Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1476 Living in Luocheng is not easy

Chapter 1476 Living in Luocheng is not easy

As the latest luxury brand in the limelight, the jewelry produced by Eternal enjoys a great reputation all over the world, especially the luxury goods related to diamonds. Eternal is famous for its fashion and luxury, and is frantically sought after by dignitaries all over the world.

Hendricks earns 2500 pounds a year, and it is probably reluctant for him to spend 1500 pounds to buy a watch.

It’s not that you can’t afford it, but it’s too high-profile. The 1500-pound watch is not produced for officials at all, but for nobles and wealthy businessmen. Wearing such a watch by an official is like wearing a time bomb. will explode.

Colonel Van Wyck probably couldn’t afford the luxury that Hendricks was reluctant to buy, so here comes the problem. The facts reflected in a small watch are shocking, and the information provided by Colonel Van Wyck probably cannot be trusted. , Hendrix also needs more news channels.

There is indeed a news channel. Although the British Military Intelligence is struggling in the open and secret battle with Brad's office, there are still personnel from the British Military Intelligence in southern Africa, but it is not easy for the members of the Military Intelligence to meet Hendricks. After arriving in southern Africa, every move of Hendricks was under the surveillance of Brad's office, and Major Livingston, the chief of military intelligence, did not dare to meet Hendrix rashly.

At least not at the Rhodesian Hotel.

"Sir, Major Livingston asked you to meet at the Sunset Bar. He can't come to the Rhodesia Hotel to meet you, otherwise it may cause the intelligence network of the Military Intelligence Department to completely collapse." Hendrix's secretary, Henry, was careful, these two days Minister Hendricks was in a bad mood.

"Is Brad's office that scary?" Hendricks didn't know enough about Brad's office.

Henry smiled awkwardly. It was inappropriate to say anything at this time. Major Livingston's cautiousness can already explain a lot of problems.

The Sunset Bar is located next to the Sunset Boulevard on the shore of Lake Niassa, and you can go straight along the Sunset Boulevard to Star City. Therefore, in recent years, the surrounding area of ​​the Sunset Boulevard has developed rapidly, and a bustling business district has formed along the shore of Lake Niassa. , there are hundreds of pubs of the size of Sunset Bar.

As night fell, Hendricks, dressed in black and wearing a top hat, came to the Sunset Bar. This is a British bar full of retro style, with dim lights, old bar counters, posters of movie stars on the mottled walls, bartending The teacher's accent is full of strong London style, and everything makes Hendrix feel like he is in London.

"Sorry, we can't meet easily. There are police detectives and secret police everywhere here. If you are not careful, all your previous efforts will be wasted—" Livingston is a thin middle-aged man who runs a grocery store in Los Angeles. The head of intelligence in Los Angeles.

From Livingston's occupation, it can be seen that the living environment of MIS in Los Angeles is quite harsh, which makes Hendrix's expectation of MIS much less.

"Is there any good news?" Hendricks asked for a glass of rum, which was expensive, but he couldn't taste it.

"There is a lot of news, but nothing useful. The Southern African Air Force is strictly guarded. We have almost no room for infiltration. Recently, the Southern African Air Force is undergoing transition training, and the troops are frequently transferred. There used to be an air force division in Los Angeles. Some time ago, I was transferred to the Republic of Congo to participate in the counter-insurgency, and I am still in a state of combat. According to the news I know, the Southern African Air Force has decommissioned some combat aircraft, but I don’t know the number, and I don’t know how to deal with the decommissioned combat aircraft. "Livingston drank the three-star wine produced in Oak Town, which is not expensive and tastes good.

The Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa has very strict control over security. Every once in a while, it organizes relevant military personnel to receive training. The military has even promulgated many relevant regulations on security. It is not easy for the Military Intelligence Department to obtain information.

"Do you have millions of pounds in funding every year, and there is only this little information?" Hendricks was not satisfied with Livingston's work.

"Oh, it's not bad, you don't know how scary Brad's office is, we have just developed an informant many times, and then the informant and our intelligence personnel will disappear completely, silently, no one Know where they went, and no one knows what happened to them." Livingston also has difficulties, the MIA has never taken advantage of Brad's office, why does Livingston not want to become a "spy king", It's a pity that it can't be done.

"No information at all?" Hendricks didn't believe it.

"There is some unconfirmed information that the Southern African Air Force will sell the aircraft that are about to be eliminated to Italy or Japan after refurbishment, and the more advanced ones will be directly demolished. You must know that the engine of the aircraft has a life span and must be replaced after a certain time limit. We spent a lot of money trying to get a scrapped engine in southern Africa, but instead of getting what we wanted, we lost one of our best agents.” None of the information provided by Livingston was what Hendricks wanted, and Heng Derricks doesn't care about Italians and Japanese.

