Chapter 1410 Rockets

Judging by Jackson Marshall's standards, the combat effectiveness of the Cape State National Guard is probably not as good as General Mackenzie imagined.

Objectively speaking, the equipment of the Cape State National Guard is indeed inferior to that of the National Defense Forces. Not only does it not have an air force to assist in the battle, it does not even have armored vehicles, and the proportion of heavy weapons is not large. The only few Maxim heavy machine guns are from 20 years ago. The model, the two grenade launchers are quite advanced, but the shooter's clothing does not have a professional shooter logo, and it is estimated that he has not received professional training.

It's really not Jackson Marshall's weapon-only theory. In fact, except for a very few troops, the combat effectiveness of a unit is usually directly proportional to its weapons and equipment.

The most intuitive comparison, the Marine Corps of the Edward Fleet, a brigade of 3000 people is equipped with about 120 vehicles, more than 40 various mortars, more than 60 light and heavy machine guns, more than 20 grenade launchers, and 40 amphibious armored vehicles .

This is in sharp contrast to the Cape State National Guard, which is only equipped with Maxim and two grenade launchers. The 2500 National Guard is equipped with less than 20 vehicles, mainly used to transport supplies, Jackson Marshall noted It was discovered that the weapons used by the soldiers were not uniform, there were Lee Enfield, French Lebel, and even earlier Martini Henry, which made Jackson Marshall very worried.

"Mind your own business, the Cape State's troubles, the Cape people will solve it themselves." Mackenzie is still very stubborn, full of confidence in eliminating the rebels.

It is not just Mackenzie who is confident. The Port St. John City Government, which has always been unwilling to cooperate with the Edward Fleet, has a completely different attitude towards the Cape State National Guard.

On the day the National Guard arrived at St. John's Port, the St. John's municipal government prepared a grand welcome ceremony and dinner for the National Guard. At the dinner, Mackenzie made a vow, announcing that he would lead the army to McClell tomorrow and eliminate the rebels within a week. military.

Mackenzie's rhetoric was enthusiastically cheered by the people of St. John's Port. Mayor Rich Dewar took the opportunity to announce a reward of 15 rand for the National Guard and raised donations for the National Guard on the spot.

"I donate [-] rand, and I hope General Mackenzie is doing well!" Rich Dewar was generous, [-] rand was a lot for an individual, and his annual salary was probably that much.

Of course, it's just a nominal salary. As the mayor of St. John's Port, Rich Dewar wants to make money very easily.

"I donate five hundred—"

"I donate three hundred—"

All kinds of people who attended the dinner enthusiastically donated, and soon exceeded [-] rand.

"It feels like this group of people are crazy. They really believe that the National Guard can destroy the rebels?" Garfield sneered.

"Normally, for Cape State, our national defense force is an outsider—" Jackson Marshall sneered, and he couldn't blame the people of St. John for favoring one another, as the general environment was like this.

"General Marshall, Colonel Garfield, do you see that? This is what the people want—" Mackenzie came to Jackson Marshall and Garfield with a glass of red wine, triumphantly.

Jackson Marshall drank water, and Garfield drank fruit juice. The battle was imminent, and neither of them dared to be careless.

"Look, they're drinking fruit juice, they're not manly at all!"

"Are all naval officers so stingy? I heard their salaries are quite a lot—"

"What do you know, these naval officers are mercenaries hired from abroad, they are not from southern Africa—"

The people around were talking a lot, and they didn't look very friendly at Jackson Marshall and Garfield.

"General Mackenzie, I hope you will not disappoint these people's hopes. You are their savior now." Jackson Marshall smiled, not speaking quickly.

Soldiers, they still talk about their performance on the battlefield, and it's useless to say it now no matter how impassioned they are.

As for what people want--

To tell the truth, most of the time, people's hearts are like grass, and whoever wins has the right to speak.

"Of course I will. I will lead the army to McClair tomorrow. If you are worried, you can send someone to go with my children, but I guess you can only clean up the battlefield—" Mackenzie laughed wildly, Brad's office rescued With Dupin gone and Phil Boone rescued, the Cape State government's worries have been relieved. Now Mackenzie has no scruples and is full of confidence.

"Hehe, no need, I wish you success soon." Jackson Marshall was not angry, he put down his glass and turned around to leave.

Then he came back again, took out his wallet and took out a ten-rand denomination note, put it in the donation box held by the maid, and did not forget to smile at Mackenzie and say: "Sorry, our salary is limited, we don't have that much money—"

Ten rand for a glass of water, the price is quite expensive.

