Chapter 1452 Deja Vu
When the police officer accompanied the lawyer into the cell, the cell was eerily quiet.

Except for Li Yan, several people in the iron cage where Li Yan lived were cleaning hard. Not only was the floor clean, but even the steel pipes were polished.

When they saw the police officer, the eyes of Mike and the other white men were as hot as seeing the savior.

Although the police officer did not speak, his face was full of surprise.

He was really curious about how Li Yan did it.

Li Yan's lawyer is Nicholas Beard, who once defended Adan in the lawsuit between the British Admiralty and Adan.

When Nicholas Beard saw Li Yan, Li Yan was reading a newspaper.

God knows the newspapers brought, there will always be some weird things in the prison, some people are indeed supernatural.

"Li, the vacation is over—" Nicholas Beard patted Li Yan on the shoulder, and then read the contents of the newspaper.

In the attack on Rock, the death toll of the guards has increased to six, and two wounded have died of their injuries in the hospital.

Li Yan put down the newspaper in his hand, and left the room with Nicholas Beard.

Walking to the door, Li Yan casually threw a pack of cigarettes to Mike, and said: "This is your reward for cleaning."

Mike, who was scrambling to catch the cigarettes, was dumbfounded, and it took him a long time to understand that this is called grievances and grievances.

"No matter what they ask you later, wait for my prompt." Nicholas Beard whispered to Li Yan.

Li Yan nodded slightly, Nicholas Beard was the expert in dealing with these policemen.

The questioning room was small, but it was clean and tidy. Li Yan sat down on the chair beside the table, and Nicholas Beard sat behind Li Yan and slightly back.

The door opened, and a middle-aged inspector came in.


"Li Yan."

"from where?"

Li Yan was about to speak when Nicholas Beard handed over a note from behind, with "British Empire" written on it.

"British Empire——" Li Yan smiled, this identity is really useful.

"Aren't you a southern African?" The Inspector said gravely.

"Southern Africa is also a part of the British Empire. This answer is not wrong—" Nicholas Beard took a lot of time to ask you.

The Inspector glared at Nicholas Beard and continued to record.

"Now tell me, what's going on in the apartment?" the Inspector continued.

"Mr. Li is not a prisoner yet, you can't treat Mr. Li the way you treat a prisoner—" Nicholas Beard sighed faintly: "—and my client is a diplomat, you don't have the right to interrogate him—"

"You just said he was British, and now you say he is a diplomat, so who is he?" The inspector was furious. With a lawyer present, it was basically impossible to induce a confession.

As for torture—

Don't be funny, it's not that the London police don't know how to do it, but it depends on what people order.

"Ah—haha, British diplomat—" Nicholas Beard couldn't help laughing out loud, because the British Empire has its own national conditions.

The inspector's breathing gradually increased, his eyeballs became bloodshot, veins twitched on his forehead, and the pencil in his hand was snapped into two pieces.

At this moment a police officer came in and whispered something to the inspector.

The inspector had a delicate expression, and couldn't help but sigh at the end, then closed the notebook, tucked it under his arm, and left without looking back.

Neither Li Yan nor Nicholas Beard had yet realized what had happened.

"Let's go, please follow me to pay the bail—" The police officer looked at Li Yan curiously, and within a short time, Li Yan's name had spread throughout London.

At the same time, Li Yan's nickname was spread throughout London - the apartment butcher!
The butcher is the butcher, and there is an apartment in front of it, which is not loud at all. Look at the "Jack the Ripper" next door, it's just a night cry.

The London police station is also really dark. Li Yan's bail needs a full 1200 pounds. I don't know if it's a coincidence, but 100 pounds per person.

Li Yan originally thought that there would be a verbal confrontation, but he didn't expect that he could leave so easily.

"Naturally, the British hope that we will die with some people—" Nicholas Beard was not surprised. The inspector might really want justice, but unfortunately the people above didn't think so.

For the Irish, the British government has nothing to do, otherwise the British government will not agree to Irish autonomy.

Now, whether it was an accident or a plan, the Irish came to Roque, and the British government probably wanted to use Roque's knife to deal with the Irish, so the British government would not trouble Li Yan.

How good it is now, the southern Africans and the Irish are killing each other, the Metropolitan Police Department can still collect bail money, change it to Rock, and Rock will do the same.

I don't know if Bezoy Denholt delivered the words properly, but three days passed in a flash, and Rock didn't get the response he wanted, and then Rock's revenge came fast and fierce.

