Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1444 1 must be happy

Chapter 1444 Must be happy

Fortunately, there is Zach, whose sense of presence has always been low, but Zach, who has never been absent, will always be by Rock's side, and this time is of course no exception.

Rock and Sidney Milner ate and walked. The smiles on people's faces from the heart were enough to prove their living conditions in the Ardan Islands. There were a few tables outside a beer pub next to the pier. Rock and Sidney Milner went and sat down at random, and the other tables were immediately filled with strong young men with tough faces.

The tavern owner was very surprised. These young people didn't drink beer, all they asked for was ice water. Seeing these young people who were full of vigilance against strangers, the tavern owner didn't dare to ask.

Rock and Sidney Milner were still very supportive, and each had a glass of barley beer. Although the price was a bit more expensive than in southern Africa, the taste was not bad.

"This place is far away from the mainland, and the malt must be imported, so it's understandable that it's more expensive." Sidney Milner probably regarded Rock as why he didn't eat minced meat.

Rock laughed out loud. Businessmen in southern Africa are still very disciplined, and those who do not obey the rules will be fined and lose their fortunes. All levels of the federal government have always attached great importance to these seemingly insignificant things.

After taking two sips of beer, the tavern owner came over with a big smile on his face and asked if he could share a table with two tourists.

There was no other way. The other tables were occupied by young people who seemed to be very difficult to mess with. Only the table where Rock and Sidney Milner were sitting had two vacancies, and the tavern owner had no choice.

Of course, the boss is also very kind. If Rock and Sidney Milner agree, then the boss will give away two Zheng He Island special snacks.

Special snacks are not worth the money, the key is that this thoughtfulness makes Rock feel very comfortable.

The two tourists were a young couple from Nyasaland. The girl sat down and thanked Rock and Sidney Milner tenderly, while the boy took out a bottle of wine from his backpack and invited Rock and Sid Shared by Ni Milner.

"Are you locals?" The boy obviously didn't recognize Rock, and thanked Louis again for his superb makeup skills.

"No, we are French—" Rock opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"France, a free and beautiful country——" the boy was very talkative, and complimented the girl as soon as he came up, and then whispered to the girl: "Do you think they can speak Chinese?"

"I'm afraid you are not a fool, this gentleman is obviously Chinese—" The girl was as careful as a hair, and looked at Rock with suspicion.

In fact, Louis's make-up skills are not very good. The beard can be disguised, but the eyes cannot be disguised. However, Roque's eyes are not too familiar to Nyasalandians.

"French Chinese?" The boy had a sudden onset of cancer and didn't notice Rock's gesture.

While the boys and girls seemed fine, Zach was clearly concerned about food from unknown sources.

Rock is not worried. He came out for a walk just on a temporary basis. If accidents happen, it will be a complete failure for Rock.

The law and order in southern Africa is still very good, and Rock is very confident about this.

"Oh, wine from Oak Town, very rare—" Sidney Milner changed the subject.

"The price is not expensive. We brew it at home. The quality is absolutely top-notch." The boy didn't have any scheming, so he asked the tavern owner to ask for a few glasses and pour them in. Through the crystal clear glass, the golden yellow liquid streamed under the reflection of the neon lights Yicai, not to mention the quality, the appearance is absolutely first-class.

"For Oaktown wines!" proposed Sidney Milner, raising his glass.

"For a wonderful encounter!" Rock's intention was more than one level higher than that of Sidney Milner.

"For Lord Nyasaland—" The boy was so excited that he didn't realize that the Lord Nyasaland he was talking about was sitting opposite him.

The girl didn't speak, her eyes were smiling into a crescent moon, and there was actually wine in the glass.

Girls in southern Africa can drink a little more or less, and they don't have any twitches. This is self-confidence from the bottom of their hearts.

"Lanlan and I have just graduated from Nyasaland University and chose to travel to the Aldan Islands. The beauty here is beyond our imagination. It is unbelievable that this place was a desert of civilization not long ago. Only in our southern Africa will this happen. Miracle—"The effect of alcohol is still very miraculous, it can quickly familiarize strangers.

"Have you found a job yet?" Rock felt miraculous, being greeted by a rainbow fart in front of someone——

Ah bah, what kind of ghostly description is this.

"Of course, graduates of Nyasaland University will not lack job opportunities. I have already received a job offer from Nyasaland Heavy Industry. I was an intern at Nyasaland Heavy Industry before. Unfortunately, Lanlan is going to Rand Bank. There is no way, girls are always popular in banks.” The boy is full of longing for the future, and Rand Bank is still very good, without the messy things of the banking industry in later generations.

Now the general manager of Rand Bank is still Ada.

"Nyasaland Heavy Industry seems to be in a bad situation now—" Sidney Milner really didn't mean to hit the young man on purpose, Nyasaland Heavy Industry did have some problems.

