Chapter 1429 Wireless Telephone
With the publication of the New Tax Act, property taxes are becoming the most important revenue source for the federal government.

The area of ​​reclaimed land in southern Africa is about 3500 million hectares, which seems quite a lot, but actually only accounts for a little over 11.00% of the reclaimable land area, and there is still a lot of room for development.

If you don't understand how big 3500 million hectares is, then you can convert it, 18 billion mu of arable land is about 1.2 million hectares.

In other words, if all the arable land in southern Africa was fully utilized, it would be almost 3 million hectares.

3 million hectares, or about 300 million square kilometers, the arable land area of ​​the United States is about 1.88 million hectares.

So why does southern Africa encourage farmers to buy land? Even if the land used does not increase, the 3500 million hectares in southern Africa can receive about 1.4 million rand of land tax every year.

In the past 1921, the budgets of governments at all levels of the Southern African Federation added up to 1.4 million.

Calculated according to this standard, even if the federal government of southern Africa does not raise land tax, if all the 3 million hectares in southern Africa are sold, the federal government will receive 12 billion rand a year just for land tax.

And that's not counting property taxes for city residents, and other business taxes.

The property tax here is not only the farm tax, the real estate of urban residents is also within the scope of the property tax. A house worth about 1000 rand has to pay a house tax of about 20 rand per year. Those who do not pay taxes, the federal government has the right to confiscate the house.

Therefore, in southern Africa, there is a high probability that there will be no house sisters or house masters. It is not that real estate is not worth investing in, but that the benefits brought by investing in real estate are far inferior to investing in farms or other fields. Buying a small area in Pretoria A large apartment costs 1000 rand, and the same [-] rand. You can buy a farm with an area of ​​about [-] acres in Victoria or Dias. How to choose does not seem to be a too complicated problem.

After the implementation of the "New Tax Law", Philip finally realized what it means to be rich and powerful. The Navy wants to buy a new type of destroyer?

Buy, and once you buy 24 ships, all the eight ships in the three major fleets are happy.

Ministry of Education to build more schools?

At least ensure that each state has an institution of higher learning, the more schools like Nyasaland University, the better.

Is the Air Force going to buy a new bomber?

This is not good. There is no threat of war in southern Africa, and there is no place where bombers are used. It is not too late to buy them after the outbreak of World War II.

That's right, Philip has now accepted Rock's judgment that World War II will break out sooner or later.

On July 7, the Orange State Legislature held a hearing on Bloemfontein Airport in Bloemfontein.

The scene that Yang Smotz wanted to see did not appear. Not only did Nyasaland Airlines and Rhodesia Airlines not kill each other, they proposed the idea of ​​jointly building Bloemfontein Airport, that is, Nyasaland Airlines and Air Rhodesia Air Rhodesia each invested 50.00% in the construction of Bloemfontein Airport. After completion, the two companies will jointly be responsible for the operation of Bloemfontein Airport.

This is not the best result for the Orange State government, but it is acceptable. After all, the Orange State government got an airport without spending a penny, and there will be an airport every year for decades. dividends.

As for how many years the airport can be used, no one has considered this issue yet. Even if it needs to be expanded or relocated, that is not an issue for the current Orange State government to consider.

It is not even certain whether Yang Smozi will be able to see it in his lifetime.

On the 20th, Yang Smozi is going to sign a contract with Nyasaland Air and Rhodesia Air on behalf of the Orange State Government, officially entrusting the construction of Bloemfontein Airport to the two companies.

However, an accident occurred on the 18th. A plane from Port Edward to Lorenzo Marques crashed. All 45 passengers and crew members on board died.

This is the first air crash in southern Africa. The plane involved in the accident was an Airbus II passenger plane produced by Nyasaland Airlines.

Yang Smozi learned the news later on the 18th, but this did not affect Yang Smozi's decision. The number of people killed in car accidents in southern Africa exceeds a thousand people every year. Compared with cars, airplanes are safer Sex is already pretty good.

Yang Smother could not care, but Rock could not.

For a long time, Roque has demanded that "safety" be the first priority in all work. The requirements of the aviation industry are more stringent, and no mistakes are allowed in the work.

After the accident, Rock immediately asked Nyasaland Airlines to thoroughly investigate the cause of the accident and conduct safety inspections on all passenger planes in operation to strictly prevent similar incidents from happening again.

