Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1412 Professional League

Chapter 1412 Professional League
Most of the time, all levels of government in the Southern African Federation are very humane, but they are extremely inhumane in their treatment of criminals.

Some southern Africans believe that the individual rights of criminals should also be guaranteed to a certain extent. Losing freedom itself is already a punishment for criminals, so criminals should also enjoy certain personal rights.

The Legislative and Justice Ministries don't see it that way, and the prison administration doesn't think so.

Here is one thing to explain. The prison management system in southern Africa has no allocation of funds. Prisons are actually self-financed administrative institutions, including the salaries of prison guards, which depend on the work of criminals. Many prisons are actually enterprises. Criminals In addition to physical labor in the prison, you will also participate in some relatively light work, such as pasting paper boxes, making clothes, cutting threads, etc. After all, some people are not suitable for physical work, such as women and the elderly. The prison will not be idle, but also to create value.

Prisoners of war not only represent the achievements of the war, but also a major source of income. After all, those who are eligible to join the rebel army are all young and strong labor force. If they are thrown into that prison casually, the value created every month may be as high as tens of thousands of rand.

Some companies are willing to hand over part of the work to criminals in prisons. After all, in normal companies, workers who make mistakes are fined at most. In prisons, criminals who disobey management or fail to complete tasks will be locked up in a dark room. .

Whoever enters will know the power of the small black room. No matter how strong a strong man is, he will be carried out of the small black room after three days of confinement. If more than three days, people may die.

"Sorry, these captives can't be given to you, don't you have donations—" Jackson Marshall's smile was full of sarcasm, not only satirizing Mackenzie, but also Rich Dewar.

Sure enough, as soon as Jackson Marshall finished speaking, Mackenzie blushed, and Rich Dewar felt ashamed.

Jackson Marshall ridiculed again, but the help to St. John's Port was obvious to all.

If the National Defense Forces hadn't appeared in time to defeat the rebels, then the National Guard would have been directly defeated by the rebels. By then, St. John's Port would have faced a direct attack from the rebels.

That's not a matter of a dozen or 20.

Compared with the National Guard, the National Guard is extremely efficient. With the cooperation of the inland patrol boats, the Marine Corps occupied McClell before the defeated rebels, blocked the passage into the mountains, and completed the siege of the rebels.

At this time, there is no need to screen. One counts as one in the encirclement, and all of them are rebels. The civilians who did not want to participate in the rebellion were either killed or fled when McClell raised the rebellion flag, and they would not stay in McClair at all.

Rock was in a good mood after receiving the battle report. The Cape State National Guard fought the battle like this, and Edmund Law probably didn't have the face to go to London to file a complaint.

In fact, when the National Defense Forces entered St. John's Port, Edmund Law had already faced the impeachment of the Cape State Assembly, and it was estimated that he would not be able to protect himself.

"I am going to run for governor of Cape State—" Stoudemire is ambitious. If the Cape State Assembly passes the impeachment of Edmund Law, then Edmund Law will be forced to resign. What will happen next in Cape State A series of shocks.

The strength of the Rhodes family in Cape is also very strong. The old Cecil Rhodes served as the Prime Minister of Cape in the colonial era. Now Stoudemire obviously wants to restore the glory of the Rhodes family in Cape State. The governor this The position is a big steward in Nyasaland, and the power in Cape State is still great.

"You want to compete with Owen?" Rock was surprised. Owen had already decided to run for the governor of Cape State before, and now Stoudemire is also joining. Then the political situation in Cape State will be very good.

"Owen has little chance of winning. Don't you think that if Owen becomes the governor of Cape State, the power of the Matilda family will be too great?" Stoudemire is not optimistic about Owen, and he doesn't even want to see the Matilda family grow stronger. Inflated, others certainly don't want to see it.

"Don't be complacent, not many people want to see you become the governor of Cape." Rock is also not optimistic about Stoudemire. The Matilda family is of course powerful, and the Rhodes family is also powerful.

"The opinions of those people are not important. Who do you think has the final say in southern Africa?" Stoudemire is confident that the Matilda family parachuted into southern Africa after the Second Boer War, and the Rhodes family belongs to southern Africa. Local snake.

"Do whatever you want—" Rock didn't participate in the competition, Nyasaland was enough.

Now in Nyasaland, not only is heavy industry extremely developed, but culture and entertainment are also developing rapidly.

A few months ago, Anton proposed the formation of a city-level football league, a decision that was well received by everyone.

