Chapter 1450

The handsome young man is Li Yan, the deputy head of the operations team of Brad's office in London.

Li Yan just turned 22 this year. He immigrated to southern Africa with his parents 20 years ago. He joined the Boy Scouts during middle school and was admitted to Nyasaland Army Academy after graduating from junior high school.

During the World War, Li Yan's father died in the Second Battle of Ypres. Li Yan dropped out of school angrily and asked to join the Southern African Expeditionary Force, but was rejected by the conscription office because he was not old enough. Later, Li Yan joined the umbrella company and became a professional employee. Bing, served in Port Elizabeth for three years.

Li Yan was transferred to London last year as the deputy head of the operations group of the London office, and also the second-level military attache of the Southern African Embassy in the UK.

The members of Brad's office are all secret agents who are active in London and need a formal identity as a cover. The military attache of the embassy is also a diplomat and has diplomatic immunity, which can provide the greatest degree of protection for the secret agents.

The wine glass hit Bezoy Den Holt in the face, and Bezoy Den Holt fell to the ground with the chair, his face covered in blood, and he twitched unconsciously on the ground.

"Bastard, how dare you!" William yelled at the case. Although William was still arguing with Bezoy Den Holt just now, when Bezoy Den Holt had an accident, William immediately stepped forward.

This is indeed a man of integrity.

"William, please, don't do this—" the bearded man trembled, embracing William to prevent conflict between William and Li Yan.

"Three days, when this guy wakes up, tell him it's only three days, he knows what I'm talking about—" Li Yan took out a handkerchief, wiped his hands indifferently, then folded the handkerchief and put it in his pocket, and took out another From the wallet, he took out two ten-rand notes, put one back in after thinking about it, and gently placed the other on Bezoi Denhout's face.

At this time, the movements are very gentle, and there is no trace of the tyranny just now.

After Li Yan and the peaked cap left, the police arrived late.

"Why did that person attack you?" When the police asked Bezoy DenHolt, he covered his mouth and looked uncomfortable.

It was Bezoy Den Holt who looked so miserable. His face was cut with a long and big gash by the fragments of the wine glass.

With the medical methods at this time, it is certain to leave scars, which can be seen from Li Yan's ruthlessness when he shot.

"We had a little argument—" Bezoy Den Hoult lowered his head, clutching the ten-rand note tightly in his hand.

"Do you want to call the police?" The policeman breathed a sigh of relief, and rushed to do it openly in public, and the consequences were so serious that they were confident without asking.

Don't forget that this is London. Not to mention the earl walking everywhere, there are as many viscounts as dogs. If you meet someone on the street, you may have a hand behind your back.

Since the other party knew Bezoy Den Holt's identity, and didn't care at all, and he was so ruthless, one can imagine the background of the other party.

Reminiscent of the rumors about Bezoy Den Holt and the Irishman, the other party is not afraid of the Irishman's revenge. The energy they have is not something a small security police can handle.

"No, don't call the police—" Bezoy Denholt shook his head.

"You coward!" William roared angrily, he really couldn't understand Bezoy Denholt's appearance.

"You know what, I don't want to die. I'll call the police today, and I'll go back to the dead body tomorrow, don't you understand!" Bezoy Denholt screamed in tears. Of course he wanted revenge, but revenge on Nyasaland Marquis?
Don't be funny, just say hilariously, just think about taking revenge on the Marquis of Nyasaland, he can't even see the Marquis of Nyasaland, so the Marquis of Nyasaland stretched out a finger, just Can easily crush Bezoi DenHolt to death.

If he didn't even understand this principle, it would be impossible for Bezoy Denholt to make such a big business.

"Well, you'd better go to the hospital—" The policeman was speechless when he left, and he was not used to this kind of thing.

Call the police?

Every day in London, people die for no reason. The headless murder cases squeezed in the police station can fill a file room. Murder cases in the UK are not guaranteed to be solved.

Li Yan didn't know if Bezoy Denholt called the police, and he wasn't even worried about it at all.

After warning Bezoi Denholt face-to-face, Li Yan bought some food in the convenience store downstairs of the apartment, and planned to go back to the apartment where he lived for a good night's sleep.

"Li, next month's rent is due—" the landlord reminded Li Yan at the door of the room on the first floor.

"This month is not over yet!" Li Yan responded casually, wouldn't it be nice to deposit the money in the bank to increase the interest?
"Stingy southern Africans, you are all so rich—" the landlord muttered and closed the door. The rich and powerful in southern Africa have already become popular in London.

However, the wealth of southern Africa is not obvious in Li Yan.

Brad's office, the southern African embassy in the UK, the income generated by renting the farm to the military service agency, plus various overseas allowances, Li Yan received several salaries at the same time, but his life was very simple, even a good point He would not give up renting his apartment, and the clothes he wore were always cheap suits sold in Jewish shops. Li Yan would definitely not buy expensive handmade suits.