After the World War, Nyasaran Heavy Industry began a difficult transformation, from the production of military industry to the civilian field.

Nyasaland Heavy Industry is now facing huge competitive pressure. In the automotive field, Nyasaland Heavy Industry is not only facing the competition of Nyasaland Automobile and Rhodesian Automobile, but now it is also facing the challenge of Ford Motor, which also forces Nyasaland Heavy Industry to Saran Heavy Industries has increased research and development and investment in new technologies, and upgraded existing products.

"It doesn't matter, you have to have confidence in Li Li—" Rock has no doubts about employing people. Li Li is the first Chinese to serve as the general manager of a company under Rock's name, so there is no need to doubt his personal ability.

Rock didn't even notice that when he mentioned Li Li, the girl's eyes lit up suddenly.

Ordinary people would not use Rock's casual tone when referring to a big shot like Li Li.

"Yes, we must have confidence in Nyasaland Heavy Industry. We Nyasaland Heavy Industry will definitely be able to get out of the predicament and create greater glories. Not only in the automotive field, but we will also make efforts in many fields, industrial machinery, Civilian cars, household appliances - Nyasaland Heavy Industry is still the most dazzling industrial pearl in southern Africa!" The young man is ambitious and full of youthful vigor.

"Come on, let's have a toast, I wish you a bright future—" Rock was very satisfied with the young man's attitude. The growth rate of the second-generation Chinese in southern Africa was faster and more confident than Rock imagined.

"Cheers, for Nyasaland Heavy Industry!" The young man was full of enthusiasm, and then he noticed that the girl's hands holding the cup were trembling.

"What's wrong with you?" The young man was still very concerned about his girlfriend.

Lanlan was already at a loss, she looked at Roque with admiration, her trembling lips couldn't say a word.

"Don't be nervous girl, this guy is very nice, is he your boyfriend?" Rock's words made the girl blush.

"Don't, don't, don't talk nonsense—we're just friends—" The Iron Man hasn't realized what it means for a girl to travel to strange places with you.

This is also very normal. Those who can receive job invitations from Nyasaland Heavy Industry are mostly engineering men who are engaged in machinery. The term "steel straight man" is really correct.

"Yes, we will work hard!" The girl was as excited as taking an oath, and suddenly held the straight man's hand.

The straight man of steel was hit by great happiness, subconsciously turned back his grip, and spilled all the wine in the glass excitedly.

"You must be happy--" Rock finished the wine in the glass, got up and called Zac to pay the bill.

"Lord—Lord—" The girl got up and did not forget to pull the boy up from the chair.

The boy was dumbfounded, looking at Rock with shock.

Rock turned back and waved to the girls and boys, walking forward with his hands in his pockets, like a lion patrolling his territory.

"Why didn't you reveal your identity? It's too ordinary to say goodbye like this—" Sidney Milner couldn't get enough of it. Everyone else pretended to be that and ran away. You just ran away without pretending. If I take off my pants, you will give I see this?

"Then what do you want, hold a wedding for them now, and then act as the wedding host?" Rock is not pretending, isn't life like this, so there are so many bloody plots.

To put it bluntly, even if someone jumps out and let Rock step on him, Rock won't feel much joy. Those upstarts like clowns are not worthy of Rock's waste of affection, and continue to improve the national strength of southern Africa. Breaking the colonial system established by Britain and France and suppressing the growing ambitions of the United States and Japan are what Roark cares about.

In other words, the continuous expansion of the living space of Chinese people around the world is what Rock is most concerned about.

"Forget about the wedding host. In fact, it's quite good. That girl has recognized you. Fortunately, she didn't lose control of her emotions." Sidney Milner didn't have many regrets. If the girl revealed Rock's identity just now, Narok will no longer have the opportunity to travel with easy makeup.

"He graduated from Nyasaland University, and you think his self-cultivation is the same as yours." Rock complained relentlessly, Sidney Milner probably never went to college.

The girl is still very smart. Since Rock is wearing a big beard, he doesn't want others to recognize him, so even if the girl recognizes Rock, she won't tell the truth.

"Is it so strange? I also graduated from Cambridge University. Do you think I've ever been proud—" Sidney Milner was unconvinced, but Cambridge in this era has nothing to be proud of. To put it bluntly, it all depends on its peers.

"Then you are really amazing——" Rock expressed surprise in a teasing tone. He, a guy who graduated from the Sandhurst Royal Military Academy, is incomparable in this regard.

"That's for sure, at least Cambridge is still much better than the Sandhurst Royal Military Academy—" Sidney Milner really didn't miss this opportunity.

After returning to the hotel overnight, Zhu Jun came to the hotel early the next morning. He had no idea that Roque sneaked out last night to eat candied haws and drink beer. This was also a good memory for Roque.

(End of this chapter)

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