Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1505 Dinghai God Needle

Chapter 1505 Dinghai God Needle
Whether Ramsay McDonald is satisfied or not, I don't know, anyway, Rock is quite satisfied with the attitude of the southern African bigwigs towards the British Empire.

Southern Africa now really has the confidence to look down on the British Empire. If Southern Africa has such a good foundation as the British Empire, it will definitely not fall to where it is today.

In Roque's prediction, the Conservative Party lost its majority in the general election, which should make Stanley Baldwin somewhat vigilant, and will not push to revise the tariff too quickly.

Unexpectedly, Stanley Baldwin was more urgent than Rock imagined. Perhaps Stanley Baldwin regarded the revision of tariffs as a panacea to regain support. As soon as the election results came out, Stanley Baldwin couldn’t wait to submit it to the British House of Commons. A draft on amending tariffs.

The House of Commons did not disappoint Roque, and directly rejected Stanley Baldwin's proposal, and led by Ramsay McDonald, launched a no-confidence motion against the Conservative Party government.

A motion of no confidence, also called a vote of no confidence, refers to a vote of no confidence in the government (cabinet) by the parliament of a parliamentary system. This system originated in the British Parliament in 1841.

A no-confidence vote usually leads to two results, either the vote is passed, which means that the government is no longer trusted by the parliament, and the cabinet will resign en masse.

Either the vote is not passed, and more than half of the members still trust the government, then the prime minister can petition the king of England to dissolve the House of Commons.

"Ramsay MacDonald is too confident. Although the Conservative Party has lost its majority in the House of Commons, after all, the foundation of hundreds of years is still there. To launch a no-confidence motion against this government, the current Labor Party is not enough." Philip Worryingly, political instability in the UK and southern Africa would also be affected.

Anyway, Britain is also the suzerain of southern Africa, and it is also the leader of the Commonwealth of Nations. The chaos in Britain will not only affect southern Africa, but the entire Commonwealth of Nations.

"If it's just the Labor Party, then it's really impossible to shake the position of the Conservative Party, but what if the Liberal Party is added?" Roque is not optimistic about the prospects of the Conservative Party, and the current government is already in danger.

Because the consequences caused by the no-confidence motion are very serious, all countries have strict regulations on the no-confidence motion. The British regulation is that more than half of the members oppose the government, then the no-confidence motion will be passed.

Relying solely on the strength of the Labor Party is not enough to pass a motion of no confidence.

However, if the Liberal Party is added, the possibility of passing the no-confidence motion is extremely high.

If a motion of no confidence is passed, then Stanley Baldwin will have to resign.

As the largest party in the House of Commons, if the Prime Minister of the Conservative Party resigns, the King of England will summon the leader of the second largest party in Parliament and instruct the leader of the second largest party, that is, the leader of the Labor Party, Ramsay McDonald, to form a cabinet.

However, the Labor Party has a serious shortage of seats in the House of Commons, so at this time either the Labor Party will form a minority cabinet, or the Labor Party will unite with the Liberal Party to form a coalition cabinet.

So in this case, guess if the Liberals will go along with it and United Labor will force Stanley Baldwin to resign?
"Will the Liberal Party unite with the Labor Party? Don't be ridiculous, one is a capitalist and the other is a worker, how is it possible—" Philip laughed dumbfounded.

Roque didn't laugh. The Labor Party is a workers' party in name, but in fact it's just selling dog meat. It is not impossible to unite with the Liberal Party.

Philip probably also thought of this possibility, stopped laughing dryly, and then looked terrified.

"Then what?" Philip had always been a supporter of the Conservative Party.

"I can't help it!" At this point, Rock can't help it. Stanley Baldwin is a typical example of a good hand and a poor hand.

Of course, it is not to say that the Conservative Party has no chance. 1923 will soon pass, and the no-confidence vote will not be held until January next year. The period at the end of the year is the last chance for the Conservative Party. If Stanley Baldwin operates properly, Then the Liberal Party may not join hands with the Labor Party.

Looking at it this way, although the Liberal Party has lost its position as the second largest party in the House of Commons, it has now become a decisive force in determining the political situation in the UK. Rock can only lament how wonderful the world is.

After work, Rock went to visit Winston at Winston's house.

After coming to Pretoria, Winston bought a manor on the outskirts of Pretoria, where he cultivated his body quietly and rarely went out.

The medicine in southern Africa is still relatively developed, and Rock took the opportunity to arrange for the Big Via Hospital to give Winston a comprehensive physical examination.

The result is not bad, Winston's body is fine, and he will recover after a period of rest.

