farm to give birth—"

"Thank you, Laporte Sibeck—"

The farmers suddenly realized that no one wants to see the Freiburg incident repeated, and one cannot step into the same river twice.

A turmoil was resolved invisible, and even the unwilling farmer had to accept this reality.

Of course, not everyone can rein in the precipice. In Cape State, there was a serious incident of farmers gathering together to resist the new tax law by force.

Most of the farmers in Cape are of British descent. Many farms existed before the outbreak of the Boer War. Most of the private farms in southern Africa with an area of ​​more than [-] acres are concentrated in Cape State. Those British farmers The degree of stubbornness is actually no less than that of the Boolean farmers in Orange.

No less than, or even more excessive than Boolean Farmer.

After all, it was Britain that won the Boer War, and the farmers in the Cape regarded themselves as victors and thought they had the right to dominate the country.

As a result, after the establishment of the federal government, the status of Cape State went from bad to worse. In recent years, the federal government has even been trying to cancel the status of Cape Town as the capital. Announcement is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

Unlike other states, farms in Cape State, because of the deliberate indulgence of the state government, still retain a large number of African-American workers on many farms. The relationship between these workers and the farmers is not an employment relationship, but a master-servant relationship. Cape State In the past, in order to stabilize the situation, there were no restrictions on the farms. As a result, some farmers used their dissatisfaction with the new tax law to openly resist the federal government, and even detained the tax officials appointed by the federal government.

"McClair is about 110 kilometers away from St. John's Port. The detained tax officer is named Du Ping. He graduated from Nyasaland University the year before last. Galbraith, the local mayor of McClair, is also the largest farmer in McClair. His There are more than 1000 African-American workers on the farm, and it is said that Galbraith has armed hundreds of people and is trying to negotiate with the Cape State government.” Sidney Milner’s information is accurate, and the situation in Cape State is indeed a bit special.

When the federal government of Southern Africa was established, it did not actually have the basis for the establishment of a federal government. At that time, the British agreed to the autonomy of southern Africa with evil intentions. The two dominions of Swaziland and Bechuana are protectively kneaded together, making a hodgepodge.

What the United Kingdom means is estimated that Southern Africa, which is like a hodgepodge, cannot get rid of London's control even after self-government, and needs London's support to stabilize its rule.

It is estimated that London did not expect that Roque effectively changed the population structure of southern Africa in just a few years through immigration. The British people became the smallest minority in southern Africa, and the Cape State was gradually marginalized in southern Africa. change.

"Mcclell, it shouldn't be an important area, why do graduates of Nyasaland University work as a tax officer in McClair?" Rock was surprised, despite the fact that Nyasaland University produces nearly [-] graduates every year , now in southern Africa, college graduates should not be so rich.

"I don't know, this question has to be asked to the Cape State Government—" Sidney Milner was not too clear.

The Cape State government is definitely not willing to accept the fact that Cape State is constantly being marginalized. Therefore, the relationship between the Cape State Government and the federal government has not been good in recent years.

However, due to Sidney Milner's understanding of the Cape State government, this situation is definitely not normal. After all, a few years ago, even many federal government workers could not write their names. It has only been more than ten years , the overall cultural level of government employees in Cape State will certainly not improve so fast.

No wonder Nyasaland graduates are reluctant to work in the Cape State.

Every year at the campus job fair held by Nyasaland University, there are more graduates who are willing to work in Bechuanaland than those who are willing to go to Cape Town.

In addition to being relatively conservative, Cape State as a whole is also extremely xenophobic, which has also caused Cape State to be criticized.

"How is the Cape State government going to deal with this matter?" Rock wanted to determine the attitude of the Cape State government. Only when the Cape State government could not control the situation would the federal government have a reason to take over.

"The Cape State government is preparing to negotiate with Galbraith—" Sidney Milner sneered, not surprised by the Cape State government's decision.

"Haha——" Rock also sneered, this f*ck has already begun to organize private armed forces, and he is still fantasizing about solving the problem through negotiation.

I have to say that some people in Cape State really have a way of conducting elections, but the level of governance——

And that's exactly what happened.

"Should we send someone there?" Sidney Milner was eager to try, and came to work with Rock, and it was only then that Sidney Milner truly realized the power of power.

Sidney Milner used to work next to Ade. Although his status was prominent, he had to consider too many other factors when working, and he was inevitably constrained.

Working next to Rock, Sidney Milner completely let go of himself, and most of the time Sidney Milner convinced people with reason.

But if "reason" is not convincing, Sidney Milner will speak with facts and tell others what is "truth".

(End of this chapter)

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