Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1461 You must not learn from the beautiful country

Chapter 1461 Do not learn from the beautiful country
Professor Kawsol is Abu, the double winner of the Nobel Prize in Biology and the Star Award in Southern Africa, the president of Nyasaland University, and the undisputed authority on biology in Southern Africa.

If even Abramovich can't do anything about the pollution caused by textile factories, almost no one in this era can solve this problem.

Rock is actually very depressed. At the moment when British and American sweatshops are popular, the Johannesburg city government has actually started to pay attention to the pollution problem. This is a bit too advanced, and Rock feels uncomfortable.

"My lord, the city government can't do anything about it. The state government and the Pretoria city government have paid attention to the environmental pollution in Johannesburg many times. Even the state of Orange believes that the pollution caused by the textile factory has caused serious damage to the environment of Orange state. Impact, we really didn’t mean to trouble the textile factory. The city government has prepared 1500 acres of land for the textile factory in Rustenburg, and is willing to bear all the costs of the textile factory’s relocation. The current land of the textile factory can be sold, and the city government will not We have even found a buyer for the textile factory, and someone is willing to pay 150 million rand for the land of the textile factory—” Johannesburg Mayor Da Gama Vasco felt like he was about to cry. At the time of police chief, Vasco was chief accountant for the Home Office in Johannesburg.

It has been nearly 20 years since Roque served as Johannesburg police chief. Although Roque has left Johannesburg, his prestige is still there. No one dares to underestimate Roque's influence in Johannesburg.

The Johannesburg Textile Factory in Rock's impression is more than ten kilometers away from downtown Johannesburg.

Now with the development of Johannesburg, the textile factory has been covered by the urban area, and the land price has also soared. If it is true that according to what Da Gama Vasco said, someone is willing to pay 150 million rand to buy the land of the textile factory, then the money Enough to cover the cost of moving the textile mill.

Wait a minute, as Da Gama Vasco said just now, the Johannesburg City Government is willing to bear the relocation costs of the textile factory. In other words, as long as Rock agrees, the textile factory not only does not need to spend a penny, but also earns money.

Of course, this is not how the accounts are calculated. Relocating a factory is not as simple as building a few factories. The workers in the textile factory are a big problem. If the factory is moved to Rustenburg, then it is unknown how many workers are willing to move to Rusten with the factory. fort.

If no workers were willing to go to Rustenburg, the fun would be great.

By the way, Rustenburg is about 110 kilometers from Johannesburg.

"Is there no middle ground? The factory could be relocated not too far from Johannesburg so that the workers could commute between the factory and Johannesburg by commuter bus, you know Your Excellency the Mayor, Rustenburg's education Compared with medical care, there must be a big gap compared with Johannesburg. It is impossible for us to move schools and hospitals to Rustenburg.” Rock knows the crux of the problem. Most of the workers in textile factories are female workers, and the family is the most important thing for them. important.

The Johannesburg Textile Factory has a large scale, employs more than 3000 people, and generates millions of rand in tax revenue for Johannesburg every year.

Of course, the Johannesburg city government may not care about this. Don’t forget that Johannesburg is the center of the Rand mining area. Even without textile factories, Johannesburg is still very financially healthy with dozens of gold mines in its territory.

Throughout southern Africa, the income of the city government of Johannesburg is second only to Los Angeles and Port Edward. Pretoria, Cape Town, Walvis Bay, St. George (Dar es Salaam, the capital of Victoria) are all To step aside.

"Don't forget that our Johannesburg Textile Factory has [-] employees, which means that there are [-] families in the entire city of Johannesburg that are related to the Johannesburg Textile Factory, not to mention the damage caused to the surrounding farms after the factory relocation. Moreover, Rustenburg is far away from the railway, and after relocation, the transportation cost will increase sharply. How to solve these problems?" The general manager of the textile factory, Crews Paul, was aggressive. As one of the top taxpayers in Johannesburg, Qualified to request.

"Cruz, don't worry, we have considered this issue. After the factory is relocated, the city government will pay for the construction of a railway, so there is no need to worry." Da Gama Vasco has a perfect plan, and his name is also a little bit out play, but also has a source.

(As an aside, most of the English names in the book come from historical facts in South Africa, and they are not random nonsense.)
"So what should we farmers do? In the past, we only needed to send wool to Johannesburg, but now we have to travel hundreds of kilometers to Rustenburg. How do we settle this account?" Ke Wenna, president of the Johannesburg Agricultural Association, also had an opinion , his name looks Chinese, but in fact he is a standard white man.

