Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1420 Chinese in Oak Town

Chapter 1420 Chinese in Oak Town

Many people may have forgotten that Stoudemire and Roque were the founders of the Liberal Party, and Irving joined the Liberal Party later, and the number of the membership card even came after Henry.

Now Stoudemire has quit the Liberal Party and returned to the Progressive Party. Rock is not concerned about the matter now, but the Liberal Party has become Owen's party instead.

Roque and Stoudemire founded the Liberal Party to compete with the People's Party founded by Jan Smolts and Louis Botha. Now the People's Party has gradually declined and has almost no sense of existence outside Orange. On the contrary, he has become what he hates the most, which is embarrassing.

"Even if we fail this time, we can't blame anyone. The Cape people have given us three chances, but we haven't grasped them. Boshoff, you just said that I am a traitor to the Liberal Party, so let me ask you , you have been the chairman of the Cape Liberal Party for the past few years, and what have you done for the Liberals in Cape State? Have you deviated from the original intention of the Marquis and Mr. Rhodes to establish the Liberal Party? Are you sorry for those who voted for you? Voters?" Chen Yan also took a tough attitude. With the increasing number of Chinese in southern Africa, the confidence of Chinese congressmen is also getting stronger.

"Don't change the subject. What we are discussing is the second vote." Ferdinand Boshoff's face flushed. Chen Yan was right. In the past ten years, the ruling party in Cape State has always been The Liberals, the federal government and the Cape gave the Liberals a chance, and the Liberals have been disappointing.

"Stop! Don't engage in these meaningless quarrels anymore, we must work together now." Owen's face was ugly. He never expected that the problems of the Liberal Party in Cape State would be so serious.

Irving's arrival in the Cape wasn't a whim either.

Since Philip succeeded Ade as prime minister, most of the time it went smoothly, and the few setbacks were almost all related to Cape State.

Therefore, Owen's competition for the governor of Cape was actually inspired by Philip.

"How do we work together now? Even if we Liberals don't vote for the Liberal Party candidate, what are we going to do with other people?" Ferdinand Boshoff held on to this point, and Chen Yan's words hit the spotlight His sore spot made him feel ashamed, and he couldn't do anything to Chen Yan, so he wanted to make use of it.

20 years ago, the whites were not so good-tempered. In the current Cape, although the advantage of the Chinese is not as great as that of Nyasaland, they are also a force that cannot be ignored. The key is that they are still very united. Ferdinand Bosho If the husband goes too far, he will lose his membership as a member of the parliament.

Chen Yan didn't speak, waiting to see what Owen had to say.

What else can Irving say? In fact, he does not have the courage of Stoudemire. It is impossible for him to carry out drastic reforms to the Liberal Party. Of course, Owen knows the problems of the Liberal Party, but he has no solution.

The dinner ended without a problem, leaving only chicken feathers. The next day, in Chen Yan's winery in Oak Town, several Chinese congressmen held a small gathering.

The current Oak Town is no longer the city of cowards it was in the past. According to the current standards in 1922, Oak Town is actually eligible to be upgraded to Oak City. It has the best education and medical care in the Cape, as well as a relatively complete urban foundation. Facilities, it's a pity that the ideals of the children here are to study at the University of Nyasaland, not the University of Good Hope in Cape Town.

Compared with 1902, the only thing that remains unchanged in Oak Town is probably the endless vineyards.

After the establishment of the federal government, Oaktown’s wines became famous far and wide. Usually, if the place of origin is not specified, Cape Town wine refers specifically to Oaktown wines. Now there are more than 120 wineries in Oaktown, led by Chen Yan. Established the Cape Wine Federation to unify and standardize the wine production process in Oak Town, and hired craftsmen and winemakers from Europe to continuously improve the wine in Oak Town. Oak Town can earn millions every year from wine alone rand.

"We should send a telegram to the lord. Some people in Cape Town are going too far. Mr. Owen's arrival may not change the situation." In the living room of Chen Yan's house, Wei Bing had a bad temper. He is the cousin of Gordon's wife, and also has a strong background.

There is no way around this. The Chinese who first came to Southern Africa were more or less related to those in Rock’s inner circle. Otherwise, they would not have the courage to leave their hometowns and come to Southern Africa. After all, it was still the beginning of the [-]th century. .

Don't use the thinking of people in the 21st century to imitate people in the early 20th century. People at that time, even in the southeast coast, went to sea to work and still had a narrow escape. Most of them were sold overseas as pigs. The situation is actually similar to slave trade in European and American countries. It is simply impossible to expect those slave owners to guarantee the interests of Chinese workers.

The Chinese began to immigrate to southern Africa on a large scale. In fact, it was after the establishment of the federal government of southern Africa. Willing to fight for his life in southern Africa.

