Chapter 1479 Blitz

According to the way of thinking of the British, southern Africa has reached this level, and there is no need to stay in the Commonwealth of Nations. It is king to completely separate from the British Empire like the United States.

Secession is definitely going to be seceded, but not now. Looking at how much the United States covets the internal market of the Commonwealth, you can know the necessity for southern Africa to stay in the Commonwealth.

However, since there is a plan to secede from the Commonwealth in the future, Southern Africa will have reservations about such issues as military purchases. Kitchener does not know much about the scientific research and development in Southern Africa, and is not even sure whether the aircraft used by the Southern African Air Force is It is even more impossible to sell the most advanced aircraft to the UK.

"If the Ministry of the Air Force is willing to pay more money, can Nyasaland Aviation cooperate with the Ministry of the Air Force?" Kitchener's ultimate goal is to promote the technology transfer of Nyasaland Aviation.

"Marshal, if the Edward Shipyard is willing to ask for more money, is the Admiralty willing to transfer the relevant technology of the 16-inch naval gun to the Edward Shipyard?" The only one is the 16-inch main gun.

The 16-inch main gun is converted to 406 mm. On the surface, the main gun caliber of BIG 7 is this standard. In fact, Japan has laid an ambush again. The main guns of Nagato and Mutsu have a caliber of 410 mm.

"You want to build a treaty battleship?" Kitchener's first reaction was that Rock wanted to play in the dark again.

In the Washington Naval Conference, Southern Africa did not obtain any tonnage of naval capital ships, so Southern Africa bought Normandy in France and refitted it into a battlecruiser, which can be regarded as having a battleship.

After the naval meeting, the treaty battleships of various countries launched one after another. The few battlecruisers in southern Africa were not enough to be seen in front of BIG 7. When Kitchener heard what Rock said, his first reaction was that Rock would also build Nelson. class of battleships.

"No, Southern Africa doesn't need super battleships." Rock doesn't want to build one. BIG 7 costs tens of millions. Wouldn't it be nice to build a few more aircraft carriers?
"Then why do you want 16-inch naval gun technology?" Kitchener was at a loss.

"Look, this is the problem." Rock spread his hands. Don't blame Nyasaland Airlines for being stingy. On this issue, any country is the same.

"Hehe—" Ade laughed out looking at Kitchener who looked depressed.

Rock also smiled. The double standard should not be too obvious. It is not okay to ask for it without giving it.

Then Kitchina didn't bring up this topic again. In fact, buying directly from southern Africa is the same. At least in terms of cost, direct buying is lower. Kitchena can only comfort himself in this way.

At the end of April, the mission concluded its investigations in southern Africa.

As Roque imagined, the investigation team submitted a report to the British Parliament, stating that there was no problem in this military purchase. Nyasaland Airlines provided the Royal Air Force with the most advanced fighter jets at the most favorable price. A one-ton medal should be given to Nyasaran Air.

On the night when the investigative team submitted the report, Philip Sassoon committed suicide at his home because of depression caused by long-term mental stress, which had nothing to do with the arms purchase case.

The supervisory staff stationed by the Ministry of Air Force at Nyasaland Air was also replaced on a large scale, and several of them were investigated for serious financial problems.

It was also at the end of April that the aid plan for Germany was finally passed. Germany accepted the improved version of the "Dawes Plan". France promised to withdraw its troops from the German Ruhr in batches. Capitalists on Wall Street and London were ecstatic. Sterling flocks to Germany.

In this carnival of capital, southern African capital was extremely calm. The southern African capital led by Nyasaland and Rhodesia not only did not end up participating, but was gradually withdrawing its initial investment in Germany. Rand Bank He also showed extreme caution, and gradually began to sell various industries purchased at low prices in Europe during the World War.

This situation aroused the attention of Leonard Cape, who personally came to southern Africa to meet Rock, hoping to get first-hand information.

"No, no, no, the Rand Bank will not withdraw from France. This is a normal business practice. During the World War, the Rand Bank bought a lot of properties at a low price. Now they sell them, and the average profit is more than three times. Why not How do you do this? You can’t let the financial elite of the Rand Bank run the vineyards.” Roque will definitely not give up on France, at least not now.

"My lord, did you find something?" Leonard Capet didn't believe that the reason was as simple as that.

For people like Roque, every step is carefully considered. Although buying low and selling high is in line with business laws, France's economic recovery has obviously not reached its peak, and it will be more profitable to sell it in a few years.

"What do you think?" Rock wouldn't say that he didn't want to earn the last copper coin. The Rand Bank didn't sell all of them. What they sold were the low-quality assets that were not high in value and costly to hold. The real high-quality assets will still continue. hold.