"How do you feel?" When Rock came to Winston Manor, Winston was walking his horse. Besides cigars, horse racing was Winston's second favorite hobby.

When Winston joined the army, he served as a lieutenant in the [-]th Dart Cavalry Regiment. He was very obsessed with polo and speed games. He did not forget to bring his horse when he came to southern Africa, although he could no longer ride on the horse as he used to. Galloped on horseback.

"It's not bad. I've lost my job, my party, my appendix, and now I've lost my seat in the House of Commons. I have nothing I can't lose now—" Winston is quite optimistic, even if he can't ride a horse, he can To take the horse for a walk.

Winston just had his appendix removed last year.

Rock made a haha ​​and didn't answer. Winston has a problem with his mentality. If he doesn't pay attention, he will lose more.

Like his wife——

"Just now, Ramsay McDonald launched a motion of no confidence in the current government." Rock informed Winston of the latest situation. This is not news, and the "Times" has also published a report. As fast as the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

"Whatever, anyway, all of this has nothing to do with me now—" Winston said indifferently, but his mood was still affected. He handed over the horse to the servant, and went to drink tea with Rock on the nearby grass.

"If you don't come to Southern Africa, I'll introduce you to join the Liberal Party. In two years, you might be able to run for the Prime Minister of Southern Africa." Did the Empire win World War II?
Never mind, and the great Marquis of Nyasaland!
"Heh, are you a competitor? Let's forget it." Winston was not fooled. With Roque's reputation in southern Africa, as long as Roque ran for election, even God possessed could not defeat Roque.

Philip's term expires in 25 years, so Southern Africa will hold a general election in about 25 years. If Roque runs for the election, Philip will definitely lose.

"I can give you five years—" Rock is generous. It doesn't matter to Rock that he becomes the Prime Minister one day earlier or later.

Winston did not take over. He has already served as the prime minister of the United Kingdom and has no interest in the prime minister of southern Africa.

"How do you think you don't trust Dongyi?" Rock still consulted Winston for his opinion. Even if Rock had cheated on British politics, he didn't know as well as Winston.

After all, there are only a few people that Rock has an impression of, and Rock doesn't know much about Stanley Baldwin.

Roque still knows a lot about Ramsay McDonald.

However, Rock knew Ramsay Macdonald not because Ramsay Macdonald served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, but through the Second International after reconstruction.

The rebuilt Second International was also called the Berne International, and the British Labor Party was also a member of the Second International.

At the same time as the Berne International, there is also a Second and a Half International. Do you think this is weird enough? In fact, it is not. There will be a Fourth International and a Fifth International in the future.

"How can I see it—" Winston sneered, and just when Rock thought that Winston was going to sit and watch, Winston shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I have already reminded Stanley to pay attention to the rise of the Labor Party. It’s a pity no one listens to me, a Conservative traitor.”

"If Ramsay Macdonald forms a cabinet next—" Rock has a very bad premonition. Now Britain feels that it is getting more and more off the right track and is rushing towards an out-of-control road.

Coincidentally, not long ago, there was a beer hall riot in Germany. It seems that it is not only the UK that is out of control.

"Ramsay Macdonald is a liar and a clown. He will only bring the British Empire to hell." Winston yelled directly. Where is his position? He doesn't have the slightest favor for the Labor Party.

"Why don't you just form a party yourself—" Rock had malicious intentions, wishing that Britain would be more chaotic.

Although a chaotic British Empire will have a certain adverse impact on southern Africa, from Rock's standpoint, the more chaotic the UK, the better. It is best to be so chaotic that it is unable to lead the Commonwealth, so that southern Africa can take its place.

Now the British Empire still has luck, and even the United States wants to cause trouble for the United Kingdom by supporting Germany, and Rock can only wait for the opportunity.

"Forget it, I don't want to go back to the maelstrom in London. I have already agreed with Clementina to travel around the world. After a while, we will set off when I feel better." Winston probably said The United Kingdom is also disheartened, and it is a good way to leave for a while.

How do you say Britain now, like an old aristocrat on the verge of death, who has not settled for dinner, and is still immersed in the afterglow of the "empire on which the sun never sets".

Many people know that Britain has a problem and is sick, but they don't know what the problem is. It is against this background that Ramsay McDonald gained the trust of the British.

Winston obviously didn't trust Ramsay Macdonald, but now that the British had made their choice, Winston simply let time tell.

"I envy you, Phyllis always said that she wants to travel, but I don't have time at all—" Rock is actually not busy with work, but his status is special, and it is not suitable for him to leave southern Africa for a long time.

This is the function of Dinghaishenzhen.

(End of this chapter)

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