Note that at this time, it is not actually a part-time job, but a life-saving one.

"Don't worry, Boshoff is a waste. If he dares to target us Chinese, the Lord will definitely not let him go." Ma Kai, who is also from Zhili, is full of confidence. Ma Kai's background is even more terrifying. He is Martin's cousin.

"You don't even need to look for the lord, just wait for the next general election, we can just elect Boshoff, democracy and freedom, let's deal with Boshoff in a democratic way." Chen Yan sneered, not wanting to be influenced by Boshoff The atmosphere of the party: "Come, come, try the wine brewed in Mrs. Cheng's garden, I think it's good, it can be included in the first class."

A group of vineyard owners get together, and the main body is of course inseparable from wine.

Mrs. Cheng is also a vineyard owner. Her husband joined the Southern African Expeditionary Force during the World War and died heroically during the European war. Mrs. Cheng struggled to survive with her four children alone—

It is not difficult to make a wrong call. The governments at all levels of the Southern African Federation take great care of military members. Although Mrs. Cheng’s husband died, the life of the family has not been affected.

"It's really good. The wine in Mrs. Cheng's garden must be first-class if not first-class." Wei Bing is a righteous man, and he is also the person in charge of the Military Service Agency in Oak Town.

The wines in Oak Town have started a grading system. The best quality wines can be sold with the golden logo of Oak Town, followed by the silver logo and green logo. These three are officially recognized wines by Oak Town, similar to French brandy , the price is very different from wines from other regions.

Ordinary wine, the market price is about 0.5 rand, gold wine, the lowest market price is 6.5, ordinary people can't afford it.

Of course, for ordinary people, even ordinary wine is quite expensive, and only the middle class dare to consume it in restaurants, and everyone else forgets it.

"We chose to abstain, but it's not good after all. We have to give Mr. Owen some face, or we donate some money to Mr. Owen, which is kind of meaning-" Ma Kai is still a man, and Owen is also Rock's uncle, The face that should be given is still given.

Mackay's official job was as head of the Rifle Association in Oaktown.

"How much is appropriate to donate?" Wei Bing didn't know what to donate. It would be shameful to donate too little, and it hurts to donate too much.

"How about fifty thousand?" Ma Kai gritted his teeth. Fifty thousand rand was still acceptable to these vineyard owners.

"Fifty thousand—I'm afraid it's a little low——" Although Wei Bing didn't know Owen well, I'm afraid that the figure of fifty thousand would probably make Owen look down on him.

Anyway, Owen is also a direct member of the Matilda family, the son of the current Prime Minister of Southern Africa, and the younger brother of the Minister of Justice. Fifty thousand rand is enough to replace Ferdinand Boshoff. For Owen, It may not be eye-catching.

"If you want to donate, you can donate [-]. [-] is not easy to get. After all, Mr. Owen is also the Lord's uncle, so I still have to give this face." Tens of millions, for small businessmen like Chen Yan and Ma Kai, one hundred thousand rand is already a big number.

"That's 20. After all, we are also Liberals, and we can't always let some people gossip." Wei Bing admitted, regardless of the fact that the Liberal Party has far more people in Cape State than the Progressive Party. It’s really not as generous as the Progressive Party. After Owen decided to run for the election, the Liberal Party only raised less than 50 in campaign funds. It was Henry who came forward to give Owen a supplement of [-].

"It would be great if my lord could come to Cape to run for governor—" Ma Kai regretted that if Rock was willing to run for governor of Cape, Ma Kai would be happy even if his family went bankrupt.

"What are you thinking, the lord is the one who wants to be the prime minister, so don't bother the lord with him, the governor—" Chen Yan laughed out loud. Roque might not like the position of Governor of Cape.

The next day, Chen Yan went to the official residence where Owen lived, and handed over a check for [-] rand.

Interestingly, when Owen came to Cape Town, he did not live at the Liberal Party headquarters, but at Rock's home on Mill Street.

The current Mill Street is no longer the well-known haunted house.

After Roque moved into Mill Street, most of the Chinese police officers in the Cape Town Police Department chose to make their homes around Mill Street. Now the neighborhood of Mill Street is the most safe community in Cape Town, and the land price has also soared. Roque bought it at the beginning. That big house in Mill Street cost only a hundred pounds, and now you can't buy it for a thousand pounds.

Although Rock has not returned to Cape Town these years, the house is still well taken care of. Zach arranged for a special person to clean it, and he can move in at any time.

Owen expressed great enthusiasm for Chen Yan's arrival, and he really needed to chat with Chen Yan about the current situation of the Cape Liberal Party.

(End of this chapter)

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