Nyasaland's football foundation is still good. Almost every city has a football club with many members. There are dozens of football clubs in Los Angeles. Some football clubs even have their own stadiums. Many people like to play on weekends. Time to head to the stadium to watch a game of football.

With Rock's participation, the football league was on the right track from the very beginning, and the league grading system came into being. Rock designed three leagues, A, B, and C, corresponding to the three levels of cities, regions, and communities. The relegation system is of course It is also indispensable. In the first stage of the opening of the league, each city will organize a regional league to determine the ranking. Only the champion and runner-up will be eligible to participate in the city league that will start next year.

As the Marquis of Nyasaland, Rock certainly has a team he supports, and the name of the team is also very famous-the Los Angeles Eagles.

The predecessor of the Eagles was the Los Angeles Police Department football team. At the beginning, all members were Los Angeles police officers. Later, it gradually developed into the largest football club in Los Angeles. As a member of the club, Rock is also the owner of the club.

"This can't be done. The entire Nyasaland is yours. If you are still the owner of the Eagles, who would dare to let the Eagles lose, so you must sell the Eagles and turn the Eagles into a club owned by all members." Ann Dong took the initiative to find Rock, and the others probably didn't dare to make this request to Rock.

"This can just test the quality of the league. If even the Hawks lose, there will be no dark scenes in the league." Anton probably didn't expect that Rock was a real fan, and he really wanted to run a club well. Not a ticket.

"The league has just started, isn't it too early for you to worry about this issue?" Anton was really surprised, there is a high probability that shady things are inevitable.

"Hehe, it's not too early at all--" Rock sneered, don't underestimate the speed at which something goes bad, no matter what, as long as it has something to do with interests, it will soon go bad.

Only people like Roque who really love football can do it well. In his previous life, Roque had seen a lot of shady scenes in the football circle. This time, Roque wanted to give it a try and see if he could do it in southern Africa. A relatively pure football league.

"If you are worried about this issue, we can formulate better rules and make up for the loopholes as much as possible." Anton also wanted to enrich the cultural and entertainment life of the Nyasaland people as much as possible. Otherwise, he is a governor, so there is no need to do so Do it yourself.

The current Nyasaland people have solved the problems of survival and security, and the next thing to solve is social interaction.

Sports activities can effectively expand one's social circle. It is a good choice to invite three or five friends to play football on the field on weekends. Rugby is so popular in the United States, which has a lot to do with the fact that rugby has entered the lives of most American families. Many Americans regard watching football games on weekends as a gathering of family or friends, and Nyasaland can also develop in this direction.

"I just like it, can't this work?" What Rock envied most in his previous life were those big clubs waving checks all over the world looking for good players. If Nyasaland forms a professional football league, the Eagles may also become a big club. potential.

"If you just like it, you can still become a member of the Eagles Club, and I am also—" Anton's attitude is firm, and he is both a referee and an athlete, which will definitely affect the development of football.

If you really like it, you must abide by the objective laws of the development of things, and don't blindly backfire.

The establishment of a football league in southern Africa is not counterproductive. The English Football League is the earliest national unified league with the most complete competition system in the world. As early as March 1888, 3, the English Football Association decided to hold a national first division league. There were 22 teams participating in the first league, and Preston team won the first championship and successfully defended it in the second year.

"Okay, what do you want to do?" Rock conceded. It doesn't matter if the Eagles become a club owned by all fans. If Rock wants to play, he can start a new one at any time.

There are so many companies under Rock's name, and each company has its own football team. Rand Bank and Nyasaland have their own football clubs. Rock is still very confident in this regard.

"How much do you want to sell?" Anton was a little worried. In addition to a football stadium with a 5000-seat stand, the Eagles Club also has two training bases, which are located in the city of Los Angeles and near Eagle Fort. Very valuable.

"Ha, it depends on how much the members of Eagle Fort are willing to pay." Rock is really not greedy for money, and Rock doesn't take this money seriously, but since the Eagles Club is going to develop professionally in the future, it must be professional. conduct business.

"The club now has [-] rand." Anton still has a good understanding of the financial situation of the Eagles club.

Yes, despite the fact that the Eagles club is not yet professionalized, the Eagles club has actually started to make a profit, and the annual membership fee is a huge sum of money.

This membership fee is not paid in vain. As a member of the club, you can go to the stadium to watch football games for free on weekends. You can also have close contact with the players of the club, and even have the opportunity to compete with the players. This is something you can buy with money. Opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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