The next day, the National Guard marched toward McClair amid cheers from St. John's, and Jackson Marshall was among the crowd to see him off.

Although there are conflicts between the Cape State government and the federal government, Jackson Marshall still sincerely hopes that the National Guard can eliminate the rebels without suffering heavy losses. The guns were aimed at southern Africans.

What Jackson Marshall didn't expect was that the National Guard was attacked by rebels not long after they left Port St. John.

Facing the deployment of troops by the federal government and the state government, Galbraith did not sit still. This guy must have an eye in St. John's Harbor. The National Guard had just set off, and Galbraith got the report.

Mackenzie did not expect that the rebels would dare to set up an ambush near St. John's Port, and plunged into the encirclement of the rebels without any preparation.

What McKenzie didn't expect was that although the training of the rebels was not sufficient, the rebels composed of African-American workers were very brave.

Mackenzie tried to organize resistance. At this time, the weakness of the National Guard's lack of automatic weapons was exposed. After losing nearly a hundred National Guard soldiers in a squadron, Mackenzie barely formed a defense line relying on the few Maxim heavy machine guns. , just an hour into the fight, Mackenzie was forced to call for reinforcements from Jackson Marshall.

"How many people do the rebels have?" Jackson Marshall asked the second lieutenant of the National Guard that Mackenzie had sent to ask for reinforcements, hoping to get more information.

"I don't know, it's overwhelming, it's everywhere, I don't know how many people there are, a lot—" The second lieutenant trembled from shock, it seemed that the second lieutenant had been greatly surprised during the battle just now.

"Then how about the weapons and equipment of the rebels? Are there heavy machine guns and artillery?" Jackson Marshall changed his angle, hoping to get some useful information.

"I don't know, there are gunshots everywhere, ours, the enemy's, I can't tell the difference-the rebels are very brave, they forced us to fight hand-to-hand, and we suffered heavy casualties-" The second lieutenant's eye circles were red and painful, and the information he provided still had no information. No effect.

"Then the last question, how many of you are left now?" Garfield couldn't bear it anymore, he didn't know this, he didn't know that, just still a second lieutenant?
"I don't know. When General Mackenzie sent me to ask for reinforcements, two of our positions were already occupied by the rebels—" The second lieutenant finally remembered his mission at this time, and begged Garfield's hand: "Mr. Colonel , save those National Guard boys, they're Southern Africans too—”

"How the hell do you know now that they are also Southern Africans? What did you do?" Garfield shook his hand viciously.

The second lieutenant was stunned, covered his face and sobbed in a low voice, how arrogant the National Guard was when they set off, and how desperate they are now.

"Don't care about these details, Garfield, gather the troops, and we'll go right away—" After all, Jackson Marshall couldn't leave the National Guard alone, and if the National Guard suffered heavy losses, Jackson Marshall would also be responsible.

"General, now is the best time to send a helicopter—" Mapulo actively challenged, such an opportunity is rare: "The helicopter is ready, we replaced the heavy machine gun on the helicopter with a grenade launcher , coupled with the rockets equipped on the helicopter, can wipe out the rebels."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go, let's go, order the air force to go out together, and cover the attack of the ground troops—" Although Jackson Marshall didn't hold out much hope, it would be good to have more strength after all.

The creed of the National Defense Forces is to go all out even if the goshawk fights the rabbit, and does not give the enemy any chance.

Mapulo is right, the helicopter is indeed ready.

After receiving the departure order, the two helicopters set off one after another and went straight to the battlefield ten kilometers away.

The pilot of the No. 012 helicopter is Major Swart Roberts. He used to be a fighter pilot and participated in the world wars. He was later selected as a helicopter pilot and has rich flying experience and combat experience.

"Are you ready guys, let's kick those rebel asses!" Swart Roberts did not forget to cheer up the crew members in the cabin.

"Come on, Major, we're ready—" Co-pilot Hendrick is also an experienced pilot.

"Shao, get the ammunition box ready, watch my gesture, start changing the ammunition as soon as I tell you to, don't hesitate—" the shooter Wei Jing was very excited, the heavy machine gun he used was replaced by a grenade launcher, and the firepower was even more intense.

The distance of ten kilometers was fleeting, and before reaching the battlefield, Swart Roberts noticed that on the ground below, there were National Guard soldiers retreating in embarrassment, and on the battlefield farther away, the battle was continuing.

"Get ready to fight, we are about to enter the battle—" Swart Roberts screamed strangely, maneuvering the helicopter to swoop towards the charging rebels.

Whoosh whoosh—

This is the first time rockets have appeared on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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