Chapter 1488
Stanley Baldwin's attitude is very clear, that is, he wants the horse to run, but also wants the horse not to eat grass.

"If you want to increase tariffs, you can't raise prices. What does Mr. Prime Minister think?" Roque is really strange and can't understand Stanley Baldwin's way of thinking. He probably thinks that Britain can still ask for what it wants in southern Africa as before.

"Mr. Prime Minister is under a lot of pressure—" Neville couldn't explain it. This is probably why Stanley Baldwin asked Neville to call Rock, or why Stanley Baldwin didn't call himself.

"Hehe——" Roque had a lot of meaning. Stanley Baldwin was not under great pressure, but he had already lost his position in the face of the strong rise of the Labor Party.

"Locke, Your Excellency the Prime Minister means that the southern African companies are temporarily cooperating, and this situation will not last for too long." Neville also hopes that Rocke can accept this somewhat excessive request.

"How long is not too long?" Roque said indifferently. The Conservative Party underestimated the strength of the Labor Party, and the rise of the Labor Party has become unstoppable.

Of course, the strength of the Conservative Party in the UK is still very strong, so the Liberal Party will be unlucky. That is to say, since this year, the Liberal Party has never won power again. Lloyd George is the last prime minister from the Liberal Party.

"Starting after the general election, up to the end of next year." The time given by Neville was calculated after precise calculation.

The general election will start at the end of the year, and the tariffs will be revised next year. One year is enough for Stanley Baldwin to stabilize the situation.

The abacus is good, but it is a question of whether the current situation will develop as Stanley Baldwin expected.

The biggest variable comes from the Labor Party.

"Well, tell Your Excellency the Prime Minister that he owes me once." Rock still chose to give Stanley Baldwin face. Even if the profit was reduced, it was not reduced to the point where there was no profit. At most, he made less money than before.

While Roque and Neville were haggling over the price, the union's lawsuit against Farwalt Steel Group was underway.

The London Magistrates Court and Southern Africa are also old acquaintances. When the War Department and Adan Company competed for the ownership of Diego Garcia, the London Magistrates Court made a judgment in favor of Adan Company.

This does not mean that the London Magistrates Court still chooses the side of southern Africa in this lawsuit. The British judicial system is also haha, there are no fewer brain-dead judges than brain-dead politicians.

"The court is fair and will make the correct judgment based on the facts. If Fawalt Steel Group does have dumping behavior in the country, then the court will impose appropriate restrictions on Fawalt Steel Group." Responsible for hearing the case, still It was Sir Arabella, Judge of the London Magistrates' Court.

"The local steel companies lowered the treatment of workers because of the poor management of the local steel companies. What does this have to do with the Fawalt Steel Group?" The lawyer hired by the Fawalt Steel Group, Smith Harry, is a well-known lawyer in London. Law firm, but also the legal adviser to the British royal family.

Don't be surprised, although the British royal family can neither be prosecuted under the criminal law nor through civil courts according to British law, the royal family also needs legal counsel to solve some problems that the royal family is not suitable to come forward to solve.

It is said, it is said that not long ago, the eldest son of King George V of England, who is now the Prince of Wales, the future Edward VIII and the Duke of Windsor, gave a woman named Mary Lini Graftio A sum of money was paid to keep the lady silent, and the lady was pregnant at the time.

In 2019, a 73-year-old man sued Buckingham Palace, saying his ancestors were the rightful heirs to the British throne because his grandmother had an affair with King Edward VIII. The man argued that his father was the most sensational British royal family in living memory. The crystallization of an affair scandal.

Whether this matter is true or not is already confusing, but this man named Francois asked the Queen of England for DNA samples twice in 2004 and 2013, but was unsuccessful.

Of course, this doesn't explain anything. The Queen's DNA sample must not be given to anyone casually. In the 21st century, when genetic technology is already quite developed, if someone targets the Queen's gene—

A crown prince who was also in his 2019s in 70 burst into tears.

"It is precisely because of the competition from the Fawalt Steel Group that the poor management of the local steel companies has occurred. Of course, the two are related, and the court will also investigate whether there are illegal employees in the Fawalt Steel Group. The Special Steel Group will face more serious punishment." Sir Arabella put on a big fight.

"Then what you mean is that all this was caused by Lord Farwalt's mistake." Smith Harry guided consciously.

"Of course not—" Sir Arabella found it impossible to justify herself.