"Of course there is also good news. We are in contact with a major of the Southern African Air Force, but the price is a bit high—" Livingston is not useless, and the Southern African Air Force is not invulnerable. As long as the hoe dances well, there is no corner to dig. fall.

"Satisfy him, no matter how high the other party's asking price is." Hendricks is not afraid of spending money, no matter how big the other party's appetite is, it will not reach the million level.

The air force major that Livingston mentioned was Andres, the procurement director of the logistics department of the [-]st Division of the Southern African Air Force stationed in Los Angeles.

The day after he and Hendricks split, Livingston asked Andres to meet.

This time it was in a cafe next to Victory Street.

"Are you crazy? Victory Street is the home of Brad's office!" Andres almost cursed when he saw Livingston.

"Don't worry, this bar is absolutely safe." Livingston was full of confidence.

Andres subconsciously looked at the waiter behind the bar, and the waiter gave Andres a bright smile.

Andres knew that this cafe was probably also one of the strongholds of the Military Intelligence Department.

"Tell me what you know, and I will meet all your requirements." Livingston did not talk nonsense, the most dangerous place is the safest, but it cannot attract attention.

"I want [-] dollars, and then I have to arrange for me and my family to go to the United States." Andres Lion opened his mouth. There was not enough income, and Andres didn't want to take risks.

Livingston didn't speak, took out a check and put it on the table and pushed it to Andres.

The Rand Bank check was indeed for one hundred thousand dollars.

"You're crazy, Rand Bank's check, do you want me to throw myself into a trap?" Andres was furious.

"Don't be angry, you board the ship with the check, and when you arrive in the United States, go to the Rand Bank in the United States to exchange it. Rand Bank's checks are accepted all over the world." Livingston was very helpless, dealing with such a person is indeed very troublesome. cell.

Andres carefully looked at the numbers on the check, and then carefully put the check into his wallet.

"Okay, what do you want to know? I don't have much time—" Andres finally breathed a sigh of relief. With this hundred thousand dollars, Andres can live comfortably wherever he goes.

"All you know!" Livingston had a big appetite, and one hundred thousand dollars must be worth it.

"Hetui——" Andres spat in disdain, one hundred thousand dollars can't buy much information.

"Just talking about military purchases, where did the retired aircraft of the Southern African Air Force go?" Livingston picked the point.

"Most of them have been sold to Italy and Japan. Of course, some of them will be sold to the Royal Air Force. There are now more than 400 aircraft in the Southern African armed forces. It will be a long process to replace them all." Andres only revealed the tip of the iceberg. Already surprised Livingston.

"Three armies?"

"Yes, the three armed forces. The air force in southern Africa is divided into three parts. One is the local air force, the other is under the army, and the other is under the jurisdiction of the navy. The local air force is the strategic bombing force, and the air force under the army is based on helicopters and airborne troops. Mainly, the main task is to cooperate with the ground forces to fight, and the navy is an aircraft carrier—" Andres really knew everything after taking the money.

"Has the helicopter already formed combat effectiveness?" Livingston looked blank. If it was someone else, he might not even know about helicopters.

"Of course, don't underestimate the strength of scientific research and military industry in southern Africa. Helicopters have now developed armed helicopters and transport helicopters. The anti-submarine helicopters needed by the navy are being studied. The Royal Air Force's purchase of fighter jets is actually better than buying helicopters. In the future In combat, the role of helicopters may be greater than that of fighter jets—” Andres’s information is attached, in fact, even if he doesn’t say it, in a few years, the information about helicopters will not be kept secret.

"Is there any specific information, such as when those aircraft will be refurbished and sold to the Ministry of Air Force, when will they start shipping?" Livingston tried to get more accurate information.

"I don't know this information. The Southern African Air Force is now highly specialized, and each person is only responsible for his own part—" Andres sneered. One hundred thousand dollars can only buy so much information, and he wants to get more Information needs to be paid for.

Before Livingston could speak, the door of the cafe was suddenly kicked open, and then a group of agents from Brad's office swarmed in.

Livingston looked at the waiter behind the bar who was wiping the glasses in astonishment.

The waiter's smile was full of apology, and the agents who rushed in ignored the waiter at all, and rushed directly to Livingston and Andres.

Only then did Livingston understand why this cafe survived on Victory Street.

(End of this chapter)

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