For example, a castle sounds fancy, right? In fact, the annual maintenance cost is very high, just like a dollar can buy a house during the economic crisis. The price of the house itself must be more than one dollar, but if you hold it , cost far more than a dollar.

People often boast about the freehold property rights of American houses, but they are actually deceiving ghosts.

Houses in the United States are indeed permanent property rights, but owning a house must pay a property tax between 100% and [-]% per year, taking the middle value of [-]%. For a house worth [-] million, you have to pay two dollars a year Ten thousand.

Moreover, the value of real estate is decided by the U.S. government. The U.S. government will value the house, and pay taxes according to the value of the valuation. If the tax is not paid, the house will be taken away and auctioned as an unowned house. Does it look like this?
Southern Africa is starting to do the same now, but southern Africa is not as ruthless as the United States. A family owns one house without tax, and starts to collect taxes from the second house, and the tax rate is not high. The standards are different in different states. Generally one percent, or two percent.

"After the implementation of the Dawes Plan, Germany will definitely rise again. Smart people have already begun to flee France. If there is another world war, France may not be so lucky." Leonard Capet was depressed, and the world war had ended several times In [-], the French government tried every means to increase the population, but the population of France declined instead of increasing.

Population is everything in this era. Without population, everything will stop. In the last world war, the British and French allied forces stabilized the defense line before Germany captured Paris. Will France be so lucky next time?
Except for Rock, no one has a definite answer to this question.

In the evening, Roque hosted a banquet in honor of Leonard Capet, accompanied by Ada.

"France is hopeless, why do you still stay in France? Isn't it good to immigrate to southern Africa directly?" Ada said bluntly.

"How can you say that—" Reynard Capet thought France could still be saved.

"Heh, if France won't insist on occupying the Ruhr area for the sake of illusory compensation, then I may still have some trust in France. Now, haha——" Ada looked disdainful, French politicians really can't do it, Doing great things but sacrificing one's life, seeing small profits but sacrificing one's life, France will sooner or later be pitted to death by those politicians at both ends of the scale.

"France needs reparations to restore the economy." Leonard Capet defended the French government in a low voice, obviously lacking confidence.

"Is it necessary to restore the economy at the cost of restoring the enemy's strength?" Ada was also helpless. The men in Congress couldn't understand the problem that she understood as a woman.

I really don't mean to discriminate against women here. I wrote this purely to disprove the stupidity of some self-righteous big pigs.

"Okay, Ada, let Leonard go—" Rock made a rescue for Leonard Capet. France's current predicament cannot be solved by anyone. If it was Rock, Rock couldn't help it.

Unless some Corsican monster lands in France again, maybe France can rise again.

There is really no insult to someone here, this is borrowed from the French newspapers, which is how the French newspapers describe someone when he returns to France.

"The French have been complacent for too long. They don't know that the world has changed. After the Rhodesian Northern Division is equipped with tanks and armored vehicles, it can assault 100 kilometers a day and night. How far is Paris from the Ardennes Forest? 200 kilometers, very good, then The Germans invaded France from the Ardennes Forest, and they could reach Paris in two days, and I wonder if France will be able to complete the national mobilization by then." Ada revealed a lot of information in this passage.

The Ardennes Forest, also known as the Ardennes Highlands, is located in southeastern Belgium, northern Luxembourg and northeastern France, covering an area of ​​about 1 square kilometers.

Although the Ardennes Forest is called a highland, it is actually a hilly area, which is very convenient for armored troops to move. During World War II, the German army invaded France through the Ardennes Forest. "Strong Army" France.

Referring to the First World War, 39 days is not enough to complete the national mobilization. If the French government still pins its hopes on the British and French allied forces, then the French government will definitely be disappointed. It is estimated that 39 days will not be enough for the troops to assemble, and there is no time to rescue France. .

After the World War, most of the British Army was disbanded, and only a few troops remained symbolically. If there was another World War, the British would have to re-conscription and re-training. This process would take at least half a year.

"Why the Ardennes Forest? Belgium will not allow the German army to pass through the Ardennes Forest." Leonard Capet was indeed naive. As soon as he finished speaking, Rock and Ada looked at Leonard Capet with eyes like fools. Cape.

Think about how Germany invaded France in the world war that just ended.

Even if the Belgian government doesn't allow it, don't say that the king of Belgium will abdicate if he threatens to fall to the whole territory. Even if he is shot directly, it will not stop France from occupying Belgium.

(End of this chapter)

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