Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1463 Neglected History

Chapter 1463 Neglected History
Before the textile group decided to relocate, Rustenburg was actually ready to receive it.

Johannesburg has promised a total of 1500 acres of land to the Textile Group, but Rustenburg Mayor Xilin Boggs believes that if the Textile Group is willing to relocate to Rustenburg, then Rustenburg can prepare more than 5000 acres for the Textile Group Land, after all, the Textile Group is an undisputed major taxpayer. Johannesburg looks down on the Textile Group, and Rustenburg is willing to welcome it with open arms.

5000 acres, equivalent to about 20 square kilometers, this invitation can be regarded as very sincere.

"Why not? If the Textile Group relocates to Rustenburg, it is conservatively estimated that nearly 2 permanent residents will be added to Rustenburg. At the same time, first-class schools and hospitals will be relocated. This is exactly what we have in Rustenburg. Rustenburg lacks the most.” Xilin Boggs is not only concerned about the economy, Rustenburg now has less than [-] people, one can imagine Xilin Boggs’s urgency for the textile group.

"If it's just like this, it will definitely not satisfy Madam—Your Excellency, you know that the textile factory is a heavy polluting enterprise. Is Rustenburg determined to cooperate with the textile group to solve the pollution problem?" Cruise Paul came in person It was his first time to visit Rustenburg.

Objectively speaking, the conditions in Rustenburg are actually quite good. Although there is no train connection between Rustenburg and Johannesburg, Rustenburg is not far from Johannesburg, and it is less than [-] kilometers away from Bigwig City.

Rustenburg is located in the mountainous area near Pilanesberg. In Dutch, Rustenburg means "resting town". Citrus and tobacco are produced here. It was the last president of the Transvaal Republic. Kruger's hometown, now Rustenburg and Kruger's farm.

Rustenburg, like Johannesburg, is also within the scope of the Rand mining area, but Rustenburg cannot enjoy the taxes brought about by mining gold mines. The two largest nearby gold mines are owned by the De Beers Consolidated Mining Company. There are nearly 500 workers in these two gold mines, but they can only mine less than [-] kilograms of gold each year.

Nearly 500 workers mine [-] kilograms of gold every year. Any fool knows there must be something wrong with it, but the city government of Rustenburg dare not get to the bottom of it. The revenge of the S family.

"Of course, Rustenburg has the confidence to face any difficulties. As long as the textile group is willing to solve the pollution problem, Rustenburg can cooperate unconditionally." Xilin Boggs vowed that it would be great if the pollution problem could be solved, but if not, Cillin Boggs is also ready to accept reality.

To put it bluntly, not just any city in southern Africa is qualified to shut out a company as big as the Textile Group because of environmental issues.

London is already covered in smog, and members of Congress are still happy. They never think smog is a problem, and southern Africans are not qualified to be picky.

Cillin Boggs and Chris Paul are now on the hillside prepared for the textile group in Rustenburg. Standing on the commanding height of the hillside, they can clearly overlook the entire Rustenburg.

Chris Paul is only now discovering that Rustenburg may be one of the neatest cities in southern Africa. The streets of this small town are horizontal and vertical, as precise as measured with a ruler, and a small river meanders at the edge of the city. However, the trees and flowers on both sides of the strait are full of beautiful scenery.

Just south of Rustenburg, the Rustenburg Nature Reserve was just planned last year. The protected area covers an area of ​​3000 hectares and is home to wild animals such as crocodiles, elephants, African lions and cheetahs.

"Well, I hope we have a good cooperation." Chris Paul is full of affection for Rustenburg because of the neat streets.

As for the nature reserve, this can be regarded as a windfall, at least the children of the textile group in the future can watch more wild animals.

"Great Chris, welcome to Rustenburg!" Cillin Boggs laughed and gave Chris Paul a warm hug, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Don't worry, the project will start soon, and the investment in the first phase will not be less than 500 million rand." Chris Paul reassured Cillin Bergs, what is the concept of 500 million rand, and two more Le Stenborg.

The 500 million yuan is not all paid by the textile group. After the textile group moves to Rustenburg as a whole, the previous factory buildings will be sold at the current land price in Johannesburg, which in itself is a large amount of income.

What's more, there is also a subsidy from the Johannesburg City Government, which is also a lot of money.

In the future, the textile group will also build the railway from Rustenburg to Johannesburg, and the existing roads will definitely be upgraded, which is good for Rustenburg.

When the news was sent back to Pretoria, Rock was basically satisfied. When the city developed to a certain level, heavy polluting enterprises such as textile factories would definitely be phased out.

