Chapter 1432
Although Ada is the only female minister in southern Africa, but Phyllis is the only one who is qualified to sit next to Rock in front of Kitchener and Ade.

Phyllis is indeed impeccable, and her performance has always been worthy of the status of "Ms. Nyasaland". She is deeply loved by Nyasaland people. Kitchener and Ade are also very satisfied with Phyllis , Nyasaland's current situation is also due to Phyllis.

Probably before coming to visit Rock, Kitchener and Ade had already learned about Rock’s condition through a doctor, so they were both very relaxed. In southern Africa, it’s really not good to leave Rock, not just for Niassa For Lan, for the whole of southern Africa, Roque's meaning is equivalent to the magic needle for calming the sea. After the news of Roque's hospitalization spread, I don't know how many people can't sleep at night, and I don't know how many people celebrate with each other.

At the Tomlinson Manor on the outskirts of Cape Town, a dinner party is going on. The theme of the banquet is to celebrate the 60th birthday of the owner of the manor, Pirov Tomlinson. However, many people know that Pirov Tomlinson’s birthday is After a month, so this banquet is a bit inexplicable.

Half a month ago, Pirov Tomlinson had just resigned from the Cape State Assemblyman, citing physical reasons, but seeing Pirov Tomlinson's rosy face glowing with energy, he should be in good health.

"Hahahaha, I'm very happy today, so I just find a reason to get together with old friends. It's rare that we are so happy, God save the king—" Pirov Tomlinson proposed a toast, and he said "God save the king" is the British National anthem.

The British national anthem is very interesting. If the queen is in power, such as the previous Queen Victoria era, the name of the British national anthem is "God Save the Queen". If the king is in power, such as the current King George V, the name of the British national anthem is changed to "God Save the Queen" King", all "she" in the song will be replaced with "he".

"God save the king—"

"God bless--"


Among the chaotic responses, a voice was particularly discordant.

"Traitors of the British Empire deserve hell!"

The banquet hall was suddenly silent, and even the accompanying band lost its beat.

"George, you've had too much to drink—" Pirov Tomlinson beamed like a clown in a farce.

George also just resigned from the Cape State Councilman half a month ago, and the reason was similar to that of Pirov Tomlinson, both of which were health reasons.

However, unlike the 60-year-old Pilov Tomlinson, George Thomas is not yet 40 years old this year, and he doesn't look like he is in poor health.

"I didn't drink too much, gentlemen, you know what I'm talking about right now - there are people who are trying to divide the British Empire, they are undoubtedly traitors to the British Empire, and those of us who are loyal to the British Empire are being persecuted , I know why you are silent, I am not afraid, I will leave Cape Town for London tomorrow, and tell the adults in London what is happening in southern Africa.” George Thomas spoke clearly and did not look drunk at all.

The other guests at the banquet looked at each other in blank dismay. Some people had already put down their glasses and moved towards the door secretly. God knows if there are any agents from Brad's office in the banquet hall. If there are, then everyone who attended the banquet today will be in bad luck tomorrow.

"George, why don't you leave as soon as you want, always think about us poor people who have nowhere to go--" Someone immediately said bluntly, this behavior of George Thomas is really abhorrent, Pirov Tom Lin Sen also looked ugly.

"Hehe, Charles, do you think you will be safe and sound after paying your taxes? Don't be naive, you, me, and all of you, staying in Cape Town is a dead end, and southern Africa is no longer It's the southern Africa of the British Empire—" George Thomas was already mad, he was not whining but flipping the table.

"Southern Africa doesn't belong to the British Empire, who does it belong to?" A gray-haired middle-aged man was very interested, looking forward to George Thomas.

"Hehe, no matter who it is, it's not your Yankee's. Are you satisfied now?" George Thomas still has a bottom line on this issue. The real British absolutely don't like Americans.

"It's a pity and an embarrassment to hear such words from a gentleman—" said Barnett Harry, with no embarrassment on his face.

Southern Africa and the United States have established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level. There are US embassies or consulates or offices in major cities in southern Africa. Barnett Harry is the US consul in Cape Town.

"George, you drank too much, go back and get a good sleep, wake up tomorrow is a new day." Pirov Tomlinson can't let George Thomas go crazy, otherwise the banquet will become the last supper .

