Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1446 The Dawes Project

Chapter 1446 The Dawes Project

The content of the "Dawwes Plan" is: the Allied Powers supervised the reorganization of the Deutsche Bank, implemented currency reform, and the Allied Powers loaned 8 million gold marks to Germany to stabilize the value of the German currency.

Set the annual limit for German indemnity, that is, starting from 1924 billion gold marks in the first year (1925-10), increasing year by year, and increasing to 1928 billion gold marks in the fifth year (1929-25); Germany's financial source for paying indemnity comes from customs duties , Tobacco, alcohol and sugar monopoly tax, railway revenue and industrial and commercial enterprise tax.

Germany is allowed to issue 110 billion gold mark railway bonds and 50 billion gold mark industrial bonds; Germany's financial foreign exchange, railway operation and tax collection affairs are subject to international supervision.

In the future, if any disputes arise on the issue of compensation, they will all be resolved by the arbitration committee, and no country can impose sanctions on Germany alone.

Private banks will input capital into Germany to help Germany revive, and the Morgan Corporation of the United States is willing to provide Germany with the loans needed for the Dawes plan.

On the surface, the purpose of the "Dawes Plan" is to prompt Germany to really enter the reparation process, but in essence it is the United States trying to increase its influence in Europe.

In 1922, the United States did not have enough power to subvert the colonial system established by Britain and France, and its influence on Europe was seriously insufficient. Therefore, the United States did not even join the League of Nations, because the United States was worried that it would not be able to control the League of Nations, and then it would become Britain and the United States. vassal of France.

However, the United States is obviously unwilling to drift away from the Old Continent, so there is the "Dawwes Plan" that tries to bring the United States back to Europe.

The Americans think they have their own way, and the British politicians are not stupid, so there is the "Balfort Note" from British Foreign Minister Arthur Belfort. We don't want to pay compensation, you Americans should go back to America and stay.

However, the "Balfort Note" obviously violated the interests of France. In order to keep the United States out, Britain would rather not even pay Germany's indemnity. .

It's a pity that France, which is obsessed with Germany, also disagrees with the "Dawwes Plan" proposed by the United States, because France smells the breath of Germany's restoration of strength from the "Dawwes Plan". Once Germany becomes stronger again, it will be France that will be unlucky.

Knowing these backgrounds, Roque really wanted to turn around and leave. Europe is a mess now, and all countries are only thinking about their own interests, and have not noticed that the real crisis is approaching.

On September 9, Rock arrived in London.

Before Roque arrived in London, representatives of various countries had already conducted a consultation, but unfortunately there was no result. C. G. Dawes, who represented the United States at the London Conference, had a big fight with British Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour, and the French colonial minister Albert Sarao fanned the flames. He neither agreed with the "Dawwes Plan" nor the "Balfort Note", and he could not put forward any constructive opinions.

Rock stayed at his manor on the outskirts of London, and Winston and Leonard Capet came to Rock that night.

"Sorry Locke, I really want you to rest for a night, and I will come to you tomorrow, but unfortunately the situation is not good, you don't have any more time to rest now—" Winston's body fattened at an alarming rate compared to a year ago, It's already reached the level where he had to take two breaths on the second floor. This guy can't leave his cigarettes and alcohol now, and he can smoke a cigarette for a day.

Smoking one for a day means one after another, never stopping in between, which is extremely harmful to the body and especially unhealthy.

"Reynard, long time no see—" Rock didn't need to exchange greetings with Winston, the relationship between the two had reached the point where politeness was unnecessary.

"My lord, good evening." Leonard Capet was a little cautious, he was always uncomfortable when facing Rock.

This is also normal, cheap uncle, Rock can't give Ada a name, this is Leonard Capet's biggest regret.

"What do you think of the Americans' proposal?" Winston was rude, and just got down to business.

"Sorry, I don't know much about the situation yet—" Rock would not express his opinion easily, and he might offend others.

"The Americans are trying to dominate the negotiations with Germany. This will definitely affect the interests of us and France. We cannot let the Americans get what they want." Winston said directly. In fact, the situation is obvious. The Americans want to expand their influence through aid to Germany , By the way, to obtain economic benefits, Britain wants to support Germany to check and balance France, and France wants to suppress Germany's continued blood-sucking.

"But if the Germans don't have money, they won't be able to pay reparations. It would be nice if the Americans are willing to lend money to the Germans—" Leonard Capet is a qualified businessman, but his sense of politics is still a bit dull.