"It was an accident. When N133 was landing, there was heavy fog around Lorenzo Marquez Airport. The pilot didn't align with the runway when he landed, and directly hit a nearby hillside—" Retief, general manager of the airline With guilt all over his face, no matter what caused the accident, Retief must be responsible for it.

Rock didn't speak, and he wasn't really angry. Although there had been no similar accidents in civil aviation in Southern Africa before, there had been several air crashes caused by accidents around the world, and Southern Africa would not be able to escape sooner or later.

"We are summing up the experience and lessons to prevent similar incidents from happening again-this time we have suffered heavy losses. The total amount of various losses plus compensation to the crew and compensation to passengers may exceed 50 rand." Retief The heartache is inexplicable, not only because of the 50, but also because of the loss of the crew.

The cost of training a pilot is very high. There have been rumors in the industry that the cost of training a pilot can probably be replaced by gold equal to the weight of the pilot.

Nyasaland has a large number of flying clubs. Although the cost of training pilots is not so high, it is not cheap either.

"No matter how much it costs, we must actively contact the family members of the crew members and passengers for compensation. They should all be insured—" Rock actually feels distressed. The owner of the insurance company is actually Rock. Roque paid for it.

"Yes, there is indeed—" Retief also knew that this topic was not easy to start, so he changed the subject: "Nyasaland University has developed a wireless phone that can be used for conversations, and the research institute is trying to make the phone Installed on the aircraft—”

Cordless phone?

Too early, it's 1922.

What Rock didn't know was that as early as 1915, wireless telephone communication across the Atlantic had been successfully realized, and in another time and space, in 1927, commercial wireless telephones had been opened between the United States and the United Kingdom.

However, the machines of this period were too large to be installed on vehicles. The real mobile communication was the police car radio system in Detroit, USA, which appeared in 1936.

It is not surprising that this space-time wireless phone appeared in advance. The advent of the vacuum triode laid the technical foundation for the emergence of the wireless phone. The wireless phone only appeared in another time and space in 1927, which does not prove that similar technologies did not exist before 1927. However, no one realized the value of wireless telephony, so it was not put into commercial use.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. Before the outbreak of the world war, there were a large number of generals who refused to face up to the role of machine guns. After the invention of stainless steel, it took a long time to find a suitable field. Even Bill Gates said that 256K memory is enough. Individuals have used it. Before a new technology is put into use, only a few people can gain insight into the potential and prospects of the new technology.

Obviously Roque is that "very few people".

Rock has been working on miniaturizing radios for a long time, and the first country in the world to install radios on airplanes was southern Africa.

Over the years, Nyasaland University has been conducting persistent research in this area, and it is normal for wireless phones to come out in advance.

"Wait, the wireless phone can already be installed on the plane?" Rock was still surprised. He had too many things to do and didn't have much energy for the development of science and technology in southern Africa.

"Yes, the Nyasaland University has completed the experiment—" Retief didn't know the technical details, so it just worked.

"Can it be installed on a car?" Rock was ecstatic, wireless phones had already appeared, and walkie-talkies would not be too far away.

"Is it necessary?" Retief's thinking obviously couldn't keep up with Rock's rhythm.

This is the limitation of thinking. The relationship between a car and a wireless phone is like a pencil and an eraser. In the words of the 21st century, it is integration. Technology and equipment must be better utilized to play the greatest role.

Only Roque knew what the exact future would look like, and the most daring scientist nowadays could not imagine the level of technological development in the future.

There is little need for discussion as to whether wireless telephones are necessary in automobiles.

As soon as Retif said those words, he immediately realized his stupidity.

Speaking of which, as the general manager of Nyasaran Airlines, Retief is also very busy at work, if he can handle official business in the car——

I can only say that it is really fragrant.

"Why isn't it necessary? Sidney, call Sebastian. I want to see wireless phones installed in cars as soon as possible, and, if possible, to develop a communication device that can be carried by individuals. Communication The distance does not need to be too far, but it must be easy to carry, easy to use, and it doesn’t matter if it’s heavier—” Rock’s focus is still on the military, and another time-space Motorola developed a military radio station for the U.S. Army. In fact, it only took three months.

Sebastian is a professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Nyasaland University, where he conducts research in communications.

Military radios were walkie-talkies, but that was 1940.

Although it is only 1922, Rock is patient. Even if a walkie-talkie that can be carried by an individual soldier is developed within ten years, it must be worth it. World War II is still more than ten years away.

(End of this chapter)

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