"I don't have much, Pilov, I know what you are thinking, and I know why you have a banquet today, but you are not doing anything to change your situation. Are you willing to resign from the state councilor like this?" Have you been excluded from the center of power since then? Since the day the federal government was established, you have been a member of Cape State and have served the federal government for 20 years. Hiding like a mouse in a manor on the outskirts of Cape Town, partying all night for someone who was hospitalized due to illness, I feel sad for you, sad!" George Thomas completely tore his face, and Pirov Tomlinson was so angry that he was in his hands trembling.

"Bastard, you're really crazy, come here, get him out, get him out—" Pirov Tomlinson's face was ashen, it was clearly a birthday party, and it really wasn't an all-night revelry.

Immediately, several people came over and hugged George Thomas and walked out. George Thomas was struggling desperately, still roaring wildly.

"You're all cowards-cowards-knives are put on your necks-you don't dare resist-go to hell-go to hell-"

The sound gradually faded away.

Pirov Tomlinson tried to force a smile and raised his glass again: "This guy is crazy, let's continue to drink—"

Some guests still raised their glasses in response, some put down their glasses and frowned, and some even left the hall without saying goodbye.

Pirov Tomlinson suddenly felt sad and desolate. Did the tree fall and the monkeys scatter?

"Mr. Pirov, I think I'm going to take my leave. I wish you good health again—" Barnett Harry is still very personable. As a diplomat, Barnett Harry has diplomatic immunity, no matter what , have nothing to do with Barnett Harry.

"Thank you for coming to Barnett. Let's have tea together some other day—" Pirov Tomlinson is well-mannered. Don't get me wrong. The "tea" here refers to the traditional British afternoon tea, not to go to Tea at the police station.

Police stations in Southern Africa do not provide services such as tea or coffee. It would be nice to have a glass of boiled water when you go to the police station to do business.

As for the criminal—

What are you thinking about? You still drink tea. Do you want to drink chili water?

"Mr. Pirov, I'm leaving too—" More people followed Barnett Harry to say goodbye, and soon only Pirov Tomlinson and his good friend Brand Schall were left in the banquet hall gram.

"What's going on with the people now—" Pirov Tomlinson sat on the main seat with a slumped expression, and the current southern Africa really made him at a loss.

"Pilov, there will be fewer gatherings like this in the future. Mr. Cecil Rhodes is not Dr. Starr Jameson, but his surname is Rhodes—" Brand Schalke He is a shareholder of the Cape Town Ocean Trading Shipping Company, and also runs an aquatic product company, and is a raw material supplier for the Rhodesia Foods Group under the name of Stoudemire.

"Even if Cecil Rhodes was alive, he wouldn't treat us old guys so ruthlessly, would he?" Pirov Tomlinson made a rough move, tore off his bow tie and threw it on the ground. The button then fell off.

"You said it all, we are all old guys, even Marshal Kitchener and Lord Halewood have completely retired, we old guys, it's time for the curtain call." Brand Schalke is not old yet, He is not yet 50 years old.

"I'm not yet 70 years old!" Pirov Tomlinson still wanted to rescue him, feeling that he still had the ability to continue to shine.

Brand Schalke smiled and said nothing, what should be said has already been said, if the mouse tail juice, then Pirov Tomlinson can still survive, if he continues to jump repeatedly, then even the resurrection of the queen will not be able to save Pirov Tomlinson.

What Brand Schalke and Pirov Tomlinson didn't know was that George Thomas hadn't boarded the ship leaving Cape Town that night. Officers stopped George Thomas' car on the pier.

"Mr. George Thomas, we have a case here that requires your cooperation in the investigation, so your vacation has been cancelled. Please come with us to the Ministry of Justice." The agents of the Ministry of Justice were polite, but their attitude could not be refused.

"What case?" George Thomas was more than half sober in an instant.

"No comment!" The Justice Department agent looked stern, and looked at George Thomas with cold eyes.

"I'm a citizen of the British Empire, you can contact my lawyer first." George Thomas realized what it means to speak out.

The lead Justice Department agent didn't talk nonsense and went straight to pull George Thomas' car door.

"Drive, drive quickly, get out of here—" George Thomas desperately grabbed the door handle, urging the driver frantically.

But he also didn't think about it, even if he could run anywhere on the pier in Cape Town, could he swim back to London?

"George Thomas, give up your unnecessary resistance immediately, otherwise I have the right to impose coercive methods on you—" Several Department of Justice agents drew their guns at the same time.

George Thomas was sweating profusely. Before he could think of a countermeasure, the driver had quietly opened the door and raised his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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