"How else can it be calculated? The city government will reduce the tax on the farm. Is this okay?" Da Gama Vasco was not in a good mood. To Roque and Cruz Paul, Da Gama Vasco was indeed patient. Well, forget it about Ke Wen, the mayor is not easy to bully, okay?

Ke Wen smiled contentedly. The president of the agricultural association is actually not easy to mess with. There are so many associations in southern Africa, and some associations are just superficial. The agricultural association is still very powerful.

The Johannesburg Agricultural Association is one of the most powerful among all agricultural associations in southern Africa. This is also due to the large number of Chinese farmers. Many Chinese farmers have worked in Rock's gold mines before, or the police in Johannesburg , Maybe he once fought side by side with Roque, the kind who can speak directly to the sky.

"Okay, let's talk about it together now, Cruise, what are your difficulties?" Rock disagrees with the mud. The Johannesburg city government has difficulties, and the textile factory also has appeals. The reason why K brought these people together.

"Transportation, education, medical care, urban construction, supporting facilities, tax policy—" Cruise Paul counted them one by one with his fingers, and five fingers were not enough.

Da Gama Vasco was furious. Although Rustenburg is not as good as Johannesburg in all aspects, it is not far behind. After all, Rustenburg is also located in the Rand mining area, and its basic conditions are still very good.

"Mayor, can these problems be solved?" Rock solved them one by one, and some problems were actually not problems: "Let's talk about transportation first. The mayor just said that a railway can be built; then education, medical care—wait a minute, textile factories With more than 2 workers, there should be affiliated schools and affiliated hospitals, right?"

In Rock's impression, a company of this size basically has all the internal organs.

Before Cruise could speak, Da Gama Vasco became anxious: "The Textile Factory has the best middle school and primary school in Johannesburg, second only to Bigwig Public School and Miner's Children's School, and the Textile Factory Affiliated Hospital is also the best in Johannesburg. For a good hospital, the textile factory can be relocated, but the affiliated hospital cannot be relocated, this is not due to your textile factory.”

Bigwig Public School is still nominally the best school in southern Africa, thanks to the name of Bigwig Public School. Although the teaching quality of the miners’ children’s school is also very high, the name does not sound like a very good school. .

The key point is that the vast majority of students in miners' schools are of Chinese descent, which is a well-known unspoken rule in Johannesburg.

As for the affiliated hospital of the textile factory, you must know that most of the workers in the textile factory are female workers, and Phyllis runs the factory as a charity, so many female textile factory workers are willing to send their children to major medical schools in southern Africa. Over time, the Textile Factory Hospital became one of the best hospitals in Johannesburg.

That is to say, the Big Via Hospital and the Affiliated Hospital of the Medical College can compete with the Affiliated Hospital of the Textile Factory.

"Most of the doctors in the affiliated hospital are family members of the workers in the textile factory. The hospital is left to your city government. The doctors must go to Rustenburg with the textile factory." Moved away, do you still leave the hospital to you?

Think beautiful!
"Stop!" Rock cut the mess quickly, not giving Cruise and Vasco da Gama a chance to argue: "The emergency department of the affiliated hospital can be moved to Rustenburg along with the factory, and other departments remain in Johannesburg. , be generous."

Rock tried his best to keep the bowl of water level. If this quarrel continued, he couldn't finish writing a hundred chapters.

"My lord—"

"My lord—"

Both Cruz and da Gama were dissatisfied.

"Gentlemen, I can understand your feelings. The city government must protect the environment, but at the same time, it must also develop the economy - enterprises must make profits, and at the same time, they must also have a sense of social responsibility - all of which are essential. At the same time, we must also see , You can’t have both, you have to take into account the interests of the public while safeguarding your own interests. This is the first time, but it certainly won’t be the last time. I want you all to think about it, how to do it is best for Johannesburg, And the interests of the people of Johannesburg." Roque said earnestly, economic development and environmental protection are both important, Roque wants both gold and silver, and green water and green mountains.

Cruz Paul and Vasco da Gama didn't speak. Everyone understands the truth, but in the face of interests, everyone has a reason not to back down.

"Mayor, if you insist, I can relocate the factory to Fawalt—" Rock pulled out his salary. Johannesburg is now paying attention to environmental protection, and Fawalt will be fine.

Compared with the large number of steel and cement plants in Fawalt, the pollution caused by textile factories is drizzle. Don’t forget that London is still a smoggy city. Don’t be picky. In a few decades, the pursuit of environmental protection will not Night.

Ah bah, in another 100 years, the manufacturing industry cannot be hollowed out, and we must not learn from the beautiful country.

(End of this chapter)

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