Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 146 Brothers on the Surface

Chapter 146 Brothers on the Surface

Zach probably didn't expect that Rock would treat those Chinese workers like this.

But after thinking about it carefully, Zach understood Rock's intentions.

These Chinese workers are basically uneducated, so it is unrealistic to ask them to have any long-term vision.

In this case, we can only lure them with real benefits, and when they see the benefits, their attitude will naturally become positive.

There must be some people who are stubborn, and there is no need to waste time on them. There are few Chinese in Johannesburg, but there are many Chinese in Qingguo. It is enough to repatriate a few black apples, so as not to stay in Johannesburg and ruin the reputation of the Chinese.

In the final analysis, Zach's current thinking mode is still stuck in his student days, and he has not changed into a colonial thinking in time. He only needs to consider it from the perspective of colonialism, and these problems can be easily solved.

At the end of the month, Nelson Holt finished his work and Roque returned to Pretoria to attend the inauguration of the new Governor-General, Alfred Milner.

As a senior inspector, Rock is not in charge of the security of the ceremony this time, but as a representative of the Pretoria Police Department, he can enter the room with dignity.

This is progress. A few months ago, when Alfred Milner welcomed Commander-in-Chief Roberts and Chief of Staff Kitchener of the Expeditionary Force, Rock was not even eligible to enter the Governor's estate.

Now, Roque is already the guest of honor at the Governor's inauguration ceremony, and this progress is not insignificant.

After the inauguration ceremony, the Johannesburg Police Department will be established. Roque is the default police chief. Henry has reported to the Governor's Palace, and Alfred Milner has also approved it. After Alfred Milner's inauguration ceremony, Roque Clark is leaving for Johannesburg to take up his post.

In order to be able to match the identity of the chief of police, Henry also applied to the Governor's Palace to promote Rock's police rank to superintendent. This application has not yet been approved, but if there is no accident, after Alfred Milner takes office as the Governor Approve this application.

This is also a common practice. The emperor has to amnesty the world when he ascends the throne, and the governor must also benefit his subordinates when he assumes the new position. Otherwise, why would you work hard for you?

"Although the level of the Johannesburg Police Department is lower than that of the Pretoria Police Department, its scale is actually similar to that of the Pretoria Police Department. Even because of the gold mine in Johannesburg, it is more important than the General Administration in terms of police force allocation. , you can take some of the commandos to Johannesburg, but you can’t take all of them away, I will equip you with a group of Zulu police officers, all of whom are scouts who have just retired from the battlefield, and they are much easier to use than those Indians.” Henry Satisfied, this is Henry's achievement again.

Insufficient policing is an old problem, not just in Pretoria, but in the Cape, in all police stations.

Chinese police officers have proved by their performance that they are better than Indian police and Boer police, so now Cape and Transvaal are sending requests to the Huayong Camp in Qing Dynasty to hire more Chinese police to maintain society stable.

What I want to explain here is that the Cape Colony is a collective term. In fact, after the annexation of the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Free State, the Cape Colony is divided into four parts, which are managed by two governors. and the present governor of Orange is Alfred Milner, and the present governor of Cape and Natal is Walter Henry Hutchinson.

The crux of the problem is that the Huayong Battalion is limited in scale, and it is impossible to provide a large number of police officers for Cape.

Therefore, Roque and Henry proposed to apply to the Governor's Mansion to hire some Zulu scouts to supplement the police force.

This purpose has now been achieved.

"No problem, leave Johannesburg to me." Rock did his part. Henry and Rock were worried about handing Johannesburg to anyone except Rock.

"Of course I'm relieved to hand it over to you, but there seems to be a problem with the funding. I applied for [-] pounds from the Finance Bureau, but the Finance Bureau only approved [-] pounds. You have to settle the difference by yourself. The Finance Bureau has no money right now." Henry felt quite guilty, feeling that he hadn't given Rock enough support.

In fact, it is enough. The Transvaal provisional government has just been established, and there are a lot of things waiting to be done. There are many places to spend money. The Governor's Mansion has to rely on the auction of gold mines to increase income. The Finance Bureau can give [-] pounds. It was because Roque had been looking for an office for the Finance Bureau.

This is the role of good karma.

Of course, for Roque, it is not difficult to make up the difference between the construction of the police station, and it is even very simple.

There are gold mines everywhere in Johannesburg, plus there must be [-] or [-] gold mines that will resume production after the auction. There are so many mines, and each mine pays [-] yuan, which is more than enough to build a police station.

This should be regarded as apportionment, but it is the apportionment that those mine owners can't wait for. The establishment of the police station will eventually provide services for those mines, so the police station will go to the mine to "beg for alms". The "workers" in the mine ran away, so don't expect the police station to dispatch police forces to help arrest them.

Don't try to catch them by yourself. In the mine, it doesn't matter how many security guards and thugs the mine owner hires, but outside the mine, it is the territory of the police station. The mine owner dares not to greet the police station. If those security guards and thugs are used outside the mine, what awaits them will be a merciless attack from the police station.

And for this kind of thing, don't expect the support of the big shots behind the mine, and the support may not necessarily have results. The police station is not without a backstage. That being said, the police station is backed by Her Majesty the Queen.

The backstage of the mine is big, can it be bigger than Her Majesty the Queen?

"You don't have to worry about money. I'll take care of this part. You can keep the money you want for yourself. There are many places to spend money on the side of the General Administration." Rock was thinking of Henry wholeheartedly.

In fact, it is not. If Henry gives the money in one go, Roque will not want it. For things like funds, if you give enough money, or you don't want a cent, so that there will be disputes in the future, and Roque will have something to say.

You see, the headquarters did not give a penny to the establishment of the Johannesburg Police Department. The Johannesburg Police Department raised funds to build the police station. There must be many shortcomings, so some mistakes in work are inevitable.

You want the police department to do their job?

Well, let me make up for the funds first. If you don’t have money, you can’t do anything. The police also have to eat, drink, and sleep. The emperor is still hungry soldiers——

So as long as Henry is served well, Rock can sit back and relax, the sky will fall, and Henry will support it.

"Lock, good brother!" Henry was really touched.

Superficial brother!

 Are you guys back from vacation?I just came back too. During May Day, I went to the biggest supermarket in our town——



(End of this chapter)

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