Henry is the boss of Fawalt Steel Group. If Fawalt Steel Group is at fault, then Henry must be at fault.

"Furthermore, why should the Federation of Labor care about whether a company in southern Africa has illegal employment? Southern Africa is an overseas dominion of the British Empire. Even the British government has no right to interfere. Why should the Federation of Labor intervene?" Smith Harry questioned labor Does the Federation have the right to sue Fawalt Steel Group for this.

"It is precisely because southern Africa is an overseas dominion of the British Empire that the Commonwealth cannot have illegal employment!" Sir Arabella tried to guide "human rights".

"Hehe, Sir, you should go and talk to the Marquis of Nyasaland about this issue. The London District Court should first find out what illegal employment is. It's not that Fawalt Steel Group didn't pay those African-American workers-oh, yes Now, those African-American workers did not join the Labor Federation, so the Labor Federation lacked this part of the income. This is the motivation for the Labor Federation to sue Fawalt Steel Group--" Smith Harry laughed, and sure enough everything All benefits.

"Heh, you have to ask Mr. Ramsay MacDonald this question—" Sir Arabella pushed it completely, regardless of the motives of the Labor Federation to sue Fawalt Steel Group, the Africans in southern Africa Workers, indeed, did not join the Labor Federation.

"Lord Farwalt hopes that the trial will be postponed. I will meet with Mr. Ramsay Macdonald soon and sit down and have a good talk." Smith Harry tried to fight for an out-of-court settlement, even if he paid a certain price It's also worth it.

"This is your problem. If the Federation of Labor withdraws the lawsuit, then all problems will be solved." If possible, Sir Arabella also hopes to calm down.

The Labor Federation's lawsuit against the Fawalt Steel Group has caused huge controversy in the UK. Even the lowest-level steel workers disagree with it.

While Smith and Harry were fighting for an out-of-court settlement, several unemployed steelworkers were discussing the lawsuit in a tavern on the outskirts of London.

The income of steel workers is meager. Most steel workers earn no more than 100 pounds a year. Potato vodka from southern Africa costs only six pence a cup.

"If the Labor Federation's lawsuit is successful, I don't know if we can go back to work in the steel mills, but I know that a glass of vodka must be more than sixpence at that time. No matter who wins or loses the lawsuit, the consequences will ultimately be paid by us." A middle-aged man with a big beard held a glass of vodka and sighed. There was not much wine left in the glass, and the middle-aged man could drink it all in one gulp, but he didn't do that.

"Pinal, you are wrong, there will be no vodka from southern Africa, there will be vodka from Russia, and there will be rum—" Someone expressed optimism that the British Empire is the most powerful country in the world, and the world The high-quality goods from all over the world are gathered in the British Empire, and the British have long been accustomed to this kind of life.

"I didn't say no, I mean, the price of vodka will rise to the point that we can't even afford it, and will Russian vodka taste better than southern African vodka?" Pienaar sneered, There is no way to reason with these uneducated steelworkers who only want to hear what they want to hear.

"Of course, Russian vodka is the most authentic vodka." There are still many vodka fans in the UK.

"If we can't afford it, what does it matter if it's authentic or not? Who cares?"

"Don't speak for the capitalists in southern Africa. No matter how much they earn, they won't give you a penny. If the Fawalt Steel Group goes bankrupt, at least we still have jobs." People who are looking forward to the bad luck in southern Africa are really Too much.

"No, no, I don't think so, Buies, I'm going to take this opportunity to take a look at southern Africa. If southern Africa is really as good as the rumors say, I will immigrate to southern Africa and go to Fawalt Steel Group Find a job, they shouldn't turn down someone who has worked in a steel mill for 20 years." Pienaar's sky is full, since there is no hope of staying in the UK, why don't you go to southern Africa to have a look? ?
"If you want to immigrate to southern Africa? Pinar, then you have to think about it." Pinar's popularity is still very good, and someone immediately persuaded them that they didn't want to lose this friend.

"I've figured it out, do you know how much money steelworkers in southern Africa can earn?" Pienaar's voice was full of temptation, attracting all the attention: "—not less than 200 rand a year, I am Refers to white people like us, so now you know why African American workers don’t get high wages at Fawalt Steel Group, because they give high wages to us white people.”

This angle is so strange, and many people were tempted to hear what Pinal said.

(End of this chapter)

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