Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1426 It can be done without prohibition

Chapter 1426 It can be done without prohibition

It is hard to imagine that the Orange State government actually has a department in charge of foreign affairs when the federal government of Southern Africa has no diplomatic autonomy.

The Orange State government set up this department to attract investment from European countries for Orange State. Unfortunately, the effect was not good. The investment did not attract much, but it received a lot of donations from unknown sources.

For the financially strained Orange government, even donations from unknown sources can somewhat alleviate the growing budget deficit, so this department still existed before Yang Smolzy became governor.

Like the Cape State under Stoudemire's administration, Yang Smozi was also drastic after taking office. The first thing he did was to abolish redundant departments and reduce the burden on the state government, including this agency.

This is also Yang Smozi's loyalty to the federal government. As a state of the federal government, the diplomatic power of Orange State should belong to the federal government, and he will resolutely refuse to touch the power that should not belong to him.

Philip is quite satisfied with Yang Smotz. Yang Smozi not only gave up the power that did not belong to him, but also actively cooperated with the Ministry of Finance to rectify the taxation of Orange State, which was also the state of Orange The federal government cannot intervene in the state government's ban.

Now that the Ministry of Finance got involved, Yang Smozi was surprised to find that the income of the Orange State government not only did not decrease, but increased significantly. This situation also made Yang Smozi very helpless.

Taxation in Southern Africa is divided into federal tax and local tax mainly state tax.

When the federal government is out of the way, the Orange state government's state tax has hovered around 300 million rand, the lowest of all southern African states.

After the Ministry of Finance intervenes, in addition to removing the federal tax taken by the federal government, the revenue of the state government is expected to reach about 500 million rand, which is still relatively low compared to states with relatively developed economies such as Nyasaland and Rhodesia. There is an obvious gap, but compared with the previous Orange, it is already a world of difference.

Yang Smozi came to Philip because he hoped that the federal government could increase investment in infrastructure in Orange State. The infrastructure here not only includes road transportation, but also the improvement and upgrading of urban supporting facilities. Now the southern In Africa, only the state of Orange has no airport.

"For the airport, you should go to Air Nyasaland or Air Rhodesia. The airport in Pretoria was also invested and built by Air Nyasaland. The federal government didn't spend a penny, and it can increase a lot every year. Taxation is a good thing for the state government and enterprises." In Philip's mind, it probably never occurred to the government to participate in the economy.

This is also normal. Free trade is the most popular thing in the world nowadays. It is the consensus of the whole world that the government should not interfere too much in the economy.

As for how this consensus came about, guess who is advocating it.

Anyway, in The Times, there are now a group of so-called economists who are advocating free trade all day long, but turn a blind eye to what the Nyasaland and Rhodesian governments are doing.

The federal government of Southern Africa also pursues free trade, but not in Nyasaland and Rhodesia. Nyasaland is the territory of Rock, and Rhodesia has the Rhodes family. The so-called free trade does not exist.

"Lord, if the Bloemfontein Airport is built by the Federal Government and the Orange State Government, then the Federal Government and the Orange State Government can obtain greater benefits." Have their own understanding of free trade.

In fact, it is very simple to put it bluntly. Since it is free trade, the governments at all levels of the federal government can actually fully participate. This has been tried by Louis Botha, but the final result is not ideal.

"Christian, your idea is good, but unfortunately it is not realistic. When the Pretoria Airport was built, the Ministry of Finance had made a budget. If the federal government or the Transvaal State Government came forward to build the Pretoria Airport , then the final cost may be as high as 150 rand or more, but do you know how much the airport built by Nyasaland Airways cost in the end? It only cost 30 yuan, and it covers a larger area than the airport in the budget of the Ministry of Finance Larger, with more advanced facilities—" Philip was also helpless, some things were easier said than done, especially when money was involved.

There is no need to go into details about the disadvantages of government projects. Nyasaland Airlines’ method of reducing costs is very simple. Using a large number of African-American workers can reduce more than half of the budget. Unfortunately, such a simple method cannot be achieved by the federal government.

After all, the federal government still has to do things within the scope allowed by the law, but private companies don't have so many concerns. As long as they can achieve their goals, they can do it without the law.

One is to prohibit the law without authorization, and the other is to implement the law without prohibition. On the surface, it seems that there is not much difference, but in fact there is a huge gap.