Rock also has a clear plan for southern Africa. Heavy polluting labor-intensive enterprises such as textile factories, steel factories, cement factories, etc. will gradually move away from the three central states in the future and gradually move to several alliances of the Southern African Union. In China, southern Africa needs to retain high-tech and high-value-added industries such as military industry, automobiles, biopharmaceuticals, home appliances, and aerospace, so that southern Africa can still maintain strong competitiveness while protecting the environment.

The only one who is unhappy is Phyllis. She is still brooding over the decision of the Johannesburg City Government. In her opinion, the actions of the Johannesburg City Government are crossing the river and demolishing bridges, which will bring inconvenience to tens of thousands of workers and their families in the textile group. Inconveniencing farmers around Johannesburg.

"How long has it been since you have been to the Textile Group?" Rock was not angry. If the Textile Group was in Los Angeles, Rock would also find a way to move the Textile Group away.

It is quite interesting that the Johannesburg city government has endured until now and has given so many benefits.

"Why do I go to the Textile Group? I don't rely on the textile factory to make money—not to mention the Textile Group, I haven't even returned to Johannesburg for many years—" Phyllis is the real shopkeeper, tens of millions a year If you say you don't care about your business, don't care about it.

"Then don't blame the Johannesburg city government. The Johannesburg city government is not easy. Every time you pass by Fawalt, you have to close the car window. The textile group is similar to Fawalt." Rock knew that the pollution of the textile factory was serious. How serious, so Roque can understand the decision of the Johannesburg City Government.

Phyllis frowned. Fawalt was Henry's fiefdom, and the territory was either a steel factory or a cement factory. The Pretoria City Government has also repeatedly proposed that Fawalt's steel and cement factories can be moved. It's a pity that Henry is not as good at talking as Rock.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, tomorrow we will go fishing with the Governor—" Rock returned to Pretoria, and he was definitely going to visit Kitchener and Ade.

"No, I'll go back to Nyasaland tomorrow—" Phyllis was still sullen. If it wasn't for this matter, she would never have come to Pretoria.

Unlike Rock, who is as busy as a spinning top, the governor of Kitchener is a standard pension position. He and Ade are living a very comfortable life now. They play fishing, hunting and playing cards in different ways every day. Chinna was so fascinated by airplanes that he simply bought a small plane and flew around Pretoria every day.

"How is the negotiation going?" Ade still cared about southern Africa very much. He has been worrying about his life all his life, and he is not as heartless as Kitchina.

"I don't know. When I came back, the Germans and the French were still arguing, and I don't know who won the quarrel." Rock didn't have much hope for the German indemnity. There are hundreds of millions a year, eight or nine countries Dividing it together is actually a drop in the bucket.

"I heard that you had some conflicts with the Irish?" Ade was also concerned about Roque's safety. The son of a daughter can't sit still, so why provoke those desperadoes if he has nothing to do.

"It was they who attacked my convoy first, and I was forced to fight back—but their target was not me, but Winston—" Rock now knew the truth, and Winston was the real Irishman. Target.

Thinking about it, Roque, as a feudal official, certainly has less influence on London than Winston, who was born in the Marlborough family.

Winston is still a cabinet minister. If the Irish can succeed, the British government will definitely pay attention to the demands of the Irish.

Of course, it may also lead to a tougher attitude from the British government, but this is not what Rock needs to worry about.

"Well——" Ade nodded, and he could draw inferences: "—to learn a lesson, the situation we are facing is actually similar to that in London. The Republic of Congo, the Kingdom of Congo, West Africa, and Madagascar may become our Achilles' heel."

Rock also nodded silently. Every family has its own hard-to-recite scriptures, especially in southern Africa.

Now the Southern African Union looks good, but in fact there are great hidden dangers. Roque has not forgotten how the colonial system established by Britain and France collapsed.

This also means that before the British Empire is completely destroyed, southern Africa must accumulate as much strength as possible, so that it can face all kinds of open and dark arrows from the beautiful country and a certain country, especially the beautiful country.

In his previous life, Roque didn't have a clear understanding of the history between World War I and World War II. The history books all mentioned it briefly, and the details were not described too clearly.

Now Roque has a very bad feeling. From the "Dawes Plan" proposed by the beautiful country this time, Roque can vaguely feel that the reason why Germany was able to recover its strength after World War I so quickly and challenged it again In the event of a war, the role played by the beautiful country must not be ignored.

Maybe it was because of the instigation behind the beautiful country, and the ambition of Mustache gradually exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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