In a villa on the outskirts of Dublin in the Irish Free State, Bezoy Den Holt was begging on the phone.

"I need more protection, the revenge of the southern Africans will come soon, if you can't do it, then send me to the United States, I don't want to die here -" Bezoyden Holt could feel that a huge danger was approaching. Although there were more than a dozen bodyguards inside and outside the villa to protect him, Bezoy Den Holt didn't have the slightest sense of security.

"Take it easy, Bezoy Denholt, you are safe now, this is Dublin, not London, the Marquess's hand can't reach here—" The man on the other end of the phone seemed to be looking forward to something .

"I told you so long ago, don't underestimate the energy of the Marquis of Nyasaland, that guy is a real butcher, unlike those politicians in London, in some things, his men are better than you Professional—" Bezoy Den Hoult was desperate, and the person on the other end of the phone was also malicious. He seemed to be using Bezoy Den Hoult as a bait, and he might have leaked Bezoy Den Hoult's hiding place long ago. land.

The way the Irish fight for independence is different from that of the Indians. The Indians are non-violent and non-cooperative, while the Irish are violent and non-cooperative.

However, in terms of violence, the professional mercenaries of the Umbrella Company are the real experts. Compared with the Umbrella Company, the combat effectiveness of the Irish Rebel Organization is like child's play.

"Don't worry, my friend, I will guarantee your safety. If the men of the Marquess of Nyasaland dare to come to our Dublin, I will let them come and go—" The word friend is particularly ironic here.

"You don't even know—" Before Bezoy Denholt could speak, the phone was cut off suddenly.

"—Hello, hello——" Bezoy Denholt hadn't realized what happened yet, the quality of the magnet phone wasn't good enough, and disconnection was normal.

At this time, there was a sudden sound like a water bag breaking and a heavy object falling to the ground downstairs.

Feeling bad, Bezoy Denholt quietly came to the window to observe, and was surprised to find that the gunman who was patrolling with a gun just now had collapsed on the lawn downstairs.

Here they come—

I'm dying--

The Irish are really unreliable—

what do I do--

To strike back or to flee—

In an instant, there were countless voices in Bezoy Denholt's mind, as if a hundred villains were arguing.

This is the difference between a professional and an amateur. Li Yan from the previous chapter is already ready to fight back.

As for Bezoy Den Holt, don't even think about resisting, and you probably won't be able to escape. Only then did Bezoy Den Holt realize the importance of exercising.

However, it was too late to think about it now, and Bezoy Denholt was still a little bloody at last, instead of waiting to die, he ran to the bedroom to get a gun.

It's a pity that as soon as the bedroom door was opened, Bezoy Denholt found that someone in the bedroom was pointing a strange pistol at him.

Strange indeed, this was the first time Bezoy DenHolt had seen a suppressed pistol.

Don't doubt, in 1922, the muffler had already been invented.

It was the son of the famous Maxim who invented the silencer. He liked the quiet environment and especially disliked the sound of the shotgun when hunting, so he invented the silencer.

That was in 1908.

A long time ago, the Nyasaran military industry began research on the silencer. The sound that Bezoy Denholt heard just now was like the sound of a water bag being pierced, which was the gunshot after using the silencer.

With the silencer installed, it is not completely silent, and it can still be heard if the distance is not too far.

"Sir, please don't shoot, I can do whatever you ask—" Bezoy Denholt collapsed to the ground in an instant.

"Bezoi DenHolt?" The hooded gunman's voice was grim.


"Sorry!" The shooter suddenly apologized.

Bezoy Denholt was overjoyed.

The gunman opened fire without giving Bezoy DenHolt a chance.

Many people died on this day. Bezoy Den Holt was killed in a villa on the outskirts of Dublin, along with a dozen of Bezoy Den Holt's bodyguards.

The famous London lawyer Charles David committed suicide in his office. The police found the suicide note left by Charles David at the scene. In the suicide note, he clearly wrote that he felt remorse for what he had done over the years and hoped that God could forgive him. he.

After Congressman Napier Frederick attended a luncheon, a car accident happened when he was returning to his apartment. A truck full of stones directly crushed the car Pinel Frederick was riding in. The scene was horrible.

Although on the surface, some of these deaths were murders and some were accidents, the family members of Charles David believe that the suicide note left by Charles David was not written by Charles David himself, but was forged.

The truck that crushed the car in which Pinel Frederick was riding came from a London-based construction company that had close ties to southern African capital.

As for Bezoy Denholt, the battle in the villa ended in just 2 minutes, which made many people feel familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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