It's not that you can't afford it.

Every month, Li Yan will donate ten rand to the Boy Scouts of Southern Africa, and at the same time donate ten rand to the Phyllis Foundation. On the spiritual level, Li Yan is extremely rich.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Li Yan heard the phone ringing in the room.

After carefully checking the mark made before going out, Li Yan opened the door of the apartment after making sure that no one had entered the apartment during this time.

"Li, you are too reckless today—" On the other end of the phone is Stackhouse, the leader of the operation team.

"My five brothers died unexpectedly, I couldn't calm down—" Li Yan put the food he just bought on the table, took off his suit and threw it on the chair, and then put his feet high on the table, and then he relaxed a little a bit.

"You have to be careful these few days, tomorrow you will leave the apartment and live in the embassy—" Stackhouse is still worried about Li Yan's safety, don't underestimate your enemy, and be careful.

"Ha, don't worry about me. If anyone dares to make trouble, I'll let them taste the taste of bullets!" Li Yan is confident in his ability, without using weapons, usually three or five people, Li Yan can easily handle it alone .

If you use a weapon, unless Li Yan has no time to react, as long as Li Yan draws his gun, Li Yan will not be afraid of how many people are on the other side.

Big deal one for ten, worth it!
As for why there are ten, it is because the Browning High Power pistol produced by Nyasaland Military Industry has only ten rounds.

At this moment, Li Yan suddenly heard a sparse sound outside the door, the sound made by the soles of shoes moving slowly on the carpet.


Li Yan didn't hang up the phone, but gently put the phone on the table, pulled out his pistol, and quietly came to the door.

"Lee, Lee, Lee—damn it! The action team, the action team is dispatched immediately, go to Li's apartment—" Stackhouse's roar came from the phone. As an agent, his nerves are tense all the time. Accidents can happen.

There was no sound outside the door.

Li Yan gently opened the safety of the pistol without making a sound.

At this time, there seemed to be the sound of a fuse burning outside the door.

Before Li Yan could react, "Boom", the wooden door was shattered into pieces by a violent explosion, and then several people rushed in at the same time.

These people were also well-trained. After rushing into the room, the pistols in their hands immediately pointed in different directions in the room.

The first person who saw Li Yan hiding by the wall was a young man, he looked up to left and right, with thin blond hair, pimples and fine fluff on his face, when he saw Li Yan, Li Yan noticed that his pupils dilated to the extreme almost instantly.

Then Li Yan fired.

When Li Yan shot, the distance between him and the young man was no more than one meter, and Li Yan's pistol almost hit the young man's forehead and shot.

The reason why the Browning Hi-Power pistol is called Hi-Power is that its bullets can almost kill an elephant. At such a short distance, it is almost impossible to survive being hit on the head.

Li Yan didn't have time to confirm the result of the battle, so he moved to the next target immediately after shooting.

嘡, 嘡 嘡 嘡——

Five shots and five shots, not a single bullet wasted. The few people who broke into the room were all knocked down to the ground in a close-range execution without reacting. The strong smell of blood and gunpowder smoke immediately filled the whole room. Yan suddenly lifted his spirits, took out a grenade with his backhand, pulled the ring and threw it into the corridor outside the door.

"It's a gram!"


Sure enough, there were people outside the door. Anyone who suddenly saw a smoking grenade thrown under their feet would be heartbroken.

Without hesitation, Li Yan turned around and opened a door next to him to enter the next room.

This room was also rented by Li Yan, but instead of using Li Yan's name, it used the name of Li Yan's colleague, and even the landlord didn't know about this relationship.


In the narrow space of the corridor, the power of the grenade was magnified to the extreme. Li Yan felt dizzy when hiding in the room next to him, and the guys in the corridor suddenly screamed again and again.

It's lucky to be able to scream. Do you know how many meters the killing radius of a military grenade is?

15 m.

Moreover, the defensive grenade produced in southern Africa is filled with 1500 steel balls in the explosive body of each grenade.

In the less than 5-meter-long corridor, there are about 3 meters high, 1.5 meters wide, and 1500 steel balls. Those who are good at mathematics can calculate how many steel balls there are per square meter.

Anyway, Li Yan was hiding in the next room, and he could hear the sound of steel balls hitting the wall.


It's the feeling of being hit in the face with a bowl of beans.

Without going out to check, Li Yan knew how miserable the corridor was.

This was not over yet, after the grenade exploded, Li Yan went to the window and opened it, and saw two sneaky young men downstairs looking upstairs with their mouths open.

When they saw Li Yan, the two young men turned pale with fright, and one of them put his hand into his bosom, probably wanting to draw a gun.

嘡, 嘡——

Finish work.

(End of this chapter)

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