Of course, it depends on who you compare yourself with. Let’s not talk about Rock, but Winston is the greatest Englishman in history. His political talent is absolutely top-notch. People are stupid.

"Are you stupid? Even if you want to lend money to the Germans, it can't be Morgan in the United States. Does the Reichsbank have no money? Does the Rand Bank have no money? Does the Paris Bank have no money?" Winston still looks down on The upstart in the United States, Leonard Capet, is a shareholder of BNP Paribas.

There must be additional conditions for a loan. Germany can't afford collateral now, and there may be a risk of repayment in the general election.

Of course, huge risks also mean huge benefits, and capitalists are never merciful.

"The BNP Paribas has money, but it won't lend it to the Germans—" Reynard Capet is not stupid, France hopes that Germany will never pay back the money, so that France can occupy the German Ruhr forever.

"I just got the news that the Germans agreed to the 'Dawes Plan' proposed by the Americans, but the premise is that France and Belgium withdraw their troops from the Ruhr." Winston sneered, the Germans were not stupid, they paid back the money on the spot, The Americans have their Zhang Liangji, and the Germans also have their wall ladders.

"This is absolutely impossible. Once Germany regains possession of the Ruhr, Germany will recover its strength at an extremely fast speed. Have you all forgotten the trauma of the world war?" On this issue, Leonard Capet is equally unrelenting.

Winston spread his hands and gave Rock a look that Rock could understand.

See, that's how it is.

Roque was also speechless, and he couldn't blame the French for not giving in. If Roque was replaced by Leonard Capet, Roque would definitely not give in.

If the "Dawwes Plan" is implemented, Germany will receive a large amount of financial support, and Germany will definitely use part of it to pay compensation, but before that, the German government will first use the funds to restore the national economy and people's livelihood, so that Germany has This is a huge threat to France.

To put it bluntly, Britain and the European continent are separated by the English Channel, and the United States and Europe are separated by the Atlantic Ocean, so neither the United Kingdom nor the United States cares whether Germany regains its strength.

However, there is only a Maginot Line between France and Germany, which Germany can bypass at any time. If Germany becomes stronger, France will face disaster.

When it comes to the Maginot Line, I don’t know what the French think. In the world war just past, Germany bypassed the strong defense line on the German-French border through Belgium and directly attacked the French mainland.

As a result, the Maginot Line newly built by France after the World War also did not cover the French-Belgian border——

This is very funny, if the war breaks out again, then it is certain that the Maginot Line will still not play any role.

In fact, when it comes to this issue, it is not that the French turn a blind eye, but that the relationship between France and Belgium is there. It is impossible to treat Belgium as an enemy. This is probably the notorious political correctness in the future.

Rock got up to pour wine for Winston and Leonard Capet. In October, London has not yet entered winter. Rock indoors is a two-piece suit of shirt and vest. Although he is over forty, Rock's figure Winston still envied him. Perennial exercise allowed Rock to maintain a healthy standard figure. In the retro study room with dim lights, Rock's every move was heart-wrenching.

"Reynard, think carefully about a question, whether France needs to pay reparations, or get nothing—" Rock handed the wine glass to Leonard Capet, sitting on the desk in a leisurely manner, this question does not seem to need choose.

Leonard Capet fell into a long silence.

By accepting the "Dawes Plan", France can get the compensation it wants.

If it does not accept the "Dawes Plan" and continues to occupy the Ruhr, France can indeed suppress Germany.

But in this way, France will also linger in the economic downturn for a long time, and the gap with the United Kingdom, the United States, and southern Africa will further widen.

Now let alone Britain, the United States, and southern Africa, even Japan and Italy dare to make irresponsible remarks on France. This situation really makes Leonard Capet sad.

"Lord, if Germany regains its strength, it will still be France that will suffer the most." Reynard Capet seemed to want a promise.

"Reynard, you have to believe in our friendship. If the Germans dare to provoke a war, they can only humiliate themselves." Rock seems to have made a promise, but this promise is a bit ambiguous.

If there is another world war, Britain will definitely still be an ally of France, but southern Africa is thousands of miles away, and it will certainly not be able to provide assistance to France in time.

Of course, the final victory will definitely still belong to the righteous side. From this perspective, Rock did not break his promise.

"Lord, I hope you can remember today's promise, if Germany provokes war again, France and southern Africa will still fight side by side-" Leonard Capet didn't seem to realize that the reason he said this At that time, Winston's face was ugly and scary.

France and Southern Africa fight side by side!
What about the British Empire?
In the last world war, the British Empire played a huge role and should not be so easily ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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