"Lord, even if the government's investment costs are higher, considering the long-term benefits of the airport, it is still worth it." Yang Smozi has a long-term vision and doesn't care about short-term gains or losses.

"Christian, the airport can benefit permanently, but your term of office is limited—" Philip smiled wryly. What Yang Smotz said made sense, but it couldn't be realized under the premise of democratic politics.

Democracy seems to be a reasonable system, but in fact it has insurmountable limitations. Time is an unavoidable problem. Politicians can slowly plan for long-term interests, but the people may not be patient.

This is also the fundamental reason why many democratic politicians focus on real interests. The public and the opposition party will not give the ruling party the patience to allow time for verification.

Even if there is, it is to make wedding dresses for others. It is basically impossible for the predecessors to plant trees and the descendants to enjoy the shade under the framework of democratic politics.

"If possible, I still want to try it." Yang Smozi was silent for a long time, and finally decided to give it a try.

Then try it.

However, even if Jan Smolts was determined, it would be impossible for Bloemfontein to bypass Nyasaland Airlines if he wanted to build an airport. After all, a relatively professional facility like the airport requires the cooperation of professionals.

Not to mention in southern Africa, but looking at the whole world, in the field of aviation, there is no company that can surpass the professionalism of Nyasaland Airlines.

"Of course, it's a good idea. It's normal for the state government to build the airport and enjoy long-term benefits." Rock was in favor of Yang Smother's decision, and then changed the subject and asked the question It made Yang Smozi very uncomfortable: "But after the airport is built, are you going to let the state government be in charge of running it, or hand over the airport to the airlines to be in charge of running it?"

Uh, this is also a very critical question.

The airport at this time was actually not as tall as the future airports. Civilian aircraft didn’t even need professional lawns, they could land directly on the grass.

Of course, if it is grass, then bumps are inevitable during landing, and there is a certain degree of danger, so a flat and wide runway is still needed to ensure the comfort of passengers.

Since there is a flat and wide runway and a well-regulated and orderly waiting hall, the airport staff is essential, so the problem arises. If the government is responsible for the operation, then don’t think about the profit, first consider the annual loss. Let's talk about how much.

"Of course, the state government is responsible for the operation. If the airline is responsible for the operation, why should the state government come forward?" Yang Smozi really lacks experience in this area.

"Then you have to be prepared to lose money year after year, and it's up to the Orange State government to manage the airport well." Rock told the truth, he really didn't mean to look down on Yang Smother, if it was a war or a diplomatic negotiation , Yang Shi Mozi is definitely a master——

No, diplomatic negotiations or, war, it depends on who you compare with. Compared with Kitchener, Jan Smolts is not bad, and he fought back and forth during the Second Boer War.

If this is the same as Rokeby--

Can't compare.

"Why? Couldn't the Orange State government be able to form an efficient and clean airline?" Yang Smozi actually thought about this question.

"Maybe in a short period of time, no matter what organization it is, it is always efficient and clean when it first appeared, but after a long time, or after you leave office, how can you ensure that the airline will continue to be efficient and clean?" Rock did not try Human nature, just listen to some words, don't take them seriously.

"Has Nyasaran Airlines always been efficient and clean?" Yang Smozi didn't believe in evil.

"It's hard to say, but I can guarantee that Nyasaland Airlines has been making money. Even if the profit drops, the general manager of the airline will be unlucky. Can you do this?" Rock directly asked Yang Shi Mozi is speechless, and the law prohibits it without authorization, and the difference between law and law prohibiting it is feasible.

Regardless of the fact that Roque doesn't care about the companies under his name all day long, in fact, Roque has a strict control method over the companies under his name.

Of course, this method is finance. Rock boldly let go of human rights and power, but holds tight to financial power. There are a lot of companies in Nyasaland, and the financial personnel are basically appointed by Rand Bank or Nyasaland Corporation. , At the same time, the company's annual financial statements must be sent to the Rand Bank and Nyasaland Corporation for review. If there is a problem, whoever is responsible for the problem will not be able to run away.

Although Rock didn't know what kind of airline Yang Smozi wanted to form, but Yang Smozi's control over the airline was certainly not to the level of Rock.

The reason is simple, Rock has the money to support a large group of accountants to work for Rock, but Yang Smother and the Orange State government may not be able to afford it.

The salary of an accountant is still quite high in southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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